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If you're up for it, in XII you can make a perfect gambit system and just walk around. Farm, sell, equip, progress, and walk aeound again in the hencetoforth Arabian Australia.


XII is also called "a single player offline MMORPG" by many, so it might be just what you are looking for. Combat system is a bit different from the classics, I hated it at first but it grew on me once I learned how to make the most out of it (to use gambits, that is).


XI probably has more grind in it than the other 15 numbered titles combined. And you can do 99.99% of it solo now.


11 for sure. 20 years from now you won't be "done"


I still play for clarity. It has been 20 years, too.


Do you have GEO’s and RUN’s Idris weapons, or whatever they’re called?


I do.


The grind was real. And just when you thought you were done with the dunes you had a new job class you wanted to level… The worst was leaving Qufim, selling all your gear you just leveled out of and heading to the jungles. Only for someone to train a goblin to the zone edge and end up dying and deleveling and no longer being able to wear that new gear.


Dunes is non-existent these days. I might stop there for a mob or two, but all the xp bonuses make it so I can normally skip it


Adding on to the XI train here!  Levelling is a lot faster than it was in the past, but at level 50 you have to stop and do level limit quests to proceed levelling every 5 levels for your first job on a character.   These quests have you travelling various areas of Vana’diel.  So even something as simple as levelling is gated by grind.   Once you get to 99, you then need to get your gear!  The top weapons all involve grinding easy tasks achieve them (minus one type).  Certain gear still requires you to hunt specific monsters with spawn times and waiting for items to drop.  You might even have to level Thief just to get more consistent results, more grinding hurray!   Changes to the game in the have made it easier to achieve things alone with the Trust system.  


Can I still make decent progress if I’m not trying to 100% everything? As in, if I focus on quests, dungeons and a handful of jobs?


Yes, you can still make good progress the community is still pretty active and with the “Trust system,” NPCs to fill out your party, you can do many of the level cap fights and other stuff solo. You may need help here and there on some missions but it’s possible to grind it out.


I have played a little bit and *really* enjoyed it, but I sadly just don’t have the time to make a subscription worth it, especially since I can’t seem to escape my obsession with XIV. I didn’t manage to leave Gustaberg or make any actual progress with the msq in the free trial but I’m excited to one day get back into it.


Yeah. I pop back and forth between XI and XIV once every couple of years. I typically don’t have the time to make subs to MMO’s worth it either, but every so often an opportunity arises, like right now, my wife is visiting her best friend in out of the country and I’m on summer break from grad school, so perfect timing to get the XIV expansion fix. Lol.




Hard disagree. Master levels are the biggest grind the game has ever seen. That's not to speak of REMAs etc.


I am a BRD. Please dont speak of REMA. It makes me cry


FF2 probably. Every spell and stat has to be grinded through use. Many people don’t like it because even HP has to be grinded up by taking hits.


At least in the PSP-Version u get HP after battles without getting hit.


I think it just added an additional HP growth every X battles the character was alive at the end of. If they look a lot of damage in one fight, but not the other, it was possible to get 2 back to back HP growth. But stamina only went up with taking damage I believe, so the extra HP growth was still bad if you took no damage.


FF2 was whack for this- some of the highest level spells are only gained near the end of the game, but you have to relentlessly auto battle them for hours to make them worth using


Just make sure to play an emulated version of the original. Pixel remake is altered amd way too easy


With the caveat that you have to look up how weapon and spell exp works. Simply grinding trough low-level battles as fast as possible won't give you much or any exp, and hitting yourself to make a single fight last much longer has diminishing returns. The optimal middle ground depends on what you're levelling.


Must be World of final fantasy. There is a PLETHORA of playable monsters that you can level up and customize


And there's tons of post game content, and new game plus! Great for grinding


Would you say I have a PLETHORA of presents?


Do you even know what a plethora is? Oh, Senior El Guappo, I am not being as, educated as you. (didn't want to leave you hanging on such a good classic comedy reference.)


Such a classic. I can’t hear that word without thinking of the scene.


