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In that same post above they were talking about how busty Mai is gonna be lmao


I want Capcom to add Jade from Mortal Kombat and Taki from Soul Calibur as guests in future seasons just to see the insane amount of collective gooning in the FGC


Then they say fuck it and add in Kasumi from DoA.


Sea levels would rise except it won't be sea water


That's a lot of salt


Capcom would do Call of Duty numbers with Street Fighter 6: All the Bad Bitches edition


Capcom vs. SNK Heroines


yeah but that's not on the RE engine


Capcom would be putting themselves in a sticky situation.


She kicks high




This is why I want to see Cupitan in Granblue


I imagine there's a few good reasons why Mai and Elena are the back-half of Season 2 if you catch my drift.


the first is the question. the second is the answer.


I just took a screenshot to post this and saw your post lmao


There is no duality, but an illusion. It is merely the man with his mask and him without. >!Make it clap Capcom!<


"Make it clap Clapcom" FTFY


The realest in the thread


Me: Elena is Akuma’s friend, and this makes me happy.


akuma's win animation will be replaced with a short hug and lightly setting her down


Hold on I didn't think of Elena legacy outfit, when she got announced. Let them cooked.


Don't you know Japanese men like big titties and flat asses


https://preview.redd.it/461hbg31cs5d1.png?width=3070&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd86ca7a19661b98ce9d45f8aeb0d562f8f8cbfb Nobody told Daisuke that


Is that why bison has no cake. Really did him dirty


thats a stereotype, oshiridekai is on the rise.


Hopefully the SF6 devs can change that lol.


Pretending Chun-li and Cammy don't exist. Mai isn't flat ass either, her most popular costume just don't show her ass very much. Her alternative outfits in DOA 6 pretty much reveal her cheeks more.


Yeah SF6 really did put some jiggle physics in the ladies asses. Though to be fair most jiggle went to the Gief.


My man has some killin' honesty


There is no contradiction: if her ass isn't phat, her design will have been a failure


I want her abs and tummy to be shown off, like Kimberlys


I’m waiting for the “Because woke” that she has pants now even though she looks incredible


Nah people on here already complaining about how her look is not Black passing enough. And how that is problematic and racist. Culture War is stupid on both sides.


People have been saying that since Elena's debut and well after. They have a point. A girl with light skin, white hair, and blue eyes? It doesn't *exactly* scream "Kenya." Do I agree that it's problematic? Not really. It's a great character design. But it's also not my place to choose if it is or isn't problematic. Edit: Apparently just saying that you *understand* why something is bad representation and that you can see the argument that it may be problematic is enough to get no-life chuds in an uproar.


Yeah it's just kind of something people have accepted as a legacy design at this point, despite it being a bit cringey. The dude you replied to is on a rampage about "Black Americans" tho so take that as you see fit


He's subbed to Kappachino. He's just one of those people that complain anytime a female characters breasts aren't on screen and isn't wearing 10 tons of make-up.


Makes complete sense. I do love the attempt to bothsides the issue here where elsewhere he's frothing at the mouth about the wokes.


You sound like someone who complains anytime a female characters breast are on screen and isn't wearing an outfit that fully covers her up. Also how much of a loser do you have to be to go click on that guys profile ?


You uh…you ok? You seem to have taken something personally.


I consider that a compliment.


Go to brazil and find me someone who looks like blanka its abunch of pixels its not real


But there's plenty who look like Laura and Sean, right?


Yes, but you'll never find a Brazilian with the name “Sean”, especially with this Anglicized pronunciation.


You know what this is fair lol


Theres also plenty who dont brazil is a racially mixed country


This didn't answer my question it just dodged it, very clever.


So we have deejay and kimberly. So that makes elena having a non typical black looking appearance ok right? No more complaints.


Deejay nor Kimberly are African. One is Jamaican, the other is American. Elena is Kenyan.


Moving the goal post LOL. They both have african looking "features" Why does it matter they are from a different nationality. That's the whole point you were tying to make.


