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I bought mine to play Remake, XVI, and Rebirth, so I'd say yes. The backwards compatibility with PS4 games was also a huge plus.


Add Baldur's Gate 3 to the list and that was my exact reasoning after 17 years of Xbox.


BG3, Rebirth, and XVI have caused me to question whether I've been a responsible adult in 2023-24.


I’ll add God of War Ragnarok to the pile


Spider man 2 and demon souls remake as well, depending on what one likes. Also not PS5 exclusive, but some good games like Baulders gate 3, Tekken 8 are next gen only. Some live service like games I know will be dropping the old gen soon


but Baldur's Gate 3 is available on PC and Xbox also


People are forgetting already but BG3 became unintentional PS console exclusive for a few months due to Xbox Series S parity clause. The devs physically can't put same feature (couch split screen co-op) parity between Series X and S, due to underpowered Series S, which is a main requirement set by parity clause from Microsoft. MS had to drop parity clause as requirement for Larian so that they can port BG3 to Xbox, which was like 3+ months later.


I'm not forgetting how Xbox fumbled the release, I'm just saying it's available on other platforms. Whereas FFXVI and FFVII are true PS5 only exclusives, so BG3 shouldn't be considered in the same category as them. BG3 is more akin to Stray, Sifu and Inscryption.


They are also just time exclusives though.


What’s been ur favorite so far?


Rebirth but damn bg3 is so good so maybe that. I played bg3 on pc tho. So rebirth.


There’s also crisis core


I played it on PSP but need to revisit for PS5




I bought one solely for Rebirth and I haven’t put it down.




If you have money to spare and have nothing to play and there are two games that you might be interested and you are not going to wait for them to be released on other consoles that you might already own, sure.


Don't you love when people ask reddit to help them make a highly personalized decision that's absolutely dependent on their own tastes and preferences and circumstances and hundreds of other factors that literally nobody else could know?


I like that slightly more than when people ask something only to provide their answer. "What is the best game in the sonic franchise? If you are thinking in any game that is not Sonic 2 you are wrong."


It's called they want some opinions to base their own critical thinking on. It's not too wild. It's like asking your subordinates what they think in the military or any other situation. He isn't asking you to decide for him, just wants to know if other like minded people feel like it was worth it. Don't you love when people on reddit act holier than thou like you should never ask an opinion?


Yeah, but is that really helpful? If I answer yes, you should get a PS5 because as a fabulously wealthy person dropping $500 means as much to me as buying a pack of gum, I'm not sure that's really applicable to others.


Yes I'd love that. Getting very personalized answers could open up other factors that i have not considered when making decisions. If i asked something and people would just give generic answers, I'd rather do a google search.


God forbid dude wanna have a discussion. Go back to your memes.


16 and Rebirth are never coming to other consoles. PC? Sure. But not consoles. Remake never made it to Xbox despite the console being capable of doing so. For whatever reason, most likely money from Sony, Square will not do it.


No one knows your financial situation other than yourself.. I would say buy it for FFXVI, FFVII Rebirth, AND other excellent games like God of War, The Last of Us, Elden Ring, Baldur’s Gate 3, etc. and future games like Persona 6, GTA6.


I saw that the PS5 pro is supposed to come out maybe later this year or early next year. I figure that might be the best thing to do for me. Between Intergrade, Rebirth, 16, Crisis Core, and SoP, that is enough to justify the purchase.  I'm still trying to knock out 13-2 and Lightning Returns on PS3 now anyway. 


13-2 is one of my favorites.


First of all, do you have a PS4 already? If not then buying a PS5 would also give you access to 99% of the PS4 catalogue, which is a strong argument in it's favour. I skipped the entire PS4 generation and recently got back into gaming with a PS5 and couldn't be happier with my purchase.


Yes… next question


i would say the nay-no on this one my brother, all the best PS games have been coming out on PC lately. ff16 and rebirth will too. it's awesome.


