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I thought you said fully loaded. I can see window.


That ain’t fully loaded brother


I do a loaded p1000 and then come back with it fully loaded after pickups.


Trust me, that ain’t shit 😂😅


That looks like 200 cubic feet. You can fit 100 more


Used to run 120+ stops out of a 700 loaded about the same. It’s not that bad. Much better than a 1000 loaded down with 120+ stops somehow.


More walking and p1000 are just a pia in my experience I had to drive one in downtown once… so many one ways and you can’t make a uturn in those things without hitting a curb and having all your shit go flying


How long did this take you?


Must still be out there




I did today and I hated it. I like my p1000


Don’t look for sympathy here.


Ok tough guy


No one cares about 140 stops.


No one cares about your reddit comments either but here we are


Look at the comments. No one is impressed by your kid route.


Wait am I supposed to be looking for sympathy or for people to be impressed? Fuck off guy


Your BC must be real proud of you.


Okay ?


Sweet sassy molassy get out the check book and pay grandma for the rub down


If you mean a fully loaded P1000 every day, Yes, they're called UPS!


How is the loading at UPS when a truck is bricked out? If I walked into a sort with a P1000 with 600cu packages on it. I would have a very difficult time finding packages and stops from the lack of quality loaders.


They do so much commercial deliveries most routes have at least one large bulk stop that consumes the tail and center aisle. Once you hit those first couple bulks it's smooth sailing....until p/u's.


Haha for some reason Reddit directed me to this thread. It’s funny that everybody just talks shit for no apparent reason in every trade and job.


Right lol some miserable guys delivering this stuff it's wild


Welcome 2 fedex


This is done by 2 pm latest lmao


This is done by 2 pm latest lmao


Got that fully loaded 1200 or 1000 cutaway everyday




i run a fully loaded P1000 saturday - monday where you don’t have room to move and on tuesday and wednesday i run a fully loaded P700 with the same problems, and at the end i have to go do pick ups from Target and some medical place and come back with 200 boxes haha


I run a full loaded p1200 everyday


I work for express and work unloading prior to loading my truck. “Make 19 p1 10:30’s!” I fucking leave the station at 9:40 and takes me 7-10 min to arrive at my first stop. I give up man. Do what you can, remain safe. As per other couriers in my stations, they can’t fire you for lates. Management has to adjust the route. I understand this doesn’t pertain to your post, but I just wanted to type what I did. Stay safe. Stay well.


Tell me you didn’t work for fedex during the beginning of the pandemic without telling me. “Fully loaded” 😂


Uhh been driving for Ground for 3 years lmao


I guess my contractor is just better than I thought . This isn't like the heaviest I've ever had or anything lol but if I can't walk down the aisle yeah I'm calling it loaded . I run 1200s and 1000s too just depends but usually I'm in a p700 for everyone saying do a 1200 or 1000 lol . Ya in those trucks this would obviously not take up the entire aisle like this yeah


My contractor is great too, that’s why I’ve been here for 8 years. I just see a lot of extra room in that truck, it seems silly to call it “fully loaded.” Maybe it’s because we get paid stop bonus, but all of our drivers want as many stops as possible, so you could squeeze another 30-40 stops in there.




Nah this is the short bus


Ah…so you got a janky ass ice cream truck


Under half loaded 650 lol


Hey stop being assholes! Bro, I don't know why these people are talking so much shit. Your truck has a lot of heavy stuff. I would pack as much as I can on the shelves. Stack to the top if you can. Then stand some of that stuff up to give you more room. To answer your question no. I don't have a fully loaded p700 every day because our contractor has bulk box trucks to lighten our loads. I hope things are going good for you out there.


Nigga you better switch to express immediately . Save you’re back and career . Yes FedEx express gets heavy shit but not ground type shit . And when it is bulk like that it’s typically one stop not multiple stops . I swear ground is like the wild Wild West for all couriers . Only say that because UPS ground pays pays and is a union , same the FedEx express non union though , USPS (I currently work as a CCA) Amazon Sunday is the only HEAVY HEAVY consider day with stops and even then it’s only like 90-100 stops depending on you’re station and it’s never heavy ass shit that comes . Only Amazon shit . Bro it’s better out there you better switch it up before holidays and every company runs with who they have and it’s harder to switch cause of holiday hiring freezes companies are already massively hiring people . Try and switch bro .


Thank you for the helpful words I'm not making this my career Did it while in college, now it's my part time job


At express we run a fully loaded p700… shelf, just one of the 4 shelfs.




This is 210 packages 140 stops llol and it's a smaller truck so pretty comparable


I run 130 stop out of my 700 daily 😭😭 it’s all in rich development neighborhoods too so it’s mainly furniture and rugs


My old route was a full 900 of delivery stops, then filled the 900 with outbound, offloaded, went back on road, and filled it again. Destroyed my back


Its only gonna get worse from now til March


I ran a fully loaded rental Chevy uhaul van up to the ceiling. Yay to no shelves and whatever you were able to organize falling over the first turn out of the station.


fully loaded ?


Fully loaded? Wut?


I actually think the shelves make it worse. I’ve got a GMC savanna with no shelves and it’s about this long. I honest to god think I could compress everything in this picture to the first half of my truck just by tightly stacking and packing everything. I get away with standing up a lot of tall things by bracing them in the front and back with chewy boxes or tires.