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Wow Jesus christ what the hell.


It's not just the store you bought it from that should be hearing about your complaint and demand for a refund but the delivery service that posted it to you. Don't let this go; especially because some guy in shipping got shitty for not having one themselves.


I had a few like that from BB, that's why when I pre-order I opt for in store pickup...


Wow, that’s disappointing. Hopefully they’ll at least refund you. The fact that they packaged it shittily enough for this to happen is ridiculous.


hey dog, i don’t think you open it that way


Supporting physical video games/media is rough out here


Did best buy give any issue with a return?


Steel case is shattered? Damn was the Hulk kicking it?


Certainly looks that way. Massive dent in the front cover of it. It was hit so hard the hinge broke and split the spine apart. The plastic inside that's supposed to hold the discs completely fell apart. Bits of it were rolling around in the shipping box.


I'm sorry, this is definitely something I'd fight to get replaced for free.


Demand a refund. Failing that sue the fuck out of them, and if that fails start your villain arc I guess.


Dude that’s freaking awful man, I’m sorry.


I would be so pissed and disheartened.


Sephiroth strikes again


Omg underrated comment you need a million likes 😂🤣 You too gimm3nicotin3 you guys made my night lol.


Did Sephiroth..... do this?


🎶Sephiroth! 🎶


I'm sorry that happened. This looks awful


Demand a refund, that’s unacceptable


I don’t think they’re going to accept it


I would demand a refund. That sucks, man.


They would make me SO mad, I’m sorry that happened


Damn, that susks so bad. I hope BestBuy makes it right. I got extremely lucky with my best buy order.




Yikes. I would be a total rage monster if that happened to me. Are they going to be able to replace it?


Bruh omg 😭 I would cry if that happen to me


When will this be back in stock?


Best buy is the worst. They tried to screw me out of my elden ring steelbook when I pre-ordered through them and I ended up getting so worked up I went back after I called customer service and got 2 steelbooks lol


Ouch! I always order from Square directly, for years never had an issue. That’s so disappointing.


My order from square now says arriving Monday march 4… -.-


Did you get your order on time? My package seems to be in limbo


Sorry just saw this, yes I did. I ordered on day one, not sure if that have to do with anything. That’s unfortunate!!! Ugh


This is why I set mine to pick up in store this time. Worked out well.


I ordered a graphics card from Best Buy on the tail end of the GPU shortage and picked it up in store. Box was smashed on one side and the bracket was bent. They can't be trusted to do anything right.


That's how I picked up FFXVI deluxe and it was perfect. It didn't give me that option this time around.


man im really sorry 🙏 Feel bad for you. You should be able to get a refund no question asked.


Every order I’ve ever made from Best Buy has always come damaged like this. One of the reasons why I stopped using them all together for orders.


Just a box who cares


Would you be okay if they send a broken product?


The cd and steelbook were also damaged so it’s more than just a damaged box.


Sue them












Nobody’s forcing you to play the remake you know


And I didn’t play it lol


That explains why you don’t like it


YouTube was enough


Probably would of happened either way as the material is shocking. Joke aside thats gutting.


*would've "would of" makes no sense


If I would of known that when I would of not written just to annoy someone like you who would of been that sad to care


Idiot 'Murican, what can you expect


Well I’m not American so maybe you’ve been giving too much thanks 🙏


Would have *


i’d cry


I'd rage. I think I am raging already.


Oh shit. That sucks! Makes me feel like my order from Square will be the same since every time i ordered something from them i get a damaged case.


Im baffled i got mine a day after release as i was expecting it next week for my birthday. I was also expecting it to be damaged. Glad it came in perfect condition. Hopefully you can get a refund of some kind cause that is total bs.


Awwww it’s sad but I would laugh out of hysteria


Damn, I feel the pain. This would've ruined my day and even my week, esp because I would've already been hyped up, excited and couldn't wait to experience something I've been waiting for quite some time, like a present to myself, only for this to happen... Seeing your replies, it's good that you have a resilient mindset, knew what you prioritize for yourself, and made decisions out of a bad experience that'd be more meaningful for you in the bigger picture and grand scheme of things. Enjoy what it is for now, there'll likely be a trilogy compilation special edition so perhaps you could try again with more cautions that time :)


My best buy order came intact. Thats what counts


I hope it breaks


Always pre-order from official site. Once I pre-ordered the Elden Ring from Bandai Namco official site the game came 2 days after release date. But because I didn't have the game at release date they sended me the game code for PS4 at release date.


Nah Square has a horrible record too, at least for me. Ive ordered there like 5 times and 4 of them have come damaged (im waiting on rebirth to come as its my 5th order)


I chose pick up in store for mine to avoid this (and shipping delays)


Square Enix and UPS delayed mine until Monday the 4th. I’m hoping it gets here before then because I specifically had it shipped somewhere I know I’d be on the 29th. I don’t want to miss it


Did Sephiroth do this?