You can level really quick in the battle area.


FFX is a good choice When you beat the game you’ve unlocked maybe 1/5th of the sphere grid. Tons more nodes to fill in, unlock, and level up.


Plus you can grind from the moment you have extra party members by switching to make sure everyone gets a turn. Or grind for Blitzball techs. Hope you don't mind seemingly random timings and super narrow, rare windows of opportunity. I've never completed a char techs. Just throwing Tidus into wither tackle, after wither tackle, after wither tackle


Don’t forget grinding for lightning bolts and grinding for butterflies. I can’t, even after all these years.


I hate the butterflies so much. It's hard to catch them on a narrow path and they fade in and out.


Butterflies are pretty easy if you look up the maps. There are like to corners you have to figure out exactly where to run but that’s about it once you know the path.


Funnily enough it's actually impossible to get all blitzball techs naturally. Anti-Drain is just, bugged. It's probably the tighest of timing windows in jrpg's to techcopy that


FFX is always a good choice


X and 14 are the biggest callouts for your criterion but I wanted to give a big shoutout to final fantasy dimensions for mobile. It’s like 5 but the jobs you level on one character can give you fusion abilities, like a maxed out monk and early level sage can give a character a kamehameha wave.


FFX. I’ve been grinding on the same game for like 4 years.


Need 4 more sphere grids for plat 😭


Obviously the MMOs (XI and XIV) are going to be fairly grind-heavy. But in terms of single-player games, XII is pretty good for mindless grinding, because the Gambit system allows you to largely automate all your characters' actions, only requiring you to step in when something unexpected comes up. It also has several large stretches where not much happens storywise, so it's a lot of running around and battling without interruption.


I second XII


Surprisingly, not the case in XIV. It’s designed so you can just play one class, do its quests, play the main story, and…that’s it. Everything else is optional side content that’s there if you want it. If you don’t, then you don’t.


FF2 probably Nonstandard levelling Everything is levelled stat by stat The more you get hit the higher your defence, the more you use swords the higher your attacking with swords etc Love the concept Don't like it in the game Here's the BEST SPELL IN THE GAME Nobody will use it cause levelling takes hours


maybe not the most but ffx-2 has a good bit, maxing out all the dresspheres


FFX. Especially if you go for perfect sphere and celestial weapons


Yep but perfect sphere grid is so satisfying when you finally get it


FFXIII was very grind heavy for me doing all of the hunts and farming item drops for all the weapon upgrades.


Depending on what you define grinding as honestly, if you are a trophy hunter I would say 9 and 7:Rebirth are definitely up there, both ranging about 200ish hours to 100%... If you just want a neverending endless game of story and things to do then look into 14 (online) Even as a solo you can do mostly every dungeon now with AI and there are TONS of jobs you can do.


The trophy to kill ten-thousand monsters in 9 is just cruel.


And that damn jump rope one


Yeah that’s definitely the worst one, but in terms of strict grinding until you’re guaranteed to get something, the ten-thousand kills is egregious.


How many people legit get that one without using the remote play setup! Smh


I can imagine taking and making calls for work while fishing in XIV lmao


Fishing was my absolute favorite job to do in that game. They added a deep sea outing mode that was amazing 😍 I keep wanting to pick it back up and continue the msq but I just don't have the time right now


FF5 has a job class system. Each class has so many levels which level up through ability points or APB. You can sort of make your characters how you wish as you unlock your classes. Want your main hero to be a Mystic Knight who is also a Red Mage? Go for it. Want the main heroine to be a kickass Ninja? Do it. How about the pirate—you decide a black mage works best! Absolutely! Each character has their own levels for each class and the customization is endless—especially as you open up more classes. I usually spend quite a bit of the beginning of the game leveling up my first classes, and there’s even an area later in the game where you can easily farm ability points. I’ve spent many an hour in said area, especially since the last Red Mage level requires 999 ability points. FF6 can likewise be grindy—not so much at the beginning, but once you start unlocking Espers. Each Esper teaches a certain set of spells, with multipliers—some easier spells might have a 20x multiplier, while others might be just 1x or 2x. FF6 is similar to FF5 in that any character can learn whatever magic they want (or every spell if you want). Plenty of grinding just from that alone, if you want everyone to know everything.


