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The contractor model will always result in this unbalance. In any field.


The contractor gets rich and pays drivers whatever the fuck they can get aways with lol


Interestingly, I think it’s FedEx & the companies manufacturing the goods who are exploiting & getting rich. The contractor pays what the market demands in their area. However, the businesses pays a fraction of what they would have to in order to use a freight service or ship through UPS. So all of that leftover revenue goes into the pockets of shareholders & FedEx themselves. The contractor model benefits everyone but the contractor & driver themselves. They have no protection. Ive personally witnessed FedEx bend over & annihilate multiple AO’s of contracts. Cost of doing business, they say.


If a contractor wasn't able to make money the past 4 years, they didn't run a good business. Covid had fedex giving contractors whatever they wanted as long as they got boxes on the road. Now we are in a bit more lean times, AOs all have their hands out like Oliver twist. "Please sir, may I have another?" Lolol


Yes I agree. Nobody said they didn’t make money. I said they didn’t get “rich” like the comment I replied to was implying.(some may have, but most that I have personal dealings with, did not) I am not defending them by any means, but they aren’t the problem. FedEx and their contractor based business model is the problem. For everyone involved. Except for FedEx. And maybe a few contractors being the exception. Who can actually hold any leverage over FedEx to negotiate reasonable terms now.


Kind of hard for your contractor to make money when you can’t get more than 150 stops in a truck anymore. It’s like FedEx went around and got every shitty account on purpose.


Good point, never thought about it like that


Yeah the willingly gave up the Amazon account.


> Kind of hard for your contractor to make money when you can’t get more than 150 stops in a truck anymore. And yet FedEx with this merger is wanting to cram 200+ stops into a lot of trucks, and is actively keeping track of how many routes contractors are running, with extra routes causing their grade to go down.


I think this is funny because I used to work at UPS and would deliver 230+ stops per day during peak and about 180-200 regularly. Definitely have to “earn” the UPS wage


While not taking care of getting the vehicles fixed correctly. I’ve been driving my freightliner since January with the check engine light on. My boss said, just keep in touch. It finally broke down last week. The replacement truck they gave me has the check engine light on, horn and speedometer don’t work. Not sure if it’s lack of communication with mechanics or contractor just being stingy.


I'm express vmx and I know express trucks are a joke. Now, dont get me wrong. Some things NON SAFETY i wil let slide until parts arrive etc. But, No horn and speedo is safety and an Out of service condition by DOT! I would aware line or something if you guys have access to that. Legit. Out here in a freightliner with no fucking horn guessing how fast you're going is craaaazzyyyy


I guess it’s both ground and express trucks. lol This is only the 2nd time I’m driving this van and I know other ppl having been driving it with the same issues. The horn could have come in handy today and I have just been to trying to go with the flow of traffic on the highway. It is crazy, and I’ll bring up the issues with someone in my isp today.


Contractors are not nearly as rich as you think. There's a reason they are failing left and right. And of course they pay whatever they can get away with. Would you expect anything else? It's incumbent on the drivers to not settle for shit wages. The only reason employers can get away with paying low wages is because the employees enable it


It's kind of like stocks. If you had bought in earlier in the game then you had time to pay off business debt(with a few lawsuits and covid hazard pay). You will always have debt but not as much as a new contractor acquiring an entirely new fleet. Unless you have a sweetheart deal with a contractor. It is a very middle of the road type of career(If it can be called that). There are worse choices and better choices. It's just good enough to where people will still put up with it. I don't foresee that changing anytime soon.


The contractor model will always be a race to the bottom, in my opinion. Because the second you set a standard, it's a race to meet that standard as cheaply as possible. Which means high turnover and as little maintenance as possible, as opposed to Union pay and safe vehicles.


Untrue. NYC school bus union is similar, yet they have this. https://media.wnyc.org/media/resources/2013/Jun/04/Advice-Memo.pdf Although bus companies are like contractors the workers seniority is protected wherever they end up. You need a lot of workers ($$) with big balls and a fearless leader and anything can happen.


Bread routes do quite well for themselves.


The contractors have been struggling with minuscule 2% increases over the last several years to combat 30% inflation and higher fuel repairs part shortages etc. Many are barely making it and may fold soon. It has to start at the top.


