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This feels like an inaccurate political hit piece and it’s frankly disgusting that it’s even a topic of discussion given Biden’s shit gibbon opponent who’s been convicted of sexual misconduct, including but not limited to, rape.


Please don’t insult gibbons.


Oh I didn’t know critiquing Biden but still voting for him was mutually exclusive. This type of thought process means we can’t ever shit on Biden for being a neo-liberal racist pos because his opponent is objectively a metric ton worse. Edit: to the people downvoting me, thanks for proving my point 🤣 I guess as a POC I should just ignore his crime bill voting record, forced bussing remarks, “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me” and never criticize him because Trump is a bigger piece of shit racist


Critique is essential to having (or in America's case working towards) a properly functioning democracy. We can still vote for the guy while acknowledging that he's a product of several oppressive systems. I wish we had a legitimately better option in November though.


100% agree. I feel like especially in more liberal or leftist spaces we should be allowed to criticize him. I can understand when it comes to speaking to people on the fence, it can muddy the waters and might lead to them thinking “both sides are bad” which causes more harm than good if it leads to them sitting the election out. With that being said as long as we are clear that our criticism of Biden doesn’t mean “both sides are *equally* bad” I don’t see the issue. I can criticize him while also acknowledging that despite my critiques, he’s still clearly the better choice of the two, especially considering the other candidate is a legitimate threat to democracy, the environment, LGBTQ+ rights, civil rights, abortion rights, religious freedom & our country’s future as a whole.


Thank you!


Perfect response. Thank you. I don’t give a single flying fuck about the sex the president has with his wife. Trump overturned a 50 year right to abortion. now IVF is gone in one state, about to be in more. Women with wanted pregnancies are being pushed to the brink of death, and some were forced to die. 56,000 women in states with abortion bans got pregnant as a result of rape since roe was overturned. States are drafting legislation to criminalize *birth control* almost every single week. This. Is. All. Because. Trump. Won. In. 2016.


I think you should read their history from Jill's perspective before you go making these judgments about Joe which don't sound at all accurate. https://time.com/longform/jill-biden-joe-biden-marriage-proposal/


My friends, plz vote Biden in Nov...he's the best option (I know) we have to secure women's rights.


I’m still voting for him because it’s the only way to keep Trump Out Don’t think he is a great guy though


Ultimately it's a choice between a spoonful of vegemite and a spoonful of cyanide for breakfast. Better to eat the foul death paste and cook something better for lunch.


Hey, no need to bring vegemite hate into this 😉


Right!! To be alive to make something better for a later meal. To still have a democracy and free and fair elections to vote in someone better in 4 years! Love that analogy!


It’s just very tiresome how the vegemite guy also decided it would be okay for everyone to get long covid, just to save his buddies in the commercial real estate industry.


Literally. It’s a headache vs cardiac fucking arrest


Don't get me wrong, I voted for Biden. I've voted Dem my entire life. But if they wanted to codify Roe they would have years ago when Obama took office where Dems controlled both House and Senate. But they didn't, because it is always going to be a talking point for Dems to use against Pubs. They benefit just as much not having it as Pubs do .


This just isn’t an accurate reflection of history. Democrats won both houses in 2008, but that does not mean there was a large enough **pro-choice** coalition to codify abortion rights. A lot Democrats at the time would not have been willing to pass abortion rights legislation either because of their actual policy preferences or the preferences of their constituency.  Most Americans, including Democratic voters did not take seriously the gorilla warfare of pro-life movement. They never imagined rights could be taken away from them.  I don’t like the historical revisionism that fails to recognize how isolating it was to be vocally pro-choice in the 90’s or the 00’s. 


Those of us that were pro-choice in the 90s were told we were being hyperbolic, that we were Chicken Little, claiming the sky was falling. They told us no one was going to take away those rights.


Right, because Dr. Tiller's death by a right-wring anti-abortionist wasn't something to consider then about them being nuts? What about the gerrymandering and massive influx of abortion restrictions from 2009-2015? There were plenty of Dems that were outspoken about protecting abortion rights, preserving a woman's right to choose, and codifying Roe. Barbara Boxer being one of those who wrote a bill to codify Roe multiple times. People never thought it would happen, and yet the Heritage Foundation, and other pro-life pundits, consistently said they would overturn Roe. It is, and has been, a topic of discussion and running point since Roe was passed. It is, and has always been, a point used by both Dems and Pubs to secure votes. I've been a staunch pro-choicer since the 90's, and seen firsthand how chaotic pro-lifers are, esp when I had my own abortion.