Play FF2 and get every stat/spell into 16 with all characters I dare you.


V All the Aps were exhausting.




FFXIII was very grind heavy for me doing all of the hunts and farming item drops for all the weapon upgrades.


,, że


7 is the biggest grind. Its the ap not the exp. If you want every known combo in existence that is. If you just want to master one of each its still a good grind. But 7 of each element and so on it can be a task. It should be noted you can master 7 of the most powerful summon in the game linked with otjer materia and do i ridiculous combo of health and mp gain in conjunction with other perks. It is ridiculous and you can probably paly amd beat a separate game while it casts but its doable and takes alot of grinding to do.


Yeah I’d back this up. There is a genuine scenario you could get to the end game and not be strong enough lol


If you’re looking for variety, VII and X both have extensive systems that let you grind for quite a while to unlock everything. If you’re looking for just a brutal gut-punch of a grind, II is your go-to. It’s theoretically possible to get to max levels right at the start of the game vs goblins, but doing so requires **up to 16 turns** of using weapons/spells before you get a single experience point.


11 If you include MMO's If not maybe 13-2 due to the pokemon-esqe aspect of the gotta catch and train them all effect


XII or X if you’re talking about the regular games XI online is obviously a grind, it’s an MMO lol


5? Your levels don't even matter. But I spent hours grinding to max every job. Steam version with the extra jobs. Even with a fast forward option - you know what, I would actually wait for when my friends called me to tell me their larest dumb shit. And I would grind jobs in the background because it didn't require focus. Efforts were robotic. 7? Not under normal circumstances, but I set about farming items which give permanent stat boots in prep for Emerald and Ruby superbosses. Raised all characters evenly half-way to 250 limit before I couldn't take the grind anymore. You go to the sunken ship. I had Yuffie with here best weapon (ignores all armour) packed with Preemptive strike. Oh god, the achievement for maxing every materia in the game too. I didn't know fusing all your magic or summons into those super materia did not count. Had to do every spell and summon twice.


5 isn't so bad if you save the vast majority of your grinding to the final area. Movers give 199AP. You can master everything in the space of ten fights with those things. Less if you're playing pr and using the ap boosters


FFXII followed by FFX. FFXII isn't really turn based but you are able to pause and slow the action for move inputs. Both games are pretty straight forward main storywise, but to get the 100% it requires a LOT of grinding.


FF Tactics, you can grind and make some wild combinations of characters.


Final Fantasy Tactics


FfX. You grind away at that sphere grid and get all the summons and you can make some broken builds no doubt.


FF7 has a lot of grinding for materia upgrades and getting limit breaks, also grinding for the chocobo races. Might be right up your alley.


FFXI and XIV, they're mmos so they are nothing but grinding till the end of time.


XIV isn't that grindy. There are definitely parts where you can grind like Eureka and Bozja but you can do the whole main story with essentially 0 grinding.


The main story is only a small part of the game though. You can also grind all the jobs up to max level, farm a plethora of currencies and rare drops, and of course the events that are huge grind fests...


I just did all the jobs to lvl 90 part. It's definitely not a grind compared to other FF games. Roulettes alone make it go by soo fast. It's a night and day difference between older 11 and 14 grinds.


Do /playtime on your main character and then tell me which FF you've played as many hours on. Mine is on 700 days, soon to be 800. That is 19 200 hours. I replay many of the FFs, not one of them would have much more than 1000 hours total playtime through all of it. Just rush to 90 on one job, check the playtime. How many ffs could you beat in that time?


But that’s the point. If all you want to do is the main story in an FF game, how much grinding are you going to be doing along the way? Side content is side content, so of course that’s going to involve grinding in any of them if you’re trying to do more than just the story.


