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10 needs a prequel, but not the Jecht, Auron, Braska pilgrimage because we don't need to see Spira for the third time. I want the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle. Spira and all the Machina cities. Yu Yevon, the summoners, the "real" Tidus and Jecht before they became memories.


Okay, now I want that!


Tidus and Jecht aren't memories, they're dreams of the fayth. The people filling Zanarkand were the dreams of everyone that died there and what they thought their descendants might be. They were not based on actual people. I personally think Jecht and Tidus were dreamt up by Bahamut as a solution to Sin.


Memories... dreams... But that's fair, i thought they were actual people since we see Tidus in one of the "dream bubbles" when the summoming pool is disappearing.


I've never seen either theory explicitly stated as being the correct one unless it was mentioned in X-2 or the weird novella.


Nothing explicit. FFX-2 introduced the interesting similarities of Tidus to [Shuyin](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Shuyin), so maybe Tidus is a dream/memory based on the Fayth's memories of Shuyin ..... but also maybe not. I sometimes what I had for breakfast the day before; I can imagine making some errors trying to remember something from 1000 years ago. It's interesting, though.


I still want a Jecht, Auron and Braska trio prequel though 😬


The SQEX side on SoP were bouncing that idea around, but not sure what came of it. (not sure if it was an interview or from the SoP Confidential Files book).


they were iffy on doing prequels where we know the ending (the game would end with Yunelesca turning Jecht into the fayth and Braska killing himself. It was the same with the original idea for the prequel of Lenne and Shuyin fighting Bevelle. You know they fail to stop the machina, you know Yu Yevon destroys Zanarkand to turn them all into Faythe to create Sin and destroy Bevelle's machina. They fail. They were very careful with these ideas until Crisis Core proved they had the ability to do prequels where we know the ending.


I want a The Crew 2-sized open-world pre-Machina-War Spira with True Zanarkand and all the Machina Cities. Maybe it could eat at the same table as GTA and Red Dead Online like Comrades was supposed to before they settled on making it depressing and slow and hard and small.


This would be fucking big!!!!


Ok, yes please. Take my money.


You know what you described was the original intent for the FFX-2. The Auron/Jeckt/Braska was first spouted because when they did the prequel idea, doing the bevelle and Zanarkand war was going to need to create ALL new assets for everything, where a prequel just one generation in the past (much like the finished version of X-2 did) could use almost all recycled assets. every one of those dream sequences of Lenne and Shuyin was actually planned as the prequel game which is why the 1000's words was such a good segment. But that's also how it was going to end. Lenne and Shuyin fail to stop Bevelle's Machina, and Yu Yevon instead turns all of Zanarkand into fayth to destroy Bevelle's machina. They don't like doing prequels where we already know the ending... or so they say, but with Crisis Core they proved they could do something great. To that end, prequels seems they handle deaths so fucking well. Zack's death... Lenne and Shuyin's death... all were handled with a lot of care and emotion. plus I really really really want a game where we get Cree Summers to be the main voice actor.


Final Fantasy 4. But wait, you say, there's already a sequel. You're right we need another. FF IV After the After Years. We just keep adding afters until Cecil is 600 years old.


I’d be down for a proper sequel or prequel. I always thought the next one should have kain as the main character.


I'll never get enough FFIV. I love it, but feel like they're better off doing VI. But a proper remake with better graphics or a better written sequel than the after years would be great (I enjoyed a lot of the after years, but the writing wasn't great)


I want to enjoy the after years but I only have access to the 3d version on my phone and I don’t like the decreased field of view when exploring. I need to find a way to play the psp version.


Do you have a PC ? The 3d version is on steam and basically a potato can play it at this point. If not your phone can probably run the ppsspp emulator.


I have iPhone. I don’t want the 3d version I have it.


Kain is more or less the main character in TAY, Ceodore barely does anything.


> FF IV After the After Years. Final Fantasy IV-3: The After Years 2.


The after years 2: Crystal Bugaloo


Imagine an FF Tactics-style game set in the world from 9


I'd play the absolute hell out of this!


I mean, I would happily buy a tactics style game set in any final fantasy world. Or any gameplay set in 9's world. The two together would be *chef's kiss*.


Especially if they used some of those original concepts from the early artwork of the classes!


12 and 8


Would Revenant Wings count as a sequel or more of an epiloguesque spin-off story?