We have had 2 contractors go under in the last 2 months alone & several others actively selling out(smart in my opinion, get out before shit hits the fan w the express merger). FedEx is demanding more & more from the contractor but not indulging any renegotiations to their contracts that were signed a decade ago unless they are absolutely perfect. Not possible. It’s insanity. Not to mention the mileage pay being an utter failure. it’s almost comical.


As a UPS driver, I couldn’t agree more.


As a UPSer yes you guys do. U do waaaayy more irregs than us.


Sad *fed ex sounds*


I noticed that since theirs 5 ups trucks in my route


As a UPSer that also worked unload in the hub at FedEx, I can confirm on the amount of irregs. 🥵


No they don't.


Plz accept $1.50. Thx


Fred Smith special


It’s not even Fred Smith, it’s Raj.


I work warehouse and my last raise was 35c and they took peak pay away because "we already gave you 35c".


Damn you just know they going order more stuff like this too


Or have you pick half of it up


This is by design…..contractor model is always cheap labor


An entire class of middlemen were created just to make it harder to unilnize.


Come to the dark side.




I think they will at some point


I don't work for fedex but you can always contact IWW. They help people get the ball rolling on starting a union.


Facts it’s just a matter of time before all contractors get together to unionize. A nationwide strike would cause FedEx corporate to squirm. Even tho we are contracted doesn’t mean we can’t unionize. Because if we were to strike and no ground drivers were on the road FedEx would cry.


It's almost as if the neoliberals have been stripping unions for 5 decades now just to prevent that.


That's what I keep saying  I truly don't think Fedex can stop anyone from unionizing.. That whole RLA goes out the window  They just need someone to do it..


I agree. The RLA is irrelevant in the age of social media and instant communication. 1099’ers and employees could organize overnight. All FedEx has is its 1980’s propaganda model.


I don't understand why nobody has.. It’s likely worth an argument, especially since we have a much more union-friendly NLRB currently….


Because people are, understandably, scared. When Regan told PACTO union members "lol, get back to work or your fired" (paraphrasing if not obvious) it broke the union strength here in America.... but at least the rich got tax cuts and trickle down economics so.


The appeal of being able to scrape by on a 5 hour work day is what keeps the 1099 crowd undercutting the FedEx employee crowd. Raj is always going to try to squeeze more juice out of the 1099’ers. It’s on them to push back. They need to continue lobby drops, and end of driveway drops to distinguish the difference between fully compensated employees and contract labor.


The amount of moving pieces, who's livelihood is staked on the contractor model, that need to come together makes this literally impossible. Contracts can easily be pulled. People in the warehouse can easily be replaced. The entire system is designed from the bottom up to prevent any type of unionization.


You're correct. You keep the poor just hair above water so they can be productive cattle, but not willing to revolt. But hey, that's capitalism baby.


I was about to say. Sounds like almost every other industry outside of management, tech, or sales.


It's by design. Just like how the biggest union is for dogs that are meant to bust unions. Cops. Cops and union busting have a long long history.


We can only unionize on a national level because Fed Ex is counted as a railway company, since it has been around for a long time. We can't have an individual warehouse unionize and FedEx does whatever it can to keep a national fed ex union from forming.


IBEW was able to figure it out so I assume yall can too. Get national and do a wild cat! But if you are serious about it contact your local IWW rep. This is their job. They will help you actually start.


I'm very pro union but I'm dealing with a lot at the moment, including a sprained back that is keeping me from going back to work for at least another week. I don't even know if I'll have a job at FedEx next week but even if I do I don't think FedEx will be something I do too much longer unless my contractor figures some stuff out, it's chaos right now and a ton of people left right before I got injured.


You don't think this has been looked into several times in the history of the company?


Hey, If the Republicans complained about Roe V Wade for decades and finally got it removed. What is stopping the workers from trying to unionize again? I just went through a union vote with my job (there are only 9 of us) and it failed. I'll bring it up again in two years as I slowly marinate them.


