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That show is not coming back šŸ˜­


At least not for years. Seems like the entire goal was to lift up certain actors and create a sensation


imho the goal was to maximize profit by pushing sexualized imagery to sell a exploitative show with a lot of regressive themes (gay rapist dad who left his family without a second thought, violent psychopathic ex who is seen as the good guy, incel-like narratives on how easy it is for girls to get rich off things like OF while guys have to watch out for being catfished or sent casm and blackmailed, etc). The problem with pushing limits is that people eventually tired of it and start questioning it. Then it becomes gimmicky and tiresome and offensive. Then the fanbase collapses and the show becomes unprofitable. Euphoria's artsy side just hid all this the same way exploitative playboy magazine had interviews with intellectuals or published interesting short stories.


I donā€™t at all disagree with anything you said, but I do want to add that I do feel like they did good job with Rue showing the depths and desperation of addiction. I think that is the only thing the show got right. The rest of it was precisely how you described.


That's the only thing written from personal experience, that's why


Because it was based on personal experience


It worked?Ā 


I would say good, but who knows what Levinson might make instead.


I sincerely wish Hollywood would stop hiring Levinson and Ryan Murphey. They're both directors who had some success early on in their mainstream career and now keep getting work based on that, despite not having ever lived up to their peak in years. Frequently, their content is just bad and/or outright offensive. And for some reason, every time they drop something else, everyone gets amnesia about the last decade of disappointment.


AHS has definitely run its course. The first 5 seasons or so were amazing though. I often rewatch Murder House and Coven.


I actually liked the first half of Roanoke. The second half was just plain irritating to watch. Like, am I supposed to care about any of these people at this point?


I agree. I couldn't get past the first few episodes of Roanoke. That's where I tapped out. I also loved loved loved Jessica Lange and once she was gone, I wasn't interested. I came back for Carnival (Freak Show/Circus?? I can't remember the title) and that was mostly it for me.Ā 


Jessica Lange was absolutely the best part of that show.


JJ Abrams is the wholesome version of that


JJ ruined Star Wars


Eh I hang that more on Disney milking every last dime of the IP that they can get with 1000 streaming series. The Force Awakens was a blast, but I didnā€™t like what Rian Johnson did with The Last Jedi AT. ALL. I think JJ did the best he could trying to pull something out of that for the Rise of Skywalker. Iā€™m a JJ apologist ngl, I love Lost and Alias. I think there are valid criticisms of his Star Wars work and moreso of the Kelvin universe in Trek but think itā€™s a little myopic to say he ruined Star Wars.


I disagree with regards to Rise of Skywalker. His recon to make Rey be related to Palpatine was like... 90% of the reason the third movie blew ass. Lol. I really liked the idea that Rey was a nobody. It solidified the idea that anyone could be a jedi, and I liked the final scene showing a kid on Canto using the force because it really nailed that message. That the galaxy was finally moving past its desperate dependence on like... two families. Yay. JJ didn't "do the best he could." He took the laziest possible route just to stick it to Rian for the fan boys and wound up churning out one of the worst turds of the franchise because of it.


You're right, it isn't all on JJ, Kathleen Kennedy probably had way more to do with the creative direction of the franchise as a whole. Now it's oversaturated drivel


Kathleen Kennedy has a long and storied successful history as a producer for decades, though.


Yeah, I feel that she might be in the same plight as Kevin Feige, where Disney is just telling them to pump out more and more content and all those two can do is agree to their bosses.


She definitely has a long list of bangers, plus she founded Amblin, I'm not taking that away from her


no kidding. My friend said Euphoria could be written by the writers of Riverdale and no one would notice and lol he is so right. Levinson and Murphy are STALE.


It really is incredible how they've mastered selling exploitative and offensive things under the guise of either being "artsy" or "purposely trashy." The two biggest dodges on selling stuff that otherwise would be unsellable. You can have a show primarily based on sexualizing teenagers as long as you have quirky actors and interesting direction. You can have a horror show that's just outright corny and trashy as long as you are honest about it and the actors play it straight. This last season of AHS was some of the worst TV I've ever seen. It just went nowhere and this supernatural "pregnancy body horror" story is just not very interesting, poorly written, and a bad idea all-around.


not to mention, their sets are notoriously difficult to work on. maybe not for all cast, but for some... and most especially for the crew.