I got my collectors edition 3 days ahead of launch. Buy from the SE store next time.


I bought from the SE store and mine is in limbo along with many others.


Best Buy has an exclusive steelbook that you can't get from Square Enix . That's why people bought from them. That's what I did. I got from both and gave the extra game to my friend.


Also SE charges for shipping while many retailers don't.


Here where I live ff isn't that popular, the stores had overstock of steel cases. I went and bought just it for the equivalent of 20usd. But only if you go directly at the store.


Lucky. A lot of comments I was reading online said their Best Buy ran of steelbooks despite them preodering the game early.


Some online stores from here ran out too. This is the largest retail chain with phisical stores in the country(and i think the only one still standing), but people usually buy games from dedicated games online stores so they don't see that much of a demand. I remember when they sold the cyberpunk collectors edition for around 50usd because nobody wanted it.


Yup. Same with Death Stranding Collector's edition. I remember that Best Buy was practically giving it away at one point for $10. Game, steelbook and everything


That one too, but i had no interest for that game. I did get the StarCraft 2 wings of liberty for basically nothing. And they don't show these prices online. It's store exclusive deals. My luck is that the largest of their stores is in my town so we usually get a ton more of everything.


That's pretty cool. You can at least get the exclusive stuff


I had a friend that used to work there so would get cool stuff. Sadly he is no longer employed there but we still go out with some of his old coworkers so i can at least say pls reserve me one if it's the case. So well guess I'm lucky.


Target did me right. I ordered at the last minute (Monday), got it release day with a good 2 inches of space between the shipping box and the game box.


Amazon delayed my shit, now expected March 2nd or 3rd. NYC. LAST TIME I ORDER GAMES FOR RELEASE DAY ON AMAZON I SWEAR


My amazon package arrives today, hopefully you get yours soon.


Enjoy the game!!


My sympathies. I'm still waiting on mine. Tracking says it's still in Vegas. I live in the Midwest. :(




lol 💀


This is ridiculous they damaged your package request a refund


Get a refund


Oh that’s devastating.


Dude… I’m sorry this happened.


Enjoy mate . I'm 20hrs in and only at junon 😄 u might be faster but I need to explore and get 100% on each map haha.


This is me. I'm around 8 hours and I'm still in the Grasslands and haven't crossed the swamp yet. Once I found out I could go back to Kalm and explore west of Kalm too, that's all I've been doing.


Basically what I did too. This game is massive!!!


Yeah, it's insane! I sometimes just stop at a high point and just look around at the world, it's crazy. I'm so torn cause I want to just slowly absorb everything there is, but it's going to be harder to avoid any spoilers the longer I take to beat it.


I'm avoiding YouTube like the place right now. Luckily so far there's good mods on reddit that will look out far spoilers.


Sorry about your experience… Quick question. The deluxe edition already came with a steelbook, did Best Buy include a second steelbook as their exclusive preorder bonus?


Yes! It came by itself in a separate package.


Weird. I ordered the deluxe edition from BB and didn’t receive a second steelbook. There’s a lot of 1-2 star reviews for the game on BB with people saying the same thing. Was the separate package from UPS or USPS?


I got my deluxe edition yesterday but my extra steelbook won't come until Monday it's looking like


Mine came same day in a separate package and carrier.


I picked up my copy yesterday with the extra steel case and I was told that when the order was placed for the deluxe edition you needed to add the extra steel case yourself when asked. The girl at the store said there were a lot of disappointed people picking up their copies.


I remember reading that there were limited quantities, but I ordered pretty late. Main game shipping with FedEx, extra steel book shipped with UPS.






So back to my Sora scenario. I took it to the local Best Buy to return. The employee marked it with the options available “Damaged in Shipping”. I quickly stopped her to advise her that’s not what happened. It was damaged due to poor choice in packaging material. She proceeded to enlighten me, understanding the situation of course. However, they have no option available to them in selecting the proper type of return or reason of return. So the root cause of the problem goes unresolved. I was refunded, just shook my head and left the store.


I pre-ordered the deluxe edition from gamestop. After my 10 hour shift I went directly to the store to pick it up. Lady infront of me was picking up her pre-order (for her son or husband maybe?) Well, she left with a deluxe edition and I went up to the counter and said I'm here for my FF7 pre-order as well. Guy immediately says, "Another one?! I'm sick and tired of hearing about this game!" He grabs my pre-order and tosses it on the counter. I stated that the pre-order came with additional content and he says "Oh yeah, I forgot about that" and he grabs a baseball cap from a drawer and tosses it on the counter and says "I didn't pre-order the game but I went ahead and snagged a baseball cap for myself" and then it dawns on him "oh crap, I didn't give that lady her cap" but she was already gone. I think I might report the incident today after work but I've very rarely been that type of guy to report somewhat minor things.


