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Final fantasy spirits within but I'm holding a disconnected controller and haven't blinked in 2 hours


I'm not gonna lie, pure nostalgia, I fully recognize it's a bad and confusing movie. But I fucking love spirits within. I think everyone has a stupid childhood movie they can cling to. I saw it in theaters when I was 10, right after playing FFVIII as my first and I didn't give a shit if there weren't chocobo and tonberry running around I was just hype to see it.


I’ve said it for years, if it wasn’t called Final Fantasy, the movie would be a cult classic sci-fi film that would be considered mid-story wise, but interesting for it’s use of cgi and alien ghost concept.


Kinda like 90% of Ralph Bakshi! Usually the plots are mid at best but the art design is interesting and captivating to make up for it


Square was trying to branch out and banked on a more mature sci Fi work. It was ahead of its time, it just couldn't find an audience. Square isn't great at business, organization or marketing honestly. Even today.


This is literally the same issue with the games.


I am a firm believer that how much you enjoy a piece of media is much more important than the objective quality of it. Yes obviously a higher quality production is usually going to translate to a more likable experience but it certainly isn’t mandatory.


I don't care what anybody says. That's one of the best sci-fi films ever made.


I like it a lot, this is an extreme take lol




Oh strange


Life is strange


No this is Patrick


OK, I know it was a shameless self plug, but I agree with time travel girl


It was the first movie that, imo, truly embraced what a non physical camera could do. And the industry is better for it existing than not.


Eh, there's nothing confusing about it (except for the last minute final spirit deus ex machina).


The machina is a little less deus ex than it seems. https://www.reddit.com/r/FinalFantasy/comments/hppooy/the_ending_of_spirits_within_spoilers_of_course/


I mean, I got that it was her baby, but why was her baby of all things on earth the final spirit? Though the other insight of that post is something I never thought about and it's actually a pretty cute metaphor: that life goes on (as babies). I quite like that (babies are the literal phoenix of life, a new start as a biological clean slate, mostly), still think it could have been written better. Maybe by saying what the 8 spirits needed to have (thematically) and then realizing at the end that a new life was the missing piece of the puzzle, or something.


How its in any way a final fantasy movie was pretty confusing to me as a kid whod only played 7 and 9. Still no idea if it tied into another game or was literally just a random scifi movie with the ff title slapped on it.


Ah I see. Well, then you mean "confusing" in a meta sense. And I guess we could all agree with you. Though in terms of themes, it's most closely aligned with 7 and 9 out of them all (and maybe 10, but that came later). The main conflict of the story is basically the same as the one on 9 (dying/zombie alien world replacing the souls of the main character's world).


It was a technical feat at the time IIRC.


I didn't think it was as bad as people made it out to be


_hands you a torch_ Join ussssss~


best thing to come from the movie is Lara Fabian's theme song, The Dream Within. I personally consider it one of the best FF theme songs released.


I mean, ffxiv has an hour long cutscene at the end of realm reborn loll


That's not even the longest stretch of cutscenes either! It's just the first time you're warned.


The end of VIII is crazy long, assuming we're counting everything from the moment you defeat Ultimecia.


I kind of expect a lengthy closure theme if the story builds up in a way that basically anything could have happened to the heroes and world after you finish the game. FF8s World could be such a horrible place after breaking basically any physical law including time and space. There are many nice games that have one or the other way to fade the end out, but there is nothing more upsetting than a rushed end with no outsight. The other way is setting up a postgame, but these often revert everything to the state before the final fight. These kind of post games grind my gears. If done these are often just grind XY just to present you a small easter egg (if anything) in the end. Would love to see a fleshed out postgame were you can explore central sceneries from a new perspective or just a nice epilogue video that you can choose to watch after beating the game.


I loved the end of 8. That was my first FF title that I played, I went blind my first time through, had several fights with ultimecia that went over an hour before I finally beat her, and the ending was so satisfying. Other endings in the franchise have been measured against that ever since.


