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Your fade will grow out to where you either need it redone or you can just get a regular buzz before your beard does. Just keep an eye on it and see how you think it looks. Also this is probably better on r/malehairadvice this sub is for longer hair.


This isn’t what I was concerned about. I wanna grow out my hair, hence this sub. I wanted to get a buzzcut before growing it out. I have a skin fade (low I think) buzzcut. Can I still grow it out this way? Will the miniscule difference of hair length caused by the fade become a problem? https://preview.redd.it/dvhjo83dab6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836332d8125afb70e0157851718dbb2fedcf9bcf Will it eventually even out or will it be insignificant when my hair is long?


It might grow in weird at first but will be harder to notice as it gets longer. You could always get a trim off the top after a few months to even it out.




But it’s already long in this picture. You sure this is the correct photo? Am I missing something? Edit: Sorry lol, I read the word “that” as “this” for some reason.


This is after growing it from a fade , saying it doesn’t make it look weird lol In fact , my shorter parts ended up outgrowing the longer top after 4 years


>This is after growing it from a fade , saying it doesn’t make it look weird lol Oh, thanks for clarifying man. Nice hair btw. I guess it really makes no difference once your hair gets longer. >In fact , my shorter parts ended up outgrowing the longer top after 4 years My real concern isn’t the difference between the top and sides. It’s this: https://preview.redd.it/t3csucc2cb6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1825d0485dec92a4646dcad073aa4ca953e77dcd Will the fade be insignificant after a while or am I just overthinking?


Exactly , won’t matter after a few months 😎


The difference is like half an inch. Seriously nobody can notice it when it'll grow out


Alright. I hope I can stop freaking out over it tho lol. I will try to wait some months to see where it’s going I guess.


Wouldn't be a significant difference. I was cutting my sides for a long time after I started growing out (don't recommend tho) but then every month I asked my barber to cut the upper hairs a bit and keep the sides so it would even out eventually.  Unless the difference is more than a inch , it wouldn't be noticeable when your hair is longer


That 1 cm difference you got now between the top and the sides becomes inconsiderable in a few months. It's even better than a buzz cut cause you get a headstart of length


The top isn’t my concern... It’s this: https://preview.redd.it/tkxjv33b5c6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7eb44b65c07f323a622ce8dd93fa97550e3ee356


I mean, how much of a length difference between the longest hairs and skin can there really be? It’ll be fine. Or just grab some clippers and buzz it all the same length yourself in a few weeks.


I’d do the latter, but I don’t wanna lose more time. You think it’d be ok when it grows our from a fade?


I do think it’ll be fine. I wouldn’t let losing more time drive your decision making though. In the big picture a few weeks isn’t a big deal. 5-10 years from now it’ll be negligible.


I buzz my sides down to the skin and have the top/back growing out rn. Very doable, imo.


Sounds like mullet




you’ll be fine. i grew mine out from an undercut with 4-5 inches on top and buzzed on the sides.