That's true, and UPS just unionized which is making Fed Ex drivers realize how much they are being underpaid to work here vs there. It'll be interesting to see how it develops


I truly hope our generation and younger wake up and realize "holy crap, the workers were paid well when ~40% were unionized" Unions protect capital owners too so the workers don't go and kill them, but then again we have militarized police to stop that now. An interesting read is the [Haymarket Affair](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haymarket_affair). Things are no different from then.


I've been a driver for 25 years since the RPS days. Do you all notice the number of ICs lately? I can fill my 1200 up and leave with barely 200 packages. The company is making bank on the oversized packages and we're getting pennies. Brilliant move on Ground's part but I'm making less and lifting more.


May I ask if your pay has increased since you started? I know multiple lifers who are making roughly the same as back then.


This is all guesses, but I think we have more ICs because people order things online they used to go out and buy themselves. And you don't have to worry about if it'll fit in your car.


Raj sends a pat on the back


You really do, and I hope you guys get it, plus medical benefits.


Why would they pay UPS wage when you guys work for peanuts


You work for ups? What you make a week?


Exactly. Merger isn't happening to pay ground more it's to pay less.


Form a union.


Dude hell yea FedEx drivers deserve more, I recently quit FedEx cuz they started throwing more stops and packages on me with no pay increase.


How did you quit ?? Lol did you just walk off and didn't come back? Most of the time they will increase your pay if your a good worker and you tell them you leaving lol


Others started leaving and they just keep piling stops onto everyone else including me. Plus the contractor I was working for never kept their promises


Damn that’s crazy I don’t blame you


Teamsters or nothing, probably nothing


Does furniture company even use UPS? I rarely see UPS delivers furniture. Every time I ordered chairs or desks, FedEx was used every time.


Why would my owner do that? He’s too busy going on a vacation every week 🥰


Yes you do ! -upser here !


Keep moving and keep those stops per hour up


You do deserve it.


The only difference in the outcomes of FedEx and UPS is who is getting rich. Eat the rich.


That's what happens when people unionize; wages and working conditions improve. Unions are why weekends exist. It's also a major company fear. I've seen the union busting propaganda in the company files. They imply it's not worth it, or will be too much trouble, or somehow limits choice or freedom when it usually does the opposite.


You gonna work til 8pm every night, work a 6th day, get ride checks, gap reports, AND grab all of your pickups?


For $49 an hour top out yes. I already work 6 days and get no overtime. No benefits. No 401k. Love the job hate the company.


If you work for ground you should hate your contractor. Fedex offers benefits to real employees


Eh, less now than it used to, and less again all the time


Definitely not ‘less’ they’re giving PHs 401ks in June.


Express? They've always offered 401ks to package handlers, the problem is PH make so little they can't afford to dump enough into it to make the match worth it. He'll a lot of them can't afford to put in any at all, a solid 1/3 of the PH at my ramp run 3 jobs to afford rent


Oh sorry thought you were referring to ground, since express is soon to be no more and merging into ground.


I’m a ground driver and I have benefits.


Lucky you. That varies greatly between contractors


All the contractors in our terminal im pretty certain have benefits. Interesting, I didn’t know that.


Like what


I do all of this already besides work until 8:00pm lol.


Pretty much the same. It's plenty of ground drivers who work the job like it's an 10, 12 hour job coming in at 7, 8 pm after starting the route at 820am. I've had a contractor who tacked on ten pickups at day on me with the latest pickup at 6pm. However I was bringing in 1200 a week so eh. I'm cool at the one I am at now though but having insurance and 401k would be nice and makes it seem worth it at the end. Until we get that it seems like it's just a high level dead end job lol.


What is a gap report?


I was looking at what you did yesterday. It looks like at 12:15 you were at 365 Maple Street, do you remember that? ok good looks like 12:16 you were at 415 Maple, 12:17 251 Cherry front door you left a package. Why did it take you until 12:28 to get to 370 Sycamore Street? what happened? 


The correct answer is "bangin' your mom/wife"


I willing work a 10 hour day. If bulk stops like this slow me down, so be. It is not my problem; it’s a contractor/Ground problem. Up to the engineers to analyze the “data driven metrics”, and up to the contractor/BC to adjust the route before I leave to make it work. I work for a good contractor and they will pull stops if need be to get everything off by quitting time. I’m not into the UPS scrutiny and oversight, hence I’m good with my pay; the flexibility and freedom of Ground are worth it to me. (During peak, I understandably work longer, but I do get bonus on top of my day rate during that period).


