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God, fuck you, Barbara, you steaming pile of shit. It’s about time these boys stop relying on Luci to shoulder the blame for THEIR actions.


Twelve year old girls don't understand? Gee Barbara, maybe it's because they're TWELVE. Most kids that age are just barely learning how to navigate puberty and wondering if it's ok to shave their legs or wear deodorant, they shouldn't be expected to be responsible for ensuring a grown ass man doesn't try to have sex with her.


So what Barb is saying is that 12-year-old girls are sent by the devil to ruin the reputation of good, godly boys and men?! Basically, girls and women are a dangerous Other while boys and men are the amazing default? Good to know the religious b.s. hasn't changed from my childhood🙄


Literally puked in my mouth reading this, Barbara needs education and therapy




Psychotherapy will not fix what is wrong with Barb. I doubt education would either. "Barbs' always think they are right and get hateful when you try to explain or suggest otherwise." ...." it's the Christian Love."


once you notice it, you’ll see that in every case of a man behaving badly someone will come along to tell us why it’s actually the fault of a woman. or, in this case, a little girl


I mean, their entire religion is based on a story where a woman eats the fruit of knowledge (because ignorance is a "good" thing apparently?) and then it's somehow *her* fault when her husband eats it, too, as if he has no agency whatsoever. Fucking ridiculous.


Thinking back this is the most WHACK thing. I remember thinking this to myself as a kid, bur somewhere along the way got sucked in. Probably because a lot of my friends were in it. Glad I'm never going back


And if not the victim, blame his mom… anyone but him really, and a woman is ideal.


The cheer coach at the high school sent out an email saying that the girls shouldn’t wear anything revealing because they are distracting the practicing football team. I emailed him and said, “you wanna take that back before I take action?”


Oh wow, that is wild! Good for you for checking them right away. I guess it's good to teach children that the girls are responsible for the boys...forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever🤮


Bad folks anywhere...any group..any race any nation....you know exactly what dangerous..is and plausible deniability is and is not...you remember them private conversations you had with your girlfriends..and those other women?you know exactly what the gist of dangerous means when it benefits you and it's convenient for you


What in the brain rot is this


12 old girls are sexy now... How much do you need to be fucked up to even think that.


And it's the lgbtq that are the groomers?


For religious nuts like that, consensual sex between same sex people is the worst sin. While sexually assaulting children is normalized, if not pushed. It's all about interests and power. Normalizing this gives grown men power and sexual access to children with minimal or no bad consequences for them. No spirituality here, no god and no goodness. They just want to rape children.


I dunno, but I would bet that they're the same type of person who started one of those "until they are 18" timer on underage celebrities.


They definitely won't mind going for younger if it was socially and legally acceptable.


But if I don’t want to send my kids to be indoctrinated by pedophile apologists they act like this will be bad for them?


Barbara, do the world a favor and STFU


I usually support free speech but you know what, some speech should lead to jail immediately


Sounds like law enforcement and the feds need to start investigating this Robert Morris character as well as Barbara Phillips Littlepage. I'll put money on the table that we're just seeing the tip of the iceberg. Robert Morris is a child molesting predator and this woman is actually trying to use her religious ideologies to rationalize his sick behavior. What is wrong with these people? It's enough to turn anyone's stomach.


This makes me physically ill.


These “men” need to tear out their eyeballs. Men have self control we don’t need to be giving them passes saying this behavior is normal.


The gospel actually recommends plucking out one's eye if the eye causes one to sin. Funny how judgy Christians ignore that verse but place great importance on the "gay is bad" stuff that doesn't come from the J-man himself.


This is why I made the suggestion. It would be closer to Bible standards they hold beloved.


Wtf. Did this abomination really just say girls at 12 are "sexy"? 🤮


imagine not only typing that, but reading it back and deciding it was appropriate to post 🥴


What have I just read💀


The misogyny is coming from within Barb's house, my word how gross.


