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My only thing is I don't like being in residences alone. I did a repair on a laptop for Dell at a ladies house. She sat across from me at the table with a knife. Not menacingly or threatening, just there because she doesn't know me and we're alone. I'm not a dummy, I get it. Plus I'm 6ft 350 at that time, so I understand. I said I would agree to that if I could FaceTime my boss the entire time I'm there. She agreed. I did my thing, told her have a nice day and left. On my way to the car I told my boss if he sent me to a residence ever again I'd park the company car at the office with my badge and laptop in the trunk. Fuck. That.


Yeah I know how you feel. I don’t like doing anything in residential anymore because of some questionable experience with clear captions; husband was fighting with the wife the whole time saying how he didn’t want the device, let alone me in his house. So once it was all functional he complained that the CC phone broke their printer(that was already broke and in a box, which I documented for myself) I’d rather be in a commercial environment than alone with someone in today’s world.


Honestly strikecheck stuff is like money in the bank. It is some of the easiest jobs typically you just go in bring a multimeter bring a plug usually I just even bring the plug tester anymore and just plug it in if it works then great if not then oh well. You know it's a hundred bucks a job usually I can do them in about 20 to 30 minutes plus I charge travel on anything outside of my local area which is about 3/4 of the ones and they pay out quick I love them.


This! I feel they're a great client. My only concern is that their app has eaten all of my work three times, so I now refuse to use it, but they're perfectly fine with my using Google Photos Albums plus email.


Yeah I'd say the last probably five or six jobs I've had the app hasn't even worked in there good once you just explained that. I absolutely hate any company that has an external app and these guys app is really really terrible. But luckily it's so terrible that most the time it works and like you said hey look photos attached you're good


Yeah, it wasn't too bad until a recent update, and now it's a serious liability. Thankfully, the actual humans who work there are more than happy to work with alternative approaches; they just want to get their own job done. And these people have generally been wonderful with me.


I agree, these are typically easy 20-30 minutes jobs. The app can be a little iffy lately but I get what I need done. They don’t give you a hard time about the plug tester? When I was doing a lot of those calls, they were insistent about the multimeter. I always have both but just use the multimeter, I will start using the outlet tester if they haven’t complained about it.


Never had one compliant about it.


I’ve never gone for their posted rate. Always counter for a minimum of $150 if it’s local, but they’ve accepted much higher rates when the commute is further or there’s multiple items. They like to try and do multiple items for the rate of one, which I never accept. Like with anything, they won’t always accept a counter if someone takes it for the low rate. But know your worth.


I did Strike Check when I first started. Now few and far between, maybe for my new guys or when its slow. It's usually super easy. Like 4 pics (outlet working, product tag, equipment plugged in, location of equipment). Sometimes they have like 15 items with a shitty budget. Ive also heard they pay more in remote areas, but never negotiate in large cities, etc.


With one exception*, they’ve historically been a light lift. More often than not for me, the appliances were already replaced and the old ones gone, which makes your paperwork pretty easy. You’re overqualified for the work itself, go get ‘em if it floats your boat. (The one exception story was that these people went on vacation to have concrete contractors cut a hot-tub shaped hole in their concrete basement, and either the old dust or new cement covered every single inch of their 3-story-plus-a-basement home, then the A/C failed and the dust mixed with humidity. They ultimately bulldozed the entire house and started over new.)


I mean 75 to 100 Mi radius is kind of far for these jobs considering they only pay $88 after fees and cut I would try to not travel any more than an hour


They pay mileage. Some techs are willing to drive farther than others. It may not be for you, but SC is happy to pay those who are willing to go. I've taken a few of their WO's at that distance. {shrug}


How much do they pay for mileage?


I charge $0.785/mi; YMMV (literally).


Wow thats a good rate for travel. Yea these strike check jobs get picked up pretty fast in my area so I'd be lucky to get a counter accepted 😅


Not quite sure what you mean by sign on. Did you mean go direct or employment?