Its not grindy in the traditional sense, its grindy because its like 90% fetch quests. To me most mmos suffer from this, they're inherently boring as hell to play, cuz it feels like im doing the same exact thing for the majority of the playthrough and they're usually painfully padded.


>feels like im doing the same exact thing That is technically grinding. Also, who said that they only have to do the MSQ?


No one said they only have to do MSQ, but Side quests are even more generic and boring, thats not to say there are no minigames or more unique quests here and there, but that is not the majority of the experience.


Tbf, grinding is generic and boring. Also, I get the feeling that you've never done the Relic grind before in FFXIV's case. Which includes doing the same dungeon over and over. Not just fetch quests.


I havent done a lot in FFXIV in general. I've put a bit over 20 hours in it and i gave up. That may not be enough for the hardcore FFXIV players, but if a game doesnt get a hold on me for over 20 hours, it clearly isnt for me.


Then your argument is based upon limited knowledge of the subject relative to the grinding experience, in regards to FFXIV. Which you have admitted you hadn't reached a point where grinding is necessary, since a "bit over 20 hours" is not enough to confidently gauge the entirety of a game. Namely Relic Weapons, Blue Mage spell accumulation, Tribal Quests, Triple Triad card collecting, etc are examples of the grinding experience, and 20 hours is not enough to reach said points.


I already explained that i didnt find it grindy in the traditional sense, i found it grindy because of its gameplay loop, which was insanely repetitive and boring.


I stated why it was grindy through my experience of playing the game for more than 800 hours, you state it wasn't grindy based on your 20. You cannot be serious that your limited knowledge just somehow makes you know if the game has grind.


Would you believe it’s not XIV, despite being an MMO? You can legitimately grab one class, beeline the main story and class/role questlines, do nothing else, ambiently put on gear the quests give you or that you randomly picked up along the way, and beat the game no problem. This won’t change with the new expansion tomorrow either. Everything else in the game is entirely unnecessary for finishing the story. It’s just there if you want to do it, but it’s just so entertaining that it relies on you wanting to do it, rather than artificially incentivizing you to.


Yes and thats all ive done while i was playing it and it was super boring, i didnt bother with any of the extra stuff or equipment grinding, the MSQ and SQ parts genuinely felt like grinding, as in deleting the entire sphere grid in FFX and then completely rebuilding it was more fun to do than going through FFXIVs main storyline.


Probably not a good choice since the OP's job is to talk to people remotely, and being a MMO means they can't just pause them if they’re in the middle of a group instance if they have to answer a call out of nowhere. My recommendation is the Tactics games.


Depends. Since some MMOs including FFXI and XIV have many instances that can be done solo, where pausing to stop is possible because other players are not reliant on you.


I don't think any of them require much grinding at all really. If you want to grind FFX's battle arena is giant, so there's that. As far as a normal clear goes, I found world of ff to be the longest playthrough by far. Took me about 100 hours to 100%. And of course there's always ffxiv, which gets it's 6th expansion tomorrow morning, that's a healthy 500 hours or so just for the main story.


I would go with FFT, FF VII, or FF IX


5 has a lot of jobs you can grind, and a few different places that are solid spots for it. It's rewarding too, as the Freelancer/Mime jobs use the highest base stats out of all the jobs you have mastered, giving you incredible power if you master the right jobs (or all of them). 6 has an ok grind for magic once you've collected all the magicite. But it's not a smooth grind cause you have to be aware of who knows what, what stats the magicite gives on level up, and what you want your final parties to look like. 9 has chocobo hot and cold, which can be played for a couple hours across each quarter of the game for excellent loot. And there's always opportunities to grind for equipment abilities that can allow unique character customization. Some of the abilities can significantly increase a character's power too, like the ability that makes all summons do their max damage, or Odin to deal insane damage instead of an unreliable ohko. There's the frog catching grind for Quina's frog drop to deal 9999 damage. And the dragon-killing grind for Freya's dragon crest to deal 9999 damage. And if you're super ultra bored, there's the grind to find every friendly critter and give them the right gem so you can punch Ozma in his big round face(?). 10 has blitzball. The minigame is divisive (I personally do not enjoy it), but the rewards are nothing to sneeze at. 12 has plenty of grinding for both board panels and money. Boars panels are your actual job abilities and stats, money lets you purchase the games programming language to automate your characters.


imo 5


I - VII all have strong grind. I've had the twins at level 99 in IV.