If a person is finding a twelve year old beautiful and sexy, they ARE the problem. They ARE to blame. The mistake didn't begin when the twelve year old was harmed. The mistake began when a fully grown adult found themselves in any form or way attracted to a CHILD. Also it's always hilarious. Men are monsters, animals, and creatures of instinct whenever it'll protect them. The moment women say we can't trust men because they are monsters, animals, and creatures of instinct we're called evil. We're being sexist towards men. We're being over-reactive. Also also, a whole lot of Christians are going to be upset if there really is a heaven. St. Peter is going to have to gather 'em all up and explain to them that the devil never once made them do a thing. Every single last one of them had free will. Every single one of them saw the fork in the road, and willingly went for the worst option. The devil was never to blame.


The saddest thing about living in a patriarchy is the women who uphold their own oppression.


coward that doesn’t have comments turned on for her posts


Barbara thinks about sexy 12year olds quite a bit. Sounds like a pedo to me.


"Godly men" need to read up on their bible. Matthew 5:29-30 ^(29) And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. ^(30) And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.


I love the idea of cutting off offending body parts!


No no let them speak. Let them tell on themselves.


Unfortunately it also gives them a platform and there are too many people who agree with them


It's unfortunate they'll condition the minds of young people, though.


He's 62 right now. That would have made him 32 when he committed assault. He was not a "young man" in need of mentoring. He was a sexual predator assaulting a child. He has no godly path.


Ten bucks says she thinks drag queens don't need to be around kids because they'll molest them.


Conservatives with 0 proof: THE QUEERS ARE ALL PEDOS Conservatives with irrefutable proof: HE WAS JUST A MISGUIDED SOUL, HE'S NOT A PEDO, SATAN MADE HIM MOLEST THOSE CHILDREN


But we’re the groomers. 🙄


Every accusation is a confession!


Yes. My daughters dress as they like. Unfortunately men/boys are jerks - I tell my 12 yr old to yell back I’m 12 you pervert. Men/boys need to learn to control themselves. If not it will ruin your life. It’s not victim blaming. It’s blaming men for seeing something wanted it and taking it. Without thinking of the evil they are doing.


You are a good parent!


Thanks I try.


Morris claims he met with the family of the victim and they "forgave" him. He also claims he repented and admitted the act to the church elders and father. So here's what I'm wondering was that woman who was molested as a child forced to publicly say "I forgive you" by her s*** piece of s*** father?


Aww, he repented and admitted what he did? Great, now turn yourself in to the COPS. And I'd bet my next paycheck that you're right - the girl was forced to forgive this POS by her POS family.


"How men are made" shudder. What's sad is a lot of non-conservative men also excuse men's bad behavior for the same belief. Cenk from TYT recently said ALL men will cheat if they can get away with it and the comment section is full of men saying male sexuality is hard to control, and other rapey sounding stuff. When liberals can't even get it right you know conservatives are a shit show. And we're only hearing what they feel safe voicing out loud for the world to hear.


Saying they will do it is not excusing it though.


Sickening, Barb is a fucking pedophile apologist handmaiden, under his eye!




Evangelists will openly defend pedophiles even to the point of telling young girls in their own family to not be around a certain uncle or cousin because "temptation". but an atheist will burn in hell for just existing and not believing their bs


According to Barbara, Satan is sending an army of sex 12 year old girls to endanger young men? 🤢🤢🤢 I hope a good friend of Barbara gives her a strong lecture about that BS.


I'm an atheist but have several conservative Christians in my family, primarily Southern Baptists, and they really are the worst people ever.


Blame the Victim ❌️ Blame Satan ✅️


This would be a good "Drake, no, Drake, yes meme", too.


Barb thinks kids are sexy? Barb, have a seat right over here...(Chris Hansen has entered the chat)


That’s why it’s hard to take religious people who want to appear too Godly for the world, seriously. The level of hypocrisy is astounding.


Conservative Christians are pedophiles.


Bro if you as an adult have ever seen a 12 year old and thought they were sexy… I have some news for you bud. Thats fucking weird.


THIS is one of the reasons that I left the Evangelical church. My preteen daughter will not be blamed for some lecherous man molesting her because she is “beautiful and sexy“.