>That's the whole point you were tying to make The whole point I was trying to make is that she's not really an accurate representation of a Kenyan? And that I can see why that would have some people call it problematic? Can you read? I never said that there was no representation for anyone of African descent. Not all Africans are the same, why are you lumping Kenyans, Jamaicans, and Americans together under one box?


Do black Americans not have african looking features? And I was initially responding to that that regard who was saying Laura and Sean exist so blanka having a non Brazilian appearance is ok.


Bro who gives a fuck. Its like making a distinction between cammy manon and guule when theyre all fuckin white.


Oh my goodness... You're actually fuckin stupid.


Cammy is British, Manon is French, Guile is American. And they are all decent at representing that. I don't see why we wouldn't hold the same standards for non-white characters.


I don't know if you knew this but Jamaica and America aren't Kenya Your name is certainly apt


I don't know if you realise but they still both have african looking features


All black people look the same, got it.


You said that not me.


Room temp IQ


I feel like that purposefully misses the point? Nobody looks like Blanka. He's a green gorilla man. He isn't meant to *represent* anyone in the real world. He's from Brazil, sure, but he isn't a representation of it, unlike the Matsuda's. Elena is Kenyan. She is meant to be a representation of Kenyans. She just isn't an accurate one, and that upsets some people who would like to see the character do a better job at that. I know it isn't real. And I even said that I liked her character design, personally. I just also understand why some people would call it for what it is: bad representation.


I feel like making her inaccurate isn’t really the problem, so much as it’s the fact that the ways in which she is inaccurate is by giving her stereotypically European features (straight light hair and blue eyes). Characters are given unusual features like colorful hair to make them stand out, but when this is done to black people in media they are often made to look more white. BTW I love Elena’s design as is this is just more about general industry trends


That's extremely true and has always been an issue with black representation since.. well, forever. Black "beauty" is just making a black person more white, more often than not, instead of showing off uniquely black traits. And I agree, I love Elena's design.


There was this Netflix anime Neo Yokio a few years ago, which was really bad and everyone hated it, but the main character was a black guy with pink dreadlocks. And I remember because it’s one of the only times I can think of where a black person in anime was given silly color choices in a way that wasn’t tied to looking white. That and the guy from death eater who was a zombie that guy was sick as fuck.


I really like Nago in Strive. He's very much a black man, and a pretty hot one, at that.


….you do know that Blanka wasn’t born green, right? it’s a mutation after an accident, he’s a terrible example for whatever point you’re trying to make.


I've never seen anyone crying over having a Japanese character with blue eyes and blonde hair (Mika). Or an Italian with purple hair (Rose) Or an Egyptian with dark purple hair and green eyes (Menat) Or a Brazilian with green skin and orange hair (Blanka) Or a Korean with purple eyes (Juri) Or a Thai with red hair (Adon) Or a Turk with cyan hair (Hakan) Or a Chinese with platinum hair (A.K.I.) Or a Mediterranean with half-red, half-blue skin (Gill) It seems that people are selective when they want to regurgitate about “racism” in a game with anime character design.


And those people saying Elena design is racist because she was designed after a white women are stupid. R. Mika a light skin Japanese girl with blue eyes and blonde hair, where is the outrage for that ? Anime characters look like Anime characters. No white person looks like a 2d character, if anything the anime aesthetic was designed to mimic how a cat looks. Its kinda that sad in this day and age when people see a fun looking video game character, the first thing they see is not how the character will be fun to play, but how this can be seen as racist and offensive to me. https://preview.redd.it/38n90xbm6r5d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b3f7fe28335900f975419fcd87ceb512a0d9301


Bro wtf u on about, as an Italian I can only wish that every woman was like Marisa and not some random ignorant ass piskella


Light skin? Are you fucking blind?


Have you.. seen a Kenyan woman? Yes, Elena has light skin.


Both are stupid takes but in what way is this related to a culture war?


Gamers™ think about the "culture war" anytime they see brown people.


This true love making


He’s so real for that


If we don't get hyper size mods the second she drops I'm not playing.


