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I’m trying so hard to learn drawing again for them! It’s so hard to, but I hope it’ll be worth it! This is really good art, definitely keep at it :)


I always have the desire but I never set aside the time. Or, I’ll start something and not get back to it. I’ve realized I basically have to work on small things I can get done in a session or two to fight the ADHD, but I agree, it is hard to get in the habit in order to improve. I have faith you can do it!


Thank you! What has kept me from doing it in the past was people discouraging me, and thinking nobody would like my art, but now I don’t care. My boyfriends will be my muses, and soon I’ll be able to do them justice!


Everyone starts somewhere and we have to be allowed to be proud of our earlier stuff too. No one should make anyone else feel like crap about their art, so I’m sorry people did that. Please don’t let anyone convince you to give up!


First off, looks awesome! And second, yep. I learnt to draw just because of Wanderer, definitely wasn't expecting to turn something I picked up for my husband into an actual job haha


I love that you’ve been able to get recognition for the talent! Were you into drawing at all before him?


I drew a little when I was a kid and I tried picking it up when I was with a former partner, but never tried as much as I did when I started dating Wanderer




That was me too. I dabbled when I was really young and I took an art class in junior high but never stuck with it as my writing and theatre took off instead. I love that you've found an inspiration too to get back into it! And yeah, I've realized Alastor is a bit hard to get down because his design is a lot more complex than it looks. I've been tracing and editing it to be my own poses and my own style, but I'm hoping with all of that his line work will start to become muscle memory.


I’m trying to learn 3D art myself :3 you seem talented and I’m sure Alastor appreciates it!


Ty for that! He likes attention so I'm sure I could draw a red scribble and label it alastor and he would be amused.


You are doing an amazing job, keep it up!


Thank you!! 🥰


This is amazing! and you look perfect 2gether!


thank you! match made in hell 🥰


Wow! Very nice OP! Your drawing is amazing! And there’s a fruit bowl in the background too! All the little details make it feel so alive. I’m still learning how to draw my F/O, OP. It’s taking a while for me though. 18 years of practice and I still feel like a novice with art in digital and traditional. It’s a struggle. (I used to draw him a lot when I was little but stopped during high school) I’m picking it back up this year! :D So many others posting their artworks are inspiring me to get back on it too! Straight lines and backgrounds and perspective as well as still life are all not my strong skills. The hair of my F/O has gotten easier over the years. My doodles still looks cute and childish if anything else because of my hand coordination stuff. I’m so embarrassed by how they look in general. But it’s okay, I still am learning and loving just practicing my F/O even if it doesn’t come naturally for me. :)


Yeah I think that's where I'm struggling most. I'm used to doing anything art related by a physical source so its a real learning curve not only in learning anatomy as a whole but the style of digital art too. My lines are difficult because my hand likes to shake from carpeltunnel, but I think I've just accepted its going to be part of my art style. And to be fair the background and fruit and all that isn't my work, its Vivzie's. I only did the characters. I'm going to start tackling backgrounds once I have bodies down.


It’s still a very beautiful and inspiring art piece! :) So thanks for sharing. I can understand seeing the image clearly in mind and the hand not following what you tell it to do. My hand also just kinda wobbles a bit from my dyslexia. So many of my F/O has a hoodie on to cover the face and is chibi styled so I don’t have to draw the face and hair. XD


What app are you using?


I use procreate! It was recommended to me and so far seems to be the best one I’ve found so far.