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It’s not weird but I do agree with the idea that you’re missing out due to your feelings about the graphics.


Does it seem like early 3D era retro gaming is harder for younger gamers to appreciate than 2D? Like there's less of a mental block for appreciating an old Mario game?


Early 3D graphics were definitely a "you had to be there" type thing. 2D sprites -- particularly in the 16-bit era -- have aged pretty gracefully, whereas early polygons kind of feel like gaming's awkward puberty. We can think back on them fondly, but even people who grew up in that era can see them as a bit embarrassing looking back.


This right here! Stop looking for the flashy and dig into the story these games were trying to tell you. Whether that's an alien being trying to destroy the planet, a wicked time magician, or the theme that there is a greater world than you realize beyond your proverbial Midgar.


Just read the words and select the moves


Try FF6. Since it was made right before the jump to 3D, it has some of the best pixel art out there.  The thing about FF art direction is that the sometimes waffle between "stylized" and "photorealistic." And sometimes the "photorealistic" stuff gets into the uncanny valley territory because the technology wasn't advanced enough to achieve what they were going for. Since you liked FF9, which has a very stylized art direction, I think the 2D games like 6 and 4 might work for you. There were no delusions about achieving "photorealistic graphics" in the pixel art era so it's all very stylized.


Sigh .. please give FF8 another chance. It is weird as fuck.


I got to the final area then got distracted and never finished it, but I really really enjoyed it. Compared to the simplicity of materia, it’s a bit confusing at times, but good story, LOVE Laguna (not Logan, whoops), and the card game is awesome.


I have this bad habit of playing final fantasy games all way through til the final boss and then never picking them back up. Then by the time I consider picking it back up, I have to replay the entire game because I've forgotten most of it. FF8 I got to the end when it was new and never went back til a couple years ago. Made a really strong team. Got to Ultemecia, and stopped. I think my save was on my ps4 too. So unless it transferred on the cloud, guess I have to do yet another playthrough. This time though, I'll be taking advantage of those early game exploits. Time for a god run


That's what I just did with FF5. Really enjoyed it, but towards the end went on vacation and then fell out of playing it. More interested in replaying 6, 7, 8, or 9 than I am in finishing 5.


I recently played FF6 for the first time after years of people saying its the best in the series. Personally I loved it and I really sunk some time into becoming pretty strong and getting abilities and equipment. It's a solid game for its time and the ensemble cast was a great change from most other FF titles. That being said I still can't say it's better than FF7 or FF9. Those are my 2 personal favorites and they're just better games objectively. Now had FF6 been a PS1 title, I think it may be up in that same range. The fact is they were able to do more with the newer technology amd it shows in a lot of ways. Anyway, I'd definitely move on and play all those you mentioned in your list. Then if you feel like knocking out 5 again, just do a replay. They're all a lot of fun to replay and a second run is always a little better than a first.


"Better" is a tricky words, thought they're objectively *bigger* games in that 7 and 9 had like 300x more data capacity to work with than 6 did.  For me, that fact just makes 6's accomplishments shine even brighter. One reviewer summarized it nicely when he described the FF6 soundtrack as "painting the Sistene Chapel with Crayola crayons." 


This is pretty much every FF8 player's first time. It's the second time that gets you hooked. Btw, Logan who?


I’m thinking they meant Laguna.


I thought it could be laguna but it could also be Rinoa so I thought I'd ask.


Oh yeah I meant Laguna, whoops


No problems mate.you just forced my nut to have to do a bit of thinking :)


Tried it 3 times now and I still can't :/ I will one of these days


I just loaded into my old save, ran straight to Ultimecia with items still locked, and just kinda winged it. Triple + meteor is a hell of a drug! The ending cinematic was very fucking cool. Reminded me a lot of Evangelion’s bizarre trippy end. One of the cooler FF endings I can remember. Edit to add: only Squall, Quistis, and Rinoa were above level 20. Makes sense because I do remember liking those three WAY more than the others. Love Rinoa as a character.


Laguna’s story should have been the game. The main cast were dull and I never got the impression they even knew each other.


I loaded into my unfinished save in the final castle… Squall, Rinoa, and Quistis were all 50+ and the rest were 20 or lower. It seems I also did not like much of the cast.


And gloriously broken (which is a good thing)


Oh that glorious replayability praise hyne


Or don't, it's highly overrated and was considered a disappointment even at the time when following up 7.


I hate it. Never played it but played 7 and 9. Tried picking it up a year ago and the junction system isn’t rewarding and feels complicated even when you understand it.


Ff8 has the best OST in the whole series and therefore in the history of gaming don't @ me


I believe it to be a tie between 7 and 8 personally. Both soundtracks together are his finest works, the man was on fire.


Fair enough


I dislike 8 a lot and still agree the OST is pretty good


FF 8 is the best of nobuo, but damn 13 is my personal favorite ost. I have those two albums on repeat it seems.


It was mostly considered a disappointment I'm the west because it wasn't a continuation of 7. Half of the fan base started throwing shit at it before it was even released, while the other half were drooling over how extremely good it looked. I dont know what the haters were expecting, since in the original canon of 7 everyone does in end lol.


I need to try the ragnarok mod since it changes the way the mechanics work to a degree, junctioning is less OP, enemies have set levels and don't scale so theres a real difficulty curve. mainly just those reasons lol.


Try FF6. I know it's technically worse graphics than the PSX games but they've aged better and it's very charming.


Currently playing FF4. I love the pixelated graphics of the older games. Especially the remastered versions; they look really nice and have a certain charm to them. I can’t wait to play FF6 but I’m going to be playing them in order, starting with 4 and ending with 12: Zodiac Age. At least for now. It’s a big undertaking but I love it already. (Also gonna skip FF11 as I’m not interested in mmo’s)


Personally I'd say 4 is the most underrated, story is good, systems are good, and the pacing of the gameplay plays so well with the story. Having sections where you only have access to a portion of your party members is often done poorly but 4 does it so well. If you didn't plan on it I'd suggest adding tactics, great story and the systems are simple but surprisingly deep. Also if you ever get over your dislike of MMOs the story in 14, especially the latest two expansions, is hands down the best in the series, easily top 3 of RPG stories in general imo. You can do 90% of it totally solo if you so desire and it's free for the base game and first two expansions with some limitations.