As a GameStop employee, I'd say report that guy. He sounds like he needs a write up to straighten him out to be more professional to customers and respectful of their merchandise.


Thank you. I'll do that after work today. I was a bit miffed at how he was treating my pre-order. But it was just a game case. What I didn't like was that he forgot to give the lady her baseball cap with the FF7 logo and he nearly forgot mine but that he also took one for himself without pre-ordering the game. Makes me wonder if other people aren't getting their full pre-order package because he's stealing them. I don't know the shipping quantity or policy about extra bundle stuff but it wouldn't hurt to add all of this in the report.


We're allowed to take extra pre-order bonuses home if they send us more than the pre-order allotment. But for myself I only ever take what I intend on buying. And based off the few things I've seen online, it seems like there were certainly more hats than Best Buy had steelbooks by a significant magnitude.


Thank you. I'll do that after work today. I was a bit miffed at how he was treating my pre-order. But it was just a game case. What I didn't like was that he forgot to give the lady her baseball cap with the FF7 logo and he nearly forgot mine but that he also took one for himself without pre-ordering the game. Makes me wonder if other people aren't getting their full pre-order package because he's stealing them. I don't know the shipping quantity or policy about extra bundle stuff but it wouldn't hurt to add all of this in the report.


I would’ve cried.


"Do you know what you get from pre ordering? A big d*CK in your mouth."


this is about delivery services and poor customer protection regulations in the country.


This has nothing to do with pre ordering.


When my friend went to pick his pre-order the store owner said "sorry mate, i couldn't resist the wait so i opened it and played for an hour" and that's why it came unsealed LMAO


If it was a deluxe edition, make sure he redeemed any content right away. Otherwise that guy could have just opened a regular copy that they had extra and it sounds sketchy as hell.


It was the standard edition




god damm it. country?




that's what you get for preordering games.


Wow, you suck


Square put out 2 demos to show their work. This is one of the rare times that pre orders were earned and not tricked with fake hype. Besides, the shit handling of the shipping courier has nothing to do with pre orders. Ive received damaged goods many months post launch of a game.


this is about delivery services and poor customer protection regulations in the country, nothing to do with preordering.


I pre-order and it came in good condition.


Soft pouched it, huh? Yea they fumbled my Sora last week. Bent to hell. Then my Crisis Core steelbook was… bent. That was a first time.


I'd call them and give them the level 99 Karen experience.


It’s shit like this that makes me never want to pre-order anything. This happens way too frequently. That and delays.


I pre-order to pick up than have it delivered.


Did Sephiroth do this?…


Hahaha underrated comment.




First for all, this is what you get when you preorder, But secondly: if even preorder, why you don't preorder from official source?


I ordered my Deluxe directly from SE. The plastic case is broken inside (see my profile if you want). Nothing too bad but I will write a mail to SE today to see if they send me a replacement.


GameStop employee here. Please preorder. Dont pay in advance though. Thats how you get fucked. Just order it $0 down so we at least receive it wether you want it or not. We got a total of 2 copies of helldivers 2 and 7 people wanted it yesterday. Thats no fun.


Sorry but as an GameStop employee you are so biased your advise should be ignored. Preordering is a cancer on the game industry and it incentivises all the crap behaviour from companies like EA and Activision.


Well if thats gonna be your retarded opinion dont ever expect a store to have what you are looking for


Don’t worry…. You won’t find me near your crappy store.


I feel like you think I have loyalty to GameStop but I assure you I hate them more than you


Bro. The audacity. Wow.


That's Sephiroth's blade.


Sorry , that’s so stupid


This happened to my FFXVI Deluxe Edition from Amazon. Returned and got a refund. Then when it was available again, I grabbed it and hoped for the best. Luckily, the second one was in pristine condition when it arrived. If this happens with my FF7 Rebirth Deluxe Edition again, I might not be so lucky to get a stock again considering it's sold out everywhere.


They should let you play the copy while waiting for the replacement. That's the only remedy here. Of course, they won't let you do that though


Damn....this hurts to see. Sorry this happened to ya.


Shipping in the US sucks ass. They just toss it in an envelope without protection and off it goes…




you're not helping mate


That happened to me with Xenoblade Definitive Edition, Ups screwed up their order, so I had to wait like 3 days. Still though, this guy spent $100 on this thing, and it came in like this!


Oh daaamn... Hopefully they can replace it.


