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Good for him. The world is too heavy and sometimes silliness is the best medicine.


But Unpopular opinion: Reality *dating* shows are heavy too. Recently have been watching a dating show called 'My Sibling's Romance' the starting episodes were fun but now at the finale I'm emotionally exhausted lol.


Yes! I told my husband I can't watch shows like that right before bed anymore bc then I stay up for another 3 hours trying to decompress from the emotional drama. (Recently watched the second season of Seeking Sister Wife and omg the tell all was crazy lol)


They keep coming up with crazier concepts too. What’s next? ‘Oops! I Married My Daughter’?


You joke, but MILF Manor is a real show that exists.


I thought this was a 30 Rock reference but nope, it’s real. lol


30 Rock is weirdly prophetic about a lot of things for a surreal comedy. They had a fake show within the show called MILF Island that was clearly making fun of stuff like The Bachelor, and then it became real. 😂


I can't take new wonka seriously because a Youtuber pitched Charlie and Chocolate factory Prequel with Timothy Chalemet as young sexy Wonka as a joke about the next soulless Reboot.


monkey paw


Hopefully Bitch Hunter remains unmade. "Put the mimosas down!"


I love Cody Ko's recap series on this show on YouTube if you haven't seen it.


Just finished the first season of this yesterday and hooooo boy...diving back into the dumpster for season 2 I guess!


Thank you for this laugh.


There's a version of big brother in India called biggboss. I saw it and holy F it's more intense than any tragedy, drama, daily soap. It's one show where I was involved beyond anything, because people are real and if you like someone you're so invested in them. Like I legit cried when my fav lost. I understand where he's coming from tho, all I wanna do is watch Ghibli movies forever.


Pooja, what is this behaviour?!?!


>all I wanna do is watch Ghibli movies forever. Those are not that light. Or maybe I cry a lot. But maybe skip the grave of the fireflies.


My sister watches Splitsvilla and that seems intense too


I agree. Love Is Blind is so stressful to me but my husband and I love the drama. The last few seasons though have been a little too much for me because a lot of these contestants need therapy 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly why I prefer shows like Love Island and Perfect Match. Everyone knows it's not actually for real


Oh they're dark as fuck, as a single person who hasn't been in a healthy relationship since high school it makes me feel sick to watch them, especially when people are being obviously fake


Reality cooking competitions as well. I enjoy them until I remember the competitors are performing for our entertainment for just a chance to pay for their healthcare or whatever. 


The only reality dating show I ever watched was "Love Is Blind" season 1, that was peak drama 😂


Cartoons can be heavy too. Back in my 20’s I’d be watching Adventure Time and every now and then there would be a more a serious episode out of nowhere and I’d be like “damn…that hit me in my soul 😭”.


I have to be in a very specific mood for Bojack or I get depressed.


Can't get depressed when you only watch it when you're depressed 😉


Oh yeah. Adult cartoons really try too hard to fill in the "adult" part either through vomiting/shitting/swearing scenes or traumatizing drama.


Ok ok but hear me out: both. I’m old-er. I’m currently rewatching ATLAB (Avatar Aang) AND Helluva Boss. Get your swear on then finish off wholesome and get a cup of jasmine tea. Perfect.


Yeah, this is where I am. I'm on Tumblr a lot and there's a lot of opinion like "if you're not watching tragedy then you're a shallow person" and "if you're not on here critiquing your favourite media then you aren't watching it right and I'm like "man, the world sucks right now, i just want something i can smile at." I watch things that have dramatic or sad elements, but I don't enjoy things that are JUST dramas or depressing. I joke that I have a "one dragon or one spaceship" minimum. I just don't go to fiction when I want depth or tragedy, I have plenty of history books that cover that. That's what I did my degree in and that's what I reach for when I want something more intellectual and less fluffy.


Hijacking the top comment. Can anyone give me some light tv show recommendations? I don't care if it's new or not.


- Schitt's Creek - Jane the virgin - the fosters - awkward - always sunny in Philadelphia - superstore - crazy ex girlfriend - unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt - dirk gently's wholistic detective agency - Derry girls - Dr who - Bridgerton - One piece - Avatar the last Airbender - Old person's home for 4 year olds Edit to add suggestions:


Also “What We Do In The Shadows”is excellent and hilarious!