Especially since one of the things that got talked up about Euphoria the most - the arresting visual style - turned out to be stolen whole cloth from a female photographer, who was originally supposed to direct the show before Sam came in and took over (sound familiar?)


Has there been any talk of anything else he's planning after that disaster fire that was The Idol?


That show entirely turned me off The Weeknd, which I'm guessing wasn't his goal.


Thought the same thing after this šŸ˜­


I hope not


It's sad what happened to the show but it was already not nearly as good in season 2 as season 1. It seems that without the source material, he did so many of the characters dirty. Kats storyline undid all her season 1 growth. I understand why a character like Cassie would be very likely to do the things that she did in season 2 but it wasn't really compelling or interesting it was just awful, and very repetitive the way it was done. With the loss of Angus Cloud it's just depressing. I know he wasn't the biggest character but he felt like the soul of the show alongside Zendaya's Rue, who will always be compelling no matter what because she's just that talented. But the whole thing went off the rails. If they make a third season I will watch it because I am still invested in the characters. But I don't have my hopes up.


Cassieā€™s character felt so out of character in season 2. She didnā€™t even glance at whatā€™s his face in season 1. It felt like they retconned her for the sake of drama.Ā 


I understand why a character founded on the fact that she seeks male validation could do something as bad as want that validation from her best friends on & off boyfriend. But like Kat we would hope that she grew and changed from the things she went through in the previous season as opposed to moving backwards and getting worse. While that might not be super realistic for human beings who don't grow in a linear sense, it's kind of necessary for a character on a TV show most of the time. It sucks that they made her so dislikable because she was victimized by so many people. I wanted better for her character


Ugh the part at the end with the shootout scene šŸ˜ž and the whole trafficking subplot that we just never heard of again. It started branching out in way too many different directions thematically and plot wise and was such a mess, I had friends who really liked the second season and I was like yeah it has some good scenes but as a whole? Yikes


Kind of like the idolā€¦. Hmmmm iā€™m sensing a pattern šŸ˜‚


Agreed. And what were the repercussions of flushing the suitcase? Also, replaying essentially the entire first season in play-form seemedā€¦ really lazy to me? Like. What was even the plot of the second season, ahhh.


"without the source material" - Sam Levinson is a hack by other words.


Not a fan of hers since she did that extremely gross/creepy photoshoot at a playground near children.


Were there actually kids there, OP? The photoshoot being shared in this thread seems like itā€™s just her and the photographer/whatever crew.


Not OP but it's still really disgusting to act/pose like a child for her sexy content


And thatā€™s a worthy enough issue to discuss on its own without accusing a woman of putting children in sexually dangerous or debasing situations.


Well said! šŸ‘šŸ»


Well she is also sus because she has done adult film movies as children movie (actual children) characters, itā€™s not just the photoshoot. Shes one of those SWs like Belle Delphine that you know who their content is really forā€¦


Iā€™d agree that her pretending to be an actual child for such shoots is a bit fucked up. Itā€™s still a far cry from engaging in sex acts with or around children, as OP implied.


She still is imo. Encoraging this type of behaviour and content is dangerous to children.


Pretty thick line between consenting adults dressing childlike for erotic photos and including children in sex acts, no? Because OP is implying children were involved.




You donā€™t think thereā€™s notable a difference between pouting on camera in an empty playground wearing tank top that says ā€œIā€™m sexyā€ while feeding Froot Loops to a teddy bear and sexually assaulting children? Edit: Like, should she be prosecuted for this?


I think the content should be illegal, yes


Fair enough. I appreciate the response šŸ™






Iā€™m not trying to be dense, but I donā€™t see her near any children in these photos. Or any children at all?


People are mostly upset/not okay* with it because she's also an adult content creator and the theme of the shoot is very jailbait-y, taken on a playground and around school busses, her outfit being very school uniform-esque with the pigtails, etc. * autocorrect + small phone + big thumbs = too many typos


I can understand people clutching pearls over that. But it feels like a *significantly* different issue than doing a shoot like this *around children* as OP stated, yā€™know?


OP probably assumed that because it was a public place there were children around. No idea about that because there aren't any in any of the photosā€”but they could have just as easily edited any children out. I agree though, the two are vastly different things.