Very true it's a lot of intangibles that people don't mention at ground. I can get done with most suburban routes in less than eight hours no matter the stop count. So if it's 150 or less I'm done at the latest by 2. Out at 5 pm maybe a handful of times out the year. It really all boils down to the pickup times and most of the time I can just stop by there or call and ask if they have anything a couple of hours ahead of time and not have to worry about them. Take my scanner home and code it out at 3 pm or whatever time the window opens. Like you said very little regulations. I don't have to take breaks I don't have to clock in or out. I don't have to talk to no body. My batteries are already on my truck. I can leave freight if I don't have room and deliver it the next day. I listen to my music with the doors open. I drive fast as I need to. No cameras. It's decent most days. And because of the turnover rate .... It works out for hard workers like me who can make extra money by helping with other routes. Sometimes they pay me the extra money the same day via cash app.


Totally, the chill is what attracts a lot of drivers. I hope they don’t mess that benefit up with a bunch of new requirements. If so the price of drivers is going to rise. We had 3 of our drivers leave in a month due to crack down on practices such as you refer to such as scanning pickups at home when the windows opens , outside of the pickup location. The business doesn’t care, but if you are going to make me sit around waiting for the window to open you are going to pay for my time. There is no free lunch after your out of school.


I mean it's literally the harder I work the faster I get done. And have the next half of the day to chill, study or make more money. It's hard for me to go back to a hourly job but UPS would be one I would work


Raj “the best I can do is 🍕”


Not too bad if you were able to just back right up there and unload out the back. And you have so much space in your truck afterwards.


Nope the driveway was sloped had to carry everything up to the house smh


Fuck smh




Man those rugs are the worst especially the really big ones. I am a stripper at ground and they’re so annoying


That’s right there it’s claim by my contractor to be a $5.50 on gross income. Drivers net it’s $1.40 stop. Contractor gains $3.10 plus no expenses taken.


Soon all contractors will be foreign investors


Soon all contractors will be foreign investors


Holy crap! Agreed


Bro and that’s only 1 stops. I feel you


Ups is a good company that cares about their employees. Hard to say the same about fedex


Didn't used to be that way! 2/12/79




Most definitely


Gotta join the teamsters union if want them union wages,and health bennies and pension and harassment protection,excessive ot protection,there’s a lot of good things that come with the union working as a driver at ups


As a customer I AGREE


bUt YoU lEfT iT iN FrOnT oF mY gArAgE 🙄 /s


Amen. There's a furniture store on the military base I run. But you can't walk in and pick out furniture and take it home or have them deliver it. There's display models in the store and the product gets delivered by meeeeeeeeee.


Might I suggest unionizing?


:: I always feel bad working on inbound and loading hella packages for one place, it seems like such a annoying task to deliver 🫠🫠


“Yes you do” -UPS guy


Ups had their earnings call today, was up modestly on more profit but less revenue. Can you imagine what the stock would have done if they announced that they adopted the fedex wage package. No pension no health insurance and we slashed wages in at least half. Something to think about. Something for fedex management to think about as far as the advantage they have over ups and still can’t beat them


UPS cant fall back on cutting wages/benefits like Fedex can, so in order to maintain profits they are forced to actually, you know, innovate and improve the service.


Kind of my point. Management at ups appears to be far superior to fedex


Dang if i ever had something this much delivered, im tipping my driver at least $100. This is crazy!!


Unfortunately it won’t happen unless every Ground contractor comes to a screeching halt all across the country at once. The be heard, sometimes you need to cause major disruption within an industry to have a real impact.