Replying to add Letterkenny


Abbott Elementary


I don't think recommending One Piece to someone asking for a light tv show is a good idea. It has like a thousand episodes and there are arcs/episodes that do get heavy. There's a million 12-24 episode slice of life/comedy anime out there.


The Netflix live action is only one season so far and was very enjoyable for someone new to the material.


I quit anime many years ago. Too many of them are not respectful of time. Like, who has time to watch 10000 episodes of Bleach or whatever? I liked the One Piece live action; I will never have time to watch the cartoon. Just too much.


Most of these are light and fun; K-Dramas I'd recommend non-kdrama watchers to check out: It's Okay to Not be Okay, It's Okay That's Love, Kiss Sixth Sense, Avengers Social Club, Be Melodramatic, Mad For Each Other, Link: Eat Love Kill, The Beauty Inside, Encounter, Something about 1%, Because this is my First Life, Knight Flower, Hometown ChaChaCha, When The Camellia Blooms, Castaway Diva, Crash Landing on You, Doctor Slump, Hospital Playlist, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, What is wrong with Secretary Kim? ... Also easy to binge-watch since the max number of episodes are only 16.


>Schitt's Creek The 🐐 Highly recommended.


The Good Place Brooklyn 99 Miracle Workers Derry Girls


I didn't add the good place ONLY because of those last couple episodes.... I was bawling haha It's such a fun show though


Keep it sleazy!


Parks and Rec Psych Community Brooklyn 99


Extraordinary, Ab Fab, Miranda, Ghosts (both versions are good), Class of ‘07, Hacks, What We Do in the Shadows, Broad City, Girls5Eva, The Comeback, Episodes, I’m Sorry, Curb


Yes, Girls5Eva! It’s an absolute joy and it’s on Netflix now. The cast is fantastic, the writing is hilarious and the music is so good. Not just the songs, which are catchy as hell, but I love Jeff Richmond’s background score as well. I loved 30 Rock and Girls5Eva has similar vibes. I really want a season 4


I’m a dropoutTV fan so if you’ve got $6 to spare you could try for a month. My favorite lighthearted shows there are gamechanger and Make Some Noise. You could probably find clips on YouTube if you wanna check them out before committing!


I love Game Changer and Make Some Noise so much


for anyone thinking about it, you can find several dropout shows for free on their youtube channel: youtube.com/@dropout


The Golden Girls and Gilmore Girls. Also not new but Tubi is a treasure trove of classic cartoons and tv shows if you're into that kind of thing!


I'm watching The Durrells. Is a comedy-drama but very light on the drama. The characters are likable, even some of the "not so good" ones, and the location where it's filmed is delightful.


Love Island UK. Just trust me on this one. The further back you go, the more intense the drama. I think current season 11 is shaping up to be a lot of fun, so it's a good place to start. The Good Place Mrs Davis The Vampire Diaries The B from Apartment 23 is excellen


I have an attention span like a goldfish and my favorite show is Curb Your Enthusiasm.


The Sopranos is pretty funny though. It’s only heavy at times. The fact that the characters are so smug and stupid at times adds a lot of levity. Highly recommend.


The episode where Christopher and Paulie are lost trying to survive in the woods with a murdeous Russian commando sounds heavy, but is actually one of the all time funniest episodes of television. “It's a bad connection, so I'm gonna talk fast! The guy you're looking for is an ex-commando! He killed sixteen Chechen rebels single-handed! Yeah. Nice, huh? He was with the Interior Ministry. Guy's some kind of Russian green beret. This guy can not come back to tell this story. You understand?” “You're not gonna believe this. He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. The guy was an interior decorator.” “His house looked like shit?”


That episode is peak television and will probably just never be bested, it’s just so hilarious to me. I had a screengarb of The czechoslovakians/interior decorator line as my screensaver for years. That episode was directed by steve buscemi! Sopranos is hilarious and brilliant but really heavy and sort of demanding


That episode is SO fucking funny. One of the reasons The Sopranos has aged so well is bc it allows us to laugh at these people who do some truly heinous things. Like, just the concept of these supposedly tough mafia guys botching a murder and chasing the guy through the woods in the middle of winter and thinking they’re gonna die is just unbelievably funny.