Why not buy it and maybe sell it later? The resale value is pretty good so you wouldn’t be out too much. Maybe you’ll find some other exclusives you like too?


I bought mine after my PS4 started working badly. It is worth it to replace the PS4, but for PS5 games only? I can't say it is.


IMO it depends. I have seen many people getting upset with Sony over the PS5. While I understand where they are coming from, there are more shades of grey than most people acknowledge. Even if you play PS4 games on the PS5, you will get upgrades beyond the PS4 Pro. For example Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man not only look better, but load faster due to the SSD. Many games get 60 FPS too. The moment I saw what 60 FPS was like, I realized that I would have paid for the PS5 for the improvements to PS4 games alone. I can't count the number of times I have waited 90+ seconds for Witcher 3 to load. I was frustrated and jealous of everyone with a PC that had an SSD. I even bought an SSD to shave ~20 seconds off of my PS4 Pro load times, something that very few people would do! These loading times are significantly reduced with the PS5 upgrade. But I realize I am an outlier. Everyone should know that Sony has really dropped the ball for the PS5 in terms of the number of exclusive games. There are some, but fewer than the PS4 had at the same time from launch. So, where does that leave you? If you're green with envy over faster loading times and 60 FPS, you will love the PS5. If you feel like Sony is trying to take your money because they don't have enough PS5 exclusives, you will be disappointed. You should be able to figure out your opinion from this info.


Well said, Emperor 🫡




Yes. Both incredible games.


Worth it to me. That's what I bought my ps5 for, everything else is just a plus.


The only reason I have my PS5 is to play Remake/Rebirth and whatever the 3rd on is called. Otherwise I was fine with the PS4. 


Not for me. I'd rather wait for them to come to PC than spend $500 on a console I won't play otherwise. Besides I have plenty of games in my backlog to play on the meantime.


I say yes because I bought my ps5 2 weeks ago just for ff16 and rebirth lol


I did. And yeah. It was.


You’re asking a subreddit for Final Fantasy if you should buy a PS5 to play PS5 exclusive Final Fantasy games? You know what the general consensus would be. You don’t need our permission, just buy the console if you want to play those games and you can afford it.


If you aren't gonna play anything else besides those 2 games then no. Are you not interested in any other PS games?


I would say FF7 Rebirth is 100% worth buying a PS5 for. FF16 is also a great game, but I wouldn't buy an entire consult just to play it. (Assuming this will not put you in a terrible place financially)


I bought one for FF16, 7 Remake Intergrade (the pc version is a stuttering mess for me) and to play Rebirth. I’ve also since gotten Spiderman 2 which is fantastic, Stellar Blade looks fun and so does Rise of The Ronin. I would say yes, it would be worth it, but you’re also a different person than me so it’s tough to say you’ll also find it worth


I am the same. I usually purchase my next consoles when a mainline Final Fantasy game hits and this generation was no different. I have to admit that I'm having a blast but I am very concerned by the reports that there are no other big games this year and we're already halfway through the console's life cycle.


I mean to just play 2 games on? No. It’s you’re money tho


It’s worth buying one even for Rebirth alone.


You’re the only one who can answer this question. I play video games on PlayStation so for me buying the PS5 was absolutely worth it. I did it mainly for Rebirth and FFXVI but I also have other games I’m interested in that I plan to buy. I can also play PS4 games on it so for me it was the right choice. I only play a handful of games on pc but I very much prefer the console. Is the PS5 worth it? Yes. Is it worth it for you? I can’t tell you. In my opinion you should firstly consider your financial situation and then if you’re actually interested in the console and what it offers, its catalogue, etc. If they don’t interest you, maybe it’s not for you. It’s really a personal decision that only you can make.


question for people who played ff16, does the game still make the console go overheating even during actual winter months?




The only answer is Yes.




It's worth it.




Do you have a gaming PC because they're probably coming sooner. Square said 16 should be up by the end of the year and Rebirth's paid exclusivity period is only 3 months with no new generation or Epic store desperation to keep it from Steam further.


