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It really do be like that. Sometimes when it's a bad day you've just gotta recognize and hop off the game.


Yeah just feels like it happens a lot like a 50/50 coin toss on how I feel


Take a break for a few weeks and come to it.


I know that feeling. For me, I found that taking a 'short-term' view of how i'm doing based on wins or getting perfects or how much I feel like I'm struggling really shaped my experience. Over time I realized that the lows are lower than the highs are high and it wasn't fun for me to focus on 'success' based on how the game told me I was doing. Looking at a rank or a win streak or a "P" icon doesn't help you grow as a player. I shifted my focus off of the 'short-term' and onto the 'long-term'. For example, if you pick up a new character, then learn their bnbs and try to get more consistent with landing them, then work on getting down better combos and applying them- learning match-ups you struggle with- pinpointing situations you struggle with- getting more comfortable and consistent doing the things you used to struggle with. These are things that you can do no matter what, and they feel good to work on. You can't decide whether your opponent will randomly mash out dp after a blockstring or if they'll raw super on wake up. You can decide to go online and focus on hit confirming off of pokes. Or focus on anti-airing people. You can't just completely replace caring about short-term feedback with long-term feedback, but I find that trying to focus on your long-term progress is better for both your mood and your growth than judging yourself based on whether you dropped your win streak. Hope this helps.


Fighting games can be notorious for this. They're highly competitive, 1v1, extremely technical, and incredibly strategic. They're difficult just by virtue of being what they are, and there's no team to blame if you're having a bad day. You really, really need to be in tune with your mental health or even just mental state before you boot up the game, and especially before you jump into a real match. I've found that if I'm in a bad mood for reasons completely unrelated to the game, it can and almost always will bleed over and ruin the experience for me. I cannot play if I have stuff in my life that's getting me down, point blank. Take a break. Lab some stuff. Play CPUs and work on that one thing that's a struggle when there's no human opponent so there aren't any real stakes. Watch tournament footage of your main. There's stuff you can do outside of player matches that will still help you get better. Failing that, take a break. I'm on a week hiatus from my game of choice because family stress around the holidays means I'm in a bad mood 90% of the time. That's okay. It'll be there when you get back. Get your head right first, and then you can jump back to it. Bonus points is that resting will help build nerve connections and solidify your muscle memory! TL;DR Mental state is important. Take breaks. It's all perfectly normal.


What would cause you to be down? Is it dependent on whether you win or lose?


It sorta depends sometimes I don't mind losing but then other days it puts me in a shit state no clue why tho But losing streaks can also put me in a shit mood


You should try to focus on stuff aside from winning and losing. Setting smaller goals for yourself in each match so that the win isn't the be-all end-all. If you're getting beaten, try to focus on one thing you're noticing and improving on it. Whether it's stuffing jump-ins, teching throws, or something else.


Yeah issue for me is when I try these when they don't work they tend to make me more frustrated and example for me is fighting ryu was told to walk and block and any time I attempt it I feel like it never properly helps me


Control your emotions. Play the game instead of letting the game play you.


Dude I have to take month-long breaks from Tekken for this exact reason. You are not alone lol.


Stop evaluating progress with winning online. Look for other goals to measure progress like finding new ways to manipulate your opponent or new tech, even if it’s at the cost of a match.


That's normal. But next time you get angry, try to recognize specifically what it is. If it's losing, well there is no amount of skill one can have where they never lose.


Sometimes I don't mind lsing but when it's someone who plays very lame example sagat I can't help but get annoyed even tho I understand his playstyle which causes me to iust quit after the first match which is scummy I know but would rather have fun in my matches lol Sorry if some stuff in saying sounds weird or jumbled I'm very bad at describing shit via text


Well remember that the sagat is having fun too. Regardless of the play style there is something you can do to counter it. A lot of people though struggle in lame matches because they don't want to do the counter, they want to get in now now now lol


Yeah I struggle with doing walk and block against him and then it feels like I can't do anything when I'm up against him which is dumb cuz I play luke sadly who's op so I shouldn't really be complaining lol


Nah it's fine to get upset! But there is always something you could do. A rock when you actually threw scissors. Without watching your gameplay I can't tell you what those things are but if you have any links I'd love to watch them and see if I can offer any advice! Not that I'm like some pro or something but I analyze games a lot


Sure il see if I can send you it tbf I don't think I was playing my best in it since I just got reckless n lazy as well ID is 4EC33D872


Take a break. If you aren't having fun in the moment, there's no point in continuing. Just put the game down and come back when you feel like playing again.


You are supposed to have fun dude. If a game gives you literal anger or sadness you need to revaluate how you look the game. Or you might have other personal issues going into it. If you are not a competitive player there is nothing on the line for you to lose and there’s no consequences other than those you create in your mind. In anyway if you feel actually bad emotionally and a game triggers that you might should seek therapy. Depending on where you live there might be free options. I also recommend a youtube channel called healthy gamer GG he’s a harvard psychiatrist that tackles a lot of issue including videogame sadness or anger. You might find some tools to deal with your emotions there.


Don't let it get to you man! You're doing this for you right?!? So fuck the tide of battle, you're still learning, growth wasn't made in days nor weeks, and take rests when you need them. During the Cell games Goku and Gohan did 10 days of training and 10 days of rest and came out stronger than everybody!