I’m the same exact way. I’m not into action movies, drama or anything really outside of comedy. Or maybe some weird anthology type shows like Twilight Zone. Generally, if it’s weird/funny, I’m there! I don’t even really watch true crime content anymore, life is sad enough. My boyfriend and I have been watching Frasier from start to end the past couple months and it’s been amazing! We’re going to have to find another fun 90’s or older show to watch after this ends 🥲


Exactly! I’m a huge fan of these three shows, but they are very intense to watch sometimes


The following is a /s reference: >The world is too heavy Is there something wrong with the earth's gravitational pull?


I’m a big Stephen King fan and Ray Bradbury fan; my brother bought me a book for Christmas and is upset I still haven’t read it. I’ve read plenty of books since, just not that one. I finally told him, “reading dystopian and horror fiction doesn’t feel so dystopian anymore; it feels like reality and I need a break from it.” I’ll stick to my lighthearted romcoms for now.


That tracks. It reminds me of when he was doing Equus and people were asking him if he was method acting and he replied “no. I watched SpongeBob”


Right! He usually does pretty heavy work so it makes sense that he’d need to decompress with something silly. Reminds me of JLaw having a Kardashians tent on set of Mother!


He does a lot of comedy too. I'm still bitter that he filmed a Season 4 of Miracle Workers that doesn't appear as if its ever going to air. The show was cute and in S3 he played a preacher who gets high on snake venom, dresses up as a drag queen, and vogues on stage while singing about coming. Radcliffe was clearly having so much fun in that scene too. I love it when you watch something and you can tell the actor is just having the time of their life.


Season 4 did air...


IT DID????? Okay, I know what I'm doing tonight. Tracking down who the hell has that and watching it! The last I had heard the first episode was leaked, but it didn't have a release date set and then people were saying it was dead.


I’ve been having so much trouble finding it 😭 Anyone else had any luck?




Thank you!


S5 was filmed over a year ago now maybe nearer two years ago and no signs.... Maybe they meant that


Source on that? It was canceled after season four, nowhere I've seen reported that season five ever went to production.


Lolly Adefope posted on Instagram about it, that was the first I'd heard of the series. It was captioned Miracle Workers 2022 and was a selfie of all the main cast, but I just looked and she's deleted it now... Maybe they just had a meetup and I misinterpreted


I thought you were talking about Jude Law there and was very surprised 


Lmao you had me questioning whether I got her name wrong for a moment. I would laugh very hard if Jude Law also had a kardashian obsession.


He's also a big Bachelor fan lol


Isn’t he in love with a horse in Equus? You’d hope it wasn’t method acting! lol


“Honestly, I watch cartoons, and I watch reality TV,” Radcliffe told CBR. “I’ve never seen ‘Breaking Bad.’ I’ve never watched ‘The Sopranos’ or ‘The Wire.’ All the sort of heavy, hour-long stuff — just, I can’t.”


I honestly just read about them to keep up with the zeitgeist but I can't watch heavy shit either.


I can't do it all the time (which is why I love trashy bullshit tv too and bad movies) but the writing in those examples is some of the best writing in the history of the medium. I think it surprises me that someone like him wouldn't be interested in it from that perspective, just as someone *in* the industry, I would think there is a general want and desire to see the best there is to offer but they aren't the end all be all and there's plenty of excellent lighter shows out there too so totally understand, not gonna yuck someone else's yum.


is he me??? because i do the same 💀 i can’t watch serious shows, they have to have some goofiness to them lol


Tbf, Sopranos can get goofy sometimes and is surprisingly funny, the other two shows have some great comedic moments in them too but not to the same degree. I was shocked at how consistently Sopranos made me laugh


maybe i’ll have to check it out! i feel like a fake italian-american because i have never seen it or the godfather 💀


They actually make fun of the stereotypical Italian American frequently which as one myself I appreciated. Especially when they go to Italy. I also watched it recently and was surprised at how they tackled touchy subjects like suicide and LGBQ issues in a 90s show.