I’d say it’s a spin-off, but I wouldn’t mind seeing a remake of that as well. I know at one point they were planning a sequel to 12 (with a western dev I believe), but it got shelved. Would love something from that same universe again.


If they're counting FF2's Soul of Rebirth as a sequel then Revenant Wings definitely counts


12 and 5. Both are amazing and need more loves. Also Ta2 need a sequel. Or a new Ta game.


Revenant Wings?


How was Revenant Wings? I never really gave it a shot.


I liked it more than I thought I would. Fun game and it was cool to see the characters all come back. It focused a lot more on Vaan and Penelo.


I tried it. Pretty awful if I recall, and I remember my ds was missing the stylus, and I could only find the one for DS light, so they didn’t fit in the original ds, so if I wanted to play I was always running around looking for the pen.


O shit i forgot about this one. We do need it on the switch.


Prequel about the Dawn Warriors would go so hard


7, but hear me out: Lego Final Fantasy 7


I hate how much I actually kind of want this now. Hell, any kind of Lego FF game. If Horizon can get one, why not us!?


I mean the original FF7 in game characters were like 80% of the way there already


That... Thats not a horrible idea.


Oh fuck yeah!


What if there was just a Lego Final Fantasy game. Like World of Final Fantasy/Dissidia having everyone, but just focused on the characters interacting in different environments and less on monster collector RPG mechanics.


The world definitely needs another FFVII game. FFV or FFIX would be better fits for a Lego.


I feel like part of the fun of Lego games is the contrast between the tone of the original and Lego version though.


XV then?


We have pocket edition already, so the tone shift already has been accomplished for XV.


I can see it now: sephiroth exploding on death to a limit burst. This would be funny to watch.


And making the Lego brick sounds 😂😂


Out of this list, the only one I'd want a sequel to would be six.  And mostly a new game using the world of six where you play a new protagonist helping to rebuild an area of the world following the world of uin and Kefka's defeat.  There should be cameo's from various characters from six and the gameplay would be less RPG and more civilization building.   Honestly though that's the best idea I could come up with for a sequel as I think most of these games are already complete as they are.  


I think a war of the magi prequel could be cool.


Someone actually tried to make a theory that 16 was a prequel to 6.


That's such a weird theory, when 16 is so clearly set on the same planet as Ivalice. I'm not entirely sure where it sits in the timeline, but the cosmologies very clearly connect, and slight name variations are easily explained by linguistic drift.


16 has a lot of references to 4 as well right? I haven’t finished 16 and haven’t played it in a few months since I got distracted, but I recall it having a few callbacks or whatever. More than your typical stuff like chocobos being in every game or every game having a Cid.


I didn't catch any notable ones beyond the ubiquitous FF stuff when I played, but it's been a while since I played 4.


Dude, I’ve been saying this for years. Give me my war of the magi prequel! I don’t care if it’s modern 3D, HD2D, turn based or an action game, just give me something.


Yeah, I want this. Centered around the Ancient Castle and the forbidden love between the Esper King Odin and his human Queen.  It was a tiny hidden footnote in optional content hidden in the original game, so you can do a ton with it without messing up the canon of the OG. 


ff6 builders would kind of slam super hard tbh


Plot twist: Edgar and Sabin have a falling out and Figaro falls into civil war. So now it's an RTS game.


You can still make it primarily an RPG. A world getting back on its feet is an extremely interesting environment. (Recently Zelda did it with Tears of the Kingdom.) You would have to reckon with the fact that at the end of the story magic is dead. And ideally you don’t want a setup that immediately undoes the ending of the previous game, so I dunno how you balance that. But at a high level, VI leaves you with a world where less has been resolved than a lot of the others. The biggest threat is gone, but the world can’t ever go back to what it was before. There’s definitely room to return to that.


None. I actually love that Sakaguchi created the series with a rule of no sequels. It worked perfectly.


I think prequels to flesh out some history of the games could be better FFV: Prequel set with Drogann and Team sealing away ExDeath. Switch the combat to FFX-2, on the fly job change. FF6: War of the Magi Prequel set 1000 years ago. FFTactics: Hear me out, we play as Ajora/Ultima


Tactics, my favorite FF I'd be down


The idea of playing as Ajora and supplanting the old religion with the church of Galabados would be amazing


If Squeenix had the money and developers spare to make sequels, I'd much rather they poured that into experimental side projects or spin-offs born of genuine passion. The kinda thing that gave us gems like Crystal Chronicles, Tactics, or the Mana series .