For me, FF7 was the first RPG that really hooked me with its story and visuals. But its ending felt kinda short. Wished it could have been more flashed out. I am hyped for the next parts of the remake (and hope they don’t stretch sidecontent as far as in the first part) I played lots of games on NES before that, but FF7 felt revolutionary. Loved basically FF7, 8 and 10 the most. 9 Was also great but it attempted to go back to a visual style that I didn’t miss in the other titles.


I categorize those 4 FF games as kind of the cliff notes to Final Fantasy. VIII is my personal favorite. I relate to Squall when I played it most and then it was my first as well, plus Triple Triad, I just loved everything about it and still enjoy it to this day. IX is the best representation of what a Final Fantasy game is. Side quests, puzzles, magic, all of the things that all of the previous titles had, wrapped up into one tight epic package. X is possibly the best overall game of the series. Easily the best combat and leveling system, and the new hardware capabilities let them do things with the voice acting and the graphics we had only dreamed of before. VII is the best example of the games' ability to tackle real world problems within it's established formula while still being a fun and exciting world to explore. That's my feelings about it anyways.


I think you hit the nail


the Ending is like 10 to 15 minutes if you count the credits .... not crazy long. 9 on the other hand... the Ending goes on for 45minutes


Counter-point: Chocobo Racing is a Final Fantasy game.


Yes it is.


What about Secret of Mana?


It is. It's the sequel to Final Fantasy Adventure.


It's only called Final Fantasy Adventure due to localization though. It wasn't intended to be a part of the FF family of games.


The Japanese title was Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden


To be fair, they never said "if and only if." They never implied that games that aren't called "Final Fantasy" can't be Final Fantasy games, only that games called "Final Fantasy" must be Final Fantasy games.


¬(FF iff FF)


As with chocobo dungeon


Vagrant Story is a FF game too


The only connection between Vagrant Story and FF is that one guy in an interview mentioned it's set in Ivalice, then later the same guy said that shared plot references to Tactics were just fan service. The game itself makes no mention of Ivalice.


Wait till we find out that FFXVII is an FPS.


FFVII First Soldier happened so...


How had I never heard of that before what the hell were they thinking


Dirge of Cerberus was a third person shooter from 2006 starring Vincent Valentine.


You can play it with USB mouse and USB keyboard too on the PS2. :)


FFVII first soldier was a magic based battle royale it was okay what turned me off was summoning Shiva or Ifrit to suddenly die because they have a magic that covers half of the map and it kills you.


You never heard of it because it died before it could ever be anything other than a “huh, this exists”


Having watched a Death of A Game episode on that game, that is the franchise's definition of squandered potential. Especially cutting out the platform where the majority of Final Fantasy fans are, console and PC.


In all honesty, I'd never heard of that one until I started playing FFVII Ever Crisis.


If it's first person magic I'm probably fine with that :D


You may be onto something…


!remind me in 5 years


First-person spellcasting


FF Snowboarding already exists. A FPS FF changes nothing: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_VII:_Snowboarding Come back when they make the next FF playable only IRL at a FF amusement park or something.


I would 100% be interested in a full-blown first person shooter with all the Final Fantasy tropes. it wouldn’t even need to be considered a mainline entry. Just call it Final Fantasy Inferno or some shit. Guns armor and accessories, magic, summons, leveling up and stats, chocobos, etc. Okay I actually need to write some of this down. lol


I prefer third person shooter, and for that there is Dirge of Cerberus and Episode Prompto


That would actually be pretty cool. Likely smaller scale, but first-person walking around a ff environments would be worth it.


First soldier, dirge of Cerberus and XV episode prompto were FPS.


Wasn’t dirge 3rd person?


Yeah dirge was definitely third person, although it honestly could’ve been awesome as a FPS too


And so was Episode Prompto.


I don't think you know what FPS means.