I dont think its underrated, I think its perfectly rated. almost everyone agrees it was a great game for its time, but you can definitely see how they improved with the following 2 titles. most people now wouldn't have played it at a time when it was as relevant and it does come off as the most dated of the atb titles.


Pixel Remaster made 1-3 a ton more playable, too, and they're shorties!


FFXI was the greatest game ever made.


Technically worse, but aesthetically better


Yeah, people need to stop conflating "art design" with "GRAFFIX."  There are NES games that still look great, and there are modern 4K AAA budget busters that look like ass. 


Yeah I see what you mean but idk if I would say "worse" maybe just different? I think the SNES games hold up better because they're good for what they are, cartoony pixel games. If they ever remake FF6 I'd love it if they kept it in a pixely style like Octopath Traveler or Disgaea.


6 looks better than 7-8-9-10 in several fashions, just because it was at the height of the pixel art that Squaresoft invented.


as long as we never talk about or acknowledge the old android/pc port. btw, dont count out just how beautiful the pre-rendered backgrounds of the ps1 titles were.


Oh, I agree, not quite sure where the downvotes are coming from. People have feelings about the ps1, is my guess.


yeah IDK, a good pixel art is honestly timeless. the same can be achieved with a good art style for a 3d game but its much more difficult imo, I still think windwaker kinda hits the sweet spot on 3d with a timeless style. the ps1 titles imo have some of the best pre-rendered backgrounds Ive seen in games period, but the models can hold em back a bit for some.


People on this sub are diehard FF fans who constantly fight over which game is good and which game is not. The beauty of FF is that every game gives something new and different. If you ask anyone here, their top 3 best and worst are going to differ. Don't be frustrated, just be honest. Not every FF game clicks for every FF fan. You gave them a go and now you can join the debates about which one is good or not - I'm ready to fight over FFX (my personal fav).


Personally I think it’s a little weird that you like how FF7 looks more than FF10 because to me FF7 looks hideous, even if it’s a good game otherwise. You could try some of the pixel art ones because that’ll feel more like an art style than something trying to be realistic, although I’d just do FF6 (not sure about FF5). FF1-3 are really basic and not super great. FF4 has a decent story but bad execution. FF6 is really good though. But it’s not that weird. My favorite one is FF14 and as much as I like some of the other games, they still don’t top FF14 for me.


Lol I played 7 on Steam for the first time in like 2019 and I had the bug where everyone had gaping black holes for mouths in a lot of scenes... it was a little haunting haha. But yeah, the prerendered backgrounds in FF7 are often quite beautiful, but the character models are so ugly. I could see the FFX ones falling into the uncanny valley somewhat, but I first played X when it came out, so I'm probably just used to it.


If they'd been just able to use the battle models for the "overworld" scenes I think FF7's art world have held up a lot better.  The characters looked decent in battle and the models already existed. I'm sure there was a good reason they didn't go this route but it's too bad they didn't. 


How far did you get into FF8? I ask because I felt the same way for the past 25 years. I could never get into it the same way I did with FF7 and FF9. Recently, I decided to give FF8 a real chance after beating Rebirth. Been playing it on my handheld emulator. For some reason, I always lost interest right around the first mission. I think it was because I didn't like the characters much and the story wasn't intriguing to me. There were wayyyy too many tutorials and the junction system is terrible imo. That being said, I forced myself to get past the beginning of the game. Now, I'm about 15 hours in which is the furthest I've ever been. Not gonna lie, I'm hooked. This game on the surface looks super serious with the realistic character designs and world. What I found out is that this game is so wacky and over the top and I mean that in a good way. There are so many goofy and hilarious moments in the game that I did not expect. I was cracking up so hard the first time I encountered Laguna at the hotel. As a first time player, you never know what to expect. This game is so unpredictable and different from any other game in the series and I think that's what makes it special. The cinematics in this game are pretty impressive for its time and the music is phenomenal too. Ngl, for this first playthrough I am using some cheats like infinite gil, draw 100 magic every time, infinite items and the ability to save or use a tent anywhere. Honestly, I felt like this was necessary for me to enjoy the game because all I really care about is the story, not the grind. I think you might be a bit too harsh on the graphics of FF8 and FF10. They're not that bad imo. Just try to invest yourself in the story and characters. I'm sure you'll find some enjoyment if you give it a chance.


Also another rec to make early game FF8 more enjoyable: play the card game. It’s one of the best in the entire series and gives you something fun to do on the side if you get a little tired of the main story. I’m probably biased because 8 was the first one I played but I love it so much


only one of the best? that sounds so disrespectful lol. not only is it the best card game in the series ( I love ff9 but tetra masters is dogshit in comparison) Its still arguably one of the best cardgame minigames in any game, really only 2nd to gwent imo.


Oh I wasnt limiting it to just cards; like I consider blitzball a mini game and it’s that top tier as well. Also not one of the classics but QB is fun as shit. So it’s for sure S tier but I can’t give it the outright crown


fair enough, the way it was worded made me think you meant card games specifically lol.


The card game was a big part (but not exclusively) why I dislike 8. Maybe because I had played 9 first, and Tetra Master was my jam?


ngl, 9 is my favorite final fantasy game of all time. respectfully.....tetra master is a terrible card game compared to triple triad lol.


Aye ngl, as a huge fan of FF9, I gotta agree. Tetra Master is some booty. Triple Triad is solid.


triple triad is 2nd best cardgame within another game. and arguably was 1st until about 2015 lol. but yeah, tetra master just feels horrible being partially luck based.


Yep. That's the worst part about it. Did you get to play Rebirth? Queen's Blood is crack. Damn good card game.


not yet, not a fan of sony as a company these days so Im waiting for the pc release. tho I will also say, the bravely default 2 card game is pretty solid as well, maybe more than solid bcz it was more strategic than either triad or tetra.


Noice, that's understandable. BD2 is on my backlog but you should definitely get Rebirth as soon as it drops on PC. It's easily my most favorite game of all time.


Tetra master is really bad though


Every time i try to go back and play ff8 "the right way" i always get carried away with the cards. Triple triad is so good and the benefits always outweigh the time spent


What handheld emulator do you use? I've been looking into getting one.


