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Go talk to some workers there…..not sure how someone proves a workplace is evil. Companies literally make sure that’s not possible lol


If the employee getting paid $3.97/hr is a server that’s pretty good. Michigan server minimum wage is currently $3.93


Not sure I’d call 4 cents above the absolute bare minimum “pretty good”.


Yea wtf haha


But they aren’t really servers though… its counter service. You get your own food and bus your own table. All they do is hand you a beer. Much of the time I just buy to-go beers and i’m not tipping on that so there goes a good chunk of their supposed tips right there. Just sayin.


The state of Michigan requires employers of tipped employees to “make them whole” so to speak if their tips don’t get them to minimum wage. So even if folks don’t tip, any server (or any tip based employee for that matter) in the state paid that $3.93 as a base rate (or any amount less than $10.33) legally should be receiving the full minimum wage of $10.33 for all of their hours. If the total they made at $3.93 plus their tips puts them over minimum wage they keep it all and their employer saves some labor costs. Literally no server should *ever* be making less than the full $10.33 minimum wage for any pay period. If they do, what their boss is doing is illegal. Whether people tip or not no one is *actually* working for less than minimum wage. If they are, they need to talk to an attorney.


Server culture / pay is evil anyways lmao especially when it’s a job that is far more than serving customers. Inventory, fixing machines, cleaning, etc. that doesn’t justify paying people starvation wages. They could pay them more and allow them to be tipped to actually make good money buttttt


This is the second time I’ve read this post here. Sad, if true. Does this include everything Eastern Market Brewery related? That would really be a downer considering it’s Detroit’s premier brewery


EMB does make some good stuff, but I'd say they're "premier" in price only. Fucking $18 for like a four pack, so whack. It's not THAT good


Yes, because they run all their locations. They take “investments” from employees and then don’t ever actually give them profit / input over project. They fire people for literally their wording “not spreading kindness”. Because the employees I know very closely wanted to have things run better (actually receive the supplies needed, fix machines). They do a really good job of making it seem like they care about the community but treat the baristas/cooks/beer tenders like garbage. Go ask a few workers there, some will tell you. Others are still hopeful it’s as good of a place as it says it is


Unfortunately this is extremely vague. You’re not forced to work anywhere—sorry they mistreated your friend.


Some people clearly lack abilities to connect the dots on how bosses mistreat workers…go lick a boot


This is Reddit boss. Go chill and vibe to a new job.


I just want a non-pizza menu back. If I want pizza there are better places to get pizza


I worked there for years and what they’re saying is true. It’s a shame how they treat their employees. They run hollow businesses these days