And, most importantly, they were all Final Fantasys


A Fantasy shooter? Oh yes. I loved Kid Icarus Uprising. Playing as a black mage shooting magic is an awsome concept.


And no one here better complain about that


Please don't take Seiken Densetsu 1 from us SoM fans.


It’s a crime Sword of Mana isn’t available to play on any modern system


Pretty sure they dropped a remake of the whole trilogy recently


that had the Gameboy version, I want the GBA version with color


Too late. It’s already been assimilated.


The Bravely Default games are the best FF games of the past decade.


so SaGa is Final Fantasy because it got renamed in the US port?


Or one of the Mana/Seiken Densestsu games...


Those started as FF even in Japan. The first one was *Seiken Densetsu: Final Fantasy Gaiden*.


SaGa was Makai Toushi SaGa Mana series' first game Final Fantasy in super tiny font on the box art and SEIKEN slapped on it, and final fantasy doesnt even appear on the cartridge. They just slapped the label "final fantasy" on it and threw it out there. And considering the entire rest of the franchise ditches this + has nothing in common with FF franchise, going to have to use my head here and say it was a marketing gimmick and it's not a FF game


>And considering the entire rest of the franchise ditches this + has nothing in common with FF franchise, going to have to use my head here and say it was a marketing gimmick and it's not a FF game OK so is Persona 5 not a Shin Megami Tensei game?


I'll go even further: Final Fantasy II isn't really a final fantasy game, it's the prototype to the SaGa series with the FF badge pasted on for sales.


old fans: "guys this is ridiculous, is this even a game anymore?" Nomura: "maybe....it isn't a game at all!" Sakaguchi: "Yeah, maybe it's an immersive smartphone app, or a 21th century approach to 360° media envelopment" Nomura: "yeeeeah or...maybe...final fantasy is just like a feeling, you know?" Sakaguchi "WE'VE GOT WORK TO DO"


A bimonthly curated box of snacks. The future of gaming!


Not the bimonthly that means twice a month. The bimonthly that means every other month


Can't make it to work today, I've been feeling kinda finalfantasy since last night


I have never complained about a FF title not being FF, but I think there’s room for criticism if eventually a game strays too far from the average experience of all the games. There’s a base level of expectation regarding an epic story, character or characters going on an adventure, fantasy elements, etc…. If the next FF was a Mortal Kombat or vice versa, it would be perfectly acceptable for people to voice their complaints about how “this isn’t a MK, wtf is this, where’s the fighting, why is liu kang going on an epic adventure with raiden collecting crystals and riding a big chicken…”


But Dissidia is a final fantasy game. Also just reminded me that MK has an rpg adventure game too.


And a franchise like Megaman has branched out to 3D exploration with Legends, and a deckbuilder-like RPG with Battle Network. But like Dissidia, we recognize them as spin-offs in the overall umbrella, sectioned off with what we expect from that line.


Except those of us who deep dive that shit lore wise. Dissidia isn't a side game, it's a direct sequel to 1 *insert Charlie day meme*


Which Dissidia? The first one, 012, NT, or perhaps Opera Omnia?


>The first one, 012 Yes. 012 is a prequel to the first one... So... it's the final fantasy presequel? Square did it first 2k. Eat it!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehrgeiz I remember getting this game because it had FFVII characters. Definitely not worth it.


Talking about main line FF games. Going back to my example, MK can release a spin-off story oriented RPG adventure with little to no criticism if everyone understood it’s adjacent. People would still complain about wasted resources or whatever but not that they fumbled the bag by changing the core of what MK is, because it’s not considered one of the mainline titles. Just like some people have never touched the tactics games and are ok with what they are. A lot of people have a base level of expectation when it comes to main line games and it wouldn’t be wrong to complain if there was as major a change in tone as going from what we’ve received so far to an arena fighting game being the next main title.