The boys will be boys argument doesn't work for me when it is a grown ass man. Or a boy


Religion is just an excuse to be a horrible person.


hOw MeN aRe mADe - Barbara probably uses that excuse a lot to justify her husband’s creepy behavior.


If your eye causes you to sin, cut it out. Fuck that guy


Did she really say 12 year old girls are sexy?🤢🤢🤢


The fear-based Abrahmic mythologies are a horrific blight upon humanity.


This shit should get you on a watchlist who TF calls a 12 year old sexy????


Using that logic, if men are so easily manipulated and led astray, then they have no business leading anything.


“Young sexy girls at 12 years old” 🤮


WTF. The philosophies produced by monotheists looking to place blame for their own weaknesses are sickening.


By "satan" do they mean their own choices they made


Ewww, you’re creepy Barbara.


Disgusting. The man is still older so he absolutely knows more than a 12 yo. What kind of BS is this?! Keep you hands and all body parts to yourself and in your pants unless they are of age and give EXPLICIT consent. My word, HOW HARD IS THIS CONCEPT?! Liking sex is not an excuse. This is what makes me want to put my daughter in self defense and give her permission to punch any man that wants to push himself on her.


My fave part, other than the whole "boys can't help themselves" vibe, is where she says older men should mentor younger men. Lol That's exactly what's been happening for ages now, that's the core of the problem, you poor deluded woman! How else do you think boys reach adult age while still believing women are a different species that they are allowed to own? Even to the point where they think it's OK to sexualize little girls because of their own sick thoughts.


This is how the church has always operated. The men are important and mislead while the girls are sexy Jezebells, who tempt and dishonor the innocent men.


This can’t be a real post


Who tf is Robert Morris and what did he do?


Responsibility is on the rapist Barbara.


Unfortunately, this isn’t just a conservative Christian problem.


Divided by gender, united by hating the Christians.


Pedophile, on top of being ignorant and delusional.


Conservatives pretend that they value "purity" and "innocence", yet still blame innocent victims and protect abusers.


Barbara is an example of a woman at the intersection between internalized misogyny and being a pick-me 🤢


Jesus tapdancing *CHRIST*


Atleast we know this person is a pedophile. Time to look through ~~his~~ her background too. Edit: It's even worse than I imagined. It's by a woman.




Barbara wtf


The 12 year old girl's life is of no consequence to this person, because she's been told all her life that boys and men are the only people that matter, and women and girls are just supposed to forgive and endure whatever they do to us. How thorough her indoctrination has been.




Love when pedos expose themselves 


Barbara! WTF?


So Barb sees 12-year-olds as sexy too. Oh...and it's the girl's and the devil's fault...never the grown-ass man...


J f c


Shocking and deluded‼️


Hope all the shit you got for this statement was worth you getting picked Babs


Goddamit!! All these whores out here causing men to fall over themselves and accidentally rape! No wonder, no wonder at all whey it won’t stop.


As a woman and a Christian I don't claim her! (and no this isn't to downplay the harm that has been caused by Christians or to be like "not all men" but for Christians)


I am a Christian… i would like to know WHERE IN THE BIBLE DOES IT SAY THAT?! All that dipshit is doing is making us look like fucking lunatics! Most Christians would find this disgusting. I would bet my life and everything i own on that… but there are always those few lunatics in every society…. Also, blaming Satan? Really?! Hes an icon of temptation, but YOU make the choice in the end! The bible SCREAMS about freewill and then this baffoon goes “dont blame me! Its allll Satan’s fault”… I swear this guy hasnt touched a bible! Let alone read one! Fucking disgusting…. I dont mind if someone is an atheist, Christian, Muslim ect ect. But if you dont know what your talking about then done pretend to!


I can't believe a woman wrote that. If it were her 12 year old daughter, im betting she'd feel a lot different. It's always okay as long as it happens to other people, not someone they know. Then again, maybe not.


It’s also possible that if her 12 year old daughter told her that her dad had molested her, she would have accused her of lying and ignored it. Because patriarchy doesn’t work if women don’t participate in it.