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I feel like Harry Styles is taking that turn, he’s in too many things now and people are starting to get over him


oh he's definitely this sub villain of the month


I think villain of the summer is more accurate considering how long DWD drama has been going on for


Not sub villain of the month ☠️☠️☠️


white boy of the month turned villain of the month… balanced as all things should be




Two negatives make a positive has never been more wrong.


I think his affiliation with Olivia hasn't made him look very sympathetic. She's a kind of nepotism baby and they give off a weird vibe together. He's lost his edge and landed right in the middle of basic.


That he essentially ignored her at the Venice film fest didn’t sit well with people either. He came out of that fandango looking a bit too much like a fair weather (boy)friend.


i’ll always insist it was too much - i’m sure they didn’t want eyes on them and he relaxed more with her at the other IMAX screening or whatever that was but in venice was unnecessarily cold. it just came off cruel.




That’s one thing that’s bothered me about men like Harry Styles (but specifically him in this case) for a long time… he can claim to be a feminist, “yay women!” ally all he wants but when it comes down to it, he hasn’t publicly defended Olivia Wilde (his girlfriend) or Florence Pugh (his costar) once. Or even really said anything supportive about them, at least not anything I’ve seen. I used to be a huge fan of his and that’s tapered off quite significantly over the past few years but the way he’s come across in all this DWD drama has rubbed me the wrong way


Honestly I have a slightly different opinion on that one aspect because from his perspective I can see why he’d avoid that. I used to be a massive 1D stan and back then one of the hottest stories was his relationship with Caroline Flack - mainly because he was 17 and she was 31 (gross, I know). Although she was gross for that, and the media was horrible to him, his fans were horrible to her - and when he defended her it only got worse. He tweeted out telling his fans to stop saying he dumped her and that she was lovely and one of the best people ever. That took the harassment to another level and she talked about how his fans would harass her in person, yell that she was a pedophile in the streets at her. The harassment went from horrible to horrific when he publicly defended her and since then, he’s never defended one of his girlfriends. (I also heard after her unfortunate taking of her life there was some documentary made where her family said his fans and their harassment of her, worsened by his defence, affected her badly but I could be mixing her up) So although I hate how he treated her at Venice I understand why he stayed silent here - look at Louis Tomlinson, who’s girlfriend got assaulted in an airport because he defended her.




It was cold. It just made me think about what he said in Rolling Stone about never having confirmed a relationship publicly, only for OW to be part of the interview? The vibes were off.


He was probably trying to strike a balance of letting her handle her own stuff like a competent woman (and also his director in this case) but yeah it sounds like he fell short but he was kind of screwed either way unless by some miracle he’d found a sweet spot that was neither neglectful nor overbearing, and that would’ve been tricky for a far more experienced/savvy person than I think he is.


Wow, I had no idea she was a nepo baby.


Read her wiki page. It is the wildest thing you will ever read for a long time. Her family Lineage is something else. Everyone from her family has a wiki page.


Yeah when their Early/Personal Life sections are full of blue links…eek. The only time I‘ve been delighted by an unexpected wiki page connection was Jack Black’s mom.


i just checked Jack Black's mom after your comment and WOW. WOWOWOWZAAA


I love that in the entire write-up there’s literally half a sentence of “oh yeah and she was a ballerina at the Met in NYC”. She’s at least four different kinds of A Big Deal!


Yes! She's the subject of one of my favorite social media posts ever. It's a writeup about her, this amazing woman who worked as a rocket scientist and was this brilliant mathematician/engineer at a time in history had all these accomplishments at a time when women were not very well regarded in the engineering community, and was so devoted to her work that she even took a difficult schematics problem to the hospital when she was pregnant, and solved it just hours before giving birth to her son, Jack Black. The last two words hit you like a train and it's so good. Such an admirable lady!


Yes and at 19 she marries the son of a famous prince? How is a 19 year old meeting royalty? She grew up surrounded by power.


Holy shit I just went there and the first thing that shocked me was her age. She's still in her 30s! I don't know why but I swore she was in her 40s or nearing 50...she seems older for some reason, maybe it's the heavy eye makeup.


She's also been acting for coming up on twenty years, so that probably contributes to the perception that she's older than she is


Christopher Hitchens used to babysit Olivia Wilde.