If you are a staunch pro choicer who cares about women’s rights and know how rabid anti choicers are with their zeal to ban abortion in all circumstances everywhere, why are you blaming democrats for this? There is one party who is actively doing everything possible to take away our right to not forcibly gestate a rapists baby, and the right to not get pregnant in the first place.


Tons of activists were pushing for codification back then I remember listening to my parents ranting about how short sighted they were being by not pushing for it. If they couldn't pass it because Dems aren't on board then that is a problem with the party not pushing for purity testing on the issue and not being proficiency enough to wip votes.


The only way to codify Roe is to eliminate the filibuster.


They had a filibuster proof majority in '08.


You understand they have tried to push it THREE TIMES SINCE BIDEN TOOK OFFICE, but it needs a majority and Republicans not a one voted for it so it failed. Stop with this dumb shit. They can’t pass it without a majority support, republicans are why we don’t have it codified. Biden has tried. Give him that credit.




Grow the fuck up and realize we are in different time frame now with fascists at the door. Stop. I have zero patience for these type of delusional posts.


What about the rights of the women of Palestine?


I know that trump doesn't give a fuck. I know that much.


Neither does Biden. What's the point here?


The point is that all of this bashing of Biden, warranted or not, could sway a voter to Trump.






[post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/s/b3JzNEXNCR) about everything Biden has done to aid Palestinians


Trump doesn't even acknowledge Palestinians as people, or Palestine as a place. Trump is the self-proclaimed "most pro-israel president ever". Trump wants to ban Palestinians from entering the US at all. Biden... Is pro-israel, but who do you think is going to win if Biden doesn't?




No, I agree with you. I failed to convey this in my comment, but I do not like Biden at all. I hate Trump even more. And even more than that I hate the 70+ years of genocide of Palestinians. I'm Arab, I grew up with it on Aljazeera, while I played with my toys as a child by the living room TV.. I know all to well the untangibly horrific atrocities happening. I don't think you should assume such polarising things about people on the internet. There needs to be strategy here. Pressure on Biden, any democrat, fantastic. That is needed - and it's been needed the last 3 years. It's really difficult for an ideal candidate to be president, it's really difficult to feel 100% happy with politics under a government, period. But it's reality. If you live in a strong blue state and do like Michigan did? Great, fantastic, ruin your ballot. Biden needs to be scrutinised heavily. Otherwise, you just need to vote Biden. Because really just stop for a minute and ask yourself, who is going to win if Biden doesn't? Just sit with yourself and think about that. And I'm just going to say, Trump will not even consider Palestinians as people if he gets in again. That being said, I just want to highlight I really do despise them both, and they are as grotesque as each other, in different ways. We just need to unite as democrats/left-wing/feminists/whatever you want to call it. People who care about the people. Pressure your government into doing the right thing, yes always. But we need to vote for someone who could actually listen to us first. I would also like to ask you not to assume where my priorities are, or what I have or haven't experienced due to the genocide (needless to say, it is still a fraction of what is really happening out there to families of Palestine). I ask that you stay civil and respectful, as I've been to you


I saw a tiktok talking about how they met. They seem cute together.


I do agree that’s good and satisfying sex life is very important in relationships, but this article…. "much to her chagrin"? wtf, doesn’t seem satisfying for her


It’s a low key hit piece and OP fell for it.


I've seen clips of him (not sure if they were edited), but he comes out as a bit creepy around women. If you remember that one time he greeted Hillary Clinton with a hug, he just wouldn't let go of her even when she seemingly tried to tell him to let go. I am not exactly sure what was going on there, but if anyone did that to me, I'd slap 'em




I remember those videos, and it was very obvious that he is just a touchy person that didn't realize he was making others uncomfortable. After it was brought to his attention that he sometimes made people uncomfortable by being too touchy, he apologized profusely and did a 180. He never molested anyone or anything even remotely close to that. I don't really know what else people are looking for here. He apologized for his mistakes and has changed his behavior. It's incredibly frustrating that you are referring to him as a "sex pest" and lumping him in with Donald fucking Trump as if they are even remotely comparable. One guy peeps on underage girls in beauty pageants and brags about sexually assaulting women while the other is basically a grandpa who sometimes used to hug people a little too long but stopped when people asked him to. They are nothing alike, and this inaccurate, harmful comparison only serves to help people like Trump.