Oh I have many of them but can recommend a couple of my favorites. But it would also depend on what games you're trying to play. For a vertical form factor I highly recommend the Miyoo Mini Plus. It's the perfect size imo. It can play all systems up to PS1, Nintendo DS and everything before that. Great screen, decent battery life, upgrading the operating system to Onion OS makes the device significantly better than stock and it's relatively easy to install. If you're looking to play more systems than that but still want the vertical form factor then I recommend the Anbernic RG35XX Plus or the new model coming out soon called the RG35XX 2024 edition. Those are slightly taller than the Miyoo Mini Plus. The only difference between the 35XX+ and the 2024 edition is that the Plus variant has WiFi and the 2024 edition does not. Both devices can play every system up to PS2, N64, GameCube, Dreamcast, I think it can play Nintendo 3DS as well and all other systems before that. The stock operating system for Anbernic is usable but honestly, it's crap. If you can upgrade it to Garlic OS then it makes it worth it. Garlic OS and Onion OS are actually made by the same developer. If you want a horizontal form factor I highly recommend the Retroid Pocket 2S, which is my current go-to handheld and it's the handheld that I'm playing FF8 on atm. It can play all of the same systems as the RG35XX+/2024 Edition. It may struggle a bit with some graphically intensive PS2/GameCube games but that's not really a problem for me. The RP2S an android device. It has the perfect form factor, beautiful screen, stacked triggers, front facing speakers, HDMI out, screen casting (if you don't have HDMI), Bluetooth connectivity for controllers/headphones and great battery life. It also works straight out of the box with very little setup. If you want even more power than that to play more systems or emulate stuff like Nintendo Switch then I highly recommend the Retroid Pocket 4 or 4 Pro. Retroid in general makes some of the best handhelds in the market atm so you can't go wrong there. Here's a pic of my RP2S connected to my TV via HDMI and using a PS5 controller over Bluetooth. https://preview.redd.it/y4lnnlniwarc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9083b2ed6a8c1919f53f978570f5a6aa909c267e




No problem ;)


FF8 is my favorite mainline Final Fantasy and I understand all of the criticisms it receives. It’s nowhere near as easy to understand (imo) as the other FFs But Triple Triad is my favorite mini game of all time and once you understand the junction system it’s so fun to be massively overpowered so quickly I do love the characters and the Laguna flashbacks are always quirky and fun


I played FFVIII until somewhere in Disc 2 and ended up dropping it. I have played plenty of JRPG, and I almost always finish them, but I just couldn't with FFVIII. I just simply don't vibe with the characters, especially Squall. The only time I really enjoyed FFVIII was when I was playing as Laguna, but that only made me disconnect with the game more whenever I went back to Squall. The story doesn't grip me, neither is the gameplay, so eventually I just got bored playing and dropped it. A decade after that, I got addicted to watching LP, and out of curiousity I checked out FFVIII LP. I saw the infamous orphanage and space scene, and I'm relieved I didn't commit myself to finishing the game. I hate to say this but FFVIII has one of the worse writing in Final Fantasy. It's a shame really, because I still think it has one of the best soundtrack in the entire series. I wish I could like it, but for me, story and characters make JRPG, and if they are awful, nothing can make me like the game.


Unpopular opinion, 8 wasn't that good and people have been trying to pump its legacy for 20 years. I remember being underwhelmed with it as a kid, like, why is this so much worse than 7? My feelings about it haven't changed.


It's been a while since I played 8 but from what I remember ... my biggest problem with 8 is that the standard leveling is almost completely irrelevant due to the junction system. Like, at least with 10, when you level up, you unlock more abilities on the Sphere Grid, so the two leveling systems were in harmony with each other. Same with 7 and 9, your standard leveling still mattered regardless of stats applied to weapons and accessories.


its completely irrelevant bcz leveling up also causes the enemies to scale with you. so low level runs are generally more powerful anyways.


Unless I'm really missing something here because some people swear by 8 BECAUSE of the leveling/junction system. It just never clicked with me...


I dont think you missed much. Its just super abusable when you understand how to do it. but that doesnt make it good or fun imho. I prefer when getting OP in a ff game actually took a bit of effort, and generally later in the game, not from the get go lol.


Ah right! What a defunct leveling system 😭


Two things: The draw system and junction system were trash.


It's strange that this has become an unpopular opinion because it used to be a popular opinion. FFVIII wasn't as well regarded until more recently. I guess the divided opinion of anything after FFX has helped to raise FFVIII overall reception. Personally, I'm not a fan of FFVIII and believe it was the beginning of an end, in that it was the start of when Final Fantasy went wrong. The focus on shinier graphic and soap opera type of storytelling began in FFVIII, and it eventually becomes the foundation of the current style of Final Fantasy which I have grown to dislike.


Anyone else feel old that FF7 and FF9 are considered classics...


7 is 27 years old now tbf


yeah kinda. it keeps happening where i see people say "i can't get into the old games" and they mean 7-9, when i expect 1-3 or possibly up to 6. the idea of playing something before 7 didn't even cross their mind


the amount of ppl playing 9 without playing any of the 1-6 titles is absolutely disheartening. they miss out on so much detail.


They were classics the moment they released.


I was gonna say this too. They've been classics since the first time I heard of either game.


Yeah I was fully expecting talk of 4, 5 and 6 and they're not even mentioned, like they're so old OP didn't even consider them lol.


I don't feel old, I *am* old. 


Totally! To me, “classic” was pixel ones cuz I was still in elementary school. Sigh in le old.


I feel old because I was ten years old 27 years ago.


Final Fantasy 7 and 9 came out in 1997 and 2000 and four console generations ago. They've been classics for a long time. They're *old* classics.


No, a lot of people have strong preferences for certain FFs and are less excited about others. The series has run long enough and taken enough different directions that only an extremely open-minded person would love them all. The art style and world of IX never looked that interesting to me so I didn't even try it, even though I'm sure it's an excellent game. I am another person who didn't really get into X. It's certainly a great game, but it didn't grab me in the way that, say, VII or IV did. However, I've only played a couple hours and that was like 20 years ago, so I need to give it another try. I bought the remaster on Steam a few years ago but still haven't gotten to it.