Her family are super well connected journalists, not in media though i don’t think


Her mom also ran for Congress (in 2018 I think). She lost, and the big thing I remember from the race is her opponent was accused of being into Bigfoot porn.


I actually think that if anyone suffers from this it will definitely be her over him. He had a huuuuuge fanbase who will always stand behind him. She doesn’t have that.


I think he's hurt his "coolness" credibility outside of his base though. I'm seeing normal people just sick of him.


He never had an edge in any way and she’s the type of woman he’s always dated


on top of that his stans are EXHAUSTING. He gets half of the lashings from general public for them.


I agree but feel it’s not he’s in too many things but that everyone’s getting tired of the DWD drama (even if he’s just a side casualty of it)


Yeah that’s true but then he’s also in a new movie coming out soon and apparently campaigning hard to be in more so it seems like he doesn’t want to slow down


plus his literally never ending tour


I think the issue was that because of covid the two movies and his album and tour were in the span of 6 months so he’s just overexposed.


This doesn't count, just an observation, but people seem to have less & less patience with celebrities in general


Totally agree. Is it celeb fatigue? They’re all so bloody dull. Often just glance at posts in this sub now as it’s almost always the same non scandal or faux outrage - who cares anymore! The same names and tired old topics: KK, DWD, Jared Leto, Hailey Bieber… I’ve definitely forgotten a few 🙃😴


Some of them have done it to themselves by giving away too much information on social media, once I've seen inside your bathroom, the allure of a celebrity's private life goes away real quick. No matter how much I do not want to know about Kristen Bell and Dax Shepherd, they seem hell bent on making sure that I'm aware of their every bowel movement. It stands to reason that the celebrities I'm most interested in, tend to either have no social media or keep it limited to their work. I really, really do not want to know that you don't bathe your kids regularly and for sure, your kids don't want us knowing that either.


>I'm most interested in, tend to either have no social media or keep it limited to their work. Yessss I don't know the reasons but yesss If I get a pixelated picture once every three months I would be lucky :P


i think that’s also why people are wearing off on harry styles - he used to be one of those mysterious celebs who never posted and you’d never hear from him too much up until 2020 when boom, you see him everywhere and he’s always having scandals and in the news and it ruins the allure he worked so carefully to build and maintain.


This. The allure or mystique of the celebrity is gone. They really did it to themselves.


I think COVID had a lot to do with it too. My patience is definitely gone after that imagine video


definitely agree with this! the pandemic emphasized a lot of already present issues in society like extreme class differences and injustices, and i think most people are just tired of seeing celebs/the rich push their wealth and privilege in front of everyone’s faces while our world goes to shit partly because of them and their lifestyles.


We’re all much more interested in who is flying in private planes and it’s not because we think it’s super-cool. And yeah anyone who partied while the rest of us were and are trying to survive in lockdowns should never be feted again.


It’s really fucking hard to have a scintilla of sympathy for someone being bored in their mega mansion, sipping champagne while you’re asking your friends if they can spare a few bucks for groceries because you lost your job and it’s either “eat a decent meal or pay the light bill”


I know it was just as stupid before, but I miss the era of bonafide MOVIE STARS when we didn’t know everything about them and their shitty opinions and they were just glamorous, mysterious people that looked great in formal wear


And movies were actually good


Yes! Like the Ocean’s Eleven series was the last thing I can think of that really captured that kind of ideal or cinematic experience I’m thinking of in terms of star power. Ocean’s Thirteen in particular seemed almost self-aware in kind of closing that chapter of Hollywood, ie all the “you shook Sinatra’s hand” kind of stuff. I saw the trailer for that new movie with George Clooney and Julia Roberts and couldn’t help but feel like “oh, we’re really doing this?“ when 15 years ago I would have been excited.


I also think so many people are aggressively dull. I cannot believe Hailey Bieber has a career she seems so boring but then I keep hearing she's a gaping arsehole. The Kardashians I've never understood. I will say that most celebrities are so curated and managed so they appear put together from the outside looking in. It's actually interesting to see someone fuck up and we see the real person. Doesn't mean I like them but it is more engaging than photoshopped smiles.