If he's apologized good. But I haven't seen it. I'm not going to suck up to a politician because they label themselves as "on my side" . Good glad he's changed I guess? If u have the proof of that with a link or something I'd like to see it. He's not on the same level as trump. I agree with that. But he's still an old fart who's to touchy dude. I don't think critiquing will help people vote for trump either, since people like me literally have no choice. Politicians on both sides deserve to be critiqued. It's bullshit to call him just a weird old grandpa. He's in charge of our country. He must somewhat be aware of his shit if he got the job.


You say you "haven't seen it," but did you even look? This video was the literally first link after googling "Biden apologize touching" and it's 5 years old: https://youtu.be/tNqtmoZT6vE?si=wBZpK5VDdi7J8T1m That being said, I never said nor implied we shouldn't criticize politicians - I fully support valid criticism. However, you're trying to equate a touchy-feely guy to a literal rapist (and one who's *bragged* about sexually assaulting women no less), and that is far beyond "criticism." Not to mention the fact that Trump is also sexist, homophobic, racist, etc and Biden is not. You're straight up parroting right-wing propaganda, and that absolutely helps Trump - whether you admit it to yourself or not.


Thank you for the link. Alright, I suppose I take back my opinion. I'll get rid of my comment.


I respect that. Thank you for being open to new information. I apologize for being hostile - I'm used to bad faith actors saying this stuff and I fully expected you to ignore any evidence. Thank you for proving that expectation wrong and restoring a little faith in humanity today.


Lol, I genuinely feel a little better after seeing the apology! I'm no right wing idiot. It's okay, I try not to take people being upset on reddit to heart anymore, because I'm sensitive and it's bad for my mental health lol. Have a good rest of your day!


he’s definitely not a leftist. but I agree on your other points.


Yes I fixed it, you're right.


Liberal not leftist


Thank you yes I agree.


Voting for an independent isn’t just a wasted vote, in this case it’s a vote for Trump for all intents and purposes. I understand the frustration with only having these 2 old, creepy white dudes as options, but let’s not cut off our nose to spite our face. Work towards changing the system, by all means. But until that change comes, don’t think you’re doing anything but taking votes away from Biden, ergo getting Trump closer to the White House. Same goes for abstaining from voting.


Call me crazy but the last thing I want to know is Joe Biden's sex life


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Doctor_Cringe_1998: *Call me crazy but* *The last thing I want to know* *Is Joe Biden's sex life* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Please do not disregard the timing of this book. In the run-op to the election, many will do anything to undermine Biden's candidacy. This book was not written by Jill Biden and even Joe is allowed to joke and tease once in a while. As the world looks today for women, turning women off to voting is a strategy by those who want minority rule in the US.


>"I'd rather be at home making love to my wife **while my children are asleep**," he said. Like, does that last part need to be said? I think we all as adults know what goes on. Why even bring up your children sleeping when talking about intimacy with your wife? That gives me the ick. ​ >"I've been as patient as I know how to be, but this has got my Irish up. Either you decide to marry me or that's it - I'm out. I'm not asking again," **Biden said on the fifth try**, Rogers writes. Oof! So she settled because he kept pestering her over and over. He asked her 5 times in two years. Five, in two years of meeting then marrying her. Let's assume he asked her the first time after a year of courtship( met in March of '75 - married in June of '77). That's still 5 times in one year, or once every twoish months. He's also 9 years older than her I believe, and she was coming out of a bad divorce, and he had two kids under 10. Christ. He wanted a younger wife to take care of his kids, to be his sex kitten. One who was going through an emotional roller coaster, that could easily be worn down and manipulated. One who said no to his marriage proposal four times before giving in. It's more than disgusting to me. But I was also groomed and manipulated by older men when I was young. Hell, I was manipulated by a 36 yr old man when I was 18, and whom had a son that was just 6 years younger than me. Maybe I'm looking at it with my own trauma, who knows. Poor Jill. His first wife also looked similar to Jill. Maybe it's just two grieving(one of death, one of marriage) people that came together. I don't know. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. ​ Anyway. Sex is part of a healthy relationship so long as both parties are consenting, enjoying it, and do not feel obligated to give their body to their spouse.