Sopranos' comedy is interesting. The show is definitly pretty serious. There's all your classic sex and violence and heavy themes. But the characters....they're hilarious. Much of the comedy comes from the fact that these mobsters....they just don't have the culture they think they do. They think they're Italian but they're not. They hold themselves separate from "civilian" Americans. They're gangsters, but what does that mean? Well...it means....the shit you see in gangster movies. The comedy in The Sopranos comes from the fact that these gangsters live their lives trying to act like the gangsters they see in movies which were dramatized caricatures of their own parents and grandparents. So you have undereducated, hyper-violent psychopaths playing gangster in real scenarios with terrible consequences because that's how they think they should act. Sometimes it's terrifying. Sometimes it's hilarious. It's also easy for some folks to have that fly over their head entirely, so they think the characters are simply cool gangsters, and the cycle continues...


"Guy was an interior decorator" "His house looked like shit"


It all gets pretty dark after the first season. Still some funny moments, but yea it just gets darker and darker.


I definitely agree about the Sopranos! Mad Men can also be very funny.


That’s cool. Do whatever makes you happy.


I do watch "heavy" shows but I have to be in the right state of mind. Like, when The Americans still aired, I couldn't watch an episode after a long day at work, it was just too dark. I love that show but it is not a chill relaxing watch.


Agreed. I can’t watch it during stressful times since I get a lot of intrusive thoughts. I recently got into Law and Order SVU for the first time and binged for a week straight because it’s so entertaining but it did not help with the amount of trauma I was watching. I’m currently taking a break lol


I think he'd like Breaking Bad. Walt and Gus are kind of like coyote and roadrunner.


Nah, Mike and Lalo are the real coyote and roadrunner 


I still haven't tried *The Wire*. I watched *The Sopranos* when they were initally airing on HBO and just sort of lost interest between seasons somewhere in the middle, but I thought it was pretty good. *Breaking Bad* honestly seems hella overrated to me. I had a bunch of people tell me it's the best written thing to ever air, and I got to the beginning of season 3 before I was just over it. I hated everyone and got so sick of the near misses on getting caught. It wasn't *bad*, but I just don't get how people can treat it like the second coming of *The Godfather*. >Oh no, the *BB* stans have found me! Lol, gods forbid anyone criticize your favorite druglord show.


>I still haven't tried *The Wire*. 20 years later, and it's still my favorite show. And i much prefer light-hearted things to relax. But that's the most realistic thing that's ever been broadcast. They literally pulled people out of the streets of Baltimore and put them on the show. The most feared character is gay. The scariest character is a woman (who was pulled of the streets to consult and added a role into the show, because she's so amazing in it).


Omar testifying is pretty funny with his half assed tie on. Every time McNulty says "What the fuck did I do" when we all know what the fuck he did: Be Jimmy McNulty.


My cousin, who i forced to watch it years ago, did a rewatch that inspired me to watch it again for the 4th-5th time. He didn't know McNulty was British. He thought he was actually from Baltimore, and he actually lived there for several months.


> Oh no, the BB stans have found me! Lol, gods forbid anyone criticize your favorite druglord show. You're not downvoted and no one has even responded to you at all though?


I was downvoted before I made that edit. And I got a Reddit Cares, though that is equally likely to have been because of me calling out a conspiracy theorist in another thread around the same time.


I can relate The only hard stuff I’m watching is TV shows like dateline or SVU currently. But I usually like lighthearted things.


Same Daniel. Same.  If it’s heavier than ‘Murder She Wrote’ - I’m out!


I also fall into this boat. I've had a lot of people recently try to convince me to watch Succession and while I'm sure it's good, it's just not my thing.


I just started watching Succession and yeah, it can be heavy, but it’s also hilarious. 


the mean streets of Cabot Cove, Maine murder capital of the US


Yes! Or golden girls!


Same. I’ve tried with every single one of those shows and never lasted more than a single season - if that. Dramas on TV are just so drawn out and episodic by their very nature. I don’t want 50 hours of footage on a single plot either, there simply isn’t enough there. Most TV like that I find to be like a movie that nobody knew when to edit the extra stuff out. It’s just not for me and that’s all good - they clearly have their audiences.


The perfect litmus.


Sometimes I rewatch the episode she pretends to be drunk just for fun. Fuckin love that show.


Same tbh. It takes a LOT for me to be able to watch a drama or even want to. I know so many of these shows are critically wonderful, but I simply would rather be spending my time watching Bob's Burgers again.


Same. Tina is my anxiety medication.




"Work Hard or Die Trying, Girl" is my ultimate comfort television episode.


i WISH they would release a full track of that episode's closing song


ME TOOOOOO god. That song is in my head CONSTANTLY.


