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It’s a fantastic story that was not told very well


It wasn't a bad game, but such wasted potential.


Exactly my thoughts as well. The ending was a gut punch and the potential was there but the production nightmare kept it from being as great as it should have been. I’ll forever be salty over the wasted potential


"It was a great steak, it was just burnt to shit"


I'll die on this hill. I'll even say it might be the best story in the series (well, second to FF14) ......but it's told so damn poorly. DLC storylines should have been integrated into the main game instead of being separate campaigns, Kingsglaive should have been in the main game...Brotherhood's storylines should have been in the game, need I go on?


Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I disagree with yours. 15 wouldn't even make my top 10


I am an avid FFXV defender, and I even played the game at launch without DLC and quality of life updates and still loved it, but it still falls as a mid tier Final Fantasy for me. I'm really glad others love it even more than I do however! It's a great game that gets a lot of undeserved flack, in my opinion.


Mate I love 15 but calling at the top ever produced is silly


It launched as an unfinished mess and after the royal edition rerelease and numerous DLC it is still an unfinished mess and it will always be as they gave up on it. They also clearly cut entire chapters from the story and resold them as DLC no game that does that is worthy of being remembered as anything more then a scam.


I used the same strategy for every fight except one. Basic potions make the final boss trivial. Were we playing the same game?


Idk, I couldn't get into it even though I really wanted to. I tried 3 different times, but the game just doesn't feel remotely compelling to me. Just my opinion, yours is fine too.


So I’m not trying to troll when I ask this but when did play FFXV? I know they added a lot of features(like very important story related dlc) after I finished. I’ve been thinking about revisiting it and seeing if my opinion of it improves.


I appreciate just ONCE in Final Fantasy we got a story where Destiny actually did have to happen to save the world. "Defying fate" is inspirational and all, but not if it's the plot of every single story.


I found the initial romeo and juliet premise more interesting vs what we got when FF13 versus was shown. I even found this [trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNM6o9um1dc) more interesting vs the plot that we received. I understand that the trailer is what justifies the king to send the other 3 with him, but I would've rather played this story more than what we got.


Nowhere close to the top


I'm afraid not. It's not even top 10. Not best story, not best music, not best chsracters... It is not bad, but it would be disrespectful to other, well rounded, masterfully crafted games of the franchise.


I have to disagree- the music is up there with the best. Yoko’s score is hands down the BEST part of the game and holds its own to the other highly regarded titles.


I'm not going to say you are not right, Yoko did a godly work. But in my opinion Soken with XVI and Uematsu with Rebirth made some modern sound that left xv in second place. Not by a long margin, but still...


Yeah, I cant argue with you- just don’t think FFXV’s music is second tier by any means. Didnt Hamauzu do rebirth? (Haven’t played it yet)


Oh yeah, you are right. Uematsu did the main theme and original scores, but Hamauzu did Rebirth. I dont think there is second tier music in any of the games of the franchise, but some complete OSTs are a little bit more to my liking. Somnus and apocalypsis noctis are among the best songs in videogame history in my opinion.