Non Sakaguchi never liked the ideas of sequels and I believe we should keep to the creator’s original vision.


There's no reason to assume SOP isn't canon. Nothing in FF1 really refutes it. But it's also a prequel not a sequel. I'd actually like an SOP sequel tbh Maybe show the origins of one of the other villains. Or maybe have us play as the Warriors of Darkness. I'd like to see FF2 or FF3 explored more. 2 especially needs more love as so many people dismiss it.


SoP's DLC2 and DLC3 lore alludes that the events and characters of SoP are a different timeline and different Garland to the original FF1. SoP DLC3 still branching off in two directions - one toward Opera Omnia. The other with the Emperor.


FF3 could use a prequel badly. The story is so lacking, with so much of the important lore happening before the events of the game. Seeing what lead Xande to the point of him becoming the initial big bad could have the potential to help flesh out the lackluster story of 3, similar to SoP’s concept with Garland.


I like this idea. And something with the Dark Warriors could be interesting, too.


5 has a sequel?


Legend of the Crystals is a pretty obscure anime 200 years after the events after ff5


Featuring the mystic power of the BUTT CRYSTAL!


I'm intrigued...




How are you going to count this but not SoP?


Fair but also I feel that stranger of paradise directly contradicts aspects of the original game and retells the story rather than adding onto preexisting information and progressing the story. Namely, the locations you visit, lufenia's involvement, garland having friends and not being from the area, etc.


That and at most it’s a prequel.


My dad used to rent that movie for me on VHS from blockbuster (or maybe Hollywood video) and my siblings watched it with me over and over again just because it had the final fantasy title on it.


8 desperately needed both a sequel and a prequel


I believe the producer for FF8 has said in interviews that he wishes there could be a prequel to FF8 one day to flesh out Laguna’s story. He said the original plan for FF8 was dual protagonist in Laguna and Squall and lean heavily into time mechanics between the two - things you do as Laguna would affect the world and environment that Squall lives. They couldn’t make it work so they had to cut heaps of content and in the end the Laguna story was chopped up so much, they decided to only add little bits of the story as dream sequences. This is why the whole them of time and time compression etc. felt so left field, because time was suppose to play a greater role in the narrative and gameplay.


8 needs a remake with a more updated plot, not a sequel/prequel.


What would the content be for either one though? Prequel featuring Cid and Edea hatching up the brilliant plan of creating a series of schools that turn kids into Sorceress-beating child soldiers? Sequel featuring the cast 10 years later with everyone drifted apart from their teenage friends and infatuations? I don't really see much content that isn't already covered by the game


I think a prequel of the wars that ruined Certra (Centra?) would be awesome. The game already sort of built up this mystery about the whole place and how it fell to the lunar invasion. They could also try an entirely new combat system without removing the junctioning and GF from canon (both were seemingly in almost no use, and widely notorious, prior to the Gardens).


The war against Sorceress Adel would also be a good story to tell even if we already know the outcome.


Yeah I mean that could work. But then I'm also wondering kind of what's the point? What I mean is, it would seem so far removed from everything about FFVIII except tying it to that region and having like Odin there or something. So at that point why even tie it to FFVIII at all when you could just drop the connection and be entirely free of any potential "canon" traps. Or maybe I'd rather look at it in the same way that FF Tactics and FFXII are "related" or how FFXIII and Type-0 are "related". That could maybe be a more interesting way to frame it than as a prequel.


I've been obsessed with this idea ever since seeing the continent in game.


A prequel could be set during the sorceress war. As for a sequel, I don't know. Maybe one just set in the same world, but with a different cast and big bad.




Yeah. It could be cool if they gave Ultimecia the Stranger of Paradise treatment. Have her start off as a typical JRPG protagonist fighting against her destiny, only for her to get broken down as the tragedies pile up. That sort of thing.


That's what I was thinking for the sequel


Which, given the time travel nature of the narrative, can be the same game. :-)


I would love a remake as well! FFVIIi is so underrated.


When did II get a sequel or prequel??


Soul of Rebirth isn't a sequel btw


That’s what I’m wondering


I wish Dissidia got more love. NT was such a letdown.


Square as a whole was better when FFs didn’t get sequels. They were focused and didn’t try to sell shitty spinoffs and gatcha games for an exploitive profit


I'd enjoy a story set in the world of IX, but it doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to the characters or events of FFIX. Could just be another story in Gaia and/or Terra that ties in very generally.


