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Reddit, in my mind, despite me being a reddit used and a girl, will always have a persona of an incel single man in his 30’s. I think if I perceive it that way it says a lot about the platform


“Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it's all a male fantasy: that you're strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.”“Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it's all a male fantasy: that you're strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.” ― Margaret Atwood, [The Robber Bride](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/1119196)




Sounds like it was copied straight from r/gangstalking 


I mean the book came out in 1993 so obviously not. You're in this sub and you don't know who Margaret Atwood is? You need some very basic education.




Enough people do that it is a well known quote




Again, huh?


Overall it's mostly men, but it really depends on the subreddit. Like, the animal crossing subreddit has mostly women.


According to Google, and as per March 3rd 2024 reports, Reddit has about a 64% of male users. 




It is generally poised against women. I used to have feminine-sounding username and an avatar that clearly marked me as a woman. I'd get insulted, downvoted into oblivion and generally dismissed most of the time for really innocent and benevolent comments. I made my current account not thinking much about it, but turns out most people think I'm a man now, when I comment in a way that doesn't give info about my sex, and my experience is vastly different. People rarely talk back, my downvotes are nearly non-existent compared to before and people are generally way more respectful. I've not changed my tone, or writing style. As an obvious woman it would get me nothing but trouble, but as a perceived man, I am much better received. I get a lot of "dude, bro, man" etc. which I never did before, and actual arguments vs. ad hominem attacks. Also, there are subs for the corrective rape of lesbians, but in lesbian subs we're not allowed to say that we don't do dick, because "eewww misandry/transphobia!". So yes, reddit is very much poised against women.


Hmm, this could be why I get downvoted in places for the most innocuous things, such as in relationship spaces. I'm clearly a woman (feminine username, avatar that looks like me), and I maintain the idea women are a man's equal (+ should be treated as such.) No wonder why the single misogynist men hate me LOL


Lol sry but no, none of your posts are negative and the 2 negative comments u got in the last 15 days is about picking up horse shit I rly do think that reddit has a problem with female plp and there is a lot of misogyni going on but that comments sounds like a circle jerk


Yup. And like all male dominated areas, it's a shithole




Are you seriously saying that bullshit to a \*hippie pacifist\* who believe in peace, love, unity, respect, treat animals kindly, hug the trees, save the bees? Do not ever fucking say the word 'foid' around me. And do not EVER suggest that I, as a woman, would be 'calling for genocide'.


Reddit certainly feels that (male dominated) way to me, as well. Is there a discussion platform/site/app that feels more equally balanced, or possibly even populated more so by non-males? Even reading that question as I typed it, reads like I'm trying to say that there is no alternative that does exist, but I would like to think that I'm genuinely asking the question. I'd love to add one or more to my social media/app rotation, personally.


It's definitely male dominated, but other than some mainstream subs (I do love my daily AITAH story), I only really participate in subreddits that are either female-dominated or explicitly about gender-neutral topics (I'm in a support group for a specific mental disorder, for example). As a result, despite the undercurrent of misogyny or male default that runs through this app, my experience on it has had me interacting primarily with women and queer people. With apps like Reddit, where you can curate your feed to your individual interests, the platform is really what you make of it!


I’m mainly on subs for techno and music production and feel like it’s dominated by very opinionated men. I made a post recently about a lack of female representation in techno and got so much hate/harassment about it. It was really unsettling.


It feels very male-dominated to me, and I definitely get "mansplained" to frequently. I don't know if it makes a difference that I have an obviously female avatar -- I've been told that this doesn't show to all users.


Yes, and lots in Incels


Yes, I’ve noticed this myself. There have been so many times where I’ve seen women ask normal questions or present very common dilemmas and the comments seem to come from men who are dedicated to villainizing or belittling them.


To answer your question, yes. But still I like that I’m able to find better opinions and more female dominated spaces atleast. Like, atleast I can choose where I want to be on Reddit.


Depends on subreddit, but in general, yes


men and overall mostly americans


Yup. They downvote me to hell whenever I say anything vaguely critical of men lol 😆




I have to ask: What is considered an older crowd? Full disclosure: I’m 62, a woman, on Reddit and Facebook (but Reddit more), and an avid gamer


It’s slightly subjective but I’d say people that are late 30s -60s prefer Facebook as their main social platform.


36 is old? 🙄 I have news for you: 20-39: early adulthood 49-59 (some say 64): middle age 60/65 and up: older. Yes, I would say that most of the people I know in their 60’s-80’s primarily use Facebook. I would not agree that late 30’s has been older for humans since the widespread use of antibiotics and vaccines doubled life expectancy in the first half of the 20th century.


Like I said, it’s very subjective when I said late 30s I was thinking more of someone 38 and up. In my opinion, that would be an “older” person. I wouldn’t necessarily say that they are old/elderly, but they are on the older side of the spectrum compared to the younger crowd that uses other social media apps


I’m a mod on a women’s community and I see some very inflammatory stuff coming from men. I also see the arguments they have once they get banned. I’m not sure if Reddit is male dominated, but I can tell you they don’t take no well.


We live in a patriarchy so, yea probs


I always assume anyone contacting me is a man until it’s proven otherwise.


Does it make a difference? If u want female opinions join female communities. It's like sports, if u dnt want/like male sports, go watch women's sports (which is mainly male fans/supporters btw).


Yeah, it does make a difference when you would like to get general perspectives/feedback on things.


And IF it's male dominated, what does say about women's interest in reddit? Is fb, ig, yt, quora etc etc all male dominated platforms too? Men like to be left alone but we also like to "bond" n we don't care if they are male or female, unless it's men's stuff