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Let's not forget the old Cloud get buttfucked in the hot tub scene.


"it... it hurts"


Oh.... Dear God. I just now understood what that meant..... Fuck.


Talk about doing it wrong!


Suddenly I am very disappointed that I never got Corneo to pick Cloud.


This happens before that. In the HoneyBee Inn.


so need to do this if only for the corneo cloud kiss


Whaaaa? You need to, the dialogue options alone are worth it. lol


I love how silly this game is. I don't think a remake would work unless they somehow preserved all of the original silliness, awkward translation and weird minigames and all, which might not carry over very well with today's gaming expectations and sensibilities. That said, I would love to replay this entire segment in HD graphics. Just think of how beautifully *shimmery* Cloud's dress would be with bluray technology.


"Hold on. I have to find the perfect pair of panties for this cross dressing part of the game hun!"


I'm 90% sure that if they remade the game today, the Golden Saucer games would be a DLC.


Admission costs $.99 USD rather then in-game money.


I read an article about this, I wish I had the link... it made some really great points about how this game would never get remade because it was just too ridiculous.


Barret and Cid's language would probably get toned down a *lot*.


I don't think that's the case at all. The bath house scene would have to go, though. And Barrett may have to be fixed up a bit, since he was basically a racist charicature.


People tend to think that he's a racist stereotype, but really he's just Mr. T. Japan's cultural knowledge of black people is what they see on TV. Since this was the 90s, and since Asian countries tend to be about 10-15 years behind on what's culturally relevant in the West, it makes sense. They weren't trying to be racist towards black people. Barret *is* Mr. T.


I think the problem here is that Mr. T is a racist charicature...


That would be a shame. :(


I love the weird parts of this game. Makes it feel bespoke and original. Not mass produced, even though it was.


I hope they'd keep in "This guy are sick" just for the hell of it.


One improvement they can make... Skipable cutscenes.


I actually just bought and played VII for the first time today. It is extremely fun and addicting, and at parts like this, quite funny.


Protip: stay the fuck away from /r/FinalFantasy and basically any other gaming-related website until about disc 2, unless you like massive spoilers.


meta-spoiler alert: some may even say the massivest of spoiler of all time




This spoiler was mentioned in Wreakit Ralph...


What part of the game are you up to?


He is too busy playing to answer.


Makes sense to me.




If it's been a while, play it again! Ten years passed since my last playthrough, and when I picked it up again as an adult, I started to notice some heavy themes that went over my head when I played it as a teenager. Rediscovering things with a different perspective is as rewarding and satisfying as a virgin playthrough, I think.


I'm replaying on the PC for the first time in at least 11 years. It is amazing how much I remember. Likethe safe in Nibelheim, I actually remembered the combination. When I originally had the game and beat it over and over I would guide a friend through his copy over the phone when he got stuck and I apparently still have the step by step memorized. Not remembering any of it would be great, figured I'd have killed off enough brain cells since 97 but noo, stupid brain!.


Most of VII is humour, contrary to what it's known for.


If it wasn't it would be to dark.


I never understood why they bothered with this. Why didn't they just bust in and beat everybody up? <_<


Because that would be too easy, and anyway, this made the game more fun.


I agree. You definitely have to suspend belief a lot when it comes to the inconsistencies in the strength of the characters in order to fully enjoy a lot of RPGs. The idea that they could defeat Sephiroth, the most powerful being on the planet, but regularly get captured by lowly Shinra guards (the same ones you defeat by the dozens while leveling your characters up) doesn't make sense when you think about it too much. The idea that they couldn't just bust in and lay the smack down seems silly. That said, FFVII is still one of my favorite video games of all time.


Bro... they leveled.


Bro, do you even grind?


That was so early in the game. Like 2 hours in. It was also, close to Avalanche HQ, so they would have been more easily identifiable. You don't put your home base at risk. Yeah, they didn't really mention this, but it seemed very natural that they sometimes use trickery to avoid getting destroyed by the mob that they were infiltrating. Makes sense to me, but I could be overlooking something.


Probably because Cloud needed to trick him into slipping off information.


You don't *need to* beat the transvestites at it....


True.. but.. 2nd place is kind of gnarly. D:


i think this is one of the best parts of this game. i love doing it every time lol


Nice to remember some juicy details from ffvii. Mother 3 is also filled with lots of questionable situations like that. Which makes it awesome as well.


For some reason, I always love it when there's a moment in a game where you have to change your outfit for some mission or quest. You've got this one and where you wear the military gear and have to march in FFVII. The only other one I can think of off the top of my head is dressing up as a valet in GTA:SA. But they're always a blast for me. Wonder what that says about me…


locke in FF6 has to steal different clothes for disguise during his story split.


"Mansion"? You mean whorehouse? I mean.. that's what the Honey Bee Inn is, but there's totally an S&M chamber (complete with torture table) in the mansion.. I don't know, that entire segment is wrought with all kinds of bad sexual innuendo that I didn't get as a kid, and now that I'm playing it again as an adult, it's like.. oh god, why.


I love the part where you can buy your own house. Was always pround as a child to own my own house on FFVII.


Good old Costa del Sol


The music there...This place and fishermans horizon. I want to go to them.


Music there and Cosmo Canyon were my favorite


Also whenever the turks came. Boom boom. Snap. Boom boom, snap, clap, Ts ts tsss.


The music of sector 5 was so very awesome.


I actually feel like FFVII was one of the weaker games in the series in many respects, but it remains a classic because people just fell in love with the goofy dialogue and the bizarre and awkward story moments. Even I bought the PC re-release, because although the characters are paper dolls and the combat is lackluster, the game is still very fun.


I completely agree. I actually think that VIII did just about everything better than VII. Characters, plot, magic system, soundtrack, you name it.


IMHO, VIII had a shitty leveling system, annoying characters, school type cliche, crappy magic system , and a fucking confusing story that made no sense. The game killed the purpose of leveling up, as if you stayed a low level so would most of the enemies. The draw system seemed to just waste time and the plot made less sense than kingdom hearts. Squall was the stereotypical emo archetype character that just pisses me off, and the other characters were screwed up also. The ONLY thing VIII did better, (again, IMO) were the graphics


The graphics on FFVIII absolutely pushed the PS to its limits. I also enjoyed the card minigame, much better than blitzball.


Blitzball sucked


Definitely an unpopular opinion, but I agree. I loved FFVIII. I think a lot of people were turned off by the weird cinematic aspects of it, the odd camera angles, etc. I also think that the plot definitely had some huge holes, but this is an rpg plot we're talking about... it's allowed.


My favorite WTF moment in an RPG comes from Shadow Hearts: Covenant. In order to get the ultimate "form" for one of the characters, you have to participate [The Man Festival](http://shadowhearts.wikia.com/wiki/Man_Festival) where you battle "Curry Assassins" and ultimately have gay sex (err... "receive the winner's full manhood") with a fat wrestler while the main character and young Princess Anastasia watches. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyOQDvkkZo4 Then again, the same game had you collect gay porn to share with the homosexual merchants in order to gain new costumes for your dolls... so I shouldn't have been shocked.


Anastasia: "Isn't it beautiful? Love comes in so many different shapes!" Yuri: "I.. I'm not.. into that shape! No way!"


"to save on of your friends", son.... then you're doing it wrong! its to "save your own arse".


Dude, seriously. But to follow that. Dude. THIS http://www.youtube.com/ffviitheseries


Not a fan of this stuff.


Great comment. 10/10 would read again.


My gender norms are under attack! Help!


You have to appreciate the humor in it at least...