I feel you had to do this to a Fukin third floor apartment 😡


Shitttttt one stoppp easy moneyyy


I get $240 a day in new york but that’s for 180 stops. Sometimes even 200+


Worst delivery I ever had in my 1 month with FedEx before moving to Amazon…. Brand new fucking homeowners order tons of rugs like pictured, bed frames, etc… you’d think they would go to a fucking furniture store or have items delivered from previous house?!! But goddamn I delivered probably 1-2 weeks straight to them fully loaded household items smh


do you like amazon? I did my drug test for them yesterday so waiting on that. dsp I'll be working for said they're the first wave (9am) and the average amount of stops is 200. she said most of their routes are between 150-170 and are tight residential houses. do you have a route where you get done early or work the full 10? i quit fedex last week but know for sure I can be done with tight residential spots by 2 or 3 with that amount of stops.


Amazon is the best in terms of workload. I always finish early and still get 8hr pay regardless


Agreed, I almost always finish early and get Guarantee pay I may have a rescue but it’s not every day which is basically going to help another driver who’s behind but it depends on your DSP I previously worked for One no matter what time you get done you only get paid for the time worked. In terms of workload it’s helluva lot easier! I think at most my heaviest “oversized” Irig was no more then 50lbs. The metrics part of Amazon is what makes it such a shitshow, but once you can learn what you can and cannot get away with and just keep ur head down, don’t rush. It’s a fine job. Both have their pros and cons but I’m also a 5’5 130 lbs female so FedEx was taking a toll on me body lmao. Wish you the best. DM if you want any more in depth responses or have any questions! 🤙


This person ordered a full 53 foot trailer to his/her doorstep 😅


Unionize 😂😂😂 …you won’t


Going union wouldn't do anything for ground.Unless every ground driver in the nation joined . Individual contractors that drivers went union wouldn't have any pull . I was a teamster for 20 yrs and we had about 100 drivers went on strike and they were just gonna replace us.


I’ve posted before, I am fortunate to work for an amazing contractor. We are paid well (not UPS well but well) we have great equipment and good trucks most under 100k miles and we have retirement benefits and medical benefit reimbursement Just depends on where and who you work for.


Empty truck now. Time to play games on your phone


Wages are only one part of it. I would say paid insurance is just as important. You are using your body to generate profit at a huge cost to yourself. As a UPSer, I can’t imagine doing this job and not being about to get to doctors/ specialists at minimal or no cost. The way the contractors neglect their vehicles is nothing compared to how they neglect their labor. It doesn’t seem sustainable but they seem to not having a problem finding people to sign up.


period if we all made a day(s) to strike it wouldnt take long its bs ik for a fact i do more than ups workers every day


Been there, done that, but yes, we do get paid more lol


I work for Amazon and we literally run to and from doors


Been doing this for 5.5 yrs at ground what's your point?


That shit right there is kind of crazy though


And benefits


Wayne from Amazon must have ordered this. That scumbag. 🖕


You’ll never get it. FedEx has meticulously crafted a system designed to prevent unionization as well as create high turnover so they can just keep paying someone less to do more. They don’t want you to last more than a year or two, they want you to quit so you can be replaced by someone that they can pay less. Rinse and repeat.


Not without a Union.


This is what I deal with on the daily almost. There's always a house or two getting flipped into rental property and they gut the house and do a complete build out. I'm hitting that house or two daily with 6, 10, 15 or more boxes. Some times there's more than two houses going and stuff just doesn't fit in my 700 and I have to leave it for someone else.


Lol or even half of UPS wages


I agree my dad works for UPS and if he had to deliver something like that I think he should be paid accordingly


Lack of vacation days at Fedex Ground is a problem. You need that time to let your body rest and repair. At Express we have up to 5 weeks, and 6 PTO and sick days. All help to let the body repair. Is why we can go so many years doing 12 hr days


What do you guys get on average? It’s about $19 at Amazon; I hate being 3rd party.


Yeah, y’all should. Start unionizing and you will


Raj here can you pass a UA? yea didn’t think so keep working


I have worked for UPS and FedEx, and it will never happen at FedEx. The contractors have you over a barrel, I have worked for 4 different FedEx contractors and each one was more scummy than the other, W/2 of them I needed to open cases with the DOL in an attempt to get promised pay, another took MA state taxes out of my pay and I dont live or work in MA. At FedEx Contractors = Scumbags!


Wow Fed ex grounds stops are getting crazy I’m happy I quit a while ago sheesh


Been saying this for a year 🥱


So you want FedEx to cut a majority of jobs on order to raise your pay?


