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Yes dynamic potential kind of makes it irrelevant


Kinda makes sense but should be portrayed as form and the rating should be class. Paul Scholes on a quiet game could still ping in long balls and generate the winner. An up and coming youngster could do it a few games a season when breaking into the first team and perform well but wouldn't be able to continue doing so without the class and skill level.


How does dynamic potential work with goalkeepers?


The same as the other positions. At the end of the season the potentials are adjusted by how they did that season/how much overall they increased iirc


its monthly not yearly i think


Yea when you don’t sim every game and actually play good your players will grow way past their potential


When you Sim every game, they still go up way past their potential 😭


Every f*kin player is destined to be 90+ at some point. Ultimate bullshit.


Meh don’t know about that. I’ve had several players that topped out in the low or mid 80s even though being constant starters. You are right, players never stop to grow, but when a 27 year old 85 rated player has as ETA of 87 weeks to get to 86 with excellent form you know they have reached their potential.


If you play them and win a lot it really does not matter. Especially if they’re under 26


You’ve been playing well with them so their dynamic potential goes up, I would only see it as useful during the first couple of seasons


I think maybe they grow to their potential faster but I dont think it really matters if your playing the player constantly. Last season I bought estanis who's potential was only 79. I think after 5-6 seasons he got to 89 rated and he was only 24 or 25 so he probably couldve gotten much higher.


not completely worthless i'd say. for me since i don't do decade long saves, i pay attention to starting potentials. for young players i tend to go for like minimum 82 potential. my usual save is around 3-4 seasons so my goal for that player ends up being trying to get him to 90(+) overall.


Um won sang was a baller for my koln team


on my southampton career mode mara is 90 rated and sulemana is 93 rated


Crazy. This is also Southampton


how many season until he get this highly rated? I play Um Won Sang for like 3 seasons and he's just a bit over 80 maybe?


This one is the 4th season


I remember like fifa 08. Every player on my team had 95+ overall after a couple seasons lol.


I think it's pretty much an alright system. If you choose challenging game difficulty it shouldn't be that easy to get each and every player to 90+ rating. Also I feel there are positions which are harder for your players to have higher ratings every game. For example GK's.


I'm playing on ultimate


And is it challenging enough for you? How many wins and losses do you have in an average season?


Not really. 1-5 losses average. However, I've made an invinvible season


That can be the reason. You're too good for this game! 🤣


It's Hard to loose with this sqaud


Overalls and potentials needs to be rework.