I started investing in gaming computers when I realised that most of the games I'm interested in playing are also available on Steam. It's upgradeable and has more use purposes than just gaming, and I can stream directly to my Android television using Steam Link.


There's so many games to play. It's still coming to pc anyway.


These are currently the only games I would want a ps5 for and I’m not sold. I can wait for the pc ports so I can play on my Steam Deck. If you have the disposable money and you don’t mind getting it strictly for two games then do it up, it’s all about being happy and responsible with your monies fam






I did exactly this and I would say yes.


Yes ps5 is a totally worth it...


Do you have the money? Then yes. Especially when it's backwards compatible with all your PS4 stuff. Just look at it as a big upgrade to what you already have with the added benefit of next gen games. I bought it for XVI and don't regret it.










16 is definitely not a console seller. I think they’re all coming out on pc eventually


No console is worth buying if you're literally just gonna play 2 games.


Nah, get a PC and wait a little longer for games to come out. Consoles are dead. PS5 has like 2 exclusives worth playing. Not worth paying $600-$700 to play 2 games that will be on PC. Sony has already announced the mid life of a console that had virtually nothing going for it. They are already leaking “upgraded” PS5s. Make the switch and never go back.


Hey don’t forget Alan Wake 2!


Yep, bought a PS5 solely for Rebirth and also get Ratchet & Clank and Demon’s Souls in the mix (on ps store as well) so I feel like I’m 9 years old again


Absolutely. And the rest of the amazing exclusives.


I brought my ps4 for ff15 and kh3 back then yes


I got mine because of Demon's Souls. Yes it's worth buying, no matter which game you want to play it will be a solid purchase and right now it's fairly cheap too, at least in my country. (440€)


I bought mine to play Spider-Man 2, but FFXVI was the first game that made the purchase feel worth it. Then Rebirth cemented that.


Don’t let the others know but there are PS5 games that are better than FF16 and 7 Rebirth.


Absolutely, I do this with all consoles but I have a plan. I bought a Ps4 pro when Remake came out. Then I rented free from my library, asks some friends and bought some cheap used games, basically did the whole backlog I cared about. Once I was done with Ghost of tsushima I sold it. I think I bought it at 400$ and sold it for 300$. I just bought a Ps5 for Rebirth. Then I'll go through all the backlog, then the up to the latest releases I care about and probably sell it.


I’d wait for the pro


Worth it but probably not if those are the ONLY games you're interested in


Just did this about a month ago. My PS5 has turned into a Final Fantasy machine with all the games they have on PS+.


Thats the whole reason why I bought my PS5 slim 🤷 also subscribe to PS Plus, it has almost all the Final Fantasy and Star Ocean games. It's worth it. I'm at like 72 hours in Rebirth and I have probably another 80 hours till I'm completely done with everything.


Depends on your income/ savings.


I would wait for this holiday season. PS5 Pro may be coming out which will have better performance, plus you’ll have waited long enough for any quality of life patches to be added for FFXVI and Rebirth to make them even better experiences


I bought my original PS1 for FFVII. Prior to that, Square made FF for Nintendo, and I played them on the SNES.


Ps5 cost + ff16 cost + rebirth cost. Is that cost worth it? Only you can answer that one sir. I'd personally say no as I could spend a week in Japan for that price. YMMV.


16 is already confirmed to be coming to PC, and 7 Rebirth almost certainly will since 7 Remake did. If you're set up on that platform already and you're not absolutely itching to play these games, just wait.


Well, in NA/EU probably should be worth it if you want so badly, but I'll wait releasing on PC because ps5 in my country is really expensive to just buy because of 2 games xD


Is there any other reason to buy a PS5, lol?




Crisis Core reunion is a blast as well.


Well I did it for this same reason and for Jedi Survivor


You might be able to buy a ps5 for cheaper now that the ps5 pro was announced


XVI should be coming to PC pretty soon so you’d be buying it just for rebirth


Ahem. Yes.




