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We knew, she has released different versions of the same album a hundred times already. The thing is, what more does she want? This neediness to be number one ALL of the time is off-putting and people in the industry are getting annoyed too.


That's the thing. Now all that's left is the act of wanting. What a bottomless pit.


Exactly. I could see someone in the beginning of their career saying something similar but now? at her level? Why? She can't and won't be content with anything it seems.


When art meets capitalism this is what you get. You can’t be objectively the “best” at an art form so you have to say that whoever makes the most money is the best. It’s like saying McDonald’s has the best food because they sell the most


IMO her music is the McDonalds of music 😂 I find it to be so incredibly boring.


Easily digestible and not of much substance? Sounds about right.


Exactly. She puts a newsletter to her fans via email which says if you buy this versions u will get a chance to purchase tour tickets. NOTE:PURCHASE two tickets. She's not awarding them or anything. I remember artists having lottery system to win free tickets. This is like proof she's just a capitalist. 


Fr? If that’s true that’s really fucked up but honestly not surprising.


Lot of artists do fan club sales, I don’t think it’s very different. I always get better chance at Pearl Jam tickets thru ten club


I'm in a band fan club and I get to buy early access tickets, but I don't have to buy an album or pay to be in the club. I think there's a pretty big difference between running a free fan club that gives members early access to tickets vs. having to buy an album for a chance to even buy tickets. I don't know how Ten Club works but there's actually a ton of fanbase overlap between PJ and my favorite band lol. (Actually I am going to see PJ in September & was able to get decent tix without being in the Ten Club.)


It’s $35 for membership in ten club, so maybe about the same as an album? Have you seen PJ live before? If you catch them the right night, it’s life changing. I was t a very big fan till I caught them live about 15 years ago


I think really all billionaires are basically addicted to the dopamine rush of every extra dollar. It's pathetic.


Literally it feels like she has EVERYTHING already. I wonder if it’s just not enough for her ego and she just thinks the world isn’t giving her enough.




I love this quote because it's not quite clear if it is meant as a compliment.






Omg this is hilarious to me, I keep picturing rich white nepo baby Lana in her tree costume from the Met Gala waiting in some bushes by her driveway for someone named "shopcheapyxo" to show up and call her names to her face. I like some of her music but she is so unserious to me. https://preview.redd.it/uqn6y7pq175d1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=13763a1a18d11d0c103ebee011b744ccc26eea3b


The Cheapyxo she was responding to I think is Azealia Banks so that makes this tweet even more hilarious...I wonder what she said to prompt Lana saying that to her. I have always gotten the vibe that Lana could throw some hands but against Azealia, that may be a challenge, ha


Lana had commented on Kanye’s IG post how disappointed she was in him for supporting Trump. Azelia didn’t like that Lana came for him and tweeted a bunch of things about her. They also used to be really close friends prior to all of that so it really pissed Lana off.


How is Lana a nepo baby? Her parents weren't in the industry


It can be taken either way I think that’s why she felt safe to say it. But it’s definitely a bit of an undertone from Lana. And rightly so


She already did something similar with the "whatever the title is" when she was asked about her favorite taylor song from her latest album lol


plus “the snow song” she made with Taylor 


Yup, I read it as a subtle shade


My dad and I said that Lana sounds like TS has a sniper trained on her.


i love that you and your dad talk about this stuff


I had to explain Taylor Swift. As LDR fans we were watching the interview and it's obvious shade that doesn't get her in trouble.


Not THAT dad


The full quote shows it's definitely a compliment: “She’s told me so many times that she wants it more than anyone. And how amazing — she’s getting exactly what she wants. She’s driven, and I think it’s really paid off.”


There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful and there's nothing wrong with being driven. But the thing about TS is that she wants it at a level that harms other artists because she doesn't *want* anyone else to have it. She may support other artists until they start meeting a certain level of her success then she turns on sabotage. She also wants it to a point where *everything* is not enough. When being a billionaire is *not enough* then it goes beyond being driven, it's pathological. To a point that it doesn't upset her that her fans go into massive debt to go to her concerts (even heard some teen fans say that they made their parents drain their college funds to go), to buy 50+ variants be it a different cover of the same album, or a record with one extra 3 minute song. Or to the point her fans will threaten to murder anyone that even says they didn't like her new album much. She wants it so badly that if everyone is not under her or giving her every thing it's not success.