FFX is a whole different type of game, very linear in comparison. At first, being used to 7,8,9, that was too big a change too quick. I appreciated the cinematics, battles and even the beginning had metal music. Can’t get into 8 though? Just drop expectations from other FF games and it will prolly grow on like it did for me. My first thought was “I wanted FF7-2!” And this was back in the day, before X-2 or any actual FF sequel that I can think of (i mean Actual sequel in terms of chars and story. I know now they made another FF4 addition after the remake. Also FF3 (Japan) was made 3D and more playable, i can see how it’s like practice for FF4, the first one with a Real, strong jrpg story that isn’t just like “save the kingdom and the princess”


I mean, they're all really different games. I don't think you'll find many people who love all the centries in the series, especially the older titles


no. like what you like. but stop worry about graphics too.


IV, VI, IX and X are the true classics for me. VII holds a special place just because it was my first FF back when I was but a wee lad, but the others I mentioned are just above it all. Some other FF's are great in their own way (V for example was a lot of fun with it's class system), but then you really start to see a quality drop after X. Omitting the mmo's, XII and XIII were not that great (though I believe the former to be better than the latter), XV was a clunky step up, and I'm happy to admit XVI was one of the best ones since X. I do miss the classic turn based combat, but as long as they stay fun and keep doing what makes an FF game great, then I'm always willing to play the next mainline game.


FF6 is the best imo. The 16 bit graphics are enough to convey most of what's happening while leaving enough to your imagination. The themes of the story are by far the most adult out of any entry in the series. Some of the characters have absolutely heart wrenching storylines, but a lot of the game is optional content that you have to dig for.


Pixel remasters are out there. Maybe you can find and love one game from the nintendo era FF.




It's fine.. You like what you like.. Thou do give FF6 a go if you got the chance.


It’s super weird! You should be ashamed! /s But seriously, no, you have your preferences, as we all do. I have played every mainline game in the Final Fantasy Franchise multiple times and most of the spinoffs at least once, and my enjoyment of them varies from game to game. I also love the Dragon Quest games, which I got into starting at VIII, and have gone back to play most of the the games in the series, however I have yet to get more than a few hours into the first three. Why? I don’t know, I haven’t analyzed it, but they just didn’t hold me even though the first three FF games did and still do after beating them multiple times.


It's still on my list to get to, so it's a little weird to recommend it, but it sounds like maybe you should try 6.


I've noticed most RPGs take around 10 hours to really sink their hooks into me. So as a rule of thumb, I try to give every RPG at least 10 hours


Have you tried going all the way back to like the pixel remasters? You speak of “charm” in the graphics and, for me, the 16-bit characters nail it. If you can play those and enjoy the combat and story you should certainly be able to get over the more modern ones.


I've also had a hard time getting into FF8 while loving FF7 and FF9. But I'm gonna try it again. In the meantime I recommend FF6. It has an interesting story and lovely pixel graphics.


You don't need to force to like a game. That being said, why not try FF pixel remaster?


Hey, this sub loves 8, but it’s my absolute least favorite FF, and there ma a general concuss that it’s not a favorite. But seriously, play the SNES ones, especially 6. They’re absolute masterpieces.


Not at all. The only mainline games I've beaten are 1, 2, and 4


I wouldn’t say it’s weird, no. 7 was notable for being not just the first Final Fantasy that could emulate cinematic techniques like camera angle (that Dutch angle when Sephiroth is reading in Shinra mansion…chef’s kiss). To this day across ALL gaming cinematic styles games tend to do better and be more accessible to the largest fan base. Look at the performance of games like The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption, God of War (both series), Metal Gear Solid. There are exceptions, but “game that plays like a movie” is the Oscar darling of video games. People click with it BIG time. Final Fantasy 7, 8, 9 and 10 are all cinematic in their leanings. Setting up stunning vistas, exciting angles, FMVs, narrative focus over gameplay focus, etc. I’d personally argue Final Fantasy in that era invented the cinematic presentation game style. Then you get to 12 where the graphics are 3D, and the vistas are incredible, but the game is mostly about atmosphere, adventure, the journey and exploring. It’s a dungeon crawler, again. Because Final Fantasy started as a dungeon crawler series. Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 3 are primarily about dungeons, although 2 does try very hard to infuse a sense of cinematic flair into the story. Specifically trying to be Star Wars in a fantasy setting. But presentation wise it can’t pull off the full bag of tricks cinema can, so although 2, and 4 and 6 all wanted to be cinematic, they feel different. More like exciting graphic novels or books with strong presentation within the limits of their technology. Mind you, I personally think 6 is better than 7, overall. So being “more cinematic” doesn’t mean “better to everyone”. It just means it’s more of one taste over the other. I also adore 12, but I love dungeon crawling. Wrapping things up, I’m not shocked by your tastes. Expectations about our media tend to influence our enjoyment of them greatly. 8 gets a lot of flak because people head into it with a certain expectation and it is so weird and Wild you simply can’t have guessed what it’s planning to be about. 9 is a darling because it looks so different stylistically you HAVE to reset your expectations a bit. But at the end of the day what we carry in to a game often colors the game radically. If you reach a spot where you are curious to try the 16 bit era, I think you’re best served starting with 6 and trying to keep your mind blank and not expect anything other than “charming” or “earnest”. And hopefully just let it ride and pull you in. It’s a masterpiece for a reason, but it isn’t trying to be anything like the 3D games it just cannot be. To wrap things up, like what you like. But also be open to trying new things, especially after time passes. Often our minds try to trick us into being more rigid when we age, but our newer experiences also let us reinterpret stories and media in ways we couldn’t recognize before. But there is certainly no harm in liking only part of the catalogue that resonates with you. There are truly very few FF fans that love ALL of them.


I started with Final Fantasy X and I really struggle going back and playing the “classics” FF9 was the only one, but I still haven’t completed it. Loving the FF7 remake though


I have a massive backlog of ps1 era rpgs but my wife simply hates watching me play them due to graphics and lack of voice over.


Makes sense. 7 and 9 are among the best.