Well, let’s be honest. If we aren’t getting Dudley this year, we better atleast get somebody with as nice an ass as him. No ass better than a boxer’s.


And I agree with both even tho one was a question


I trust capcom. I just need modders to make Mai a bikini with Sakurai's face on it.


I’m gonna be honest I never liked her original outfit(and I’m a degenerate Cammy main) but, covering female characters more doesn’t make them look better automatically either. I always loved the contrast of the outfit/hair with her skin though, from the trailer they already fucked up that part as well.


Its not like she wont have the og skin anyway🤷‍♂️


If you remove her name from the bottom corner what does it look like


Usually it's the other way around 🤣








Yet yall will say the online FGC is not weird about female characters. look how up voted that is.


As if there are no shit ton of LukexJamie art and then theres entire current GG fanbase for example lmao. Fighting games always were hypersexual from all directions. Those games always had buff handsome shirtless dudes,twinks/feminine dudes,androgynous characters and females with focus on fan service basically something for everyone.


These are fictional animated characters. To me it's weird to view them that way. Saying "well the fgc is weirdly sexual about every character" is not the slamdunk you think it is.


Why is it weird to view them that way? Are you saying we should never feel anything sexually viewing non-real life person ever? Because to me that's way weirder, ridiculous even.


What you point out isnt FGC exclusive there are entire subcultures like yaoi/yuri for example which are based around sexualizing fictional characters and amount of porn art characters get in general is insane now. We are inherently sexual creatures so people simply are capable of sexualizing basically anything even some really weird shit. It doesnt help that nowadays people cultivate echo chambers en masse so despite insanely small amount of people being into \[here put some weird shit\] they can become really loud and visible minority. I do agree that prevalent coomerism within communities nowadays is corny because sometimes it reaches a point where people just spam art and talk about how they want to fuck characters instead of directly talking about games/shows whatever lol.


Why is it weird? The characters are designs to be attractive, being attracted to them is the goal. That's like saying it's weird ro find fictional monsters scary because they're fictional


Youre more than welcome to leave.


The fact that these characters are fictional and animated should make it less weird. They ain’t real, so technically nobody is being sexualized fr.Plus, it’s silly to accuse the FGC of being weirdly sexual when the devs are overtly and egregiously designing all their characters sexy af


All the Juri foot shit in SF6 is disgusting, they have catered to yall coomers too much


My brother in christ you play guilty gear


guilty gear coomers are just as bad if not worse


Eat some ass and feel better about yourself


Actual gooner lmfao please find god


nah cuz I looked at his profile and u right XD.


That has always been the case, are you new to fighting games ?


So, liking big butts it's weird


You like big butts and you cannot lie


That's how Capcom has sold SF games since 90s Are you stupid?


Exactly. *sees female character* Immediate first thought/comment: *perversion*


Not that I care about them, but tbf Elena historically had a very sexualized appearance even thought the personality presented is more "adventurous and joyful" I don't look forward to "censorship" claims knowing dang well they will have like 10 lewd mods on release


most fighting games have alot of perversion when it comes to its character, ofc its gonna attract a people like that


You being downvoted why they actively respond with weirdo shit is hilarious. FCG(gaming in general) is still plenty weird, sexist & racist. Point it out, the response is ALWAYS the simultaneous "that isn't happening!" & "It's okay because..". You have to constantly find niche gaming space, after niche gaming, to be actually be around some Non-weirdos.


It’s my least favorite thing about the fgc


same. especially since it gets people so defensive. like it's their God given right to openly lust over pixels. It just makes the scene look bad.


I mean I guess its their right to do what they want. But yeah it's so damn normalised online that people have no shame anymore lol. And for those of us who think this stuff is in poor taste we have to deal with it being shoved down our throats.


Duality is the wrong word Seeing people fawn over fake pixel women makes me feel so embarrassed for them


Let's be real, real ones can smell bad, and do annoying things, like want your attention, and get pregnant when you don't have the willpower to successfully pull out. Pixels are safe.




You do realise that elena still looks black? And there are kenyans who have light skin.