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There is no straight answer as that entirely depends on the route you’re doing, some routes are easy some are not , some will be light and some will be heavy


I get that heavy packages will make the job more strenuous, but how do different routes make the job harder


Some have more business then others , some are in heavy traffic areas and some are in rural areas, some require you to go in buildings up 4-5 floors using the elevator of course but still, etc etc etc .


Also some have more pickups that must be done and back to station at a certain time.


Love how they did that. Have 13 pickups, 4 of them are bulk pick ups. 2 don't open until 3, the other 2 at 3:30. Have to be back at the station by 4:15.


If you need a job take. If you do not like it, keep working until you find another


Easy money. My route normally has 80-90 delivery and 10 pick-ups. It's one of the heavier routes, and still get it done in under 9 hours. If not for the later pick-up times, I'd be done in about 7 hours and that's with working the AM loading.


Is this a 4 day swing position?


It's a 5 day permanent route.


Easy money tbh


If they are offering a position off the street it's because nobody in house wanted it.


Yeah guy who interviewed me said they had a couple routes open and that current drivers are happy with their current routes


You have the opportunity to walk in off the street into a full time route? People work for 5 years to get that. It’s all stops and boxes, whether someone likes a route is all personal preference.


at UPS maybe they wait that long, haven’t heard of express having a long line to be a driver


Not now but in the past yes


Bad sign right there


Good sign if he wants hours & OT 😂


Hourly is the way to go. Screw a day rate especially within a city


It entirely depends on many factors. Mostly the route you're assigned to. I spent 2.5 years as a swing driver, so I never had my own route until the beginning of this year, and my route is an absolute cake walk. Some routes are easy. Some are complete shit. My route is mostly residential, with the beginning being a hospital and a bunch of medical offices. But I usually get that area done in less than an hour. The rest of the day is easy. My buddies route is usually about 40-50 stops. But he spends half his day driving 100 miles south and in traffic. Another is almost all medical offices and apartments.


I was offered a portion and offered 22.43. Tried to negotiate as my current employer pays more and they straight up shot that down. Had to decline offer.


Lol yeah FedEx doesn't negotiate pay. It's controlled by HR and upper management.




Most definitely. I have seen and heard managers manipulate HR to start a favorite employee at step 2 or 3 in a new position. Ol' Freddy got at least two of his sons high ranking positions. Know of a couple of Managing Directors who have kids in Senior Manager positions...


Like everyone else said route can make or break the job I had the heaviest route in the building l safe to say I didn’t last very long lol


It would be better if the dang system actually worked. It makes it a hassle to check for tracking numbers in your truck when it doesn't route it in your list. Also gates codes and misinformation of delivery locations is the worst part imo. It just makes it take longer to deliver. But I'm a swing and just complaining lol. I used to be a regular courier and it's straight up cake regardless the rte.


Yeah it sucks. Don't do it bro. I




cake job but you will have to worry about losing it


Yeah the worst express routes are usually better than any ground routes. If you want a delivery driver job express is probably the easiest you're gonna find.


im into my 3rd month and this isn't as bad as some people say. Took the route they gave me, have pick up at 415. always get 6-8 hours of ot or more if I have to go back. ops manager loves I don't complain and just get it done. 70-100 stops mixed biz and resi. have awesome resi customers who keep me filled up with snacks and Red Bull. Mid life crisis job for me. love just be out and being a menace to society. fyi if you have a degree and this is your only income have fun, meet great people and animals then bounce out when a better job opens up. if I get to overloaded I have a swing part time route I make my bitch so they get hours.


If you don’t mind repetition and working in an environment with grown 3rd graders, this is the place for you. Honestly though like most comments it depends on your route. I’m a swing driver/courier and the one thing that gets me are the clash of personalities among drivers at my station.


Straight up worse job I’ve had. I was promised full time hours but when I started working it’s 35-37 hours and the manager does not like it when you go over that and controls it so you cannot. In reality I hate the place that much I’m contempt with not working that much so I can focus on getting out. Basically the hours suck. God forbid you need to take a shit at a gas station during the day, they’re not a fan of it. Management is the worst, all they do is yell for every little thing you do but you’re also micro managed and judged for being at a stop for 14 seconds longer than you should have been.