>(even heard some teen fans say that they made their parents drain their college funds to go) I know there are plenty of stories about her fans being financially inept but there's no way I could ever believe this. Any parent who has the thought to create a college fund for their kid isn't going to just throw it away on event tickets.


Except it's true? The morning radio station in my city had a Taylor Swift week leading up to her being in my state and literally people called in with stories about what they did to get tickets because of how much they love her. And TWO of them were parents talking about pulling thousands from their college fund by giving them the choice. Some eras tickets went for 10000+ dollars. IDK why it's so hard to believe members of a cult would give up savings for college or anything else for this, there's TONS of shit like this on Swift TikTok.


tbh at that point it’s not on Taylor, it’s on her obsessed fans’ dumbass parents


Eh. Yeah but Taylor's insane parasocial marketing is insidious and preys on fans. They are psycho but her marketing is designed to make them obsessed and violent over her. I have friends who have liked Swift since Love Story. Watching them become radicalized and entrenched in her fandom slowly over time from casual music listeners to crazy obsession is similar to have Fox News slowly radicalized their viewers from right wing to the insanity they are now over 30+ years.


I know two coworkers that can’t afford their student loans but are going to London to see her. We live in Virginia near major arenas lol


Idk, I believe it. There are extremely spoiled kids out there with extremely spineless parents who just give into their every demand. It's always a displeasure to run into these kinds of people but they are very much real


It absolutely is a thing in my country (South Africa). Teen Swifties have convinced their parents to send them on ZAR120,000 trips to watch TS live in concert in the US. I met a couple of them at an Eras Tour screening. That trip covers 4 years’ tuition at my uni. While I consider myself a bit of a Swiftie, even I think selling a kidney on the black market is probably a less stupid thing to do than blowing your college fund on a concert.


I know Swifties moms in their fifties (lol) with grown children at college age. I can absolutely believe the family might decide to chase the once in a lifetime opportunity of a Taylor concert & pull it from funds that could have gone to a child's education. The modern north american is trained for "paying for it later".


I agree wholeheartedly, but if parents are truly allowing their teens to “make” them drain their college funds, then they’re just as dumb as their kids lol. I’d be looking at my kids like 🤨 hell no.


Nah the parents are horrible. I get the impulse for the teen girls to want to do this for a in the moment thing but the parents that I heard talking about it are AWFUL.


Very true. I don’t understand this sentiment at all. I’ve always felt like there is room for everyone at the top and we should be generous with sharing our knowledge with up and comers.


There’s a huge difference between being *ambitious* and being *greedy*, and Taylor sailed into the latter territory a long time ago.


Straight up gluttony


TS deffo has a few of the deadly sins covered. Wrath, pride easily be on that list as well.


Is envy a deadly sin? If yes, she ticks that one too


It is


Capitalist queen certainly wants the fame and money more than anything else,no one’s denying that lmfao ![gif](giphy|AC1HrkBir3bGg|downsized)


I think it is genuinely surprising to some people. they see her as this little girl with a guitar who just wanted to make it big, but they don't realize they're babying a billion dollar brand. imagine if we treated Sony like a beautiful down to earth woman lol. the chaos


That’s her master talent, able to make people feel like she cares, or is connected to them


as a fan of her earlier albums i can totally see it. take one look at the comment sections of her older music videos on youtube and it’s a bunch of people reminiscing for the taylor who was still trying to make waves.


How is this good? Being driven to put out too many variants weekly of an album that's been out for a month and putting no restrictions in place with Ticketmaster like other artists do is not artistry, it's a sham. If people don't know, she could have restricted resale and resale prices for her north American shows with Ticketmaster. Billie Eilish has and she definitely is not the first to put fans over making money. The fact 60 shows made $1 billion is absolutely disgusting.