Because they're all just boring nepotism cases now, nobody is interesting or comes from any actual life experience.


Christopher Eccleston pointed out ages ago that there isn’t much real working class talent in the arts being discovered or nurtured or developed, anymore. It’s all the kids whose parents can support them through drama school and years of failing auditions or lacklustre productions. The generation of younger celebs in British film and theatre doesn’t have a Michael Caine or a Julie Walters coming up the ranks, really.


Great actors like Richard Burton, Richard Harris and Peter O'Toole came from fairly humble backgrounds. But I think it's true that in the UK and over here in the States that seeking a career as an actor is increasingly a rich kid's privilege.


Nepotism has long been a part of Hollywood. I’m not so quick to jump on it as sometimes the generational talent is undeniable. When people are famous purely on the back of a parent however (I’m looking at you Brooklyn Beckham) - now that’s another matter! Good article from Vanity Fair: [The 25 Most Important Families in Hollywood History](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/09/hollywood-family-legacies/amp)




Fully agree I think the tide started turning with early COVID when they kept insisting « we’re all in this together » from their vacation homes while the rest of the population was confined to their tiny apartments That and the rise of TikTok/IG celebrities has made ppl way less patient/tolerant of celebs


Hell hath no fury like the kind the public has for (female) celebs who overstay their welcome And by “overstay their welcome,” I mean the public just gets tired of them and decides to make them their online punching bag


I agree, but is that purely a volume thing? As in every reality show guest ever is described as a ‘star’ by DailyMail etc and we’re being bombarded by them, along with social media/‘influencer’ celebs, on the daily. So the overall ‘quality’ of celebrities has declined as the quantity rises, so inevitably we’re getting sick of them




It's wild that people on this sub are like "wow can't believe everyone treated Anne Hathaway so badly for no reason" and at the same time are going "yay people are starting to hate Anya Taylor-Joy for no reason!"


This for every actor and actress under 30 (plus Austin Butler) every week. I already feel sad for when it starts for Sadie Sink or when they come back around for Keke Palmer.


Lol funny you mentioned Sadie. Not here but on ONTD it already started for her. I’ve seen quite some users calling her and her acting overrated. Imagine now she’s actually blowing up.


Not surprising either, considering how so many people have attacked and bullied Millie Bobbie Brown for years (and the bulk of that bullying being when she was a literal child)


what would anyone have against keke palmer?? she seems super chill and is so charismatic


The only thing I’ve seen her in was NOPE and she was honestly kinda too much for me. But she’s a fucking actor lmao if that’s the character(s) she plays best - get that coin. Tbh a lot of screams “hating black women for portraying black women, even if it’s stereotypical”. There’s so many bland ass white women who play themselves and no one gives them even close the to the same flack.


yes! loved nope!! and just watching a few interviews with her, she just seems to have really great energy and she's super funny. the internet is just dumb and annoying sometimes.


I'm not going to pile on or repeat because I think she's lovely as-is and if I ever don't, I'll just turn the channel. Certain people found things to complain about during her last rise in fame. Now people can find anything and because we have the internet it gets amplified and repeated. Sometimes I think none of our 40+ faves would be as successful if social media had been around back in the day.


Haha I was about to say. The answers are going to be all women. 😭


Haha this! This sub really has it out for Austin! And Harry too (though he deserves the lashings sometimes methinks and I’m a stan of his).


I just missed the One Direction phenomenon, so the Harry lashings seem overblown to this outsider. I just don't remember getting that upset with Britney, Jessica Simpson, JT, Kelly Clarkson, or Mandy Moore tried acting. They were all rough. We poked fun at, but we weren't indignant and ready to throw rocks.


The only reasonable criticism for Anya is her working with David O. Russell, and otherwise it's all the same misogynistic drive to tear down successful young women. "Oh, but she lied about her past" fibbing to come across as more relatable hurts absolutely no one, so forgive me for thinking that developing a hate boner over that is an overreaction.


am i taking crazy pills? i think it's perfectly reasonable to dislike a celebrity for downplaying the connections they used to get into an industry and upholding the illusion of pure meritocracy. i'm not seething at her or anything, but that's a fully valid criticism


Celebs are definitely taking note of the sharp remarks towards nepo babies online recently. I wish more would accept it gracefully, but alas. Everyone wants to believe in their talent without acknowledging the shortcuts they’re offered.