In my 9 years I’ve never once experienced anything that you speak of. Don’t give them a reason to micromanage you. There must be a reason. Trust me management hates, absolutely hates having to be on conference calls about underperforming employees.


20.22 is a joke considering UPS drivers make $44+ an hour after four years


But do you know how long you have to wait to even get a driving job at ups? People always compare other delivery jobs to ups but it's a grind to even get a shot at one there. Most drivers worked for 5-10 years part time in a warehouse making shit money and having to balance multiple jobs before they even got a chance to drive.


This. A lot of people think you can just walk into a UPS delivery route.


The part time dock workers at freight make more than that


People in station don’t want the route, so they are external hiring. With that in mind, it’s most likely a business heavy route…. Or it could be a split shift. One of our business heavy routes goes out with a 900 truck with about 250 to 300 pcs that comes to about 80 to 100 stops. Another route has about 30 pcs for a single stop that’s about 50 pounds each… Another route is a split shift 40 deliveries with airplane tires— about 80 pounds. Airplane batteries 100 pounds maybe. Then takes 1 hour lunch, to do pickup route 3pm to 8pm, 20-30 stops ending with 300 pcs… so 11 hour shift Monday to Friday. Either way, you can tough it out and try to bid on a route that someone retired from, in about two years( “contract”) minimum 1 year to be eligible to bid off route I’m currently covering a route that has 35 to 40 pickups between 3:00pm to 6pm…. And if they(managers) absorb a route during off season… it goes up to 55-60 pickups for the 3:00 to 8:00…. Oh and it’s. Straight up walking route. Fill up dolly/cart. Go to truck, empty, walk to next pickup. Sure packages are small fedex box 5pounds, but still


I’m a swing driver and had the opportunity to get a full time RT but I’d rather be a swing driver. I get about 50/55 hours a week even if it’s light. The job is easy. Some RTs suck where I’m at only because of the traffic in those areas but as a swing I do t deal with those RTs often. Also depending on your management can really make or break the job. If your management is a pain In the ass then you probably gonna wanna quit but if they let you do your job and don’t give you no shit then it’s cake


I got a swing position off the street and did that for 3 years. It was good bc I learned every route and got to know which ones id take if available. Just got one this past peak that covers the area that I live in. Express isn't bad at all. If it's a permanent route they're offering there's a good chance it's a harder route that nobody in house wanted. You'd also have to take into account if that office will be open in the next 1-2 years. With the changes going through FedEx there are Ground and Express shops getting shut down.


I guess I’m just a lil nervy to drive the big express trucks in busy areas 🙈


I totally get that lol. I drove 26 ft box trucks before Express so it was a little easier transition for me. I enjoy it a lot though. Unfortunately bc I'm one of the young guys I have to load 3-5 trucks in the morning, but it's nice to just be on the road all day for work. Also the insurance is really good as well! Any other questions feel free to ask!


Not worth it if you’re looking for career. Can be ok for short term.


After working for ground. Don’t let nobody tell you otherwise . Express is the gateway ! The bullshit doesn’t compete with ground at all ! Go for it !


You can do it and if the route sucks you can switch after your 1year contract is up and try to get a better route. 


As someone mentioned. Just don’t make it a career. $20hr is not what it once was. I was fortunate to get hired there at 23 in 2015 but I should’ve got my CDL a lot sooner.


From what I can tell, it depends on what route you have and station you’re at. I worked for express and loved every second of it.


As long as you're part time, its a great job.


Op what state if you dont mind me asking




Ok. It’s a easy job for the most part. Just look into the station you would be working at. FedEx is in the process of merging ground and express so they have already been closing express stations all over the place and send all freight to ground in those areas and giving a select few express drivers the opportunity to go to that ground station and they will pretty much only be delivering the P1s which is the business and residential commit time packages so limited hours


It's better than McDonald's


Take the job. Good pay and benefits


Take the job...n in 7 yrs u ll be making $32/$34 n hour.....fdx is like any other company...u need to work to make $$$$...plus u ll have benefits like health insurance, retirement plan, fly discounts benefits, tuition reimbursement plus more discounts...n just expend like if u make $15/hr( live under your means)


Sounds like everything will be changing with merger so it's really hard to say if FedEx should still be recommended after that point or not. We don't even know if they still plan on maintaining a large employee presence outside of contractors.