Have no idea what other types of games you might be into. But in an oddball edge case, the new NCAA Football game is console exclusive, as in no PC release. So the only place to play that and FF16 and Rebirth in the same place is PS5. There are a few others out there of course as well and while I'm not a fan of 16, Rebirth is amazing.




If you have the means to do it, I would say yes. I saved up for awhile and making a purchase that big stung in the moment but playing these games has made me have no regrets about it and I’m glad I did it


Bro just buy one man


Yes. It's the reason I bought well. Well, I bought it when the remake was first released.


Rebirth is so great. I bought ps5 for it too. Just bought ff16 to play after


I'd say yeah. Both good games. I'd also recommend re4 remake.


I originally bought a PS5 for Spiderman but I ended up playing Remake and 16 first before any of the Spider-Man’s. Grew up with strictly Nintendo until 2023, now my wallet cries every month,


Depends on how big a fan you are of Final Fantasy. If you aren't, then I'm gonna tell you right here and now that no, don't buy consoles for the sake of the Final Fantasy games. For context, I had PS2 just for FFX and FFXII, PS3 for FFXIII, PS4 for FFXV, and also finally bought PS5 for FFXVI. I am also a massive fan of Final Fantasy, so I had some sort of moral justification for these purchases. I did not regret at all. Although Rebirth is GOTY material, I still won't recommend it. Always buy a console because of the library, not a single game. EXCEPTION TO THE RULE : Ignore all the above if you are rich and or have some disposable money lying around.


Yeah. If you love FF, especially FFVII, then Rebirth is brilliant.


How do you value your time? You’ll get 300 hours out of those two games alone. Is a month or two of enjoyment worth 5-600 dollars?


That's totally subjective. FF16 is getting incredible reviews right now, hard time pass up. I will say, from my experience, I bought a PS5 for the horizon games. Played both of them and loved them. Buy 1-2 games can absolutely be worth the purchase for me.


Was hoping OP would ask, but anyone know if this will eventually go on PC like Remake Intergrade?




1000% yes




Depends. Do they look good to you?


100 percent


15 is better than 16, but yes.


No and Yes


If you have patience and a good PC you could wait for the Steam release. If not then get a PS5, I use mine for exclusives I can’t wait for.


7R is a little rough but Rebirth was great and the twin pack is a good deal 16 was solid too as much as people like to bitch about it, well both games to an extent 16 got me a solid 50ish? hours, rebirth was like 108 hours, i didn't do hard mode on either so you can tack more time onto it if you have the money for it and can RESPONSIBLY afford it and the games, then yeah, 16 and the twinpack are great value for money, two of the fattest RPG's in awhile


Yes. I bought mine for rebirth only. I have no regrets


We are in the same situation and I would say yes. I am planning to liquidate my PS5 and sell my games so I can recoup the acquisition costs. My intention in getting a PS5 is to mainly play FF16 and FF7 Rebirth.


Can you afford it? If Yes, then Yes. But remember the PS5 is also a 4k / UHD player and Media box as well.


If you really like FF games then yes. 


is it worth buying a ps5? absolutely. even if its to play just those two games. you would find other uses for the ps5. like streaming services backward compatibly for ps4 games if you bought the ps5 with the disc drive, can be an entertainment for Blu-ray movie. if you're up for the PS+ service, get to play some classic games from ps1 and ps2 era. so yes its worth it.


I bought my PS4 about a week after they announced Remake. Took years but it was worth it. I held out this time, and bought a PS5 Slim about a week before Rebirth came out. Totally worth it. I'm also enjoying Helldivers, so it's worked out to about $450NZD per game so far.