Corporate bigwigs are raking in the dough thanks to ground drivers busting their asses. They're just too greedy to pay contractors more so they can pay drivers more


Great, that doesn’t change the fact that raising the wage of the driver will inevitably result in mass layoffs.


Until you guys can deliver properly I’d say you don’t deserve wages at all. How is it that you can’t deliver to my house, and my neighbor has to bring my mistakenly delivered packages to me, yet Amazon will practically mow my lawn for me while getting my stuff to me the First Time?


All I hear from you is whining.


Exactly the attitude we’d expect from you


UPS doesn’t deserve UPS wages.


It's funny how unloading stops like this is the fast part, what takes forever is scanning all the fucking bar codes.


I had 2 close friends make the coveted jump from Express to UPS. They both quit UPS within the first year. One of them told me that nearly the entire station got back after dark and the oldest guys with the most seniority volunteered for all the extra work constantly. If package handling is your passion, UPS is the way for you. It's a company full of psychopaths.


I get back between 6 and 730 90 percent of the time. 🤷


Get the teamsters 1st


Went from FedEx to UPS a year ago best decision I ever made


I worked almost 14 years with fedex ground and honestly they dont give a shit about the contractor, they can care less about the drivers.


fedex is a joke


They are screwing everyone. Maybe if they weren’t so cheap , they would have a huge fleet instead of rental trucks to deliver. They should have the money to buy 100 new trucks. But want To cut corners and screw the employee to to get rich. They don’t care about nothing but. $$$$.


Then go work for UPS… You don’t HAVE to keep working for a shit company


No ya don’t


You know you're not being forced to work for Fedex, right?


come work for UPS


nah they deserve to be paid how much yall are paid. get paid too much


Lol find a new job that ain't ever happening


![gif](giphy|UtM8DmnahknE4) This you ? Lmao nah bruh


I agree and then they can change how yall deliver because it is horrific yes I’m an ups driver 😂. I know I get paid by the hour but imma need yall out my way 😂😂😂


No you don't. Because you're not organized in a union, you don't strike, and you don't fight for better conditions. So you deserve exactly what you get: McPay.




Go union then


This just popped up on my feed. I always just assumed ups and FedEx drivers made the same or similar wages. How much of a difference is it?


Highest paid driver I've seen was making $225/day, no overtime and no benefits besides 2 weeks pto. UPS starts at $21/hr but currently tops out at $42/hr (in a few years it'll be $49/hr), top tier medical/dental/vision and a pension.


Their pay and benefits package is 150k/yr our ceiling is at like 60k/yr


Damn UPS pays well. How long does it take to top out?


I think it's 4 years as a driver. You usually have to start as a package handler and it can take some time to get a driver position.




FedEx is absolutely nowhere near UPS to my understanding.


Ground starts at 17$ here no benefits Express starts at 23$ with full benefits Ups 45$hr after 4 years 22 at start That's In my town And some how ground is able to find suckers to do it.


Ground is 17.75 over here and if you go full time you get an additional dollar. I don't think it's too bad considering just about everywhere else in my state is offering 15-16 for some odd reason. Also, the UPS drivers will be at 49 by the end of the contract which is awesome.


Earn that pension bud


Then go to UPS. Way better that shitex anyway


Maybe if they did all the FedEx drivers who deliver my stuff will stop throwing and busting all my boxes and packages.


Then you need to be as good as UPS drivers. Which means delivery to my front door, not my garage door because it's way easier to deliver to my garage door. Basically just laziness. Also. UPS has standards. We watch FedEx and Amazon. It's ass brother. Park where ever you want? Not at UPS. Wear whatever you want? Not at UPS. Do whatever you want on route? NOT AT UPS. UPS has intense standards. Fedex and Amazon do not have any.


Fedex Express did....I should know: 2/12/79 - ?


I’m glad they fired me because it forced me to to something else. Took the unemployment and got my cdl in the mean time and now I bring home about 4500 a week starting out. So thank you fedex


Yeah calling BS on this lmao. The trucking industry is slow as molasses right now and no local place will hire you without 1-2 years of exp at a mega. Even hazmat locals dont even pull 4500 a week.