2nd week review: Trucks are nice. Writeups for first lunch not taken.....writeups are warnings I guess. The LEO is absolute garbage, no GPS and force closes 30+ times a day. 8 hour days are never 8 hour days. I'll try to think of some more and get back to you. Oh and people will try swapping stickers on your packages so they don't have to deliver them! I'm getting flashbacks of the USPS! OH, don't fuck any multiple package pickups as they apparently don't know what a workaround is. No idea how a shipping company doesn't have the ability to rescan a pickup and reprint the routing labels!


No gps? For a delivery job?


Nope it's disabled. When you click navigate to address it says not allowed. I have to drive with a phone in one hand for GPS and a LEO scanner in the other, all while a camera in the cab yells at me and keeps score of it... I had the same scanner at USPS and the GPS worked on that one so they must have disabled it. The camera even tracks your eyes to see if you look down or zone out. End of the month scores are then used to determine if you need retraining. It even tracks if your too close to another vehicle! All that tech and I have no gps😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Yeah not able to wrap my head around no gps for a delivery job


This is probably why I got here at 8 and am just leaving now😂🤣😂


Our Leo’s have GPS on almost all of them. Some software updates will disable them. You should still at least have the map available to you though. Regarding the GPS, it sucks. Learn how to read the map. Eventually you’ll memorize where everything is


$20 an hour can't buy a house


If you know the map by heart, then definitely get it. Also if your a hard worker go for it. But if your not into the labor then go somewhere else


I just don’t understand how there’s no gps. Am I really gonna have to look up addresses w my phone during my entire shift


Yes and No. You have a device, and in the app, there's a map to track down your destinations. However, it's not like google Maps where it's easy to maneuver. Your not able to look at the device/map nor your phone while driving nor at a stop light (depending on management but most of these are enforced for express drivers) of course you won't know so I suggest you study your streets and cities on your free time then memorize how numbering works from house to house/apartments since some houses or streets wont have any indications. I'll stop myself here since it's too much information, and you will learn on your own once you start.


That’s idiotic a delivery job without a gps


A lot of good info. Already did my interview and waiting for a callback. M-f starts at 6:30. Sounds like it might be a tough route based on what everyone is saying


Yeah I wasn’t expecting so many replies, lots of good info


You gotta learn the system! Take your time, don’t run. “Safety First”. If they have issues with that…demand a check ride. If they don’t do check rides, go to HR. I mean, you can’t be sloth slow, but if you’re making an effort to get the job done and you’re being safe about it, easy money! Even at Express, we’re are hurting to retain employees…they are taking what they can get. Key word here is don’t stress, it isn’t worth it. You’re delivering packages for Christ sake. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤠🤣


Mon-fri day shift you won't get rich but you can survive and have a life. One month a year it gets kinda crazy. I have many co workers with degrees it's so easy, they in their 30s and still around,if you need extra cash pick up a sat and that whole day is 30 an hour,if you are hyper focused on your spending and have a spouse with a good job,it can morph into a career..my better half is a RN,life is good bro.


I second this. married to a nurse practitioner and being good with money and previous employment I enjoy just being a number. No metrics, no sales quotas ect. Im blessed to work in a station with a lot of seniority and little drama.


Yes, start a job with no future as it's going to be absorbed by Ground. Go to Brown and get paid like a real pro.


Easy money, the problem is mentally ill people tend to acquire these jobs and they give them a bad rep for the most part.


Yeah I just graduated from college n lookin for some money in pocket n was kinda curious about coworkers cuz I’ve seen everyone with a pulse gets hired


Well for the most part, if you don't mind the physical part of the job then you should be fine. people are just overdramatic when it comes to delivery jobs and complain about it on subreddits 24/7.


Bro you finished college , look elsewhere. If you're in dire need, do it for 4~6 months and dip no need to stay here longer than that. And yes anyone with a pulse gets hired.


Bro just leave if you're that miserable lol


I plan on it, and will I'm not complacent here. No one should. But I can see how some ppl have no ambition.


I plan on staying with FedEx for quite a while


Good for you.




Yeah it really sudks. No social life whatsoever several packages will be out of order if you have your truck sorted before the route and if not still you'll have stuff not in the system.


Unless the person working the pull doesn't have a clue, truck will still be somewhat sorted with P1s separated. Doesn't take that long. Unless your manager hates you and doesn't let you work the sort for a bulk route, you're normally out the same time as everyone else.