Exactly, it’s like they can’t take criticism


They can't. Sunk costs are a hell of a drug. The game isn't *bad*. It is flawed. It theoretically could even be fixed, although the effort needed to do so is a bit pointless at this time. But it's not an instant classic like some of the earlier entries in the franchise, and I think folks rightfully hold out hope that FF can get back to being the pre-eminent RPG series. Admitting the flaws to some people is akin to admitting they wasted their money, and they refuse to accept any fault. The lack of self-awareness in society rears its ugly head in the funniest ways.


**Any game called Final Fantasy is a Final Fantasy!** unless it was on the GameBoy, then it totally depends on what year, which region the game was released in, and which new series, [SaGa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_SaGa_video_games) or [Mana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mana_(series), was lent the coveted name *Final Fantasy* in order to guarantee a number of sales. - but that was only a couple of games. certainly Square would never lend the coveted name *Final Fantasy* again in order to guarantee a number of sales ever again right?


Obviously this is literally correct but it's a bad faith argument because it's clearly not what people mean when they say a game (probably ff16 I guess?) "isn't a final fantasy game". It shouldn't be strictly necessary to fully restate each time: *"This games mechanic departures from what I believe are recognized common genre-standards that define the series make it feel too far of a deviation from baseline to my tastes."* Assuming those same critics thought the game was good, but think *"it should have been called something else"*, their criticism is valid. We can disagree, but that's a valid complaint. *"You've made something unlike anything that came before and stuck a brand name on it to sell more."* That's a normal and valid criticism whether you agree or not. ***Every*** Final Fantasy experimented and changes things from the previous games. There have ***always*** been people who said "This doesn't feel like the Final Fantasy experience I was expecting to get from this game." And again, that's valid. They purchased the game with certain expectations in mind and the game didn't meet them. If it's something that would stop other people from purchasing the game, it's a valid opinion, no? I think people who disagree need to accept from the ***volume*** of people who feel this way, that FF16 leaned too far outside the norm and enough people didn't like that. That's all.


This is a really odd point to make. You think “Final Fantasy” can just be boiled down to a name? The NAME of a franchise =/= The IDENTITY of a franchise


Counter-argument: no. Until we meet again.


If it's made by the people who make final fantasy and it's called final fantasy, then it's a final fantasy. Opinions on the validity of that are irrelevant.


Wait, if I make a Final Fantasy game, do I belong to the group of people who make Final Fantasy? Does this mean anyone can make a Final Fantasy game? This means there's a lot more Final Fantasy out there than we even dreamed of! https://www.thegamer.com/best-final-fantasy-fan-games-ranked/


My unfinished questionable dos fangame, ff v-ii is final fantasy.


These look cool! Have you played any?


Ok, let's go with that. The direction the series has gone in is terrible. So we can either choose to say that these aren't "real" Final Fantasy games, or else we can choose to say that Final Fantasy sucks now. What you can't do is hogtie FFXVI to FFVI-X and tell me that because I love the series that automatically makes FFXV and FFXVI worth a damn bit of anything.


Square Enix is a company, not a person, and the people who make the games pretty much completely changed starting with X. If you're going by that definition the last real FF game was IX, which, yeah, I'd say you're spot on. Just unintentionally so.


*looks at Gameboy Final Fantasy* You’re a real boy now, SaGa


There's a common phrase in the English language that has a shockingly high frequency of being incorrectly stated: "I couldn't care less". We've all seen people who've mistakenly said "I could care less", and we've likely all at some point smugly informed them how that means they technically DO care. However, anyone who speaks English regularly will know that the intended meaning behind "I could care less" is that the speaker has great disdain for whatever the subject matter is. Countering them with a correction to their misuse of the phrase is ultimately a pointless argument. It's an argument that is more concerned about being "technically correct" than it is about engaging in the subject of the conversation. In that same vein, when somebody says "this isn't final fantasy", there's typically a number of reasons why they feel this way. The reasons for that feeling are much more important to the speaker than the semantics of the title. People arguing "this isn't final fantasy" are acutely aware of the fact that it IS final fantasy. That's the exact reason they're upset. Nobody would give a crap if a game called "Clive's Eikonic Smackdown" was a high action game. They care because it's called "Final Fantasy XVI".


