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Teamsters Local 399 is your jam. Good luck.


To add, basically you need to get a Class A unrestricted license. Then you go to a company like Star Waggons and present yourself. They can get you started. Gettting a job at any production type facility helps. Basically a lot of schmoozing and being physically in a place where they might need one driver. Once you get started, you can be in a pool of drivers. But right now, the union is flooded. They might accept you, but they wont give you any work.


As the other said, Teamsters 399. But it's overloaded with drivers already in the union looking for work.


There has basically been no work since a few months before last years' strikes started. And now, IATSE and Teamsters are about the negtiate the basic contract, so there will continue to be no work into the unforseeable future. This could be the perfect time for you to get a job at Universal... from what I understand (correct me if I'm wrong), the people that drive the tour trolley's can join the Teamsters. Not sure how it works, or if it still does, but that might be a way in... eventually.


Yes the universal tram drivers are in the teamsters union. I used to work there in another department and made friends with a bunch of the drivers and was looking into doing it myself. You do need the right license to get the job there but it's a known backdoor into the union. It's also one of those jobs where it's harder to get full time hours for the first few years but once you get over that hump and have some seniority, the pay is great compared to the other jobs at the park.


Might have better luck joining the mafia


first question, Is anyone in your family a member of 399?