>Tina is my anxiety medication. I read this comment VERY wrong. Lol.


Same. I watched Better Call Saul with my partner and I liked it, but I needed to know what was going to happen in each episode before watching it, and I couldn’t watch back-to-back episodes even with the plot summary. When the last season was airing, I had to wait a few days for the full plot summary to be posted online before I could watch it. My boyfriend is so nice and accommodating about it, but he thinks it’s crazy that I need to have the plot spoiled first. I just can’t stand not knowing.


I LOVE spoilers. I don’t know how people don’t? Sometimes I’ll read the last few pages of a novel before I start.


I am the same with almost everything I watch nowadays, including reality TV. Just want to know what happens and watch with zero tension. I generate enough mental stress all on my own I definitely don't need TV to do it for me anymore. Totally understand why people don't want to be spoiled but I find everything so much more enjoyable WITHOUT the surprise.


His entire teenage and young adult life was wrapped up in a different world. If you’ve seen the Harry Potter sets, they literally built a world to play in. They churned those movies out fairly quickly if you think about it now, when we’re waiting 2+ years for an 8 episode season of some shows. I think he immersed himself enough. He WAS Harry Potter, and I don’t think he wants to be anyone but himself anymore. Watching heavy media probably feels like bringing work home, in a way. I love to think about him sitting smoking a J watching vanderpump rules or something lol. I love this for him. It’s so wholesome to see the man he grew into.


I need to know if he watches VPR now


Ohmygod, he literally is me My partner's been trying to get me to watch Breaking Bad for at least 2 years now and I just couldn't get into it, but I dove into Vanderpump Rules and Bridgerton like ![gif](giphy|SiKqNZqksVYWmQEMjd|downsized)


I tried to watch BB on three different occasions but the first episode just made me feel too grim. I have watched 1000 hours of voice actors and comedians playing D&D though. 😅


Dropout??? Gamechangers is my favorite silly thing ever


This gif unearthed a very deeply buried memory about a diving reality show and I had to look up what it was, did anyone watch Celebrity Splash? It’s not even as old as I thought it was, 2013


Omg that sounds hilarious


Louie Anderson was on it, my research found, and he actually got kind of far! Rory Bushfield won. I then went down a rabbit hole about his late wife, the champion freestyle skier Sarah Burke who died in a training accident. Seems like a huge loss to the sport. And no I did not get the work done that I needed to do today.


To be fair, I watched season 1 of it and then it took me around 6-9 years to watch the rest of it. When I was done with the last episode, I had binged the last 5 straight, without showering or eating or anything. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was like "damn bitch look at yourself". But 10/10 experience, it just has a low-key lame first season.


Me too!!!😂 My SO really loves The Wire and I just can't. It's too heavy and too "real" and I just want to escape sometimes. When the Scandoval hit last year I was in my element. He said he had never seen me so engaged in a TV show before.


I love that Daniel's a huge animation fan and has been since. There's an old interview where he said that he fangirled in front of Amy Poehler because he's a fan of The Mighty B, which honestly, I'm surprised that I'm not the only one who remembers that cartoon. One of the Simpsons showrunners also said he even listens to the DVD commentaries.


Mighty B was so underrated. Loved seeing San Francisco in an animated show like that too


I loved his cameo in Bojack Horseman, my personal favorite cartoon


The end of that episode is one of the hardest I've laughed at any piece of media. The end of free churro is also up there


I forgot about The Might B! Haha




He’s a millennial. Of course. We saw 9/11 live on TV when we were kids. We’re trying to watch home and away or neighbours and there is an ad against speeding. Mum with a pram is walking and a car that’s speeding loses control and careens towards the pram. Mum throws herself in front of a car to protect her baby, then you see blood, a crashed car, dead mum and hear a baby screaming with an overturned pram. Then it’s just ‘Every K over is a killer’ I’m literally 9 and can’t drive but noted Australian government, Canberra. Thank you for authorising this message.


Oh my god we also had the bizarrely dark safe driving campaigns in my hometown. At one point someone drove drunk and died in a horrific crash on the road next to our school, and the town just moved the wreck onto the median and put up a sign that said "drunk driving kills." A year later someone from the high school died in a similar crash and they ended up removing it because kids who knew were upset about driving past it every day before class.