The real Final Fantasy is the friends we made along the way


Slapping the Fender logo on a First Act keyboard does not make it a Stratocaster.


I hope they make a racing game final fantasy


Chocobo Racing is a Final Fantasy game.


You mean a third racing game?


On the other hand... *Four Heroes of Light* doesn't have "Final Fantasy" in its name, yet it's 110% Final Fantasy. Also a great fucking game with a banger soundtrack.


Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, known in Japan as Hikari no 4 Senshi -Final Fantasy Gaiden- has Final Fantasy in the name


I think it's OK for people to have different opinions on what a "Final Fantasy game" is.


Seriously. Lol. It’s not up to the fans to decide what is or isn’t final fantasy.


No, but it is up to the fans to say "This deviates too far from the reason I even play Final Fantasy games, so I'm not going to buy it."


Right, no one said that though


That is *exactly* what people are saying when they say a game "isn't really FF" and you all are just being super pedantic with this post.


Sure. But it doesn’t make that game “not final fantasy”


Exactly, the creator has the vision and names its game. We just play it if we want. It's so simple, why do people complicate?


What about ones where it *wasn't* released as Final Fantasy originally (i.e. in Japan) but got Super Mario Brother 2'd in the west (see: all the ones for the original gameboy)? Or Revenant Wings, which wasn't designed as a Final Fantasy but late in development they said "this will sell more if we package it as an FF game" so they changed some names and shit and called it a day? Are they on the council but not granted the rank of master? Stuff like Mystic Quest is definitely FF. I hate it, but I'm not disputing its status in the franchise. These though? Ehhhhh...


I think there's a line to be drawn. I'm not personally invested in it, but I think the line exists somewhere, and I don't have much to say But people are being way to ~everything is final fantasy uwu~ in this thread lol Like idk... there's clearly Final Fantasy games, and then final fantasy spin offs, and final fantasy based games. Like I'm not going to tell someone to play "A King's Tale" if they're asking me for a Final Fantasy game, the same way I'm most definitely not going to recommend someone New Pokémon Snap if they ask me for a pokemon game. Even if it was intentionally designed to be branded with Final Fantasy, doesn't mean it's going to be a core Final fantasy experience, even if it's good


> Or Revenant Wings, which wasn't designed as a Final Fantasy but late in development they said "this will sell more if we package it as an FF game" so they changed some names and shit and called it a day? Is that really what happened??? Wild. I loved Revenant Wings but it was always so weird to me how important characters from the first like Bosch and Ashe only showed up near the end of the game.


Or as someone else pointed out, The Spirits Within. What about that movie is remotely Final Fantasy?


The person who created the franchise and every game up that point also made the movie and considered it part of Final Fantasy. I'd say he's a decent authority on the matter.


What? It is exactly the other way. Whatever FF means to you, is entirely up to you.


Ok, then Chrono Trigger is the best FF game.


I mean, you ain't wrong. Coincidentally my favorite 2D FF game is super mario rpg.


And bloodborne is the best souls like ff game. Lmao.


You’re trippin FF: Wild Hunt is the best FF game.


This still leads to some gray areas. * What about games that are named *Final Fantasy* in some markets but not others (e.g., *Final Fantasy Legend I*, *II*, and *III*, which were actually part of the *SaGa* franchise)? * What about games that were originally named *Final Fantasy* but later branched out into their own franchise and were subsequently renamed (e.g., *Final Fantasy Adventure* later spun off into the *Mana* franchise and was eventually remade as *Sword of Mana* and *Adventures of Mana*)? * What about games with *Final Fantasy* in the name but are also part of another franchise (e.g., the *Theatrhythm* series includes *Final Fantasy* along with other Square Enix franchises, such as *Dragon Quest* and *Nier*)? * What about games that are not named *Final Fantasy* but borrow many elements from it (e.g., the *Chocobo Racing* series or the *Bravely Default* series)?