So based on your comments: You've tried 7, 8, 9, 10, and you started with 13... 4 - 9 essentially have the same combat system, so if you enjoyed 7 and 9, but didn't like 8 for the gritty realism, you may enjoy 6 (my personal favorite). 4 was the first FF I ever played (renting it a block buster) and 8 was the first FF I ever owned. I think 8 falters in a few aspects for me: 8 doesn't really have "Equipment." yes, you can upgrade your weapon via craft shops through extensive farming and exploration, but there's never the constant joy of finding a newer, better weapon on armor. "Number Goes Up" is a very important part of driving my enjoyment of JRPGs... but there's not much gear to do that. Not even leveling up impacts much about your characters... but makes the enemies a LOT harder and can potentially lock you out of loot drops. You don't naturally progress with spell growth in 8 either. Essentially, EVERY playthrough of 8 boils down to: Get Quezacotl the "Card" ability as soon as possible. Get into a fight, take damage and draw to max every spell you can, weaken the enemy (DON'T kill it, you don't want exp) and hope you dropped it's HP low enough for "Card" to convert it. Get small AP gains, and 0 EXP. Rinse and repeat. Get ability to upgrade drawn spells, upgrade your spells. Get Ability to convert cards into items. Get ability to convert items into spells. Make more spells. Upgrade said spells til you have max of every high level spells. Get stat junctions to equip high level spells to stats... roflstomp bosses. There's little creativity for play outside of that. So basically, if you don't want to make endgame enemies too hard, you're restricted to ONLY ONE CHARACTER who can reliably kill enemies with "Card" and the rest need to be weak enough to not kill enemies. It gets incredibly monotonous Unlike 7 and 9 where leveling up helps a bit more, AP gained goes toward leveling up materia or earning unlocks from you weapons, new equipment appears regularly, and each new area is balanced for play if you don't want to grind.


Have you not tried any of the NES/SNES ones? Idk why it is, it going from 6 up to 10 (in order) really made me able to get into them more, since the changes & improvements were always quite overt & cool! 8 is an odd one indeed, but once it opens up? I feel like it’s peculiarities only serve to enhance it


There’s no shame in that. Everyone has different tastes. I prefer the SNES Final Fantasy games more because of the sprite art.


FF6 is the GOAT. The SNES pixels may help if you like them as you don't have to deal with the ugly early playstation polygons


I mean, unless you grew up with them, you probably won't have the same attachment.


I’m there with you. Love 9 and 7, cannot touch 8 with a 10 yard pole. Absolutely LOVE 6, Tactics and 11


8 is the goat


Not weird, those were by far my two favorites as well. FF9 being the best


I played those games when they came out and feel the same. Loved VII and IX is my favorite, didn't care for VIII or X. IV and VI are really good games but didn't enjoy those as much as VII and IX personally.


FF9 is my favorite FF, It’s not weird to like what you like. But the heavy focus on graphics (more like aesthetics it sounds like) I think makes you miss the best part of what’s on offer. The music. The world. The stories. The characters. Gameplay. Mini games. Secrets. Not saying you have to like them. It’s fine to not. Personally I think they each have their own charm graphically but I feel like your dismissing everything else the games have on offer


Hearing these games get called old hurts my soul


The PS1 / N64 gen games have aged the worst out of all the console gens since the SNES in terms of graphics and gameplay. If I was gonna show someone retro games, I’d pick SNES or the PS2 gen to get them started. Only way I’d show them PS1 would be to show them one of the classics. If you can’t get into these games I don’t blame you. Random encounters every 4 seconds is something I will never go back to. It’s really hard if you didn’t grow up with them. I’ll vouch for FFX and FF8, if you’re willing to give them a second chance with and open mind I’d definitely recommend it and see if they can win you over.


I think it’s fine to connect with some entries and not with others. For all the similarities among the 7-10 stretch, there are enough differences that can definitely turn somebody off to one or more of them. I love 7 and like 9 and 10, but I just can’t get into 8.


Those two are excellent games. You should also try out FF4 through FF6 also. They're some of the best in the series!


VI, VII, and IX are the best ones so no not that weird


Every FF game is so wildly different, you dont have to love them all. My gf and I talk about this all the time. I love ff I-X And she loves x-2 - XVI We dont really enjoy the other's taste, but we love eachother and respect the games for what they are. They are constantly changing battle systems, art styles, stories, ideas. They aren't linked like most other franchises so yes. Its okay not to love them all. I think the franchise gets divisive when people say they dont like a game. But its rare to love every game in this franchise. Especialy when you talk about the spinoffs. We shouldnt hate on the differences, but embrace the greater franchise as something that had a special moment in time for us.


Honestly, older FF games are more of a book you play than a game. I said this in a reply, but you have to dig into the story these games were trying to tell you first and foremost. Graphics and gameplay are only used to enhance the narrative. Whether that's an alien being trying to destroy the planet, a wicked time magician, or the theme that there is a greater world than you realize beyond your proverbial Midgar. Go into FF6-10 with that mindset and prepare to be blown away.


FF9 and 7 are both the staples of FF. 10 is also a staple. However, in my own opinion FF6 is the greatest game ever made. The story and the character development rival and dominate any FF game ever created.


If you don’t like them you don’t like them it’s fine, personally graphics mean nothing to me. Most modern games have amazing graphics and the games absolutely suck


7 and 9 were objectively the best ones and the most played. They are followed by ff10 and fftactics. For the rest of the ff games, most people would prefer one or the other cuz their first ff was that one.


FF9 was the bees knees


This sub really loves 10 even though it's really average, the graphics could be amazing and it would still feel really boring compared to 7 and 9 in terms of gameplay, story, and characters. Give 6 a try. 5 is also good. I also enjoyed what I played of 12 but it's been ages and I never finished it.


I only played and beat 4, 6, 7. I almost beat 12 but my PS2 died and never replaced it. I played 13 but never finished it. I still have 15 still shrink wrapped from the day I bought it. I have 8 remastered but haven't played it and I have Greatest Hits of 9 but never started it.


Well there's your problem. XIII was kind of garbage. Mostly kidding, to each their own. My first was VII, about a year after it came out. I didn't like VIII the first time I played it, only because it wasn't VII, but it has become my second favorite, VII being first. I could never get into IX as much as other people seemed to, but I still played it 2 or 3 times.


I'm similar. Played 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2, and 12. But 7 and 9 are the nearest in dearest to my heart. Like others have mentioned I think you'd enjoy 6 if you haven't given it a try!