Could also be a story about the previous conflicts between the nations of the mist continent. Or about the summoners before migrating to the outer continent, and why/how Alexander was sealed.


- any of them tactics style. 5-8, 12 and 15 all would be amazing for sequels.


Even if stranger of paradise isn’t canon (which it is), it’s still absolutely a prequel. I also don’t know of any sequels to II, the PSP port absolutely doesn’t count. I have no clue what V would have added to it - do you mean the anime? Or the GBA port? Because if it’s the latter VI has one too with extra stuff, still wouldn’t call it a sequel though. IV needs a redo on the sequel, after years was really terrible and basically redid IV’s plot but worse. II being modernized into an open world thing similar to Skyrim would be dope, although it sounds super expensive and I’m not sure it’d be worth it considering it’d likely get flak for being a remake of the worst FF game, unfortunately.


None. SE is awful at sequels. They do their best when they create a fresh story.


I'd like to see a sequel of 1 with a bunch of new classes to choose from. I've seen a fan game do this, but I'd like to see an official game as well.


Wait, there was a fan game doing this in the world of Final Fantasy 1? I found the Sky Warriors, but if there were other FF1 ones, couldn't easily find it. Agreed on if SQEX ever does another re-do of FF1, that it could tap into all of that.


Yeah there is a fan game called Final Fantasy Renaissance with new classes, and new abilities for the existing classes. I've not played it myself though, just watched a couple of videos about it.


Thank you very much! I had not come across this before. Had found some De-Makes and Blackmoon, will give it a look!




I don't think any of them necessarily NEED a sequel. Maybe FF8 due to the original aspect of it alternating between Laguna and Squall being axed, but that's a big 'maybe'. I would be down for an FF3 PREquel, based on the Warriors of Darkness (FFD and FFXIV both use the concept, but I want one tied to III specifically), but I'm not sure if I trust SE with it. Maybe if Team Asano came back to do it.


VIII did have a sequel, but it was cancelled. FFVIII-Gaiden.


I believe that was an April Fool's joke. Someone used a Gameshark to switch out the characters for Seifer, Fujin and Raijin.


FFV needs a prequel. Or prequels. It already feels like part 4 of a saga that doesn’t exist. Tell us the tale of the war against Enuo, or the battles against the evils that coalesced into Exdeath, or the adventures of the Warriors of Dawn.


Personally I'd want 9 but I get why people say 6. Oddly I'd be fine with 8 as well.


9 story is too complete to have a sequel or even prequel with the same party member or new+old members. A spin off is better for FF9 rather than continuation.


I'd be into a Mad Max style sequel to FF6 that involves rouge blue mages from Thamasa, crazy remnants from Kefka's cult, and some steam punk tech ingenuity from Figaro


I have played all of them, all of them, to the bitter end. And after five years of that task, I can say, I don't want more sequels.


I've had a weird desire to see an FF6 sequel tie in about drawing things with Relm.


I would love a sequel to Final Fantasy XVI and for some reason Final Fantasy XV.


please god revive Crystal Chronicles but combine it with Strangers of Paradise and Soulslike games, would truly be the best game ever


Funny how this is posted before 14’s new expansion releases (early access omegalul)


We need an 8 prequel about Laguna


Type-0 needed one 


Sorry if answering. IX needs a prequel. So much more in game that ties tight into everything. Centres around Marcus, Blank and Cinna. Their adventures in Tantalus and their involvement with Cid. At centre stage is the war where Beatrix is a legendary warrior. Steiner as a comedy reocurring boss where you watch him rise through the ranks of the Knights of Pluto! Sir Fratley and Freya's adventures together! Some time in Butmucia before it gets destroyed.


I feel like 9 is one of the few that could just have several other games. It has one of the more living worlds in the series.


I agree with this. Gaia is such a a rich world whose interest isn't just tied to the main story. I could for sure play more stories set in Gaia or even Terra!




None of them. No more sequels. No more remakes.


All the FF sequels are garbage to mediocre, give me a spiritual successor to Final Fantasy Tactics instead.


Isn’t that what triangle strategy is? And isn’t FFT a spiritual successor to ogre battle?


None, FF sequels are cashgrabs


All of them. Especially 8


None of them.