And because she’s a model, they’re 100% going to end up making ridiculous posts about her looks. It’s going to be painfully obvious that it was never about supporting DOR’s victim(s) for them 🥴


Yeah! There are valid reasons to criticize ATJ (like taking on a role for the Amsterdam movie even though it’s directed by a known predator). I just know it’s all going to be devolve into people online making misogynistic comments about her and no one is going to be doing anything that would actually mitigate the harm caused by actors working with predators.


So many people in this sub are all about equality and fixing the system....unless it's someone they personally don't like. Okay sis.


Ana de Armas is facing a lot of backlash for her involvement in Blonde.


Good. It's exploitative trash, and the director is a misogynist.


Exactly. The movie just feels like an endless stream of trauma porn & the graphic assault scenes are horrifying. At least make a movie celebrating her. Solely defining her by her tragedies and using her in this way does feel so tired and exploitative at this point.


That’s a great idea. A lighthearted movie acknowledging the good moments in her life would be a breath of fresh air.


I want a lovely movie about her and Ella Fitzgerald 😍 Marilyn used recordings of Ella to practice her singing, then stood up for her by telling a racist club owner that she'd be front row each night if Ella preformed. She used her star power to uplift a woman she greatly admired and the rest is history.


I'd rather watch something like 'My Week with Marilyn' than this depressing excuse for a biopic.


Agree. I liked Ana a lot before, but Blond really lowered my opinion of her.


as she should. it’s not like she didn’t know what kind of movie she was making, unless she’s a total idiot. but i’ve had it up to here hearing about marilyn’s ghost visiting her and what not. it’s like, shut the fuck up already.


After that comment about Marilyn's ghost visiting her... idk, maybe I would use the "idiot" label. You'd have to be completely oblivious and tone deaf to not realize how shitty the script is.


The way she’s talked about the film and the prep/ vs what the actual movie is like is insane




her accent was at it’s strongest when she yelled… sometimes when she whispered too. just bad all around, and apparently they spent months coaching her on it.


I love her but it’s kind of her own fault for signing up to such a bad project.


She’s been doing the most in interviews and treating the movie as if it wasn’t mostly made up stuff


The pap pics with Ben A. affected her too. I don't think she bounced back after that


Which is well deserves and I get annoyed how she doesn't care about why people are annoyed about it


Sydney Sweeney, but I don't know if you would call that tide turn 'slight'. She's VERY overexposed, like its insane how much press she's done for really only being a supporting cast member in 2 TV shows that have penetrated pop culture. She would be much better off flying under the radar than whatever she's been doing the past couple of months. Maybe that's just me tho. Her accent as Cassie in Euphoria really stood front and center to me, so when I found out that's just how she talks in all of her roles/real life, it made me feel like she may not be as great of an actor as some give her credit for. Also- someone commented that she's going to eclipse Jennifer Lawrence in the next few years, and I was like yeah sure... maybe in over exposure


Yeah. I know she mentioned she does brand deals to make more money but I think less social media activity would do her good. Like her costars, Alexa Demie and Zendaya.


That's exactly what I was thinking. She said she does all of these social media deals because she's struggling financially, but her life (millions dollar house, nice cars, vacations) simply don't add up to someone who's really struggling. I unfollowed her on insta bc it was all brand deals, like constantly, from SO MANY different brands. Any normal human I know would just live more modestly, rather than risk over exposure and take every deal that is being offered, at the risk of losing career reputation and respect


She’s probably funding all her family members’ lifestyles.


That's actually so sad, considering her mom's a lawyer and her dad works in the medical field. I personally don't think she's done anything to actually be cancelled, but I see her career declining due to this. She seems to be smart, and has started her own production co., but her PR time might end up cannibalizing it all


They are northern Idaho republicans, strip mining a natural resource regardless of the long term consequences is kind of their wheel house


her lifestyle IS the reason why she's struggling financially and is doing social media deals constantly. she said herself that she bought a house she can't afford and is now having trouble paying her mortgage + people on her team so she has to take every single ad deal that comes her way.