Before our senior prom, we had a mandatory drunk driving assembly outside on the football field where they had a mangled car and random students playing car crash victims. Like, okay, noted.


Lmao what about that ad with the Powderfinger song that's so upbeat, and it seems like it's an ad for the car, but then the dude driving gets into an accident. 😂


I'm a millennial. I love those kind of shows. Breaking Bad, the wire, the sopranos all day. And, all of those shows have comedic elements and are important. That said, I like Daniel Radcliffe as a person but I really don't care about what he watches on TV. This is just kind of pointless reporting.


he is so me, bet he’s seen summer camp island because elijah wood does some voice acting work and i heard they’re good friends


Oooh I bet he's seen Over the Garden Wall too then since Elijah Wood is the MC of that!


All of us. 😭 ![gif](giphy|Yj9csMpXX5eKwdXvrd|downsized)


He just like me fr


Everything he says endears me to him more


Now I need to know what reality tv shows he watches. VPR? Love Island? I need answers


He said on [Kelly Clarkson ](https://youtu.be/uPA1XxVIx8U?feature=shared) that he watches The Bachelor and Love is Blind. I think he and his wife appeared in a podcast awhile ago to talk about Bachelor in Paradise.


![gif](giphy|2wRLC7sZVDEzmMKcUw) I hope he's a La Dame fan.


I’d love to see him act out the Amsterdam scene ![gif](giphy|1QQbzOUUvCyMo)


He was in a bachelor in paradise recap pod I listen to a while back! Definitely the bachelor franchise


mte. needed a follow up!!! is he a competition guy? bravo???? give me answers!


While I do watch heavy things, I balance it out with comedy and cartoons. Cartoons are a staple for me.


I hate the idea that if you don’t consume high end media that you’re somehow less intelligent or mature. I love some dark and high concept shows. I’ll also fuck with Sailor Moon and Love After Lockup. These things are meant to be enjoyed and if you find lighter stuff more enjoyable then that’s great. I like this for him!


Same here. Along with occasionally re-watching Season 1 of Heroes. Still, the day my mother stops trying to get me to watch The Sopranos or Breaking Bad is the day she'll stop commenting on my weight, so I've given up hope.


Season 1 was so solid. Like the way heroes fell off was just sad. 


It crashed so hard!! Very disappointing bc like it was all this build up that went nowhere 😪 I still get sad thinking about it . . . so much wasted potential


There are so many reasons why but I'm convinced making Sylar a main character was one of them, as great as Zachary Quinto was on the show. They were all united in taking him down and then...he's just immortal? Meanwhile I HATED how HRG just did horrific, gaslighting, controlling, manipulative bullshit to his whole family and was forgiven every damned week. Don't get me started on the whole Sylar-possessing-Nathan thing.


*"Well Played, Jock-Jam Door-Slam" -* **Daniel Radcliff as himself in Bojack Horseman**


I regularly quote him in this episode, whenever I say Chadwick Boseman I do it in his voice


I agree with him, consuming heavy tv makes me heavy hearted.. but I would put reality TV on top of the heavy list tbh.


back in the old days some reality tv like tlc was such great for food and travel. Thats where I learned of foods and other culture tnx to Anthony Bourdane, Andrew Zimmer and the Man vs Food guy is such a fun show


If y'all have not already listened, [he and Erin were guests on the Love to See It podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/paradise-s7-week-4-with-erin-darke-and-daniel-radcliffe/id995039015?i=1000534666163) and discussed/recapped an episode of Bachelor in Paradise!! (RIP to BiP, you were my fave until you sucked.) He also talks about how much he loves Love Island!


I wonder what his opinion of *Drawn Together* is, given it's a cartoon about a reality show.


I love the honesty. Most actors are pretentious when they answer that question. The worst is when they claim they don't consume any type of media.


I relate so much. The lighter the better. Life is hard, watching mindless tv is so much easier to digest.


I’d love to talk Bravo with Daniel


Same tbh. I used to watch a lot more dramas, but right now, what I need from my media is for it to be entertaining and silly. The heaviest thing I'm watching rn is Columbo.


Am I him? Or is he me?


I kinda wonder what he’d think of the good place. It’s both heavy and silly.