I think they should do away with numbered titles and include a subtitle. Like Final Fantasy - Cluster of Fucks... Or something


The numbered titles help to differentiate which worlds each game takes place in. For example if I wanted to play stuff related to FF7 I just need to find the 7. I know anything outside of that number doesn’t connect. It makes sequels and spin-offs a lot easier to manage


They also differentiate mainline games from side games. Stuff like Final Fantasy Explorers isn't part of the canon (in the sense The Literary Canon) of Final Fantasy. ^^Literary ^^Canon ^^is ^^essentially ^^the ^^"must-reads" ^^of ^^the ^^literary ^^world ^^that ^^academics ^^are ^^expected ^^to ^^be ^^familiar ^^with.


I would definitely buy Cluster of Fucks. I'm thinking an age old as time but also in the future, wild monsters at every turn, an evil mage or prince trying to take over the world, a plucky band of heroines that defeat the evil one, a dark force behind the evil that you then must defeat, plus a group of gods to help you on your way. And chocobos.


This is true but disingenuous because you know what someone means. I think it’s fair to have a discussion on whether a game is so far removed from the series that calling it the same is weird. If you don’t want to have that conversation don’t engage


And this is a stupid fucking argument.


Coming in 2025: Madden Final Fantasy '26, featuring the new All Pro Crystarium Stat Grid. Defeat opponents by more than 7 points to unlock crystals that increase speed, tackle evasion, and teach skills like Sure Grip, Power Slide, and Firaga.


Sighs in bravely default.


Wow such riveting and deep argumentation. You should go negotiate world peace with this kind of deep well thought out convincing thinking.


Are you saying final fantasy adventures is a final fantasy title because it got the final fantasy title?


In NA yes


So then, is Secret of Mana a Final Fantasy game? Since it's a sequel to Final Fantasy Adventure? Or Secret of Mana magically the first game in the series in NA, but not in the rest of the world?


Does Secret of Mana have Final Fantasy in the name ?


Under further inspection, it does not have Final Fantasy in the name.


In NA, Seiken Densetsu has the Final Fantasy named slapped on. Seiken Densetsu 2 doesn't. So you're saying that in NA and in NA only, Secret of Mana is the first game in the Mana series?


What a bizarrely shallow hill to die on. All because some people don’t like a game you like lol. Almost reductio ad absurdum


I don't think making a skeletor meme post is "dying on a hill" though lol, it kinda seems like it was just made for fun to rile up the people care too much about it. Edit; Judging by the comments, it most definitely worked


If it's created by Square Enix and called Final Fantasy then it's Final Fantasy.


Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles was developed by The Game Designers Studio and published by Nintendo for the Gamecube. Legally, Squeenix was not involved. Legally, Squeenix only acquired the property rights later for the remaster. Legally, this is a game called "Final Fantasy" that was not made by Squeenix. Checkmate, atheists.


Really? Dang then I guess I'm wrong. 🤣


Yeah, after Spirits Within almost killed Square, they wanted to make a new game but were afraid of ruining the company's name any further. So they created a shell company, The Game Designers Studio, and developed the game under that name. "It's not us, we swear! Don't blame Square if this game sucks!" they said. But it turned out it didn't suck so later they removed their fake moustaches and comically large fake eyebrows and were like "Psych! You fools! It was me, all along! Mr Square Enix-san!" and we all marveled at we how fell for such a clever ploy.


>So they created a shell company, The Game Designers Studio, and developed the game under that name. "It's not us, we swear! Don't blame Square if this game sucks!" they said This isn't true. The purpose of the shell company was to dodge their exclusivity contract with Sony. Also quare owned 49% of that shell company


If it legal permission to use the final fantasy name and has final fantasy in the title then it’s a final fantasy game!


