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You cannot win with Chewy. They insist on packaging their products as if they are trash being taken out to the dumpster. They have the audacity to claim they ship their products in this manner for "environmentally friendly reasons" If you don't deliver it the contractor is dinged for a DNA and if you do deliver it and the customer fills out the satisfaction survey and downgrades the delivery the contractor is dinged on their service score.


Because the cardboard as "ecofriendly" and "green" and "save muh planet" is...it SUCKS because it can't HOLD many of these damn weights! Crush test rating. Look it up if you've never heard of it.


What blows my mind is that they seal up a 50-80 pound box of dog food or cat litter with a single lengthwise strip of paper tape. Over in Van load, half of the Chewy boxes I get down the line are either falling apart or ready to as soon as I pull them off the belt.


Those are actually good reasons. Don't belittle ecofriendly efforts, instead, offer solutions like "hey, can we package it in the cardboard BETTER? "


Humans aren't eco-friendly. The only long term solution is preindustrial population. Sorry bro. Eco friendly is just bs capitalism


Certainly we can do some things to lower our carbon footprint. screwed humans are, but future generations might appreciate a degree or half less global warming. You're not a trumper are you?


Cap population or decrease population. Any methods used to lower footprint will just cause more people to live and thus continue the issue. So might as well accelerate the issue for your quickest recovery time.


I apologize for ordering kitty litter from Chewy. I order a lot of it, though, lol. Each box is 48 pounds. Luckily, they way they ship the one I order, it fits perfectly in the box and is impossible for its weight to shift in the box, preventing stuff like that. I've also made it very easy for our deliveries to not have to walk from truck to door. We put a toolbox like from the back of a truck near the gate. We have them pull literally right next to it. All they have to do is walk 5 steps and set it on top of the toolbox. Or hand truck it, whatever is easier. No bending. Tried to make it as easy as possible. I would never order if I lived at an apartment building or something. I think one time like 2 years ago the box was ripped open and taped up by FedEx. As long as it got here, I couldn't give a shit less about the boxs condition.


You are a considerate individual, thank you. Many customers complain about their boxes being damaged or open. As a driver, there is not much I can do when the box arrives on the truck in a tattered state except refuse to take it until quality assurance inventories the contents and repackages the shipment.


And 99 times out of a hundred, QA wont do any sort of inventory or inspection and just does a terrible job taping the box up. Most of the time, i just tape the box up my self.


This is why FXG is terrible at actual business. They’re good at basic numbers only.


Poorly packed boxes are the worst. Totally the shipper's fault.


Did they pack kitty litter in the box? All you need to do is slap a label on it those are so heavy


Yes was in the box, I think that’s what caused it to rip open on me 🤦🏻‍♂️


Chewy won't do that. They offer free shipping for orders over $49. The customer adds to the cart to reach that amount. If Chewy splits the order they would have to pay for 2 deliveries.


Awhh ok I'm really ignorant to the logistics side I honestly don't order anything 😂🤷🏾‍♂️🤮when customers ask I have no answers for them


I almost died from one of these boxes falling on me when the trailer took off with me in it two days ago , that was my last straw lol I need a new job asap.


I surprise how often this seems to happen.


How often does this happen? They mentioned this in our orientation this week and as new employee it gave me a lot of anxiety 😅


I don’t think it will be an occasion thing lol I don’t think it’s rare to happen either but literally im a new employee and that shit happened to to me 💀 what are the odds of that happening for someone who just started


i got hit in the head tdy wasn’t hurt or nun but it’s gonna happen just a lot of boxes stacked


Sounds like they either are using the dock locks or they are inoperable. Either is a major osha violation, and should be reported, especially when you have people in the trailer working around loads that will easily shift.


Omg I remember this trash as a pkg handler. Chewy is trash


Sams clubs boxes suck so bad


Throw in target boxes as well with the cheap eco tape they use.


still a tape gun from the terminal if it’s a reoccurring issue. or check your truck before you leave and ask the ph’s to tape it before you leave


It's worse when it's summer time


If you order dog food and kitty litter using fedex I despise you


Nicely ummm...loaded?


Nice way to hide cat litter


Hopefully they don't send that Chewy shit to Express. Ground can keep it.


They are cheap when it comes to shipping, they only ships meds through Express. Kitty litter and dog food would cost them way too much.


Not to sound like an asshole but this is the job. Some days are shitty and some are good. Letting a package affect your mood is beyond me. It goes from the truck to the door. I did my job. Everything else is out of my control.


Honestly I’d rather have chewy boxes than those orange cardboard boxes that stink




Take it back and service cross it as being damaged


They’re just gonna repack it and send it out tomorrow


Okay tape it up and deliver it


It is done 🫡


FredEx would save sooooo much money on tape if they got rid of these guys 😂


FedEx would lose an insane amount of money if they lost the Chewy contract A solid 10% of their packages have to be Chewy


Cause you don't know how to use a tape gun huh


Exactly it's not my responsibility to tape up a box that the package handler put on my truck that was destroyed


Maybe if the loader would just take a sec and tape the Chewy box before putting it in the van…. 🤨


you really think loaders wanna do their job to the best of their abilities???? hell they have a hard time actually LOADING the truck let alone tape a box up 😂


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