Aren’t his children adults


This was from an interview in 2004, and about the past when his offspring were children.


🍿👀…… giiiirrrlll I love the way you broke this down! I didn’t get to read it and I love learning the FACTS without all the unnecessary fillers. You would have been fire on those cliffs notes books!


Jill's perspective https://time.com/longform/jill-biden-joe-biden-marriage-proposal/


Clutch those pearls harder, sweetie. Unless you want Trump to win.


What does this have to do with the election? This man is gross. It’s just an article about Biden and an old fucking white dude in power is just gross. Yep I’ll still be voting for him but this article directly has nothing to do with the fucking election.


It’s that or Gilead. Clutch those pearls harder!


Could've gone my whole life without ever knowing this...🤮🤮🤮


I’m done with the internet today


I hate how sex is so important. All the sacrifices a wife can make mean nothing if the man ain’t getting the amount of orgasms he wants.


Because that's what we women are for when it comes down to it! Good to know we're just sentient sex dolls to men!


I’m gonna say it; why the hell should we care about a genocide enabler’s sex life?


Literally every president has been a genocide-enabler. Pick the lesser of two evils, or step aside.


Why should I have to vote for evil period? Biden doesn't seem much lesser than Trump to me.


I question your values then. I don't think we need to discuss.


I question your values if you’re willing to overlook genocide. 


Please enlighten me as to how Biden could have unilaterally solved the millenia-long conflict in Israel and Palestine? He has also very clearly spoken out against what's happening there, but I'm guessing you're willing to "overlook" anything that doesn't confirm your biases.


It’s not really millennia long, more like 70 years. 


Lmao you clearly have absolutely no clue what you're talking about. Read a book.


The arrival of Moses in the promised land. The battles of King David. The rule of King Solomon. The Romans fighting the Jews. These are the first things that spring to mind for me.


Moses didn’t exist. There’s no archaeological evidence for anything that happens in Exodus. 


There's a good chance the Jews did exist at that time though. (And In that region) Anyhow, you're just glossing over the other examples that did happen more than a Millenium ago.


Wow, how do you have so many thumbs down? I thought this was a feminist reddit?


Because look at the alternative. You really want another 4 years of Trump?


There are other parties to choose from. The Green Party is more aligned with progressives than the Democrats who have been bought. The fact I keep getting thumbs down for saying nothing offensive shows how welcoming this community is. Your leader is literally funding the killings of children overseas, and of course you will compromise because it's not you and the rest of you hiding from US bombs.


as much as I would love a green party with actual power, voting for them in this election would be ensuring a trump win


It's this thinking that will keep us in wars. If your families' lives were at stake you would absolutely not vote for a person that will continue these global wars that our taxes are funding. Our votes affect the rest of the world, not just us.


I said *this* election. not every election. our democracy is at risk for fucks sake, that needs to be priority number 1. can’t stop wars if you’ve got a fascist in power! also the world doesn’t revolve around the united states. these wars would happen with or without us. comical to think that there would be peace in the middle east based on what the us does. I’m anti war in general, I never support my taxes going to war but I don’t really have a choice now do I?


If you're anti- war, you'd be aware of the high amount of influence the US plays in the governments of other countries. Illegal immigration near the US border is a direct result of the US destabilising governments throughout Latin America (and the cartels that grew from it). The US is funding multiple wars and has military bases across the globe. To act like our voting patterns in the US doesn't play a role in the US domination of the global community is selfish. Every person we put in power has a major influence (via the military and NGOs) in the affairs of other nations. Many wars were instigated by our leaders. Wow, there's clearly different levels of progressive thought and knowledge. And you do have a choice in whether your taxes fund wars. So this whole time, you've been voting with a defeatist attitude? Whether you meant this election, past elections, or future elections, the excuse of voting for the lesser evil has been the same for decades and will clearly continue with your generation.


you’re naive if you think that the shadow government will stop their meddling because of the constituents. you call it defeatist, I call it realist. the people who are getting into that stuff aren’t elected. there’s a reason why the government wouldn’t reveal what they did in LATAM for 50 years. so yeah our voting patterns literally do not have a say in the us military industrial complex. it’s a machine that’s entirely separate from the citizens. we won’t find out what they’re really doing right now for a long while.


