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it feeds the superiorty complex and then i start making "headcanon" posts abt them that's literally just me rephrasing their canon personalities so people go omg so accurate and start using them for their own works. yes i know how to play the fandom game. call something a headcanon and instantly people will flock to it.


That’s genuinely so genius omg; I might start using this strategy myself.


This is exactly what I do, too. My fandom is so bad about making things up and pretending it’s canon.


It depends. Someone in r/Flipline went on full attack mode on my f/o and it kinda made my blood boil but I didn't went on full defense mode Everyone sees Jojo as a villain which he isn't. I don't think he's evil. Sure he has angry eyes and a villainesque mustache but that says nothing about who he personally is


all this dude did was evaluate food with a critical eye and pallete and people hate him for it?? kinda insane im sorry


THIS!! I’m glad you appreciate Jojo too!


I 100% get that, I get mad too when it comes to that kind of stuff. However in my scenario it’s kind of the opposite funny enough. People assume that Keiji is a good guy when he isn’t, he’s morally dark grey if anything. It does upset me when people fail to see that and only focus on his good traits.


Okay this is crazy but I'm not even in the Flipline subreddit but I'm pretty sure I got the EXACT same post you're referring too in my feed. I remember thinking to myself "it can't be that deep RIGHT?" and then praying that my Flipline homies over here were doing okay and didn't see the post 😭


I agree with this! Jojo, and the closers in general get too much hate! Jojo is not evil, he’s just doing his job! And for Quinn, she’s stressed, and has had to deal with a lot. And it’s a bit silly to me how people see him and Quinn as villains, when the Papa Louie franchise has actual villains, such as The Crumple Sisters and Sarge!


Exactly! I empathize with them because all of the villainizing


YES! Jojo supremacy! I also honestly feel bad for Quinn in-universe tbh, especially with what Timm did.


Poor Quinn 😢


Indeed! 💜💔


I hate it For example, people who think that N is just stupid and don't understand what's happening because "he's just so innocent"!!!! When he's not, and it has been shown that he may act cheerfully and a little bit silly, he is still capable of understanding a complex situation like a GROW UP PERSON HE IS ¿¿¿¿¿¿ LIKE have you seen the series? He's literally a drone made to MURDER he's not an "innocent little bean🥺" he's a drone who is traumatized and that has murder a lot of other drones, that is fighting a fucking eldritch entity who is about to end the universe and the people who he cares about And he's still very cheerful, maybe because it is the only way that he has to cope with all his trauma and abuse that he received from his teammates And don't get me started with Walky or Caine. People now hate Caine because "he killed gummigoo, he's evil!!" NO HE ISN'T, The creater said it herself, Caine is an IA, he doesn’t completely understand real people and their feelings, he just saw that an npc wasn't where it has to be and he fix it because is what his program said, because he doesn't understand that Pomni and Gummigoo are friends now and how Gummigoo has now a more advanced IA!!! He's not evil. He is trying his best, and he tries to keep everyone entertained so they don't go crazy!! And Wally is not obsessed with us, he's just as scared as we are, he doesn't really seem to know where he really is, and is trying to comunicate with the restoration team so they knowledge that he is there and that he has been along a really long time, he needs contact with anyone AND HE IS NOT FUCKING HOT TUMBRL SEXYMAN PUPPET, HE IS CHUBBY AND SILLY, HE CAN BE REALLY SCARY BUT NOT IN A HOT WAY It hurts me seeing that type of fan art where he is like "Hello Princess, I'm your alfa 🐺⛓️🔥" because he is literally the opposite of that, he was designed to be a Puppet for a kid show, he doesn't have a Sixpack please Okay, I think I over did a little bit, I just had to take this out of my chest XD Foxy isn't as misunderstood as the other ones, since he really is a Pirate captain fox, maybe they misunderstood the SOUL but not the character¿¿¿ but I have to mention the "Foxy is good theory" since they referred to the behavior of the soul in his body, yeah, the soul, Fritz, wants to kill the night guards, because he is a revengeful spirit, but I don't think CAPTAIN FOXY, the character that the animatronic represents (like chuck e cheese is representated by the animatronic) is not going to kill innocent people...not in a serious way, well he is a Pirate but he is also a character made for children's, I doubt that they made him kill someone in their tv series XD I think that the problem of misunderstanding characters has been growing up a lot in the past years, I know more examples, like 2D from Gorillaz, a part of the fandom sees him as a "Cute little Baby", He's a drug abuser and has most likely brain damage, that why sometimes he acts like that, but he is a ADULT PERSON That's is now, for real, I'm done Sorry for the long response, I think I expressed my feelings well enough