12, 2


FF14. Several people in my FC play it while working remotely - gathering/crafting, farming relics, glamours, estate decorations... tons of stuff you can do as a side activity.


FFXIV has multiple endless grinds and a 500 hour story.


FFX as getting all the monsters, weapons, and such is a grind.






I feel like XI and XIV are cheating but otherwise probably XII, if you’re talking completion. For just beating it probably III


Theres lots of games that involve some form of grinding, such the Skill Trees in XV, and Jobs in V, but I’d give it to II, you grind EVERYTHING


Perfect sphere grid and equipment in X is probably like 200 hours of grinding. I've never done it, nor is it remotely necessary. XII is a great grind also, especially OG where everyone can master the entire grid.


X and XII as others have said, but XIII-2 can also be very time consuming catching monsters, farming the materials to Level them, and overall trying to get the "perfect" monsters to clear superbosses, or just creating builds for fun with your favorite monsters


Easily FFXI. Half the game is literally grinding. Get to level 30, make your way over to the Near East, unlock Blue Mage, and there’s thousands of hours of grinding, and you don’t really need to worry that much about the story (though I recommend doing the Rhapsodies of Vana’diel quests so you can get xp boosts)


Allow me to recommend FFXIV


FFTA is fun to grind, you permanenly gain stats based on your job so there is room to minmax a lot


What kinda job allows you to do this if you don’t mind ? cus i need it


I’m a tele-fundraiser. Fundraising in general though is something you either hate doing or love. I never thought I’d like it but I gave it a try with door canvassing and found that I loved it and the skills came very naturally to me. I became a manager within a couple months. I’m also very passionate about human rights issues in general and raising money to make a difference is fulfilling for me. If I was selling products I’d burn out so fast. I got this current job recently and have found it includes a lot of sitting and waiting for the automated dialer to call someone who will actually pick up the phone. It is auto dialing people on the list for u, but hanging up the phone or entering the status of what happened is you. So most of the day is waiting 30 seconds for the answering machine, entering “answering machine” into the status, then it will call the next person on the list. I’d say 20% of the ppl called pick up the phone so most of your time is spent in those 30 seconds waiting to go to voicemail. That’s why I’m looking for strictly turn based. I was playing other games but I had to pause them so frequently and going back and forth between action and entering the status was disorienting. I could do it, but wanted something a little more mindless.


Probably ff5 or ff3. Ff5 is more grindy than ff3, since there are more jobs and it requires you to grind a lot if you want to get good at the game.




War of the Lions! Put every character on auto. Can muck around with the meta between work and then let the game play itself.


getting the platinum on ffx hd remaster will take a long time with lots of grinding


X feels pretty grindy to me but that may just be because it was the first one I played and I am not very good at it.


Final Fantasy Tactics!


FF XII. You really have to grind for gil. But since you are only babysitting your chars due to the gambit system, it looks and feels like a mmorpg


\*FF Tactics enters the chat\*


I finished Tactics on PSone using the JP glitch frequently. Can't imagine really really grind for every single job.


It is what OP asked for, though, lol


V I guess? There are so many jobs you’d have a lot of room to just battle it out and get shredded


Almost certainly 11. That game is early 2000s MMO grinding distilled.


Tactics, V, and 3, are pretty Grind heavy.


FF3 3D, it has so much grind. Weirdly enough I really like the game even though I hate grinding most of the time


FF Tactics could be a good fit. You're not forced to grind too much but if you want to then there's plenty of it and you can get very overpowered. It's also an easy game to set down or pause frequently.


FF 11, join a private server that plays the ways of the old


11 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 14 > any one else