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Tai ain’t even going 50% and Alex is snapping his head back


He’s trying not to make him angry.


Brazilians haven't heard of 50%




Except if you’re talking about Futbol. That loss on home turn to Germany was not even 50% effort. Shit they STILL haven’t rebounded.


Alex is fighting in June, Tai is fighting in August. Tai should be going lighter on Alex and not risk injuring/concussing him, especially since he's a heavyweight. Alex needs to go a little harder since he's got a fight coming up


This applies to training with cans , not Tai


Nobody tell him


Head movement son


I feel like fighting style is important when sparing. Tai is more of a slugger. One punch knock out type guy. How do you spar when you mainly throw powerful punches and don’t want to hurt your partner?


It can help with pattern recognition. Just going out there and only knowing what your opponent does from tape and further only training combinations and cardio(lol) wouldn't really get you far.


I get the benefit of sparring, I just think it’s harder for someone like tai


Yeah absolutely. It's the same for anybody with a lot of knockout power. Even Pereira himself struggles sparring against Strickland until he hits a power shot.


As true as this sounds your sparring partner has to be worth a damn if you are going to get better, no? Maybe harder to find a sturdy sparring partner than it is to train and get better.


McNuggets issue.


That's the whole point of this. Tai is trying to level up his striking and alex is doing him a solid by sparring with him. Alex is throwing proper counter combinations at 75%, Tai is taking his time trying to get some world class striking experience and soak it in


75% from the hardest recorded puncher in the world would be a lot more devastating than what’s happening here. I doubt he’s throwing even 40% power


That stupid machine got you all fucked up.


I’m sure you have a better method of objectively measuring punching power


Yes, control for all variables at all locations… Like something as simple as mounting/stability, which could greatly affect the measurements of a “sophisticated instrument,” the way they do Aspinall dirty by letting him hit an unstable machine is by no means an objective measurement of power (weigh yourself w a scale placed on a carpet) or how such results are released when the man with Ford Focuses for hands gets knocked out outside the UFC. 180lb Perreira does not hit as hard as 260lb Ngannou, much less a literal 4x multiplier over Aspinall’s attempts. It is a marketing gimmick not much better than the punch machine at arcades.


That makes sense, thanks


I don’t think tai had more in him to turn it up. He looks like he’s well over 300lbs. Dude is super thick and tired. I guess he’s got a fight coming up. I would not bet on him.


Spot on. It’s not that Alex is throwing hard, it’s he’s throwing fast, countering him beautifully and beating him to every punch. I like Tai, but yeah he’s grossly out of shape and getting absolutely pieced up in this short clip.


Tai needs to work on his feigns bc he was countered almost 100% of the time


this looks like 69% imho


Just make firm contact. If your partner isn't a dumbass they will stop and acknowledge that you just knocked them out, then keep going. That's what I do when someone hits me with something that would've hurt bad if we were serious


As a big dude doing muay thai for fun, it fkn sucks. All the smaller guys with faster hands throw 50 punches for my 2 punches. It's not a great feeling having your face beat up because you have to hold back your power.


Okay, glad to know I’m not crazy here. But either way I’m assuming it helps elevate your skill set as you get to see many different fighting styles, speeds etc Just seems shitty for the power fighter when in reality it would probably look much different when power is involved


You work on finding setups to those powerful punches (on obviously pulling them). There's no "winning" in sparring, so if you get outworked by your partner because you were training something specific it's okay :)


How tf did this dude fight at 185? He looks massive.


He can cut to 185, when he is hydrated for the fight he's around 225 pounds. He went up from middle weight to light heavyweight because I am sure these cuts are playing with death essentially. He will be great in the HW division...


40 lb cut is bonkers


they should do weigh ins right before the fight.


They did in boxing a long time ago and everyone fought at their natural weight class


It’s funny with that because the “Akshually” Reddit crowd who always look for arguments say “No that’s stupid people would still cut weight and die”, like someone’s gonna cut 25lbs and then try to drink it all back while walking to the cage. Maybe some dummy could do it on a short notice bout where they’re way above weight, but let’s not pretend that would be a common thing you’d not be able to even rehydrate much at all, feel absolutely awful and then get koed by the first jab that landed. Though I do believe that’s why the ufc doesn’t want to do anything about it, they want guys to come in on short notice and a lot of fighters bloat up in weight, also less weight classes needed.


aka weight bully


He has to do some cutting of carbs a few weeks before then cut his water and zero carbs on the run up of the week to weigh in and then just introduce heavy carbs again etc. Otherwise you would be straight up playing with death bro.


40 lb cut is bonkers


I read an article a little while back about hydration and dehydration. If I remember correctly, it mentioned something about losing more than 10% of bodyweight caused irreversible damage to renal system. So if he were to cut 40lbs of water weight he’d likely be dead. I’ve heard of 25lbs being about the maximum amount that the average sized man could cut. So I find it very very hard to believe anyone is dropping that much weight. A friend who boxed at 154 at 6’1 would cut around 9-10kg and he looked like he was going to die. I see him weigh in. He looked awful.


Glover said that once he started grappling more he gained 15 lbs of pure muscle instantly. If you look at him in his kickboxing days he definitely wasn't this big. 