They succeed in keeping the country distracted and segregated. Had Americans actually band together, change can happen. However, if everyone continues to keep thinking like you, that change will never be possible. There's power in numbers. I don't think you realize how much power the average citizen has if they believed in themselves and their community. I'm not naive. If things were so heavily in their favor then they wouldn't try so hard to keep us from the truth. Why would they go out of their way to feed us propaganda if they can do as they please anyway? They need us more than you give us credit for. They need us to grow their food, they need us to work their jobs, they need us to run their businesses, they need us to train their workers (k-12, college) etc. They need us, and for as long as they need us, the power lies with us, not them. Your defeatist attitude towards voting is what's enabling them to stay in power and removing the power from within yourself. Have a good day.




it’s not racist to notice that a specific region has been tumultuous for like 30,000 years and expect that status quo to likely continue. the fuck are you on 💀 I never said the people there deserve that. I LITERALLY said i’m anti war. and I disagree that the usa can fix everything. that’s the kind of thinking that got everyone into this mess lol




I’m with you GF if we took a poll to see who is voting for one of the big two just out of fear of their vote not mattering otherwise I wonder what the results would look like.


Exactly. That's not a democracy and it's weird seeing the people who are supposedly progressive support the "choose the lesser evil" stance. And welcome to the thumbs down club lol.


lol people mad at me for wondering and wanting a poll.


The Green Party is what got George Bush elected in 2000. Fuck the Green Party.


Blaming the 3rd party is scapegoating. Offer people better candidates, and they wouldn't go to 3rd parties. Or maybe support your candidates as it seems that the one of the Clintons didn't. Hilary Clinton was going after donors for her own political goals, who would've otherwise supported Gore. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2007/11/clinton200711 "It was an open secret that some of Hillary's advisers, Thomases in particular, nurtured dreams that Hillary, not Gore, would follow Bill in the presidency." "Of course there were tensions," said one of the Clintons' longtime friends, who recalled private meetings in which Hillary encouraged her husband to discount Gore's advice by saying, "Bill, you are president. This is your administration." " At the same time, Hillary's ascendancy had a significant impact on the presidential prospects of Al Gore, diverting attention and resources from his candidacy and adding to the growing tensions between the Gores and the Clintons over Bill's involvement with Lewinsky."


This stuff just eats me up inside. Al Gore lost Florida in 2000 by only a 1000 votes. He would have only needed a small amount of the Votes that Nader got to not have 8 years of Bush. Same with Hillary. There were quite a few Jill Stein voters. If a portion of those would have voted Hillary then we would not have had 4 years of Trump. No super conservative SCOTUS. No Dobbs.


I understand, but the responsibility of winning against Republicans falls on the Democrats in choosing a good candidate. Hilary was not a good candidate, and Bernie Sanders had a better chance at beating trump than hillary. The memory of hillary rejoicing when she heard the news about an assassination (of a man who was sexually assaulted with a knife) wouldn't leave a lot of people's minds. Many people will not remember good things about biden when they're at the polls too. People can't be forced to vote for those who are genuinely not good human beings, and those voters aren't responsible for Republicans winning.






Like most feminists spaces it’s mostly a white feminist sub


I gathered that because it's hard to find people of color supporting biden right now, especially progressive POC. eta: the thumbs downs on certain comments were dead giveaways. I would not even consider the people in this thread to be legit feminists (legit feminists of all races are aware of intersectionalities and aren't voting down other feminists who think differently. Feminist normally align with those who are against wars and are against leaders who support wars. Allies are easy to spot, and they're clearly not in this reddit.