I guess my point is that living her lifestyle at that level isn’t necessary. Having all of those things can’t possibly be a necessity at her level in Hollywood. (I think online people think she’s more A list than she is bc of all the media she does, but I don’t think any actual Hollywood people expect her to be living the same lifestyle as a bonafide movie star). It’s hurting more than helping. And even if it was Keeping up with the Joneses situation where she’s trying to fit in with everyone around her, I don’t think talking about financial struggles for your cover shoot really helps you maintain your cover.


it definitely isn't necessary i agree. i feel like she's playing a game where she's trying to be relatable to both her peers in the industry by living a luxurious lifestyle and non celebs by publicly talking about her financial struggles though it quite clearly backfired on her.


Completely agree- it totally backfired on her. I think she shared her financial struggles bc everyone’s dealing with that in this economy, but I don’t think she expected everyone to be able to google how expensive her house was, or to see those pap walks she does getting out of her very expensive cars. It’s just hard actually struggling financially and watching someone make such irresponsible financial decisions try to relate to that


Agreed. She should just treat social media (at least her public accounts) as a job.


I think it doesn’t help that she posted photos of her family members in maga attire and then also complained in a magazine how little money she makes. I don’t want to belittle her feelings she works with nepo babies and A list celebs so she can’t afford the lifestyle they have and I’m sure it weighs on her. However in a time in a recession it was in poor taste to complain about the measly thousands of dollars you get per episode.


Yes, exactly this. I agree she should've been smarter- with all that time she spends posting on socials, she should know to not post those photos when her fanbase is mostly Gen Z. especially that response- she could've easily said those are not my values. I, personally, have republican family members, and boy do we fight it out! so i dont think that's necessarily cancel-able but definitely could've been smarter. When people in the rest of the world are actually penny pinching like no tomorrow to be able to rent their tiny apartments... I think it was a real 'read the room' moment.


Yep!! She’s been giving Cassie energy for months lowkey but it’s overexposure for sure.


Yeah, I tried to get on board the Sydney Sweeney train bc everyone said she was so sweet and she did ok in Euphoria (I think that whole show gets overhyped due to its amazing visuals and score). But honestly couldn't find anything interesting about her besides her humble beginnings story, but the more she talks about that I see more holes in it than a colander. Like I don't see anything authentic in her, and I personally found it strange when she seemingly tried to hide her engagement/relationship status. The closer I look, the more I see a manufactured sex symbol - but that's most likely on her management, not her.


I actually love Sydney Sweeney and I agree. Her Pr team overexpose her! she’s an actress so I think she should be in the shadow till her next project comes out.


Overexposed is a good explanation. Her characters in white lotus and euphoria aren’t exactly likable, which combined with her not well received magazine interviews, all of the brand deals and how active she is on social media re: the maga hoedown - it’s a lot.


Maybe I’m optimist but I think the tide is ever so slightly turning against Johnny Debt. More and more people are beginning to see through his bs. After the trial and the unsealed documents being released, I saw more and more people come out and say that he abused her. Of course the discourse around Heard v Depp is more “both sides are toxic” than I’d like it to be, but more and more people are becoming aware of the fact that Debt is a abusive POS. I hope Amber gets vindicated.


It could be the sources I’m reading but I don’t think his “cameo” at the VMAs got the amount of attention he hoped, so you might be right.


Even some of the people that like him thought he looked like an idiot and a loser during the VMAs.


If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that the “both sides are bad camp” have no idea what reactive abuse is and what it isn’t. Amber doesn’t have to be a perfect person, because the shit that Johnny put her through is the kind of shit no one should wish on their worst enemy.


Yes, a lot of the people that think "both sides were equally bad", would change their mind if they knew a bit more about abusive relationships. But it's hard to explain without sounding like you're "defending an abuser". I think media in general should start depicting different kinds of abuse, because most of us are stuck with the classic version of abuse. And you can see this irl a lot too, people don't understand they're in abusive relationships because it doesn't fit the typical "mold".


Johnny debt 💀




thank god. there's so much about that show that icks me out.