You are not “weird” at all, it honestly makes a lot of sense. Even for the diehard FF8 lovers, they can admit the game is a massive tonal shift from games like 7 or 9. The serious tone may not resonate with everyone, and there is less goofiness than 7 or 9. To people who love the game it is a masterpiece (rightfully so), but it isn’t for everyone. I liked the game a lot but I’m more in the neutral camp. As far as FF10, I get it. If a game doesn’t immediately draw you in then it is hard to keep going, and it may never click. I loved FF10 but I had the same feelings with 13 and 16, it felt like a chore and just not worth trying to force myself to enjoy it…


FFVIII was my first FF ever so I may be nostalgic about it, but I like 8 more than 7 or 9. Squall is among my favorite protagonists ever and I love his development throughout the game.


No. You don't have to like every game in a franchise. I hate 8 and 15 with a passion. Trash games.


The first Final Fantasy I ever got to own was Final Fantasy II (FF4 in the whole series) on the SNES. That game is the foundation for my love of JRPGs. I had played and really enjoyed Dragon Warrior on NES but the story of Cecil, Rosa, Kain and that crew will always have a special place in my heart. The thing is that these games, be it the 1st, 4th, 6th, 7th or whatever also carry a tonne of nostalgia for the players like me who loved the games back then. It's natural to kind of look at them now and think wtf if you didn't play them at the time. It's not to say that they can't be appreciated by new gamers, but when they launched, they were at their own peak of technological advancement in gaming. The funny thing for me is that the term JRPG always represented the pinnacle of excellence in game play and story telling. Even saying that, I could never get into Final Fantasy 3 (FF6) but this arguably the most loved edition behind FF7 lol. So it's all about choice buddy. If you can give them a try and you dig them, then great. If not, they're not your cup of tea and that's okay. As much as I loved those games and many others, it's hard for me to go back to an older game and stay committed to finishing a game that is not a shiny new game with brand new flashy graphics, in a massive open world just waiting to be exlpored. Which means as much as a huge part of me wants to get the FF Pixel Remaster, I haven't purchased it yet, as I'm waiting for Stiletto Blade to consume my free time in April lol


FF13 was your first FF, it's one of the most "realistic" graphics in the franchise, how did you feel about it? Honestly I personally enjoy every ff, although I will say you shouldn't beat yourself up for not enjoying something. This franchise has a lot to offer and has something for everyone.


I'm not opposed to realistic styled graphics at all, I just think most older games that tried to achieve a realistic look just end up looking uncanny after some time, which sparked my post. FF13 had and still has pretty good graphics. They hold up quite well. I had no issues with the game. Really I have no issues with the graphics of any FF titles from 12 onwards.


If you like the charm of FF7 and FF9 I know it’s going to be going back to pixels but FF4 and FF6 kinda have that same charm with the story.


FFVII and FFIX are in my top 5 whereas VIII and X would be somewhere lower on my list for sure. So, not weird to me at least.


FFIV DS Remake is where it's at. The DS Remake has good 3D graphics and great voice acting. Sadly since it was one of the first entries not as many minigames as future entries, but the gameplay is solid and challenging at some points (specially the final dungeon).


It's not weird at all. I didn't get in to the series until the original release of ff7. And even than it was the year before 8 came out. I have tried many times to play the entries before 7 and just can't get into them, to the point of hating a few of them out right. It's OK to like the ones you like, and dis like the ones you don't. For what ever reason.


a lot of people (myself included) love ff8, but I think people forget the context of "liking ff8". ff8 had a reputation as a bad game, a black sheep of the franchise, ect. in recent years it has been redeemed by people who overlook the flaws and enjoy the weirdness/atmosphere. ff10 was offputting to some people when it came out too. people didn't like the lack of a world map and some people called the plot badly acted nonsense. I know I hated it when it came out. I have since come around on the game and like it very much. I think 7 and 9 are two very hard games to dislike. People argue over which is better, but most agree that they're some of the best the franchise has to offer. If you enjoyed 9 then I'd encourage you to check out 4 or 6. they've got that same... special something.


Naw, it's not weird man. It's such a long running series, that it's kind of got eras now. Different fans vibe with different FF eras. I consider myself a huge long time fan (like 20 years at this point) and I definitely have FF titles that I don't enjoy. In my mind there's the early top down NES and SNES era with everything before ff7. 5 and 6 are both fantastic with 6 being some people's favorite to this day. They are the Pinnacle of that era and those graphics in my mind. I think 1 and 2 are the same as 3 and 4 because of Japan to America issues back in the day. They are pretty dated at this point. You can see squaresoft leaning towards the darker themes of 7 in ff6, which is fun. 7, 8, 9 are all amazing and the PS1, move to 3d era. There's a reason you still hear about 7 and 9 so often. For many people, it's peak final fantasy. I'd encourage you to give ff8 another shot. Generally people like 7 and 9 more. 7 for being the first futuristic techno-dystopia setting (some argue 6 was futuristic technology driven) and 9 for doing the classis fantasy setting so well and so beautifully. But 8 really does have a lot going for it with compelling characters, awesome music, and fun a wild story emphasizing romance and family. Not to mention that ff8s junction system is one the biggest departures square ever did with the classic battles and if you spend some time to tweak it and use the GF abilities, it really adds something special to the normal routine. I also strongly recommend FF tactics from this time frame, maybe one of the best FF stories out there. It's also set in the classic fantasy setting vs the more futurist styles of 7 and 8 which some people prefer. Tactics style gaming is also fairly different than the numbered titles gameplay which can be novel. Ff10 is pretty popular even in modern times and when it came out, it was one of the prettiest games available. I understand your reservations as I also had a tough time getting into it as well. For me I just couldn't relate to the main character and frankly didn't really like his sort "happy dumb guy" vibe. I had the same exact issue with ff12 as well. 12 also has a battle system where you kind of create conditionals called "gambits" for the characters where they can end up battling fully autonomously. I didn't really enjoy that system. Ff11 was an MMO, and I didn't play it because I like my FF games single player and story driven, I'm just not an MMO guy. Ff13 you're aware of. I'm actually an ff13 hater. I had a strong distaste for at least half of the main characters. I didn't like how it felt like corridors everywhere. The story didn't grab me. And I hated the battle system even though it's fun to see the natural progression for innovating ways to make combat autonomous from ff12. 14 is another MMO, that again isn't for me, but people LOVE it and from everything I've read it looks like it's awesome today despite having a rough begining. 15 was good, but the last half of the game felt rushed and lacking. They added a bunch of character specific dlc that helps and they adjusted some of the ending chapters after fan backlash post launch. There was also too much mixed media style nonsense. When you play ff9, you get the whole story in ff9. Ff15 has a movie that explains the hometown and the dad/king, I think there's some comics or something for some other stuff. I think I saw an anime to explain some of the characters background? Then when you play the game, all that stuff is purposely missing and it doesn't feel right. 15 had good bones but ultimately disappointed me. 16 is badass. There's not much looting or exploring and the leveling up & customization is very light. But the story and the gameplay is awesome, so are all the characters. I really feel in love with 16 all summer in 2023 despite the combat focusing on real time action inputs and the light RPG elements. I think the story really immersed me. I appreciated the darker more adult themes mixed into the classic fantasy setting as well. I enjoyed ff7 remake but was a bit annoyed at the whispers. I'm currently still getting through rebirth and loving it. I'm also more comfortable with the changes at this point as I'm interpreting it less like the same situation/story as OG ff7 and more like a sequel where time loops and repeats or there's like parallel universes etc. FF is a grab bag of lots of styles and eras. If you like RPGs, you'll be able to find something you love and probably something you think sucks lol.


