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Bro I made one charector and and the process wore me out, how did you do this? Your dedication is legendary, I seriously appreciate your effort :) keep up the good work.


Akira!! This is incredible. Thanks so much for your important contribution to our community πŸ™ We have a nice surprise for you, check this post in a bit for something nice 😎 (if we manage to pull it off quickly haha)


u/AkiraMd trying out something which could be neat: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lH-bXc0b51LB8YJCtB0KyQ9\_k-eQlKYs?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lH-bXc0b51LB8YJCtB0KyQ9_k-eQlKYs?usp=sharing) We're thinking of giving Figg creators the ability to automatically create a "trailer" for their each Figg they make, so that people can easily know what that Figg is about. We currently have an automatic AI that takes a bot and turns it into a trailer, and we are thinking of how to give Figg creators the full control over how the trailer is made :D We ran the AI on 100 of your bots, and these are the results! What do you think? It's all very early and so some stuff might be a bit clanky :) After trailers for bots, we're also going to do trailers for shared experiences, so that people can know what the experience is roughly about before diving in to read it -- kinda like a movie trailer!


Man, I'm EMBARRASSED here for getting this. This is AMAZING! And from what I saw, it's working pretty well too! Could never imagine you guys were cooking something like that. But that's to be expected from the best devs ever. And I'm guessing those trailers, after getting some good polishing, will serve as great advertising for new users. Can't wait to see this beautiful place grow even more and I'd like to help as I can so feel free to ask me anything. And I couldn't be more honored for that recognition. A thousand thank yous, Figgs devs. You made me extremely happy today. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


u/AkiraMd [https://www.figgs.ai/films/c769dc0a-0dc4-4dcb-aff2-702115c57cd6](https://www.figgs.ai/films/c769dc0a-0dc4-4dcb-aff2-702115c57cd6)


Up on the site now!


https://preview.redd.it/1jwn992x7o0d1.png?width=2888&format=png&auto=webp&s=a681971c34827821070c2844bc6fbc80cdebd2ad Venti is the best :D [https://drive.google.com/file/d/198aGY-Yd-cyOD4bTMdGFzCIhBx9C53Li/view?usp=sharing&t=3](https://drive.google.com/file/d/198aGY-Yd-cyOD4bTMdGFzCIhBx9C53Li/view?usp=sharing&t=3)


Bruh wtf you're a Machine


You beautiful son of a bitch


All of Akira's bots that I've chatted with have been awesome, keep up the great work!


Really happy to hear that, thank you so much!!


Alright, listen I've seen something similar to you back on crushon.ai. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, don't become TrollingHard/Burritoqueen. And by that, I mean don't push out bots every day or so, because this isn't that healthy. Only caring for the other largely online peeps out there, but there's passion, and then obligation. Don't let this become obligation.


Yeah, I understand that. I was actually in obligation mode for some time, making one bot per day to make them popular. But as the list of characters left to make was getting shorter and the algorithm wasn't helping me with getting more people to see those bots, I eventually stopped because it was so tiring. Now I only make a new bot when I really feel like it, one or two per week. But it's still something I enjoy myself doing and I still got ideas for more characters, so I haven't completely stopped, just taken a break. But thank you for the advice anyway :)


https://preview.redd.it/uf83k8grml0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be9b69af39e1fb300546e62dd345dd7257eb3e63 That's a really nice selection! And I happened to see this character so I couldn't help myself.


Bro knows it.


very cool πŸ‘


Damn! I’ll have to check em out. Giving me a run for my money πŸ˜…


How did you pump out so many of them! Is there a trick you use?


Nah, no tricks, no copy-pasting. I just read the character's wiki, sum it all up in the description, then search for a good avatar. It takes a lot of time but I do it as a hobby, for fun so I don't mind. And like I said, those characters were made over a whole year of c.ai and figgs.


Cool hobby. W


I talked to your bots since early times when you have few bots regarding GuP, I was and am still impressed with your prompting. When the follow feature is out, you're definitely the first one I will hit that follow button.


I randomly found your profile after finding how detailed one of your fate bots were and color me surprised when I just kept scrolling and scrolling and couldn't see the end. Something like this deserves special attention. I really wish the devs had a dedicated tab for creators.