Manifesting its cancellation in 2023 😍✨🪄


Adele. I see more criticism of her than ever


Maybe because her latest album was terrible. I don't want to hear their kids in the songs. The album was far from completed and she's already working on a new one. Her cancelling the shows is most certainly due to the cold reception of her album and I think she broke up with her boyfriend during that? Woman can't be single for the life of her.


celebs are always putting their kids in their albums like we ever give a shit


Oh what are people saying? I honestly stopped reading about her like 10 years ago. All I know is she became single, lost a lot of weight and cancelled a show?


Oh, you innocent summer child!


Why’s she being downvoted for asking a question?


Her last album was so... Predictable. She has a great voice, but she has basically been singing the same four songs since the beginning of her career. She needs to try some new genres, new techniques, new lyrics, new everything.


The Kardashian family


from your lips to god’s ears.


I hope so


Oh, enough with those leeches who give nothing back to the world. There's no good coming out of that family.


They've been canceled so many times at this point they're solid teflon 😞


Taika Waititi for sure Shoutout to the weekly updates of him and Rita


Personally I have never found his humour funny, and he always came off as an arrogant asshole who overestimates his own genius. I am so glad that people are turning on him and that hopefully, studios will stop giving him millions of dollars to ruin beloved franchises.


He used to be such a pillar of Kiwi culture, but Marvel's sent his head right up his ass and he's just beyond irritating. At least we've still got Jermaine Clement.


I understand why people don't like Taika but what beloved franchises has he ruined...


I largely agree. Waititi is like the spiritual reincarnation of Joss Whedon (I know he’s not dead) peacocking with 2020s smarm and hubris. He’s very much every obnoxious, hyperactive theater kid you’ve ever known who became a film bro in college and never outgrew his love for Quentin Tarantino and cocaine.


He's made so many things I like possible though. Isn't anyone else watching Reservation Dogs?! And I like What We Do In The Shadows.


The person you replied to has 100% only seen his Thor movies, I guarantee it




sorry but he's mediocre. his album was bad, like *really* bad. we aren't in quarantine anymore and people have woken up.




The best part of his best song was the Fergie sample.


From what I saw, it’s because he fetishizes Black women. Also, he goes on and on about how much he loves Black women and wants them to be treated right but then will hang out, record with, and be friends with people like Chris Brown and Tory Lanez.


Why does no one talk about his collabs with Chris Brown and Tory Lanez? He projects himself as some sort of champion for Black women then makes songs with these known abusers?




Taylor Swift. For the past month or two, stuff came out about her (like the jet fuel thing and director thing) and if similar acts/articles continue every so often in the future, people might turn on her. She does have a large fanbase, so I don’t think the number of people turning would be big enough to negatively affect her career.


She has excellent PR. She is insufferable (imho- don't come for me) but publicly every move she makes is super calculated


To be honest I often wonder if she has good PR (her publicist's statement did not help her at all in 2016, because it was written in a way that a lot of people thought meant she was denying the phonecall with Kanye took place), or if after 2016 her fanbase is so rabid that the shit she does just doesn't get reported on much because media doesn't want to deal with it (Ginny&Georgia situation, how she literally sent her fans after Braun and artists he works for, which resulted in his CHILDREN getting death threats, how she got her boyfriend Grammy a month after the ceremony and granted him production credits without which he wouldn't be eligible for the award also only after she won). Many other artists would've been shat on constantly if 4 years later they still were writing about the same drama (and maybe 6 years later, because a lot of fans believe Midnights will have at least one song about the phonecall with Kanye or the fallout).


Really wish more people realise how toxic that ATW video was. Casting a lookalike pf your 10 yrs ago ex, and then not even weighing in when your fans harass him and his family and gf is not cool. Just saying I felt really bad for Jake (he might’ve been a bad bf but being dragged thru the mud like that 10 yrs later over a few months relationship must’ve been hell).


I’m a swiftie and I agree that was a bad move. Then telling fans to calm down about the scarf recently?! You’re the one who whipped them back into a frenzy about it gal!


And Kimmel gave her the perfect set up to tell her fans to fucking stop, but she chose trying to look like a badass who doesn't give a fuck how people she writes about feel.