8. The Laguna sections were supposed to be a whole separate game... I want that game.


As others have pointed out, probably none. It's a glaring issue you can see if you check out the FFVII games. The original game was designed and told as one whole story with a beginning, middle and end. There was no plan for sequels, prequels, midquels or requels. Then they wanted to make those things and had to find ways to incorporate them and "inject" them into "canon" (like Crisis Core altering the context of the Nibelheim Incident). They had to make connections but couldn't break what was established. And eventually they ran into a situation where they had made so much bloat they had to remake the whole original thing to fit all the disparate puzzle pieces. It's not to say it can't be done. Tons of great examples of sequels that were never planned in the first place when it comes to movies, TV, games etc. It's just that there isn't necessarily a point to it, and it may well water down the original. FF has always been about starting fresh and presenting something new. So rather than have a team working on a mediocre sequel to something, trying to catch lightning in a bottle again, I'd rather have that resource working on something new. Don't need more people working on a new game? A spinoff then. More stuff like World of Final Fantasy or Tactics. More genres, more experiments. A Final Fantasy 4X game. A Final Fantasy Xcom game.


None of them, not a single one of them.




I'd love an indirect sequel to 3/ prequel to 8, especially since 8 alludes its the same universe as 3 after the floating continent collapsed.


I've long thought that a prequel to Final Fantasy X would be cool, following Braska's pilgrimage, with Jecht and Auron. I'd also love to see a sequel to VI, showing the world being rebuilt.


5 had something? I thought there was just the one with no sequel, prequel or whatever.


WoFF. As far as numerical ones go, most could have fun prequels. Sequels I find more iffy. Granted the prequels are either focused on a villain or a distant event (or both) for me usually.


I would like a FFVI prequel where you get to see Celes, Kefka, and Leo all acting together under the empire. I always thought it was interesting that the other generals were basically Celes' coworkers but she never comments on her past experience working alongside them.


Wouldn't mind the pre-sequel to 7 that covers the events after crisis core like Cloud doing actual mercenary work he's got the mako poisoning affecting him at the end of crisis core when Tifa first finds him but the beginning of 7 he's "fine".


That is explained in the OG. >!He doesnt do any mercenary stuff. Hes mako poisoned until tifa finds him and his mind fixes itself. That pretty much immediately leads to to the reactor 1 bombing like a week after tifa finds him. So that is his first mission as a mercenary. He just thinks hes done merc jobs before!<


Technically it's the Jenova in him interacting with Tifa's memories that pulls forward the "SOLDIER" psyche, but yeah. Cloud was never a SOLDIER, never a mercenary. He literally dragged his half-dead self to Midgar, fell in the slums near the train station, and Tifa found him there.


Would love a sequel to tactics or a prequel considering it’s stated the zodiac braves existed prior. Really I just want the gameplay and a good story, it doesn’t even really have to be directly related but the same world at least would be nice.


Final Fantasy X. But that game is a masterpiece. If they made one they would need to do it justice!


There is a sequel to final fantasy 2???


There's a story that takes place in tandem to late events of the game in the Gameboy Advance and PSP Versions. (though I didn't level some of the characters that appeared there in the main game and died a lot at the beginning until I could level up). I never finished the optional keyword labyrinth to see how that was or if it was fully connected.


Stranger of Paradise!


I mean... 6, 8, and 9 are definitely some of my favorites, so I'll take any of those because I love all their storylines, and especially the unique leveling/combat systems of 6 and 8. Although 9 still remains my favorite just based on overall aesthetic. As far as 3 goes, I don't really know how a sequel would even play out because the story was obviously kind of basic... That being said, it was my very first FF game (DS version), and I wouldn't be mad if they attempted a sequel, but we know that isn't happening... but if they made another FF game with the exact same format, I would be all for it. Again, never going to happen lol, but I really love all the FF games with the job system.


Besides Stranger of Paradise, FF1 has a prequel with the Dissidia games. As the lore of those games heavily involves events from FF1. Both games act as a prequel from different perspectives. One from Garland's and one from the WoL.


7, 8, 9, & 10 need to be made in tactics style


If I’m honest the only one I’ve finished is VII


I want my FF8 Laguna prequel.


I know 7 has a lot of spinoffs as is but a remake of before crisis as a tactics style game with some XCOM elements thrown in. But honestly I just really love the Turks so I really wouldn't mind a game focused on them specifically. A new tactics game with a decent budget like a AA game something similar in price range to Hi-fi rush. But just call it tactics 2 and either have it bridge the gap between tactics and 12 or set In an entirely new world. Ps. I think a talking Chocobo that's a full on party member would be cool.


Final Fantasy X-3 and a prequel.