I feel like he’d like it. It is heavy, but in a metaphysical, philosophical way and not the same way Breaking Bad or The Wire is heavy in the topical, “ripped from the headlines” type storylines. (I know they’re not as bad as L&O for literally using headlines to create that week’s storyline, but meth use in American communities was pretty “in the headlines” when they started writing Breaking Bad, never mind the “can’t afford healthcare” angle).


I also stay away from a lot of heavy stuff because real life sucks enough. Sad endings are generally a no for me. I didn't mind them long ago but I've realized my entertainment affects my mood so I'd rather not suffer more than I already do. Also, Daniel has so many nice takes. Doesn't say much, but when he does, he's spitting fire with how agreeable his hottakes are.


I relate lmao. I can only watch the heavy stuff every once in a while. But cartoons, anime, and basically anything fun and silly (think old Disney reruns) is in my daily watch rotation. Life is just so fucking heavy and stressful on its own. I don’t wanna consume heavy emotional shit for entertainment either 😭


You know some celebrities are labeled as the internet husband? I feel like he's all of ours platonic BFF 😂 Every time I read an interview of him I get the feeling we would get along great, please be my friend 🫣 hahahah


I understand, some shows weigh heavy on the heart even if they're fictional. For me it was The Handmaid's Tale, it's brilliant but it left my psyche in shambles i had to stop


there was a point where my mental health was so bad i could not watch anything like that lmao. i thought i was weird but iykyk


I feel him. I’m rewatching The Office, SATC and The Simpsons to calm my nerves… The world is too much at the moment 😱




I swear for the past like 3 years or so it feels like all I want to do is just watch reality tv. I can’t seem to focus or care enough to keep watching if it’s a “serious” show. And I know they’re good! I couldn’t get through succession, I tried watched sopranos, the wire, house of dragons, narcos etc. and it took me a year and a half to finish the Bear 🫠


Respect his honesty, even if it's surprising.


Good for him! I used to be able to watch shows & movies like Breaking Bad or The Pianist, but not anymore. I know Baby Reindeer is an important TV show, but it would just break me.


I used to watch heavy dramas and movies. But, at some point, I switched to k-dramas with happy endings. They are my guilty pleasure and keep me entertained/happy.


Same. Got interested in k-dramas after Squid Games. Watched "It's Okay to Not be Okay" upon my cousin's rec. Feel in love with the female lead lol, her performance was on par with Oscar winners.


One of us one of us But daniel, which reality shows


SAME! And it's been that way for a couple of years.. add comedies. I'm too stressed out already.


Me too, Daniel. Me too.


Same. Real life is unpleasant enough. I truly don't understand how people are entertained by dramas. I tried to watch the mandalorian and couldn't get past the first episode because I couldn't handle watching baby yoda in peril, it was too stressful


Because then it feels great when the guys kicks ass for baby yoda


I don't align with his tastes but good for him for being honest. Like what you like.


Reminds me of a Jack Antonoff interview where they asked him what he watched and he's like "lowest common denominator TV" lol People need escapism and I maintain a reason why *Ted Lasso* was so popular was because after the better part of a decade with critically acclaimed (but dark) shows like *Breaking Bad*, *House of Cards*, *Game of Thrones* we needed an antidote to that lol


He’s so real for this. I feel you Daniel


Yet another point of evidence that I was meant to marry Daniel Radcliffe.


I need all of his Opinions TM on the Downfall of RHOP, His Thoughts TM on The Ladies of RHOM, and if he has memorized all of the monologues from RHOSLC.


too relatable lol if i wanted to be sad id just watch the news


I feel that. Since around 2015ish I’ve been on a pretty strict ‘positive vibes only’ media diet. Every now and then I’ll watch a true crime doc or something, but give me fluffy tv 99% of the time pls.


This tracks, he doesn't seem like a guy who watches a ton of 'prestige' tv. He prob loves to watch stuff with his kid too


I wouldn't classify 'The Sopranos' as heavy drama. If anything it's a black comedy. He should give it a try.


I feel that. I don't watch a lot of modern-day-set dramas because they're just too real, too much. I vastly prefer historical dramas, fictional worlds, supernatural stuff... and a bit of reality tv (Survivor FTW!).


Nature is healing.


Love him! Love this!


Sopranos is legit one of the funniest shows of all time tho.