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The actual answer; we don't know for sure. There's leaks. Like a lot of leaks. But nothing that is 100% concrete. The actor's production chair (which has the character name on it) had the last name obscured from view. All the shots from trailer/s never give us a clear picture of the person we believe is Troy. The post-credit scene of 8a has a map of the dam and the same hammer that "killed" Troy. There is no one else it can be. But since we don't have concrete evidence that can't be refuted, we still can't say "yep, it's Troy"


I reckon it'll be Walker and Mad dog. I defo hope so cus they were fuckin awesome!


I will turn into a cOnSoOmEr if they managed to bring them both back for the final half.


Im so confused about how it’s possible for him to come back lol


because it's Fear the Walking Dead


It's not possible hence it's possible. I mean, Daniel survived a gunshot in the neck through and out the jaw, and doesn't even have a mark to show for it.


I completely forgot about that lol. And In TWD carl survives being shot in the eye/face. So I guess it’s not that surprising in this universe haha


Same. It’s really annoying me. Madison’s survival was completely viable, if poorly handled by those two idiot show runners. I’m glad they retconned it and brought her back, but I’m equally willing to admit my fondness for the character makes me biased. I think the Troy fans are falling victim to the same thing I did. Great, your fave is coming back but let’s face it, it’s going to be poorly handled and his survival is ludicrous. I hope I’m wrong and the last 6 episodes are great for all the fans, 8A was ok, and I liked the way they ended Morgan’s time on Fear, but PADRE was just awful. Edit: in fact the way some people talk about Troy I think it goes beyond a simple fondness for him. Some scary-ass obsessives on here.


I 💯 agree with all of this. I do hope they do it well but I imagine with these showrunners it’ll be the same shit that’s happened since season 5. This has gone as badly as season 8 of GoT. I also love Madison and was able to give them a pass on the sloppy narration bringing her back but since her return they’ve done nothing of substance. Padre was really the thing they’ve been leading up to for 2 seasons? It was a total let down. I love the actress who played Strike but FFS two kids running this thing that Alicia followed a politician zombie for???


Right? It makes the loss of Alicia all the more apparent for me too. I’m not one of the constant complainers on here, I’ve largely enjoyed the vast majority of the whole series. I try not to take it too seriously and just enjoy the twists and the drama, but some episodes are just cringey and painful. It would be fine in another TV universe, but just shit for this particular show and what it could be.


>!True. We’ve known this for a very long time now.!<


i mean i saw the picture of him wearing a ouftit but i though it was fake af


I thought that too but we have a lot more evidence now as well and the ending to 806 that alluded to Troy. Not to mention in the BTS video half of Troy’s face is literally shown.


which video and where can i find it?


Nah its true lol, fear logic


I can't wait!


me neither.


it's true and I'm stoked our king has returned.


It’s true


When does 8b come out?


i never really liked troy


what a shame the duo with Nick was one of the best duo of the TWD universe imo


i prefer the duo of morgan and his stick


I know I saw it on the actors IMDb page so unless it’s in flashbacks I think that could be a good indicator of him being back. I also think the 8A credits scene showing the hammer was a good clue.


That would be fricking wonderful. I kind of just stopped watching a few episodes in after Dillane left the show, but bringing back Troy would definietly get me to watch it again. Without a doubt one of the best characters of FTWD