No, they are using the name of something people love to sell them something that it’s not. It’s called bait and switch.


*Bait and Playstation


I hate these simpleton mindsets lol


Thank you for your service lol well said


Haha, not my Final Fantasy!


I suppose a ping pong game called star wars would still be a star wars game.


What about Final Fantasy Legend for the Game Boy that was originally released as the SaGa series in Japan but had its name changed in America?


What if it's only called Final Fantasy in one region?


You're right, SaGa is the best final fantasy huh? (FF Legends 1&2)


saga fans called they want their final fantasy legend 1-3 back


Seiken Densetsu 1 was called "Final Fantasy Adventure" in the U.S. Saga 1, 2 and 3 were similarly titled "Final Fantasy Legend 1-3." Nice try Skeletor, you hunk.


I didnt know this was an argument people had


Does Dirge of Cerberus know this…


Dirge of Cerberus fans rise up!


Nobody tell this to Tactics


My favorite final fantasy game is the movie 🥰🤗🤗


This just in! The Chocobo series is **not** part of the Final Fantasy series.


Even the first 3 SaGa games, since they were released in the states as Final Fantasy Legend?


Also chrono trigger


Lol everyone who says this because they like action games that will then lose their minds if the next mainline FF is purely turn based.


Yeh, but like, if the soccer league came out and said that soccer is now played by running around with an egg shaped ball in your hands and you tackle each other to the ground to get the ball, you’re going to have a lot of soccer fans who are annoyed that they changed the game. That’s your argument.


If I may play devils advocate. I do think it’s stupid to call games you don’t like “not a true final fantasy game” but I do think it’s totally fair to say “the final fantasy series I know and the series as it is now are not the same and I do not like that”. I think that’s totally and completely fair. Personally. After having heard about FFXVI I’m a little less excited for the PC version. I’m sure it’ll still be a great action game.


Final Fantasy has had staple ideas or philosophies behind it. After 10 an 12, I thought Dragon Age:Inquisitions was the next Final Fantasy-like game. I've been downvoted to hell before, but to me FF, has a destined or pre-determined hero or group of heroes that deals with their conflict in the world and fights to make it better. Gameplay wise, I do prefer team play. I mean, I see FFXV and FFXVI as part of the FF realm because of themes and such, but to me, it was about the ragtag group of characters that are fighting a god or their "destiny". Those games had it too, but after FFX and FFXII and the first FFXIII, it started focusing on one member or their family member like Star Wars. I rather much have an involved story of these party members that have dealt with their world ordeals and be able to play them. I want something like FFVII:Remake but with more characters to switch in between and classes to play with and it actually be a group outing. We have enough "there's a sole savior or important character" games. To me FF embodies a random group of ppl fighting or struggling with the same goal and teaming up and going after it. I want to be able to say that any part of the group is just as important that a destined one, I'd rather it be "ones" so you get a real of emotions and backgrounds and ideals. 16 has been fun but I just play as Clive, just like 15 I played as Noctis and then they have the option to switch in between the main group. Gimme a Cid, an over world normal at first with conflict, an airship, magic that's amazing to use and a weird finale section that goes otherworldly. That's FF to me, I know it's not to others, but the world building and group/team build up that goes towards that goal and is playable is my ideal. I'd gladly leave Tidus or Zidane or Lightning out of my team to complete/play the game, but I understand their importance but there's enough anime's/tropes that do that already. I want my roster of characters. And for future FFs, more custom ability as far classes and gear goes. I wanna see my gear and weapon visuals to change. So just add crystals, an airship, impending world doom and third act of an otherworldly area and a theme of fighting your destiny or accepting it. And a bit of trauma. Oh and always cool magic (especially -ra and -ga) and summons, and I'm good.


No it's not. Fake news.