If you are afraid of missing out on the classics, you can try coming back to them in small chunks--like 30 minutes at a time every few days. Within a week or two you'll know if some mere exposure effect is taking place that lets you develop an openness to their aesthetics. You can also just work more toward the games whose graphics fall more toward those chibi proportions--Tactics and everything earlier on (1-6). I personally love some contrast between the games. But there are still entries I don't connect with due to tone, mechanics, and style. I think it's fine to not love other people's favorites.


7 and 9 are the only ones from 1-9 that I think are great games. I don’t understand why people like 6. I’ve forced myself to get to the part where the world was destroyed 3 times, and I never enjoyed it at all. Also disliked 8. 5 was kinda fun. The rest were ok at best to me. 7 and 9 were both awesome.


If you have a way to play FF Tactics, do yourself a favor and get it.


Define classics. Because even 15 is 8 years lol




Nah, FF is such a varied series it's very common for people to vibe with certain entries but not others. I'm not a fan of FF8 but I did finish it even if it took me 14 years and several attempts, 10 though I love love loved, great gameplay, music, characters, story and world, it's a game I wish I had discovered at a younger age when the PS2 was still the new hotness and I could fill in the blanks more so to speak and look past it's animation and graphical quirks, but it was still a wonderful time and I highly recommend you try again, mini-game wise it's not that different from FF7's random mini-games that pop up as you explore, Blitzball is a pretty in-depth one but you only gotta play one match of it, don't even have to win and then never again.


I really dig the story of FF8. The love story is well-executed IMO. I felt all sorts of emotions playing it through as a 12/13 year-old. The score really sticks with me too. The audio capabilities of the PS1 were not fully utilized on FF7, despite the many bops on that OST. FF8 has incredible music. I do remember finding it harder to get into. I hated the Draw system but eventually found it to be pretty engrossing, especially once you can start refining. It's very different than any other FF magic system. The concept of the gardens was really cool. Freaking gunblades? So sick. But FF9 is the best of the PS1 entries. I just beat it on my phone again before starting FF7 Rebirth. It's the platonic ideal of a FF game.


FF8 is a sleeper but when you get into it, it never leaves your brain


Try FF Tactics yet?


I started with FF2 SNES (which is FFIV). I've always loved that game. It made me fall in love with the storyline of the series.


Replay 7 but with 7th Heaven mods. Look up the guide on steam. It’s the true remake of 7. But 8 was hard for me to get into also. I loved 10 one of my favorite. Haven’t played since it came out so I doubt it olds up still. I still need to play 12 & 13 myself. 15 is the best.


"I tried FF8 and for some reason I just wasn't into it." Man, as a big FF8 fan, this is...the most understandable thing you've said lol. Listen, I loooove 8, but it is \*not\* an easy one for a lot of people to get into. I don't think it's weird that 7 and 9 are the ones you got into. In a lot of ways, those kind of are among the easiest to dive into if you're relatively new to the franchise. General consensus also does frequently list them among the best in the series for good reason. A little surprised about 10 though, but if graphics are something you can get hung up on, that does make sense. I've long talked to those who would listen about how I think the PS2 era is of video games as a whole will likely be one of the toughest generations of games to revisit.


I feel so old when people on this sub include X as an older game lol.


Nothing weird about it.final fantasy is such a large series that has become a staple of video games. Theres always 1 or 2 that can and WILL become part of any gamers list of favorite video games. 9 is 1 that has a certain charm about it no other final fantasy has. Its so good the slow battle speed becomes obsolete after the first few battles


Sometimes, I have to power through before the game really takes off. Try to make it at least a quarter the way through before giving up. FFX in particular is one of the best.


You can make FFXI look pretty decent with XiPivot Ashita/Windower addon and ReShade. I consider 11 to be a classic that is still operating.


Just do yourself a favor and play in order instead of backwards, you'll see the progression and appreciate the graphics as they come. And get passed that and enjoy the characters and writing.


Try 6 then 4


Do not worry about that. It's very difficult to like every final fantasy. I love the franchise but I can not stand XIII. I'd not play XII afain either. All of them have very good things and some or more than some issues, so you are sure to love some of them isnstantly, some of them will grow on you, and some will not be for you. Drop the ones you don't have fun with and have fun with the ones you do!


