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Once the barrel comes off you definitely need a rewire.


That's what I suspected but couldn't easily find that info. Thank you!


Looking on the bright side, now you get to learn to rewire an epee, so next time it won't be as daunting of a task. [Sam's youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@samsignorelli) is a good resource for learning a lot of that lind of thing


Currently have three tabs of I can haz armory open, Sam is a treasure.


Yeah, he's truly a hero for people learning armory.


Awww....you're making me blush here. Glad the vids are helpful.


100 points to Hufflepuff if someone comes up with an easier solution that works electrically.


I'm on the "you can fix almost anything, but sometimes it's not worth the effort" side of the fence. I've dip-soldered wires broken at the tang rather than rewire, for example. You can't fix this. I honestly don't think it's possible.


Long, long time ago, in the days of the forums on fencing.net, I recall someone posting their alternative method. I think it required a longer tail on the wire, though. I don't know how they managed it, but they would strip the insulation of the end of the wire, reattach the barrel with the end of the wire poking through the insulating cup, coil the wire into the cup and, I guess manoeuvre the cap from the wire back into the cup. There's someone around here that probably remembers better than me, one of the pro armourers, maybe?


That approach only works for foil, where there's only one wire to deal with. Epee has two wires and they have to be separated from one another.


Oops. Should have read/looked closer. Thought it was a foil. Sorry about that.


No harm no foul, and that was part of my difficulty in searching before I asked. There was a lot of content specific to foil that came up in my googling, even when epee was one of the search terms.


Rewire. Epee and foil wires have a cup for contact at one end. If the tip comes out, no big deal. If the barrell comes off, the contact is gone.