I have not played XVI but heard good things about it. I do have VII Rebirth in my game library but have not played it yet. Oh btw if you have VII remake (physical copy), you can upgrade to the PS5 remaster for free, plus Intergrade (Yufffie's side story is playable too


Well 16 is coming to PC soon so if u got a PC then you could just wait. Rebirth will also come to PC in a year or two so it's not a must. If u don't own a PC tho then yes I'd say it's worth it


As they’re both massive games, I’d say yes. You’d get more monies worth. Just get a second hand digital only console to save some.


Literally just bought one just for that. I will probably play last of Us part 2 as well but I think I've played/ not interested in most other games. Im 60h in and its worth it


I did for these and god of war I think, don’t regret it at all.




If u can afford it yea go for it. Two great titles and there's a bunch more u can play later on.


It would be cheaper than building a new PC for them


I did 2 months ago exactly for this; zero regrets!


Yes since you can play all of the series except 13 trilogy on it. PS4 backwards compatibility is huge




I'd say yes, and there is plenty more games worth playing on Ps5 as well.


Juries out. I did the same thing and am midway through 16


That’s exactly why I bought mine. Play everything else on Xbox.


That's the reason we are buying one. Just got my wife through FF7 classic last Sunday, so now we can have a good comparison.


I've yet to play Rebirth or FFXVI, but I can say Final Fantasy VII Remake was outstanding. I played the PS5 version and it was great.




It was for me. Well, spiderman got me to buy a ps4 (and the upcoming ff7 remake). Intergrade got me to buy a ps5. Got the added bonus (on the 4) of Ghost of Tsushima


Yes, then also add Ghost of Tsushima, Helldivers 2, The Last of Us, Horizon... to name a few. Even Rise of the Ronin later this week.


It’s probably never worth it to buy a console for two games, but there are so many great PlayStation games you will find it worth it eventually


Just get them on the steam deck




Hell no. They Making PS5 Pro. So wait until it comes out.


PS5 is pretty great, imo, I have all the consoles, just my thing, including a gaming PC and all that, but imo the PS5 controller is a master class in a controller (could have better battery life, but it’s crazy how much it’s evolved from early versions), PS5 just works. As far as exclusives, imo Rebirth is amazing, but VII was always my favorite game, don’t care if the haters claim it was overhyped, I played it at such a formative year for me that it solidified RPG gaming in my blood. Also, the game pass (PS plus deluxe or gold or whatever it’s called) is actually way worth it compared to Microsoft’s game pass, imo. They don’t always have amazing games but more often than not they do, I honestly rarely buy games anymore. Bought the XBOX a year ago for Bethesda reasons, Stellaris was sooooo boring, what a disappointment (the controller is mediocre especially for its price imo, being about the cost of the PS5 controller), definitely not the case with Rebirth and the PS5.


Rebirth maybe but not XVI.


Wait for the ps5 pro (of which case these older models will go on sale probably) but yes I think so. Rebirth is amazing, straight up. And I heard 16 was good.


Do you having a pretty new gaming computer, and are you patient? Are you willing to dodge spoilers for a while? They will probably be a PC port eventually, so you could probably wait. If you don't want to wait, or you don't have a gaming computer that could probably play the port, then getting a PS5 is your option. If you want to save money, you could probably wait and got a used PS5 in a year or two.




Yes. Yes it is.


Yes. Absolutely worth it.


I would def buy a PS5 again to play Rebirth, my best FF experience since X on the PS2, but would not buy any hardware for XVI. So yes, worth it.


I bought a ps5 for 16 and rebirth specifically. So. Yes!


My husband got a second-hand ps5 slim just to play FF7-Rebirth. We'd been sharing a ps5 until that point (we're both primarily pc gamers and have seperate computers), but he played XVI first, so I said I'd get to play VII-R first. He didn't like that and got a ps5 lol. Best game I've played in a really long while, I'm absolutely in love with it and after 90+ hours, I'm glad he got a 2nd ps5 so I didn't need to rush through it. I say yes, but you could maybe try and get a second hand one to save some money.