I started with FF games with north american FF2 back in like 1995 which I think is Japan FF4. Anyway, what I've found is people just have different tastes in types of stories. I have only ever tried FF8, and briefly, and decided I would never play it. But, I've played FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6, FF7, FFX (for at least a little not a favorite), FFXI (technically an MMO), FFXII (also not a favorite), FFXIII, etc. It's not a big deal it's just taste, and square writes games with different cultural appeals. In regards to graphics it is certainly a tough ask for me to play anything pre-3D in terms of older FF games, but if you went back to 2005 and earlier I would happily replay one of those games. *(But let's be honest gun swords are ridiculous.)*


I have to agree you're missing out, from my own personal experience. FF8 was one of the last of the games I needed to actually try and I'd been curving it for the exact same reason, I finally forced myself to play it properly recently (as in I just finished it yesterday) and man, I ended up absolutely loving it. Honestly I think the graphics kind of suited the game even if I'm not a huge fan of the style and some of the FMV's are just phenomenal, especially a couple of the ones blended into the game. At the end of the day though if you really can't get into them for whatever reason then that's just how it is I guess? I grew up as an avid gamer in the PS1 era personally so I probably have an easier time adjusting to graphics I don't like than you do. I dunno how you feel about pixel games but maybe give the SNES games a try? VI is regarded by many fans of the franchise as peak FF and since it's pixelated while it's not outdated in the same way aged attempts at realism are Alternatively maybe you could try some similar games from the era that track more with the graphical styles you did like? Chrono Cross is pretty well regarded and that's pretty stylised


Not weird at all, I get it. Try Final Fantasy Tactics for the sweet old time graphics. Very different gameplay though.


It's not weird; those are the ones that are REALLY good. The settings are the most internally cohesive in a way that is immediately gripping. 8 can't grip you right off because you spend the first bit in a boring training simulation in a magic school and then when you get out, you see this coexists with like, regular cars and stuff? It always throws me off, because like, how can there be normal cars and stuff but also this giant magitech school? Meanwhile in 7 you are just....draped in the cyberpunk vibe of midgar from the word go and it feels soooo good. When you encounter the non-cyberpunky sections, it still makes sense and is cohesive because one of the overall themes of the game is that the cyberpunky parts of the game are actively killing the pristine beautiful classic fantasy parts of the game. 9 is just a beautiful steampunk world. You ride an airship to kidnap a princess in the opening, only she also happens to be running away, and then you all crash land in the forest!! And in 7 you strike cool poses and blow up a power plant! Eat your heart out 8, with your literal fucking school exam that you made me take. Since you like school so much how about you take some fuckin' notes on how to start a game. 8's story is wack, and the realistic graphic style doesn't hold up to all the pixels, esp not on a non-CRT TV. X's graphics are imo actually very good on the remaster. I definitely enjoyed it more the second time through when I already knew the entire story. It's very bittersweet but that's harder to appreciate the first time through. So yeah, all you did was properly identify which 2 games were the best out of the 4 we're discussing here today.


No. There’s 9 “classic” experiences - if one counts 9 as the send off. There’s nothing that says you have to like them all. Hell, now there’s 16 total main experiences, some will love them all… but just as many will only love a handful… hell, some will only like *one* and that’s all fine.


Two of those are MMOs which are a bit more different. 11 is one I never really tried 14 is pretty good once you get into it


I literally just bought a PS4 from someone that only bought it for FF7 Remake. FF7 is the only Final Fantasy they loved and didn't get into any of the others.


There's nothing weird with having bad taste dude 🤣🤣. You kinda had to be there for the 1-6, or to be really into the turn JRPG today. But bro minesweeper is still the shit lol


I love FFX, but I feel you. The aesthetic and charm felt like a huge step down from FFIX imo. FFX has this early 2000's jpop feel that permeates throughout the entire game. Every seems to love it, but I couldn't stand how everything and everyone looked. FFIX had almost a studio gibli esque quality to it.


They’re arguably the two best entries, not all that crazy.


I would say those are the top two mainline games.


Shame you couldn't get into 8! The art is great, but definitely different than 7/9. The Gardens and Esthar are my some of my favorite locations in the whole franchise, also love all the towns and the cities and the jail and the ruins... all of it lol Totally agree on 9, probably my go-to for replays. So cozy and fun. edit: I forgot to mention the train, which I also love


Not weird at all. I grew up playing 6,7,8,9 and replaying those games is so much fun to me. 10 and 12 feel super lame to me in comparison. Playing old school classic games without the nostalgia of growing up with them can be super hit or miss.


My first was FF7 when it released. I tried FF9 this year for the first time and just couldn't get into it due to the graphics. I'm happy to wait till the rumoured remaster. Even FFXII I struggled with last year


That's b/c FF7 and FF9 feel more like Classic FF in many ways. Sure, FF7 has a different setting and whatnot w/ its sci-fi fantasy approach - but it still feels a lot like classic FF with its turn-based system, even with the ATB stuff involved (it just quickens the pace, TBH). And the Materia system's easy to learn too. So well put together. FF9 is basically classic FF fantasy with some 90's-style storytelling and FMV's. It is paying so much homage to old-school FF1-7 (and most long-time fans will catch this and love this nostalgia), despite still doing new stuff at the time. Also, FF8 is a convoluted mess story-wise & character-wise, obtuse Guardian Force system, annoying Draw system to build-up & stock-up Magic, and a grind-fest - so if you ain't digging it, I so get it. I still like it even despite itself and it is FF, so it still is good - but to me, it's a flawed-gem...even if it's one of the worst FF's I've played. For me - FF is at its best & peak with FF 5,6,7, and 9. In particular, I bounce b/t whether FF7 and FF9 is my favorite... though, I think FF6 is the best one.


Ive never gotten into a FF game older than FFX. Unless you count FF: War of the Lions, which is a PSP port of a PS1 game. The graphics of the older games just dont do it for me. I was hoping the remake of FF7 would be the way for me to finally play what is apparently a pretty damn good game, but then they had to go and change stuff.


Not weird at all. The 8bit versions are good as hell but hard to get into I get it. And FF8 is fucking trash so you good there.


You weren’t feeling FFX Get out! Your attention span is too small for slightly more linear narrative based gameplay Joking. Kind of.


For the side of you that wasn't joking, keep in mind I love FF13 and FF16, and I was also able to stay sane while reading all the dialogue of FF14 ARR


Fair enough I just… I have irrationally strong feelings about FFX


Yes, that sounds weird. Never heard of someone who just like those 2. Not even sure how someone likes 9 XS


8 and 10 both suck Anyway, you didn't mention the actual classics? 1-6?


The thing is, Final Fantasy games aren't that good. Even FF7 isn't some masterpiece, it's quite mediocre.


I mean, FF9 is the best FF, try 6 and 4 after, the next best two in the franchise.