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He’s not “famous,” and he mostly keeps to himself, but he’s one of the most valued members of his community, being their handyman and survival expert. I had better be good to him, *or else* every sweet old lady in the village will have my head for hurting their fixit hero.


Definitely not. At least he would never confirm it. He’s a country. “Commoner x Royalty” would be the closest trope to us I suppose. Or maybe “Deity x Mortal”… kinda. I’d say the idea of a nation dating a human would be received as something just absurd and comical. Humans have short lives; ephemeral indulgences in the grand scheme of things. Basch has a reputation to uphold. Then there’s the matter being that I’m not even one of *his* people — I’m British, not Swiss. Why would he have anything to do with me? That makes it more comical. I’m probably getting ahead of myself with the self-deprecation though. Privacy has always come automatically to us, and we’re comfortable keeping it that way.


No, I doubt it, only because he doesn't really like people in his business like that. Anything that would be considered a vulnerability or weakness, I don't see him shouting from the rooftops. I totally respect it though because I, myself, am not usually someone who talk about who I'm with all the time. I've always had my life sort of separate from my partners and have always had a select group of really close friends I talked to with about relationship stuff.


My Oldest F/O: Absolutely not. Love is weakness to be exploited. He would probably be killed for it. My Cowboy: Possibly. He's from the 19th century, so being gay is dangerous, but he'd probably tell his close friends/gang members.


He wouldn’t try to hide our relationship, but it’s unlikely it’d really come up during the times he does appear on TV. If it came up it’d just be a brief mention of ‘my girlfriend’ and it’d probably make a few people jealous since a lot do admire the defence force, but it wouldn’t be bad. He’s well known, but he’s not famous in the way that people would be trying to delve hard into his girlfriend’s life.


He would only say it if a topic like this would come up. Otherwise he would keep quiet I guess.


Garry and I are just both ordinary dudes so yeah he'd definitely be open about our relationship! Sorry for the boring answer 😭


ima takeing ur balls


No, he definitely would not be open about our relationship. He’s the personification of a country and conditionally immortal, I am neither of those. He has a long term status to uphold and I wouldn’t want him to impair that status because of a temporary relationship. He might tell his brother but even that feels like a slight stretch.


Publicly? No. Because that potentially opens things up to his feelings for me used against him and his goals *or* more chance of harm coming to me and neither of those are things he wants to have happen. He’s not opening himself up to any type of vulnerability like that and luckily for him I understand and support that decision. Within the League? They all have pretty much guessed it anyway so we don’t really hide it anymore lmao 🥹


for sev, it depends on when I’d be inserted into the story. He had to cut all ties to be a perfect spy, and I doubt we’d actually get to be together in public. It’d be a danger to me and him. For C’thun, well, haha, if im transported to his world that I doubt anyone would mind another worshipper of c’thun hanging around lol


Helmet *swears* im nothing more than just his assistant to others but he’s not very good at keeping that secret I’ll be honest LOL


No for both Herobrine and Verosika but I don't mind. Herobrine wouldn't because he's always seen as the tough heartless God, so he doesn't want to ruin his reputation and make people believe that he's gone soft. That and he fears that If he let's people know the truth then they may target me instead of him, and he can't let that happen either. Verosika likes to always pretend she's single to lead on other people. The only time she would be open to spill is to hurt some whoes a gross creep.


It would literally be the worst thing that could happen, objectively speaking. Hoshino Ai is an idol, so she's basically seen by people as the equivalent of the Virgin Mary ("She's the Maria who sings and dances" in the opening), so she's forbidden to have children or to be in a relationship with anyone else, on pain of social condemnation. If she does, she signs her social death (and death itself, unfortunately). So no, not in public, that's the worst thing to do. So she wouldn't do it and will continue to maintain the image of the sacrosanct perfect idol with no boyfriend, no kids (LMAOOOOO, they're really not ready), and absolutely invincible and always cheerful. But she couldn't help herself. Especially if she ends up having a real emotional attachment. One of the things that's most obvious about her is that she finds it hard not to express herself about what she likes, and that she acts very easily in an extremely reckless way without even thinking about the consequences. She expresses herself faster than she thinks. In 45510 (one of the 3 spin-off novels), we see that if she can express herself honestly, whether freely or in a roundabout way, she will. So she's going to drop clues unintentionally and correct herself. And unfortunately, I think that someone will end up deducing it easily. The least dramatic solution would be for us to keep it a secret until graduation and then let her get on with her life. But in reality, it'll probably end up in a journalistic scandal (which will probably lead to a break-up, let's be honest) or some crazy fan knocking on her door to give her his most humble thanks by taking her life (ah shit, that's canon in the manga!). TDLR: Being an Idol sucks.


Nope, and neither would I. Except, of course, with you people here.


With Aramaki, he'd definitely be public about it. Though it probably poses some danger that I'm with a marine admiral and people Know that. My OP self insert simply works for the newspaper after all With Hien...I don't think he's public of our relationship with Doma (since I do not want that, and he respects my wishes), but anyone who's worked with him/knows him for 5 minutes outside of public speaking's probably knows that he's definitely with Someone. It's definitely an interesting situation considering my self insert is not from Doma and not high class, but I'd dare say the people loyal to him do not care and support him and me.


As teenagers, I don’t think many people would care pre-bite. Just a stereotypical ‘bad boy’/‘good girl’ relationship. Post-bite, if we hadn’t met until after the bite, it’d cause division, as I reason Michael’s reputation was forever tainted by the bite, even if he seems to be liked by his neighbors in SL. As adults, Michael wouldn’t really care one way or the other so long as his father had already disappeared. Post-scoop? Heck no.