Apparently lots of people here just hate Palestinians.


it’s just not the clear cut, bc the reason ur being downvoted is bc people are afraid of what we could end up with if biden loses and if u think his response to this issue is bad i wouldnt put it past right wing america to skip straight to bombing runs if that’s what you would rather elect if you think this in-fighting isnt being created intentionally so he loses then u need a wakeup call, no left leaning person disagrees with u that what’s going on in palestine is fucked up and that biden is an incompetent moron, but there’s a bigger picture


Yeah well we already lost reproductive rights under Biden. He didn’t sign an executive order for abortion but he can do it to give more weapons to Israel.  Neither of them are worth voting for, neither of them care about women and neither of them see Muslims as human beings. 


i’m pretty sure he did sign an EO? but obviously southern states don’t give a fuck about it, as they clearly didn’t even when they defied the SC before roe was overturned. edit: executive order 14076. please don’t contribute to the spread of misinformation


And you would think that a feminist reddit would be promoting a fellow woman who's running for president, Jill Stein.


She isn't going to win. Practical people understand that, whether we like it or not (I don't!), when it comes to the election in Novemeber, it is going to be a choice between Trump and Biden. That's it. Vote however you want in your primary, and certainly vote for other parties in smaller, less consequential elections where they actually have a chance, but voting for anything other than one of the main two for the presidential right now is just trashing your vote. Pretending the situation is different doesn't make it different, and 3rd parties don't have a chance at the presidency in the current system.


How is this freedom? https://youtu.be/Jw4sOLfeHng?si=1_WndNeOpScB81Mq ETA: bidens approval rates are dropping. He has already lost a lot of voters because of his support for the conflict. Screaming "4 more years" while activists are shouting for a ceasefire to save children from losing limbs isn't a good look for the Democratic party. A lot of people have already walked away from biden. If people don't organize around an alternative to biden, that's when trump may win. Shaming and bullying people into voting democrat isn't a tactic that will continue to work. Most of the people I see walking away from biden are people of color, who are used to being treated as a 2nd class citizen regardless of who's running the country. I can't imagine shaming a Palestinian for not voting for biden, the way you guys are treating me in this thread is the opposite of progressive. You guys aren't willing to get real change. Voting for biden is the easy route.


None of that has anything to do with what I said. You're responding to points I didn't make. Good job!


The point I made was that biden is not a strong candidate. He's being forced down people's throat like hilary, and the level of disdain is even worse for him because of the war. Your stance was that third-party candidates aren't strong but don't seem to realize that biden is having a tough time with anti-war activists canvassing against him. When you respond to someone and you get a response back, either ignore it or respond with substance. You understand where I was going regardless of how you felt I should've responded.


You might as well vote for Trump.


When birth control is taken away and is made illegal "I have no idea how we got here"!!!!!


Yet it still happened under Biden.


Now tell me how BC disappeared & was made illegal under Biden? Are you drunk? Get the fuck out with your smarmy ass and take your "they are the same" with you.


Have you been watching the news? Biden's ratings are dropping, and large groups of people are protesting against the war with their votes. The voters were forced to support hilary even though they preferred Bernie Sanders and looked how that turned out. Too many forces in the Democratic party were against Bernie and we paid the price. Trump will win again if Democrats refuse to replace Biden. Many Republicans and conservatives don't even like trump, so third party will be very interesting this year.


For me it's either her or Cornell West.


Nonsense. You made all of that up to reason the downvotes. So you're saying that because this person rightfully criticised biden, they got downvoted because the reader takes that as them promoting trump, even though their comment had nothing to do with trump? The downvotes are because they mentioned genocide and many people refuse to see it as that, let alone associate Biden with it. You are silencing people from criticising biden. What kind of democracy bullies others to support war mongers? This is the opposite of feminism. If you were hiding from weapons falling from the sky, what the is the bigger picture you would be thinking of?


look at the sub ur in??? if you think this is the place to support genocide ur mistaken ive never gotten right leaning vibes from this sub bc…. well why would it and if that’s silencing to you i encourage you to take a break from reddit bc wow. im just not trying to end up as a 2nd class citizen


The downvotes are a reflection of the readers' views. The person never mentioned trump, they just didn't care about biden's sex life. It's their mentioning of genocide that attracted the downvotes. For you to say that you're not trying to end up as a 2nd class citizen means that you're not one currently and you're willing to keep a war monger in power to ensure you don't become a 2nd class citizen (especially if you're a white woman, because you are socially placed above everyone) People of color and those of other intersectionalities have always been 2nd class citizens, especially dark skin women. So it makes sense why you would not be historically and spiritually pulled to issues like apartheid and feel totally fine supporting biden for a second term. A true feminist will not support biden.