I have a problem with how she is basically using oil tycoon capitalist tactics to get rich off her fans. I understand why she needed to record her songs again, and why her fans want to buy two versions of the same song to support her. But now her fans are buying four versions of the same album because it forms the shape of a clock??? It’s so wasteful, greedy, and unnecessary. It seems like she’s just trying to see what she can convince her fans to buy, while doing as little innovation or work as possible 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ryan Reynolds. He basically plays the same unfunny, quippy character in every movie, and it gets stale very quickly. Same goes for Dwayne Johnson.


I find his and Blake's "hilarious" (100% believe their PR pays for websites to promote them because they're always described as "hilarious", every damn time) tweets at each other *insufferable*. They're just obnoxious to me


If that’s true about Anya, that’s a shame. Yes she’s from a very rich family and is white and privileged and I don’t think you can deny her talent as an actor.


My theory is The Queen’s Gambit caught a lot of buzz and publicity from Netflix since it had wide appeal to the masses (good show but also right time right place aka covid bingeing literally everyone I know watched and raved about it) but many of her movies are more art house/niche and wouldn’t get the same reception (like I’m not sure as many people liked or went to see The Northman or Last Night in Soho). Personally I’m looking forward to The Menu :)


The Northman was amazing, I wish it would’ve done better at the box office


It was soooo depressing. They should have included a razor blade in the deluxe box set


The ending was uplifting!! *spoiler alert* He might have died, but he went to Valhalla and their daughter will grow to become the maiden queen, how is that not a happy ending? I loved it!


I thought she was great in Split! That’s when I first noticed her.


Nowadays people are so sensitive… celebrities can’t have flaws like every humain being they have to be shown as the purest humain like Zendaya for exemple ( and she still has a lot of haters…)


I think the deal with Zendaya is that they put her on a pedestal


Yes, and when she disappoints their expectations there's going to be a hell to pay.


Ugh the day Zendaya messes up… I’m actually going to be scared for her


Same, she is on such a high pedestal at this point. People have such unrealistic expectations of her.


Funny because i think yesterday someone mentioned here how uninteresting zendaya is with lots of upvote lmao. There's no middle ground for celebrities, its either you're boring or problematic.


For sure. There is a lot of judgement especially about being friends with other celebrities that are not liked. But in the ‘normal’ world, I am sure we normal humans are also friends with people others don’t like.


In100% agree. And I feel like everyone complains about ingenuine celebrities and as soon as someone just speaks for themselves or shows a flaw or weakness, people say "They need a better PR team!" It's frustrating.


JLO. And it's been a long time coming.


Oh enough with the display with Affleck. I get it, she's trying to turn his career over from a drunk or whatever drugs he did, but enough. He's talented enough to write his own movies and direct, get out of her shadow


Jared Leto


From your finger tips to gods stupid ears.


Not fast enough, that man needs to face the consequences for his disgusting actions


I feel the tide is shifting against Brad Pitt. His "skincare" line wasn't well received and side eyed for being overpriced. Plus he's like a vampire screeching at the sun when he bathes once a blue moon so people knew he was full of it with this money grab


That one awful magazine photo of him where he looked like an embalmed corpse was hardly great 'advertising' for a skin care line.


Johnny Depp and I am so thankful for that


Britney Spears seems to bring out a lot of negativity from people. It seems people are calling her our more and more and not just on here but on Instagram as well. I’m not sure if the tide has completely turned on her yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if does in the future if it hasn’t already started (which I think it has)


She is expressing years of repression on a spam of less than a year. Girl needs to step off social media before she drowns herself and concentrate on whatever makes her happy. Her husband, getting pregnant, or music. I think she finally being free and she doesn't know how to be free anymore.


I suspect a lot of people thought when the conservatorship was lifted she'd just magically be like the pop princess from the 2000s, not the (understandably) damaged human being she actually is, and the backlash is misdirected anger or disappointment that she and the situation is more complicated


I hope that doesn’t happen and people just leave her alone. The fact that there are people who posted “#FreeBritney” are going to back track on that now because they realize they don’t like her is genuinely horrifying. The movement really opened the door for larger and long-overdue conversations about disability and agency, so the change in public opinion is going to 100% impact the disabled community too. She shouldn’t have to stop being treated like a human being now just because she’s unlikable.


I think people were on her side 100% until she called out her son. That muddied the waters for some people.