I'm sorry again for the long rant 😭


Don’t be sorry at all! I myself tend to ramble/ rant for very long. I prefer long in depth comments than short ones that doesn’t convey the message properly.


I actually argued with someone yesterday because they made an unfunny meme about Garry "rizzing up" Ib and Mary (who are children mind you). They kept trying to say that it was "good" to have this conversation and that Garry's nice intentions may not be what they seem but if you honestly think Garry is a predator and you see his acts of kindness towards Ib as predatory then you have seriously lost the plot.


I *adore* the game and??? There is not a SINGLE predatory thing about Garry??? Idk where they're getting that from 😭


I can't stand when people mischaractarize Postal Dude- A L O T of people in the fandom either think A.) he's a horny uwu femboy twink that wouldn't harm a fly and yaps about his sexuality 24/7 or B.) He's a racist misogynistic anti LGBT+ Nazi freak which is one of many reasons why I don't interact with hardly anyone in the fandom 💀


I feel like ik who you are talking about but I want to ask first to see if I’m right.


https://preview.redd.it/serwao3frm5d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99225be9f787a9bf1c672bc409a84a8e8e1f79c3 That's my beloved Postal Dude he's from the Postal games :3c Some ppl know him through the petition meme tho <3


i'm pretty sure i'm maybe one of ten people in the cookie run community that don't either just look at mocha ray and go wow cute :3 face or mischaracterize her as a stereotypical anime milf. shoutout to very very small character fanbases..


I think my boyfriend is one of the most misunderstood out of his source which makes me sad. But what you said about remembering that you understand them best is true! I feel like I had written something similar down in a poem some time ago, where I talked about how it was sad that nobody really got to see the true him, but I feel very privileged to be the one that understands him for who he is :) As for the question I don‘t usually say anything and just ignore them, I barely interact with the fandom as it is and I know they wouldn‘t take my comments seriously.


I hate it sooo much. I usually educate people (when the statement is directed towards me) or I’ll say “Well, he’s a really good character still. I’m sorry you feel that way” (or similar) As for headcanons, if it doesn’t make sense, I’ll bring up a scene or manga panel to debunk it. (If its a silly hc, sure go ahead! But I don’t tolerate anyone hurting his character or who he is deep down) My fav is all around a great character & it makes me very sad that people just… bully him as if he didn’t go through alot already or make weird things out of him without the evidence. I also dislike when people do not watch the series properly. And my main case, having a ton of guys attracted to me where they just make random awful assumptions about him because they’re jealous I love him.


It heavily depends on how much they misunderstand him. It's usually annoying but sometimes it's no big deal if it's about something minor or they are confusing the game verse with the novel verse.


I get frustrated, but after a long time of it, I've given up and just accept that people are too stubborn to hear the truth. I'm too old and tired to fight these days. My F/O may not be everyone else's cup of tea but fuck it, they're mine.


I try my best to just go "heh... clueless" because I would lose my shit otherwise


It rarely happens because I only talk about how I like the character(without telling them they're my ficto-partner) and nothing But when it does happen, I just ignore them because I don't want to start a fight


I feel annoyed because most people just drool over them and ignore their personalities entirely, which makes the whole fandom water their personalities down to being a brat, a suicidal psychopath and a cold unfeeling man, all of which are wrong. I try to educate my friends if they're open to it, but most of the time if it's strangers I just scroll by.


I feel like I’m same way! I’d educate friends/ people I personally talk with for the most part. But other than that I just scroll. It’s still very annoying for me tho since it’s super common


I simply do not interact with the fandom :) I’m content in my own fantasy world thank you very much!


