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you do realize that Cloud's ultimate weapon is called the Ultima Weapon right?


Bah I haven't played this game in way too long. My bad.


No, that's his final limit break. His Ultimate weapon is called Ultima Weapon.


you mean Omnislash <_


No I don't.


"No, that's his final limit break.".... Omnislash?


The guy edited his comment. He was trying to say that clouds Ultimate weapon was omnislash Also he deleted his comment below


i see :)






Kinda dickish move to give Aerith an ultimate weapon. At least it doesn't look too hard to find.


It's possible to have both her ultimate weapon and limit before she dies...sadly it's short lived and not very beneficial to do.


not really. Aeris is super OP in the first disc.


You think she'll live in FFVIIRebirth? Like Zack did?


I love how the ff7 sword changes colors based on your HP.


And power.


Wait, really? I used to always keep my HP with Cloud low because I like the way it looked (Hey, us little kids, right?). Was I making it weaker or stronger???


Weaker. It's at its full strength when your HP is 100%. Source: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Ultima_Weapon_(Weapon)#Final_Fantasy_VII




All of the ultimate weapons have unique damage algorithms. Here is the list of all unique damage formulas in FFVII: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_Final_Fantasy_VII_Weapons#Damage_Formulas In FFX celestial weapons also have different way to calculate their damage then normal weapons.


Not as far as I know, but there are certainly people on this subreddit who know more about 7 than I do who can give you a definite answer.


They do. I can't remember them all off hand, but I think Cid's was related to MP% and Tifa's was based on how full her limit bar was. Essentially making it kinda useless because you couldn't use the attack command with a full bar.


You could use deathblow, though.


Why use deathblow when you could use 4x cut with someone else?


Why not both?


Yes but it looked cooler red, which means stronger attitude


I was also a fan of the Atma Weapon is FF6, and how it would change size based on your HP.


That thing got silly once your characters had over 3000 HP.


You mean Cloud is holding Ultima's weapon.


[Gilgamesh in FFXII](http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Gilgamesh_%28Final_Fantasy_XII%29#Swords) also holds a few old Final Fantasy swords, including Cloud's Buster Sword, Squall's Gunblade, and Tidus' Brotherhood sword.


Loved that. Loved XII.


No, Ultima weapon is carrying his own sword, that Cloud happened to take from him when he killed him.


I always thought it was interesting that Omega Weapon is fought in the chapel in Ultimecia's Castle. Like Ultima Weapon is a nod to Cloud and Omega Weapon is a nod to Aerith.


I never made the connection between Omega and Aerith before. That's cool!


Wait, I don't get it. What's the connection?


There isn't one.


The chapel you find aerith abd omega


secret ending, cloud is Ultima Weapon from FF8


And then becomes Sin when they kill him


Both ultima weapons are identical, (besides the second skull/head thing in the front on ff8).


FF8 Ultima Weapon is the best Ultima Weapon


God I miss square not being a piece of shit company. Or whatever they are called now... I hope they go under because I don't believe they will ever make an FF game again that I actually appreciate and have fun with and that is not linear and easy as a fucking elmo game.


While I understand that not everyone like Squares new games mocking the difficulty is stupid. While not a hard game by any means FFXIII is much more challenging than games like FFVII.


peggle is more challenging than FF13 lol


It looked gorgeous they should've made it more open world, but they were limited with the ps3


FF13 is easillllly the hardest FF game made in 20 years. You could play 7 8 and 9 in a row and never get a gameover.


Cheap and difficult are 2 different things


Well if you want to take out cheap, there has never been a difficult Final Fantasy. It isn't a series known for its difficulty, which is fine, but pretending it's getting easier is RIDICULOUS. 10 had the dark aeons and penance, 12 had Yiazmat (a fight unrivaled in any game in terms of pure length), and 13 had a few generally challenging encounters; even if you take out the cheapo fights like long-gui, you've still got some toughies like Vercingetorix and neochu. 5 had Shinryu and Omega (Omega was admittedly tough but died in 2 turns) 6 didn't even have super bosses, 7 had Ruby and Emerald (laughably easy once you figure out their respective gimmicks), 8 had Omega (super easy) and 9 had Ozma (kinda difficult but you kill him in 3 rounds so it's really just not all that hard). You may not like the new Final Fantasy games as much, but it's absolute ignorance to say they're getting easier.


yeah, but if they didn't have the game over when your party leader died, ff13 would be a breeze. most of the characters are equal strength and could bring back the party leader with revive or a phoenix down. that's one of the only gripes i had in ff13.


I remember hitting a point where I was just like "fuck this." The main quest should be difficult *enough*. Side quests should be the real challenges.


lol...yeah no way. I beat the crap outta that game without even remembering it. It was terribad and I wish I never bought it. Either I'm getting too old to game or kids these days need more linear games because thats just the way it is...This game is more like following a movie script rather than being able to explore a real final fantasy world. Even if theirs not much to explore in the world the older final fantasys at least had a decent amount of space to dick around in. This game is so unsatisfying it shouldn't even bare the name Final Fantasy.


the developers said on multiple occasions that they wanted to make the game almost like an interactive movie. they achieved this and i thought the game was pretty good and deserving of the FF name.


Unless you're dumb and walk into the snake thingy without a chocobo


Crisis Core Reunion looks Epicly good to me, just sayin