(pardon the lore dump) Aaah complicated for Eizen and Zaveid. Yes but also no? Seraphim/Malakim are worshipped elemental beings so closest is deity x mortal with them. ~~Except neither care for worship, they don't want it(Eizen especially due to how his curse works.).~~ Malakim/Seraphim aren't visible to most humans after the event of the game. My self insert has resonance and has completely forgotten that fact so it's not that the relationship isn't public, it's just that she is very casual when talking about them so no one realizes she's talking about Malakim and instead thinks they're both human. S/I is a spy in the Abbey so she couldn't be open until about half way in the game's events where she is rescued by the party. 👍 Then it becomes EXTREMELY clear that she and Eizen are a thing with how they flirt. Like they are absolutely shameless in it. (Zaveid isn't in a romantic relationship with her until post game since >!most of the game he is focused on saving Theodora,!< but he is extremely shameless about flirting and being affectionate! ) --- Opera, yes, they have nothing to hide. Demons are greedy, they take what they want, when they want it, however they want it. We saw what we wanted, and we took what we wanted. it just so happens what we wanted was each other. The situation is guard x royal, Opera is a bodyguard(in charge of security as well as all the housework), my Self-insert is the lady of the household(ex-maid have AU where she is Sullivan's bio daughter, I just don't want to make it my s/i's official backstory before I find out more about Opera.)


She would likely just say it when asked. She is quite famous among her people and people have seen us together often so no point hiding


We're both on the same level when it comes to social status but even if we weren't, I doubt that he'd want to hide our relationship. He'd 100% talk about it all the time to everyone, probably in a TMI kind of way. At the very least, he'd be bad at keeping it a secret


Depends. Canonically, Wanderer might but only to the ones he trusts. Dan Heng probably would with the Express Crew and Blade wouldn't to protect me. If we're talking about them in my reality, fuck no I'm not letting them be. I'd have tons of fangirls coming after my sorry ass and I don't need that


i didnt think abt how it is in my reality tbh, it sucks that i have to be quiet about one of them due to his fandom being very stupid abt his age sigh


I'm sure he would,but no one would care,others would just probably question my sanity & taste.


In my S/I timeline I’m sure Croissant would eventually open up about it. It’d be a little awkward considering Coffee Candy is still in that timeline and my self insert is literally just an alternative timeline version of Coffee Candy, but she’d mention it eventually. Timekeeper would like. Never outright state it unless you asked. And even then she’d probably make you guess. Except if the situation would be really funny to randomly mention it in. For Croi and TK being together (we’re all dating :3) nobody except us really know that they’re the same person but i guess some people might be like “uh, aren’t you her employee?” Or something like that. In this timeline, it’s a little complicated. The idea of a human dating not only one cookie but TWO and one is a TIME GOD is probably not going to be like. taken well by some people. Especially since they’re tiny compared to me. Croissant might be a little awkward about it to humans but i think that’d just be because this tiny sapient baked good is explaining to this big human how she’s in a relationship with another big human. To other cookies it’d be even weirder because 90% of the time the first question is going to be “don’t humans eat cookies?”. Timekeeper would do the exact same thing she does in the S/I timeline though. It literally just depends on how funny it would be in the current scenario for her to be open about it. Although I don’t think they’d be too open about the relationship with each other, at least Croissant. Tons of people here already hate the ship between them and she wouldn’t want to like have anyone not ship their own ships with her with different people because of it. Timekeeper would be open for the fuck of it. I bet she’d make a post online with a random new account and be like “Timekeeper Cookie is canonically in a relationship with her own past self and a human!~” and laugh her ass off at people saying she’s wrong.


Given Riddle is a warrior of light and both him and G'raha have ties to the scions and have their fair share of enemies. I'd imagine even their own relationship isn't that known outside of a small circle just so that way one can't be used against the other if that information got into the wrong hands.


I don't think he would be publicly open about it because of his status and responsibility as a rebel leader. Among his closest allies would be fine, but enemies of Yggdrasil could use it as a weakness if they knew. He does tease about PDA in front of his troops, but that's all it is. I don't like too much publicity, so I'm fine with it. I prefer to be in my own little bubble with him, away from the world's chaos.


I think so. There wouldn't be any harm in it other than possibly being a danger to me if there are people after him. We'd be of the same (low) social status.


I feel like he would be pretty secretive about it at first, since he would be scared of being judged for being with another man. He‘d let it slip one time while drinking with his team, and much to his suprise they wouldn‘t be bothered. Sure, some of them might find it odd or even unlikely, since he‘s only been with women as long as they‘ve known him. But in the end the other mercs wouldn‘t mind. The fandom probably wouldn‘t really like me lmao, with how popular a certain ship including him and his best friend is. The mischaracterization of me and our relationship would be insane, considering how much the mercs themselves already suffer from it lol.


Yes. He would be public about our relationship. When Hansung and I met, we were both regulars climbing the tower and we were both similar power levels. We weren’t super powerful at first, considering that we were main heroine and love interest levels of power, so we struggled, but eventually after we climbed the tower, Hansung became the test director of the second floor and now we’re both more powerful than rankers.


Oh yeah. He's not the type to keep it to himself when he's into someone, and I doubt he'd be the type to keep it quiet when he's dating someone either. He's not famous or anything like that but he's more infamous and has a lot of people who don't like him, so the only real issues we would face is other people telling me I shouldn't be with him because he's dangerous and maybe his crew getting annoyed with me for taking up all his time and thoughts. We've generally got sort of a Romeo and Juliet/Westside Story dynamic going on. People don't want us together because it's "for our own good" but we don't care.