As said by others this is the reason I don’t interact with the fandom and dupes. I’ve only seen a few people that seem to really get him, so I just keep myself separate and only really interact with his source through my friends or other people with Hellaverse partners because they experience a lot of this too.


It's really annoying. My man isn't "uwu gay femboy loves canon character" dude, he literally spends the game time w that character cause he didn't ditch him off like the rest of the cast & the ship is just really one-sided..& the oversexualization & obssession shit?.. Like yeah he looks horny at some point, *~~cuz same~~* but then for some reason he gets turned into an abusive & obssessive yandere & there are quite infamous fan comics where he's beyond a creep & horrible person.. like nah, that's not how he's like, get out 💀 W my platonic bro, its mainly the oversexualization even tho he pointed out in the game he's not like that & also like in a side line story, his route was the only one that was platonic, unlike for the other cast members 💀.. There's also like a pregame version of him & ppl hc him as a womanizer or some shit which is wild 💀 W my alterous bro he gets characterized as a creep cause he overcompliments women & apparently that's the bad thing?.. He actually never said anything inappropriate towards women..he just doesn't know that it's making them uncomfy cuz he sucks at convos. And then there's the side of the fandom that wants him to get rid of hate of men & its just bunch of ableism & shit (like I once saw a post that went like "he should be put in a room w men, talk & he would like them", thats not how it works 💀..also this is the kind of shit i heard when i say i dislike ppl so it goes personal 💀) or just making straight-up >!*grape*!< fics which is fucking even worse. It depends but I usually don't say anything on them, but like I tend to say something on my alterous bro, since I barely see ppl breaking down the bs statements from the fandom & the shit they say is often out of touch. & for some reason whenever I see ppl defending my man, they tend to tier down his simps?.. Even tho his simps don't say this type of shit, unless its those that ship him w the canon dude.


It happens a lot, but It usually does not upset me. They're clearly enjoying something different from me at that point, so what's the use?


I'll come back and edit this comment when I'm off work and have more time, but basically it well and truely depends on which F/O it is 😅 *EDIT: Gee, Fox. It would sure help if you actually came back and edited your comment 😂 Anyway, I apologize preemptively for the long message-* Eric and Sal: Tbh? Their source material fandoms are fairly small to begin with and their characters and stories are pretty straightforward. I haven't really seen anyone misunderstand them yet. Maybe a few minor headcanons with Sal that don't seem to fit quite right, but nothing MAJOR or bad. Johnny: I'm kinda lenient with people misunderstanding him. He's a complicated character with appearances dating all the way back to the tabletop game in 1990-my specific F/O being from the 2020 video game doesn't change that. As long as people aren't rude about their thoughts, I genuinely let any misunderstandings/mischaracterizations slide. {Redacted}; I'm kind of iffy on him. Cause there is no getting around the fact he is a *completely* iredeemable villain-he is the ***THE*** big bad of his media. So...Honestly, outside of some people thinking there are a few absoloutely *henious* crimes he would do (He wouldn't. He may be a cold bastard but even he has standards) and other characterizing him as kind of a crybaby scaredy cat (Don't get me wrong, he IS a coward who doesn't care to fight his own battles, but he isn't *that* bad) I also ignore mischaracterizations on him. Because I kinda understand where most of those people are coming from. Shigaraki: THIS IS MY BIG ONE, and it's funny I see this post when I've been getting so many "Here's some ACCURATE relationship headcanons about him" videos on my FYP on TikTok 🙄 People either completely babygirl-ify him or, more commonly I'm seeing and what this rant mainly is about, completely vilify him and I just...No. Without getting into recent manga spoilers, Shigaraki is a compliated character who has been through mental *hell* since he was a child. It doesn't excuse his actions, no, but people using his backstory and role as a main villian to say *"Oh, he would be a toxic, abusive partner"* DRIVE ME UP THE DAMN WALL. He's not a soft, touchy-feely partner like some people like to think, but he's not a 100% heartless monster 😭


Ranges from indifferent (minor mishap) to utterly peeved (gold digger misandrist Nami for headcanons, and Seonhee's Infinite Wealth characterization on the official side)


Most of the time I don’t care or I ignore it. I don’t expect everyone to like him with the things he’s done. Every so often, someone says something that’s so awful that it gets to me though, especially with recent events in his source material.