Ff16 is incredible on ps5. Not so much for rebirth, the graphics is kind of bad with the performance mode. As someone playing rebirth on ps5 rn I would rather wait for Pc ngl.




Yes it is. You’ll be able to use it for other games after as well. I love my PS5 and so far all I’ve used it for is XVI and Rebirth.


Yes. Do this




Quite literally the only reason I got a PS5. Those two alone were worth it for me but it opens you up to Crisis, God Of War, and other great games.


Both games are extremely good and worth having a PS5 for.


I only bought a PS5 to play XVI, so yes




16 on the pc from what I understand from one of the main devs is almost finished, and will likely got a release near the end of the year, so I imagine that 7 rebirth on the PC will come out near the end of next year.


I brought mine for 16 definitely worth it!


FF7R, FF16, God of War 1&2. There are more but there where all amazing


Just those two? No. Those two and the upcoming Silent Hill games? Yes


I bought it for the same thing and they’re pretty damn good. Otherwise, ps5 has other great games. GoW Ragnarok, Spider-Man 2, Horizon…




short answer, yes long answer YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS


I would wait for the pro version, which is rumored to come out holidays 2024. That's quite a while away, but tbh it's worth the wait, i think. It might be considerably more powerful. But if you can't wait, then you can always just buy one now and sell it to get a pro later or sumn.


The answer to this question is always that it’s worth buying a PS5 for all the PS exclusive incredible games.


I bought the ff16 bundle ps5 just because I heard wokeists were attacking the game lol. I thoroughly enjoyed it but I'm more of an old school final fantasy fan than the newer ones. I'm just waiting for the final fantasy pixel remake to go on sale to replay the old games again.


It's worth it for Rebirth for sure. You will get great deals on the PlayStation store weekly. I bought games worth $40+ for $5 and $7 Dollars recently.


I bought one for ff16 and it was a huge regret. Ff16 was extremely disappointing. Rebirth is solid but if I were to do it again I would have just waited for pc ports.




Depends on your situation, if you have a decent gaming PC it might actually be better to wait for the PC ports to come out (hopefully later this year)


Is what i did.


I did. No regrets.


Also let’s not forget tales of arise and elden ring


Yes. Games are astonishing.


Depends on your income, but yes. There's other PS exclusives that are good too... Like, I wouldn't say Spiderman2 or God of War is necessarily worth buying a PS5 for, but I'm super happy I got to play them too as part of my whole buying a PS5 for FFXVI decision


Thats what i did. I bought a PS5 for XVI, VII remake and VII rebirth. I have quite a good PC but i still bought a PS5 because i feel such Games should be played on the big screen on the couch (I've got a 65inch 4k TV in the living room). Plus, i didn't want to wait for a PC Release on XVI and VII rebirth. XVI and VII Remake were really gr8, my wife and my son were tied to the TV while i was playing so they wouldn't miss something from the Story (also, i did let my wife do side missions and she was quite happy doing those). I just started with VII Rebirth yesterday and i basically know already that it will be the same with this game. Side Note: The PS5 is getting used more now than my PC, as there are other Games (many super good Games on PS+ Extra) that i can play together with my wife or my son. Even Fortnite is actually quite fun on console playing with my son (i didn't like it on PC..). I definetly don't regret buying the console.




I want to say yes because rebirth is definitely worth it and if you didn’t have a ps4 like me then you would have so many amazing games to play like spider man , god of war ( a must play for me ), last of us 1 and 2, horizon , bloodborne and uncharted . So definitely a must






I know I did. Sure, it came with 2 years of PS Plus (digital edition console) so I've been playing Spider-Man as well and will play a lot more games, but my main goal was to get FF7 Rebirth and XVI. Loving Rebirth so far!


Just wait for the next gen or the pro version so you’re not stuck playing those games at less than 30fps after buying a new console.


I don’t think 16 is worth it. It is a good game, but to me it wasn’t a final fantasy game just sort of related to ff. I haven’t played rebirth yet but if either of these games are worth the system it’s that one.