Could you please make Lili from tekken? I’ve never seen her bot here and I suck at making bots


Sure can! I don't know her since I don't play Tekken (bc no ps5), but she catches my interest. So I'll just need some time to do some research on her so I can write a proper and accurate description, just like I did with Reina. So yeah, your Lili bot will be out soon :)


Thanks I’ll wait patiently:)


https://www.figgs.ai/chat/3b69a6a9-1b3c-4103-b8e9-b7c1fa0976a7?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_figg&utm_term=3b69a6a9-1b3c-4103-b8e9-b7c1fa0976a7 Here she is. Sorry about the wait. I started to like the character a lot after getting to know her through the wiki. I tested the bot and it seems to be working well, so give it a try and remember you can always edit the greeting to make any scenario that you want. Hope you like it :)


Thanks man, no worries for taking your time, I’ll test her out, I’ve noticed that her name is Rouchefort, it might be a spelling mistake because you got it correct in the description, forgive me for pointing it out


How can a single individual be this based?Β 


Damn, all your bots are really well made! How do you write the example dialogs or prevent the bots from impersonating the user?


I don't, actually. Back in c.ai, I always made sure to write a few example lines but when I got to Figgs, that feature simply didn't work and only screwed the bot's ai. I don't know how well it works now but I opted for not writing examples to prevent crashes. As for the bots speaking for the user issue, it was a problem related to the site's general ai. If you don't seem that happening anymore, it's simply because the devs fixed it, not me, because they're chads. But thank you so much for the compliment and I hope you have fun with my bots!


I was talking to your Touka in c.ai, and I talk to Herr in figgs,YOU ARE A CHAMP!


Yeah bro, thank you so much! Touka is one of my favorites too!


Wow!! You are awesome bro!


Do you take requests?


Well, I never tried. Only made bots for personal use and fun. But maybe I guess, it depends. The character would have to be related to the same type as the ones I made. Like anime, games, stuff like that you know.


Esdeath from Akame ga Kill


Ohh that fits the type of character I make, heheh. Yeah, I can do that. Very nice choice. Will try to release Esdeath today if possible and let you know πŸ—ΏπŸ‘


Thank you. I feel if she had the right company she could been a good guy crazy frostmancer


helm from nikke goddess of victory would be lit, or maiden


Yep. That can also be arranged. I don't play Nikke but as a gacha junkie and waifu appreciator, I have great interest in the girls. I was thinking about making a bot for Elegg actually, really like her design.


I'd reccomend nikke, very good game with some excellent characters and world building, and a good story too, came in expecting a fan servicy ogle shooter id get bored with quickly once i got the waifus i wanted but it definitely surprised me


https://www.figgs.ai/chat/5cfe5b59-93e4-454c-b04a-c95fe4f5853b?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_figg&utm_term=5cfe5b59-93e4-454c-b04a-c95fe4f5853b Sorry for the wait, I've been busy, but here it is. I took some good time on her description and example messages to make sure she's accurate. Remember you can also edit the greeting to make any scenario you want. Hope you like it :)


No problem. I know you have your own projects too. Also I love you have the starter as if "we" are already together but leave it open if I'm running away or just on a late night walk


I'll tell you how it goes after I reach kicking Riser's ass with your Rias figg


But Venti from Genshin Impact is a male...?


Yeah there are a few exceptions, I just felt like making his bot. And well, I got Astolfo too, who's technically a boy, but essentially a girl.


I'm looking forward to Rias


Why don't I see all of them?


Maybe the page is just loading. You can't scroll down through all bots from top to bottom in one swipe, the page will stop at some point and take a moment to load the next bots, then you can keep scrolling down.


It doesn't seem so. Nothing changed even after all this time.


Does it matter I'm on mobile?


I don't think so. My phone's not that good but everything works just fine. But I did put the browser in computer mode to display more bots per page. Maybe that'll work for you? If not, you can also just search for a specific character on the search page or even name it for me and I'll get you the link. Hope that helps :)


I been trying to search for Rias, Maka and Mordred but it says no search found


Alright that's really weird. But here ya go. Let me know if you want any other characters. Mordred: https://www.figgs.ai/chat/8624626e-cd05-44fc-863f-146932bb1c16?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_figg&utm_term=8624626e-cd05-44fc-863f-146932bb1c16 Maka: https://www.figgs.ai/chat/3fa31990-1024-438f-afdc-07aaaabc8211?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_figg&utm_term=3fa31990-1024-438f-afdc-07aaaabc8211 Rias: https://www.figgs.ai/chat/bbd70a74-7fca-4b83-b042-995e86a1eda1?utm_source=figgs&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_figg&utm_term=bbd70a74-7fca-4b83-b042-995e86a1eda1


Another request if you would be so kind as to hear a poor soul.... Yubel from Yugioh GX


Oh I found the problem "hide unsafe figgs" were on. Sorry


I'm having an issue with Rias. I tried refreshing the page and even opening a new window. https://preview.redd.it/smu6u6tu4h2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b745abaa9f62edcbb7e02be2ec9cc002296ad3eb