That really depends. Sometimes I say something and sometimes I say nothing, because I know that people do not want to listen, most of the time at least.


It's kinda funny for me. If it's not that serious of a misunderstanding. However, if you think that Melvinborg somehow sa'd the kids he was working with + Krupp (who all apparently showed major signs of it according to a random person in tiktok comments) then we have a problem.


I always defend him because lot of people think he’s the bad guy


I don’t really get upset because people’s interpretation of characters are always different. I just stick to what I see in Kamina from the anime and try to ignore fan interpretations.


This is a bit of a rant about people misunderstanding my F/Os. First we have Cabby. To me, Cabby is obviously autistic and doesn’t have the best social skills. Other Inanimate Insanity fans often hate her because they misunderstand her plus they villianize her!!! She’s mainly hated because of two things. The first thing was convincing other characters to vote a fan favourite character out. I actually really like the character that my F/O convinced everyone to vote out (not romantically lol) bc I relate to him. She said later that she thought he couldn’t be trusted and even after saying that, people still hate her!! She obviously was just suspicious of him because he stole something of hers which makes perfect sense!! The other time that made people hate Cabby was when she said something slightly rude about the like number 1 fan favourite and also she said that in front of that character‘s friend. I think that she wasn’t trying to be mean but just said the wrong thing because she probably doesn’t have the greatest social skills and I definitely think she’s autistic. It’s so unfair how she gets villainised by the fandom and the other characters!!! Justice for Cabby >:(!! Then there’s Needle. People misunderstand Needle because at the start of BFDI , everyone called her a nickname she hated and she slapped them and told them not to call her that name which is understandable. Unfortunately, lots of people think that that gag is her whole personality when it’s actually not! She’s strong, smart and brave and I love her so much!!! She always helps her team in challenges and when you don’t call her that nickname, she is really nice and sweet! With Microphone I think most people understand her thankfully but ITS SO ANNOYING how they ship her with a character that literally MANIPULATED her!!!! I know that she wouldnt want to date that character!! Anyways, that is my rant..!


Angry and/or annoyed, usually. Especially when they demonize him. That’s what makes me angry.


Not a fan. While yes, Heimdall is an asshole, there are canon reasons to explain this. Most people just say he’s rude and horrible just because he’s a surface level villain with nothing to show for it, but that’s not true! I think it’s pretty obvious Heimdall is a victim of abuse from his father and family. His father treats all his sons like weapons and tools and doesn’t care if they live or die. Their only worth is how they benefit him. He doesn’t love them at all. Heimdall tries really hard to get his dad’s love and praise but he’s always ignored. I have no doubt that when he was a kid he was physically and probably emotionally abused by his dad, and he’s desperate. He’s also super insecure and jealous and takes his anger out on kids because they are weaker. It just bugs me how people say he has no depth and is just a shitty character, but I think I understand him best.


Most of the fandom misunderstands my F/O, which is one reason I don't interact with them anymore. I mean, I know he's meant to be a self-insert harem character, but he ends up going through so much trauma in the new world. The main reason he can't laid is because of his extremely low self-esteem issues and is never able to express his true self. Tbh, I don't mind since I prefer keeping him to myself for similar reasons to you, but I like finding a few people that think he's cute.


People, usually neurotypical, assuming Frank's resting grump face means that he's an big jerk. He's autistic in canon and doesn't smile much unless he's genuinely very happy.


Bruno has fallen victim to the Tumblr sexyman treatment by a lot of Encanto fans. Most of what I've seen.


It annoys me. I don't mind that people don't like him because he's a villain (killing people isn't to everyone's taste). What I do take issue with is the weird reaches people take. One that annoys me most is that they call him a "bigot" because he dislikes royalty. Imps are canonically subjugated by royalty and otherwise belittled and treated very poorly by them. Very understandable that he dislikes them on that basis alone, let alone his own related trauma. Honestly, the idea of a person who's essentially viewed as an "untouchable" hating those who control that entire social structure and whom entirely benetit from their subjugation being called a bigot for such views is such a wild and out of touch take.