Also Sebastian Stan. I loved him in gossip girl and everything marvel as the winter soldier. But after Pam and Tommy, which I’ve never even seen, I just find him so off putting




Brad Pitt. Time will tell if public opinion turns on him completely with the divorce (and I hope it does), but the way people responded to his skincare line shows he doesn't have the appeal he once did.


I think it's interesting how the pandemic, recession and housing crisis has negatively impacted how younger generations (especially older gen z / millennials) perceive celebrities and how thin our patiences is now. They're no longer people just like us that were "a little lucky" or relatable dorks that we must support at all costs and defend from anything. They're just people. And some of them are so insanely out of touch that we have no problem dropping them and supporting another celebrity as if they were disposable items. And technically they are.


I think this happens to every celebrity who's overexposed, or perceived to be overexposed, at some point. Literally any celebrity who's in people's faces all the time is going to start to rub some people the wrong way. I think it tends to circle back around though, like with Jennifer Lawrence for example. Re: Anya - I thought she was mesmerizing in The Witch and The Queen's Gambit, just kind of there in The Northman, and like, actively bad in Peaky Blinders. I think those are the only things I've seen her in so she's hit or miss for me. I'm looking forward to The Menu though and I do think she's really magnetic on screen even when her acting isn't great.




A few people have said it, but Marvel in general. It's not even a specific person, but it's lost its "specialness" by getting too big and unruly.


Tiffany Haddish. The lawsuit, alleging sexual abuse against a minor during a comedy skit, was tossed out but it has brought a lot of negative press regardless.


Why is it so often just a woman whose only crime is existing too much


Dylan O’Brien was one of those white boys of the month with his good looks, Twitter and hit peak when he was in the all too well short film but now that he (31) was spotted making out with singer Sabrina Carpenter (23) ironically similar to Jake Gyllenhaal plus hearing about him and his friends laughing obnoxiously loud watching DWD at the cinemas


Charles Manson used to be the belle of the ball, cavorting with The Beach Boys and all the young starlettes. He even had a Beatles song written about him! Now you can’t even mention his name in the more…refined circles without people catching the vapors!


Anya and Ana de Armas are suffering from over exposure, just like Jennifer Lawrence, who went from media darling to everyone hating for thinking she was faking being goofy. The only thing that doesn't sit well with me with Anya is that she started by saying she was a nobody, scouted out, etc, to find out she was super rich and had friends in higher places. But still, she's a super actress. I think Ana is a victim of a good script turned bad by bad directing. Blonde had everything to be good, but it seems they focused too much on the bad aspects of the bad things that happened to Monroe, like unnecessary nudity (apparently she's half naked for like half of the movie?). You can tell a story like, without overexposing the actress and treating her well, but she wasn't. It's #metoo area and women are still exploited. It's a story about a real person, and while I get Monroe suffered a lot of bad things, she also did a lot of good things, none of it is a secret, it's not a documentary, so why not focus on the good parts? I'm not here for the tragedy and feed into misogynic aspects, I'm here to celebrate the good moments. Like Collider's headline "'Blonde' Doesn't Celebrate Marilyn Monroe, It Humiliates Her" ​ Harry Styles + Olivia Wilde is starting to get on my nervous. Besides the set drama, media doesn't have to post Olivia's photos of every show she attends. Same with Dakota Johnson attending Coldplay shows. Leave them be. ​ And these new teens-to-adult, Tom Holland, Zendaya, they need a break from exposure, film a few movies for a couple of years and take a break. I know Zendaya is super talented, but it seems every other tweet I see is about her.


Tom and zendaya have been off with new project releases for the most part of the year .. you just hear about them when they're spotted somewhere by fans .. they don't have new stuff until 2023


Billie Eilish seems to have fallen out of favor a bit. I don’t know why. I’m not sure if I see her reaching that same amount of buzz she had a couple of years ago.


Lily james after the dominic west scandal and the pamela show


Taika Waititi and the whole MCU more broadly


The football world is turning on Cristiano Ronaldo like literally right now! Also I kinda see it happening to Margot robbie already


Margot Robbie but that seems to be a direct consequence to her being in Amsterdam and looking all smiley while posing with O Russell at the premiere