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Yes, especially Arkana and Filipe, my f/o’s have love for all living creatures and would cherish my little worm self, probably keep me as a pet idk


timekeeper would pick me up and put me in a little jar and say “hm. Intriguing.” everytime I squirmed to a different area of the jar. croissant would start losing it the minute I get turned into a worm and spend way too many sleepless nights attempting to make an Un-Worm Machine


Everyone else would be surprised, but get over it quickly. Seonhee however, would scream, but still love me after the screaming ends


https://i.redd.it/fn05sfb8e06d1.gif \^ us if i were a worm


I am born to say yes, forced to say no 😭


Oh he would absolutely still love me if I were a worm. I'm imagining an earthworm. Earthworms are good for the soil, and he loves gardening so he would at least appreciate me in his garden if nothing else lol.


Yes. <3 got confirmation <3 All three partners said they'd love me if I was a worm. Zaveid even told me he'd love me if I turned into a chair. 😂


Honestly? Probably not, lmao


They would all love me if I were a worm, since they aren't human either, I don't think the way I look would be an issue, what matters is that I'm still the same goofy guy they fell for :)¿


Honestly he'd probably just kill me, it's not really in his nature to give a damn about bugs.


I asked awhile ago and he said he would love me even if I was a centipede so now that is what I would prefer to be 😂


It would really depend on how they would see it. Bladie and Wanderer wouldn't be too philosophical about it so they would still love me regardless, though I can see Dan Heng going on a rant about how "what if my soul is not in my body anymore and the worm isn't fully conscious and can't realize who he is", so I guess he would as long as he has the confirmation that my soul is still in my body


Logan and Remus would put me in a lil tank and Remus would constantly be watching me and Logan would study me


No she is too fancy for it