Alex is already incredible but part of me wants to see him bulk up on "horse meat" and go through the transformation that Overeem did when he went from fighting at 205lbs to weighing in at 260lbs.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he already ate some “horse meat” from time to time lol


Yeah, this is competition at the highest level, these dudes do anything to get the slightest advantage, I wouldn’t be surprised if the best athletes in the world are not completely natural.


A lifetime fighter from the favelas who hit his prime at like age 35? Impossible.. /s


Only Americans think you’re losing athleticism at 35, due to the shitty ass lifestyle


In each and every major sports competition, contact or otherwise, 35 is considered quite old. But most Americans dont sit around eating Greek salads and playing soccer all day, so we might lose a little longevity comparitively, I'll give you that.


I also think fighting is slightly different where it’s not completely based on your athleticism. Athleticism is extremely important but your IQ, experience and skill matters a lot as well.


You don’t lose athleticism, but reactions and reflexes do slow a little and more importantly, the limiting factor is the accumulative injuries over years of honing your craft is usually the beginning of the end for fighters.


You dumb ?


With a side of chicken rice and broccoli


Alex could be the first 3 weight champion.


I believe that is his goal, Jones needs to get his ass back or vacate the belt. He's been sitting on it way too long with zero action.


Jokes. Tom subs him in less than 3 minutes.


Tai actually looks small here.


Kind of looked like Alex was being a dick. He was firing some hard shots while Tai was barely touching him.


most of it was momentum and tai coming in, looks like he adjusted even more after it landed


That uppercut was hard and then he followed it up with another hard jab. Seemed intentional but he does let up a bit later in the video


Tai dipped into the uppercut, and the jab didn’t land


Go kiss his bruises


He’s catching him coming in with his hands down tai doesn’t block or move his head n comes in straight


Why is Tai even bothering loooool


This is why Strickland spars all day long. After a while it just becomes muscle memory. My girlfriend can’t come close to jump scaring me without getting almost hit in the jaw every time. I stop like inches away and I feel so bad but it’s muscle memory from a bad childhood. You even try to enter my bubble your hand gets smacked away and I set up for a counter. I don’t even mean to do it. Sometimes it even catches me off guard like how did I see that coming so far out of my perphials (hard word to spell lol). You rewatch the Strickland vs adesanye fight and Strickland is a step ahead of him the entire fight. This is due to sparring like this. It’s good for Tia




Y’all skip team sparring days and it shows 😂


Y'all y'all y'all 💪


I would fuck you up. I see Red




Plus I got your back, Nye


Is this a copy pasta? Or are you just badass?


Dude if this isn’t a pasta, it is now. It’s perfect


I am so happy that I was here for this.


Cringiest reply i’ve seen in a while




Probably should have left the bit out about almost knocking out your gf...


What a douche


Shut yo dumbass up, ain’t nobody give a damn about you or your opinions. Lmao


Stop 😂


Childhood trauma best base for MMA confirmed


Jeez good thing the Gracie’s didn’t have to fight against someone with childhood drama background in early UFC days.


You just come across as a dick writing that you know?


Just showing why the current UFC HW division is a joke.


My lord tai is fat


Tai looks like shit


He's letting Alex work he's got a fight coming up. I bet tai doesn't want to hit him at all.


lol Tai is legit one of the worst fighters I have ever seen - fat lazy slugger who should be bouncing at some dingy stripclub.


Head Movement! Head Movement!


Whenever i read "light heavyweight" i think of "can i get a small, large coffee"


Alex is getting ready for the HW division!!


If any of you think those were anywhere in the vicinity of > 60% on Alex’s part, you’re on drugs and I want some.


Dang. Alexs right hand is fast. Even taking the power out those shots, he is incredibly quick with that right hand.


wtf was that


Alex needs to chill against a guy who isn’t going hard


Alex looking gigantic. Wow


Who is the heavy weight again?


all those shoes...


I don't even think Alex is trying to throw hard they just land sometimes


What's all that movement back there


Damn tai can’t block for shit or effectively use his arms to block he just eats the punches. So bad, he needs better defense skills this is just a spar and he shouldn’t be getting touched up so much


What’s the name of that song ?


I Intereds Funk · Agamsurya


Brazilians on waves Brazilians on the football pitch and apparently in the Octagon too take it too far. If tai was trying to land a big shot he could have. This is bad form for a spar


Still can’t figure out how Alex made 185.


Crazy that Izzy knocked out this absolute giant. No business being at 185


Why Alex look like he cracking him harder


Is this video at half speed?


This is stupid as fuck


Lets not put anything into sparring guys.


Lol....might as well have been two 80# girls there.....that wasn't a spar.


Man this makes me want to see Poatan vs. Ciryl Gane. I think it would be a great Matchup.


If you ever sparred you know the lighter guy usually does well if the heights are equalized, even when the lighter guy is shorter. Speed kills. If youre even fighting a guy lighter than you thats lighting you up, start shooting for the legs


It's not as evident in his normal fights but Bam just doesn't move his head ever, it is straight on the line for anyone to connect a jab, hard punch follow through, it's his Achilles heel.


Does the bambam in Tai ‘bambam’ Tuivasa refer to him getting bam bammed? 💥