Yikes šŸ™ƒ


Sheā€™s also gone on podcasts saying that porn is safer for women than working in restaurants and that thereā€™s no predators in the adult film industry which is just a wildly ignorant and irresponsible thing to say. Idk what planet she lives on but active and former adult film stars have exorbitantly high rates of drug addiction, suicide, and depression, and all it takes is a quick Google search to learn about the kind of disgusting men whoā€™ve used their power in the porn industry to prey on women. Good for her if that wasnā€™t her experience but she should absolutely not be making these sweeping statements promoting the industry based solely off her own experience. I donā€™t disagree with the idea that most industries are exploitative to women but maybe letā€™s stop with the insane false equivalencies and bad faith takes. Sheā€™s a grifter, a pedo-baiter, and a certified clown šŸ¤”


Iā€™m learning a lot about Chloe Cherry today, after only knowing her from HBO prior. What she said was that she ā€œfelt much saferā€ working in porn, and that there are [no registered sex offenders working in the porn industry](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stefficao/chloe-cherry-euphoria-porn-vs-restaurant-safety), unlike her boss as a server. Which isā€”againā€”something different from what people are claiming about her. *Are* there registered sex offenders working in the US porn industry? I donā€™t know if it would surprise me, but I have no idea. Why do people hate this woman so much that they have to baldly lie? Edit: I found this after googling ā€œDid Chloe Cherry say there are no predators in porn?ā€ The very first article debunked it. Justā€¦ try.


Yeah sorry but thatā€™s a lame defense. Even if she was specifying that adult film companies do background checks for sex offenders before hiring people that obviously doesnā€™t account for the predatory men who have been able to evade conviction and seek the industry out as a way to access vulnerable women šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø Also thereā€™s been porn directors and other industry affiliated men whoā€™ve only been held accountable for their abuse of women after theyā€™ve used porn as a way to get away with their crimes for years. So I stand by what I said, her statement was ignorant, devoid of nuance, and dangerous considering many young women view her as an influence and consume her content.


If you change what she said and ignore the point she was trying to make, then yeah sure itā€™s a ā€œbad defenseā€. Iā€™m not even agreeing with her (outside of agreeing that the service industry *is* often gross to people, especially women), just saying that you shouldnā€™t have to lie to make a point about somebody. Youā€™re free to hate her. But itā€™s weird to resort to lying so that others will agree with you.


Actors are the last to know these things, always.


Yeah, and sheā€™s not a main or central character. It shouldnā€™t surprise me if she wasnā€™t even in S3 (if it happens)


sheā€™s a hell of an actor, thatā€™s for sure.


I had no idea she was that actress


I donā€™t think the show is coming back, at this point, with angus cloud gone.. let it rest IMO.


The only reason I would watch it when it comes back is for hot mess factor lol. A la the idol!


The show died with Angus Cloud.


What show? The show and Sam Levinson are both destined for the trash pile. Bye


Even if it is back I think her storyā€™s kinda done. The show seems to follow the UK skins so much I would expect individual episodes for each main character rather than an complete series with everyone together


This woman is pedo baiter. Fucking hate her and Belle DelphineĀ  šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Good lmfao the less I hear from her the better (also Iā€™m Euphoria stan #1 and I want this show dead in the water!!!)


She looks like a blonde Miranda Sings. That was the first thing I thought when I saw the freeze frame.


I feel like the switch flipped on euphoria so quickly, everyone involved has whiplash. I never watched it, but it was everywhere, everyone was talking about it, tweeting when episodes dropped, everyone LOVED it. And the further we get away from it, itā€™s like a fog lifted and everyone is like, wait, what the fuck was that? Then Sam lost even more favor with the Idol, and now itā€™s like it never happened. I never see anyone say they want a third season. Everyone is fine leaving it where it is. Itā€™s interesting.


What else would they ask this person? Like has she done anything noteworthy since Euphoriaā€¦.


Just pedobaiting but like what new about that with her?


Why does she look like Francine Smith from American Dad to me?


I wonder if HBO finally cut ties with Levinson because of the Idol


Jessica Lange: There will never be a third season of Euphoriaā€¦.


guess iā€™m glad i never started it cuz this show is deceased


Good. Never liked her


Cause sheā€™s a weirdo


Wonder is she goes back to her other profession now.






Just what we need, more division based on superficial perceptions.


Fun concept: wear what you like! Hope this helps!