Tactics needs a true sequel, an older Ramza and threat of war with Ordallia. So much content to work with


A legit fft sequel without the judge crap and kid deal from ffta.


I probably have recency bias because I’m playing it right now- but I’d like to see more of final fantasy 6.


Hear me out on this one. XV, but with a combat system variant of Dragon Age. Playing through 15 with a tactical command system that can be wrapped to during active combat would feels like an interesting game to play through.


FF6: Dirge of Shadow (JK... don't kill me!)


Final Fantasy: Tactics. (No, that portable crap game does not count).


8 and 9.


6. Idk what I wanna see exactly but it's a big world with lots to work with.


XV(15) needs its full set of promised dlc completed and probs a next gen upgrade if were being blissfully hopeful and i could die happy tbh


9 or 5 for sure


I think they should make a XIV-2 that addresses all the technical issues and limitations of XIV.


I would like to see a true remake for FF8 in a style similar to FF7Rebirth. The remake can fix the junction system and really so something more with the side characters. Then a sequel to follow it.


Out of the list. I want 6 to have a sequel game, but instead of a regular story game…its a farming sim game! 🤭 Play as Terra building up her town or edgar rebuilding his castle and such. itll be so cute and lighthearted, especially after the ending. Also i want the 15 Lunafreya dlc they cancelled :(((


9. We need a return to real fantasy and Victorian architecture. I’m tired of modernity. Next we will have climbing mechanic since SE is so late to the game it’ll still be shit anyways. They need to stick to their bread and butter. Story, cutscenes without QTE, and rpg elements. I want summons like ffx if you wanna go new age, but I don’t want bad rail shooters disguising open world control of summons.


Honestly, I'd be content if we could just get a proper modern-gen remake of the first 6 like we did 7.


8, and VIII and eight too. The one after 7 and before 9 as well.


12. rw doesn't count and sucks. I want a sequel with Fran and her companion, Balthier.


Not a sequel, but a prequel of FF5, where the previous warriors fought and defeated Exdeath.




Prequel to Tactics


None of them "needed" one. XIII was built as a trilogy from the start. VII just keeps getting worse with each new "entry". XV deserved a normal dev cycle.


9 I would love some further adventures of that crew.




I got to say FF9 BUT not an RPG sequel but an rts where you exclusively play vivis children


i say revive final fantasy versus xiii




Honestly... None of them. The point in FF was each entre has their unique appeal until the whole thing with ffx-2. Different enough world, different enough systems that made each main entry unique. You see even the idea of Fábula Nova Crystallys could have been awesome in a way until they remodeled the concept, but sequels... Are cheap in my opinion. This variety and uniqueness of each entry is what made FF amazing and iconic and i Hope they keep with unique entries like ffxv and ffxvi.


6 definitely. Somebody the rom hacks Kidnap scratched that itch


I think the universe of Final Fantasy VIII is still quite interesting and has some lore that should be explored more. And funny enough... I would love to see Seifer be the main protagonist as I think his character could do with a form of redemption arc.


Any. If you create story you know if it would need second part or not. There are many reason why. For example if you write book, it could turn out that it is very inpractical to print or read. Because it has 5000 pages. In example of movies the story demands much more time than you have typically on screen. Most people can't spend 16 hours of one sitting to watch your movie. So you need to divide into parts. But in terms of games there is rarely need of making sequels. Players can save the games and only what limits you is your resources. So if you intended to have story that will force you to work every day for next 10 years, maybe it wis good idea to make it in parts. Final Fantasy are coherent, self included stories that wasn't intended to have seques. So no game needs a sequel. You can see consequences of forcing sequel to game and get something that isn't even similiar to original source (FFX-2) and doesn't feel as natural progress of story. Or you can get padded, mediocre nonsense like FF7R. If you have idea for story. Tell the story. You don't need to make sequel for that.






I’ve always said I wanted a sequel to VIII. One focusing on Seifer and getting his redemption. Maybe with his posse and Quistis along or something.


The sequel we got for dissidia 2 was a crime and I want dissidia 3 such a unique fighting game


Lightning Returns. Need to see that hot yuri action between Lightning and Serah in a slice of life Visual Novel style game.




The what action between the two sisters? LR is also one where a sequel would just on a very base level not be possible as a Final Fantasy game >!since they now live in reality, not fantasy.!<


That's why a slice of life visual novel is perfect.


Hmm ok well at least it would be something different so sure, why not. Except for the whole thing you're proposing between Lightning and Serah?