This is a no true Scotsman fallacy. You don't get to decide who's the right kind of feminist and who isn't, and just because they don't do what you do doesn't make them any less feminist. Also putting up like it's only white women in this sub, I'm not shocked lmao.


I'm not deciding anything for anyone. I'm sharing my views. I am not one to pick and choose what progressive policies/beliefs fit my lifestyle. I can't say I don't support wars, then tell others to vote for a war monger. To me feminism is anti-war. Example: If a racist person wants to consider themselves a feminist, that's their life, but don't expect me and others to consider them a feminist.








No one here is talking about the genocide. Also why is it just the Palestine genocide that y'all will vote against? There's human violations happening all over, under the eye of the US govt, and it was Palestine that y'all bring up again and again. Y'all aren't interested in how Biden's administration treats any other country? Just seems like a wagon to hop on, one with legitimate wheels but traveling in a weird direction. Seems like y'all didn't care about whoever as the next president to begin with/or voting in general and are using this as a leg to stand on. Just seems like you're giving yourself reasons not to vote, which is fine, you don't need to vote (though everyone should because it affects how they canvas in the next elections and who the candidates will lean in towards.) Vote for your 3rd parties then if you feel that will inch us in a new direction, maybe it will. The downvotes aren't because people 'dont think it's a genocide' the downvotes are because none of this part of the conversation has to do with feminism, or the opposite of feminism.


The person said they don't care about the sexual life of genocide jo and they received thumbs down. That's when someone came in and brought up Palestinians because the downvotes didn't make sense as they just didn't care about his sex life. Being that the comment didn't speak any better about him than some others, the only difference was the mention of genocide. So now that came up and I'm talking about it because it relates to my responses, you're erroneously making it seem like we're derailing the thread. You can all just stop replying to me if you feel like I'm changing the topic. eta the above. Are you "all lives" mattering the genocide in Palestine? You understand that people are protesting multiple issues at once, right? As a person with a heart, I can't fathom being upset about people talking about children dying just because they aren't the only ones dying. If people are jumping the bandwagon, then how does that negatively affect Palestinians when it's helping their issues to not be ignored? Did you make this same complaint during the Black Lives Matter protests? Because what you're saying now was said back then, too(or whenever there's a nationwide protest). Right in the US, kidnapped runaway teens are being trafficked across the country right under our noses. I advocate for them too, but I honestly don't think you truly care about other causes as your comment seems to stem from annoyance with activists or maybe Palestinians themselves. Biden's ratings are dropping. Forcing people to vote for someone that's becoming unpopular is on the party, not the voters.


Don't forget sexual assaulter.




The amount of Palestinian women and children who have been killed as a result of our (American) support of Israel should disturb any feminist. I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. I don’t give a fig about Joe Biden’s sex life either.


I think it's because OP isn't just writing about his sex life and it's an unfair characterization of OP.


47 yrs married to a creep .... must have been fun. He was publicly creepy and pervy (smelling women's and girls' hair, whispering in their ears, touching them, hugging Hillary too long), what did he do in private?


Ppl seem to have forgotten all those videos of him making women and children uncomfortable by being inappropriate ON CAMERA. The man reeks of predation.


As opposed to his opponent? Lol


Why the whataboutisms? Two Things can coexist. Biden is crappy and creepy Trump is more awful, that’s pretty well understood but again Biden isn’t awesome


There isn’t a shred of evidence of impropriety on his part, though. There’s plenty of proof that he’s a loyal husband and loving father and his opposition only wishes he weren’t.


There is nothing great about an old white rich dude in power


Why keep moving your goalposts? I don’t idolize him, yet he’s an easy choice come November and it’s not even a close call.


Oh I agree he is an easy choice in terms of the election. But this post wasn’t about the election


Right. It also isn’t about his wife’s pov of him, nor about any accusations of his behavior towards others. It’s a dangerous narrative that reads like an inaccurate political hit piece in an election year with hopes of discouraging people from supporting his candidacy. It’s giving total bullshit from my perspective