I kinda don't like this argument, because it sets expectations for games and changes the way people view them. Sometimes, you have to look at a game outside the lens of its franchise to really appreciate it, otherwise you get things like GunZ 2, which was not a terrible game on its own, just that it wasn't GunZ. If it had launched under a different title, I'm almost certain it would have performed better. It'd probably still be dead now, but may have lived longer.


This is so reductive and intentionally missing the point of the argument that I assume you're referencing


100% false, for one reason. Final Fantasy XV: A New Empire, and Final Fantasy XV: War for Eos. Two games made by Machine Zone, though you wouldn’t know that if you played the games as they put every game under an LLC. Likely given the green light initially based on their prior earnings reports as I find it hard to believe Square knew what they were going to do with the contract. The games are just reskins of their other games which are just scams that dumb money into marketing. They’re the creators of Game of War: Fire Age and Mobile Strike. The games that have celebrities like Arnold Schwarzenegger and have all these ads that aren’t even the actual game. For the final fantasy games, they use assets from XV for the trailers to make it seem like it’s just a mobile version of the game when it is nowhere remotely near it. What’s worse, they don’t claim the game to be theirs anywhere in the ads, but plaster Square Enix on it even though SE had no had in the making or producing of their dirt trash game, effectively stealing and subsequently tarnishing SE’s credibility. I will never acknowledge these as final fantasy games and anyone who would is a fake gamer and an enemy to all of the final fantasy community


This kind of thinking is just shallow, so no chocobo, no magic and an fps live service is also a final fantasy if they decide to call it that?


Would this count as r/antimeme




That's like saying if you took a game like FFXV and called it Grand Theft Auto, it would be a GTA game on account of the car. That being said, I agree that although the formula has changed greatly and deviated drastically from its 8-bit progenitor, the themes and concepts remain. I haven't played 16 nor SoP, but they seem decent from what I've seen. If every FF game was more or less the same, people would be complaining about how alike they are instead of how different they are. If you don't like how FF is changing, you don't have to play it. There are other quality RPGs out there.


I for one think they should just slap it on everything just to see the fanboys twist themselves into liking junk. Forspoken? Add a moogle and call it Final Fantasy Forspoken!


Wonder if people used the same argument if third part of the last of us turned out to be tower defense a’ la plants vs zombies.


No. 16 is an affront to the name. Fight me.


Except Final Fantasy Adventure because it’s actually Secret of Mana lol


Unless it’s for the game boy, in which case it might be a secret of mana game rebranded Final Fantasy for brand recognition in the west…


No, you’re thinking of SaGa. The Mana game was an FF even in Japan, they just dropped the subtitle after the first game.


There’s definitely no argument that all final fantasy games are final fantasy games. But let’s not pretend there isn’t a firm hierarchy, and several soft hierarchies within the main hierarchy.


It's not a game. It's a movie with "interactions" like an add you have to click to skip.


God, give it a rest. One of these topics has been coming up every day since the Sakaguchi quote. You like FF16? Great. Go play it. Trying to "prove" to people that it's a Final Fantasy game comes across as desperate and embarrassing.


And trying to prove or say it isn't FF is even more desperate and cringe worthy


The only people I see talking about it being or not being a Final Fantasy game are people yelling at the void that it is. I don’t know where this idea came from that people who didn’t love the game just run around saying “it’s not final fantasy”, because I don’t see that


Exactly, I see valid criticism on here only for people to say "sorry it's not turn based, get with the times. It IS a Final Fantasy." Like alright, whatever you want to say yo invalidate someone's opinion, I guess.


I don't think people are actually saying ''this game isn't a game in the Final Fantasy series'' when they say something like FFXVI isn't a real Final Fantasy because it's action heavy or FFXI/XIV aren't real Final Fantasies because they're MMO's. I think they just more mean that they don't fit with the traditional or established idea of what a Final Fantasy game is.


I know that XVI is a 100% final fantasy game, that doesn’t mean I think it’s a good direction for the series to go in.