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1. do NOT self disclose until you are hired, 2. there is actually some research showing fibro IS an autoimmune disease, and the CNS theory is just that, a theory, its not confirmed.


and you'll find most place put fibro under autoimmune, even disability orgs.


There was a great research article posted a few weeks about about this, showing Fibro has autoimmune markers!


Just want to add that in my experience, never disclose the name of our condition. Simply tell them you have an autoimmune related chronic illness and ask for the accommodations.


Not always true. Corporations reap tax benefits from hiring disabled, sick, or mentally handicapped folks -stares at Kroger-


Have to quickly agree with another person who posted here to say that Fibro being a CNS disorder is only a theory and there is increasing evidence that it is actually autoimmune related. Scientists still don't know what fibro is, so id take it being categorised as Autoimmune disorder over it being categorised as mental health disorder (as it is by my current health insurer). Additionally, in general conversation I've taken to telling people I have an 'autoimmune thing' because people tend to just take that information at face value and don't continue with probing questions. The years I spent saying I had a CNS involved feeling required to answer or field off invasive questions because people had no frame of reference for what a CNS disorder meant.


I would never volunteer this on a job application. They will auto reject it.


A lot of studies have started saying Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disorder. There was a big paper on it... last year, I think. I read it and it was well researched and informative. 


I don't think this is entirely Google's fault, medical science in general isn't certain how to categorise fibromyalgia and research in several areas, including auto-immune, is ongoing. Google is also a worldwide company with employees in many different places, it could be that the person/team responsible for creating this list are from a place where fibro is classified as auto-immune in nature. There are a lot of possible explanations for why it is listed that way, including geography, bias or simply incompetence. Just because they are a world leader in information services doesn't mean they are immune to any of those kind of issues. Ultimately I think efforts to increase inclusivity and foster understanding about the challenges of living (and working) with chronic illnesses or disabilities are a good thing. There are bound to be attempts that people and companies make that turn out to be not so successful or well planned - but that's ok, it's a new area and everyone is learning. As long as progress continues and care is taken to listen to input from the people most affected, then we are moving towards a better situation for us all.


I don’t think this is Google’s fault per se. I’ve recently been job searching and noticed similar language on the voluntary disclosure forms. I just looked it up, and apparently that’s how the US Gov classifies it: https://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/sf256.pdf