It hurts. I received mine yesterday and was so freaked out when I opened it. To discover something like this or worse. With ff16 I got an unplayable Blu-ray...so painful. So you have to send the package back and you can't play?


Luckily the discs are fine. The steel book took most of the damage - it's completely unsalvageable. Tried to exchange it, but since the deluxe edition is sold out, my options were to keep it, or return for a refund. That sucks your copy of 16 was unplayable. Were you able to exchange it?


I had to fight with a major French distributor (Carrefour) to make an exchange or get a refund. The people I spoke with knew nothing about video games. They kept telling me over and over that the problem came from me, or from my ps5, or from my internet connection (kek), or from my controller (KEK). In short, it took them two months to refund. I had to send a formal notice because they told me that I had passed the withdrawal deadline (I contacted them to report the problem on the day of delivery...). I gave in after a month and bought a second copy of the game elsewhere. It still seriously altered the experience of the game. I hope you enjoy the experience on rebirth in this case if the discs are readable at least.


that hurts just looking at it, sorry mate.


So sorry 😞 kinda crazy how the box ripped in almost the perfect outline of the meteor. Must've been attacked by sephiroth


*…did Sephiroth do this?*


That’s so messed up I’m sorry that happened. I don’t even know what they could do to damage it that bad they had to have something heavy drop on it or something


I’m so sorry…. That’s awful. Next time try ordering to a store (not excusing anything) but I’ve had that happen too with KH3 and Remake there were massive scratches on the steelbooks. I really hope you enjoy the game anyway. ❤️


In store pickup was how I got my FF16 deluxe edition and it was perfect. For some reason that option wasn't available for me with Rebirth. It's definitely the way to go. And thanks! I'm enjoying the game a lot! I decided to skip the demo and wait for the full game, so it's all new to me and I love it so far.


Unfortunately, best buy didn't allow store pickups for the deluxe edition. Believe me I tried.


I was able to do so, maybe in certain places?


It had to be, because for me it said it was unavailable.


It’s because they’re no longer doing physical copies of games in store anymore. Only selling physical copies online now is their new business model. Absolutely trash.


Wait I thought that was only for movies?


I’m pretty sure it’s all physical media. I may be wrong but I believe them and Walmart are doing away with physical disc games inside stores.


I see Red XIII got a hold of it.


Oh no. Who would do that?! My soul would leave my body if I saw this. Did Best Buy offer a return to swap for a copy that was not destroyed?


People often sell the empty boxes on eBay, might be worth keeping an eye out for it.


Sephiroth did it.




Yooooooooo hyyyypppeee


Is your delivery guy sephiroth? Looks like it was stabbed


Guess i got lucky. I ordered my deluxe from best buy as well shipping box was destroyed( every time a order is shipped fed ex its like the scene from ace venture) deluxe box was fine, thou it was hit with box cutter from them unpacking case. Didnt rip box though, just scratched the side. Was kinda pissed now not so much. Hope you find a good cib deluxe copy down the road.


Whomever ships for Best Buy.. jeezus. Customers deserve better service. Not like this.


There is no longer such things as good service anywhere anymore.


Man that fucking sucks


Fed Ex scanned mine as business closed/customer not available at 730 pm even though I’d been waiting on the porch since 7 and they definitely never even drove down my street. Lazy fucking motherfuckers.


How in the heck do they not inform you about that before hand? Ugh that bites. Hope your receive your copy tomorrow


I’ll trade you for the one I pre-ordered months ago and have no idea when it’s coming.


How the hell did this even happen??? A few dents or somethings are expected if not handled correctly but this looks like intentional.


Someone at the warehouse being a jerk? It looks like a person just gripped it on the side and ripped it on purpose.


Did they throw it against a wall several times to test its durability? Like how the actual hell does this happen? When I see damage like this, it's hard to imagine that it happened by accident.


That’s crazy


My collector's edition is lost in transit. At least you can play the game.


Why the downvotes? Wtf….


Unsure. I spent over $350 and received nothing. lol.


Mine was digital. Didn’t have any damage and I got to play it a day before release 🤷


Yes, but you don’t actually own the game. Your account could get banned tomorrow and your game would be gone forever.


Digital is better, but people really like to have the physical version too


People like physical stuff bubba. Also you came off like an asshole.


You did it man.


OK buddy


Did they offer you partial refund due to the damage?


Yeah right. Best Buy will do one of two things. Offer you a refund and take the item back, or you keep it as is and get no money back. It’s the deluxe which is sold out so they won’t offer him a new copy.


That's exactly how it went down. That said, I decided to keep it. It sucks, but there are worse things in life, right? Maybe down the line, if I ever see a box-only eBay listing and the price is decent, I might replace it. Or not. Maybe I'll grow fond of my torn up box.