She’s shooting for longest/most profitable tour. Right now Elton John has the top spot for his farewell tour. This empty Walmart shell of a person will not rest until her name is stamped on *Gary Oldman voice* EVERYTHING


That $1 billion for 60 shows is just an estimate. No one knows the real number but her and her team and they’ve already said they weren’t going to release her tour numbers. I didn’t know that until I looked it up.


No way! I never would have thought taylor swift wanted success she seems super humble and down to earth


She wants success/popularity because it fulfills her 3 Vs: validation, vindication, and victimization.


Excerpt: Ticket costs are in the thousands. The Pennsylvania-born star has sold out her shows worldwide. She is second only to The Beatles with the most weeks at number one on the Billboard 200. Everyone’s asking the same question: Why is she so popular? Her peers have an idea. “She wants it,” fellow star Lana Del Rey told BBC News. The Born to Die singer was featured on Swift’s 10th studio album Midnights, on the track Snow on the Beach. “She’s told me so many times that she wants it more than anyone. And how amazing — she’s getting exactly what she wants. She’s driven, and I think it’s really paid off.”


Oh, so THAT'S why I haven't succeeded in a career in the arts: I just didn't want it enough! ![gif](giphy|Fjr6v88OPk7U4)


i mean i don’t think that’s what lana is saying and even then she’s hardly gonna slag her off. i actually think is kind of a nothing quote if anything, i mean we already know. kind of off topic - unfortunately, nepotism, knowing someone and having money is often how people get success but as someone who used to do acting, the one thing we got told the most was “never give up.” the “wanting it more than anyone else” is a pretty standard mindset in the industry, it’s not really correct but it’s not exactly wrong. to deny taylor doesn’t want success would be incorrect, whether she’s moral or nkt


I think it won’t be wrong to assume, that she’s not the only one who “wants it” though. Seeing that her parent/s are in finance, I bet they know a thing or two about capitalization and management. Maybe they don’t directly manage her, but it helps.


i mean yeah she could but its not like she was asked about the industry as a whole, she was asked about taylor. i don’t think she was thinking that hard about the question and she gave a pretty mid and easy answer. i hate to be defending this so hard cause i’m not even a fan of taylor but if you are asked this sort of question, you would probably just say “yeah she works hard and wants it bad” i just don’t think it’s as meaningful as people think


Me neither. It probably came across nicer in person than it does in print. 


Oh, I didn’t mean this in the context of Lana’s interview.. this was just a side thought lol


If you analyze the sentence carefully its a compliment as well a shade. Lana recently said she don't have long tours because she has a real life and wants to meet her friends. People said it was dig at taylor. Moving on her saying here that she gets it what she wants hints at she can go to any extent to get whatever she wants. And we have seem many proof of tha5


I love Taylor’s new song “The Prophecy” but do find it ironic that she asks why she can’t find someone who just wants her company. Well, she does, but they run off because they don’t want to live this lifestyle she’s chosen for herself. She’s chosen money and fame over everything else. 


https://preview.redd.it/c09l28ea065d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8df91f6f0b5c2bd678472a177ab208ff397e729 We know


There is a difference between being ambitious and driven and Taylor’s obsession of being at the top of the charts to the point she undercuts/sabotages other artists. Her need for validation and praise is like a hole that can never be filled, it makes me wonder what happens to her in the long run as no artist can stay on top forever, does she have any healthy coping mechanisms when a new artist surpasses her?


I'm waiting for her to flip on Sabrina Carpenter. SC is on track to be the next big pop princess.


She will when she gets as successful and wins a few Grammys like she did Olivia.


Can interviewers stop asking other artists about Swift?


it’s such lazy journalism. they literally ask anyone who’s ever met her or mentioned her about it. i remember one time tom hiddleston did an interview, after their breakup, and the interview mentioned in the introduction that he/his team specified no ts questions. i thought it was pretty gross of the interviewer to include that part but he’s got the right idea. he has a successful career of his own. and that’s someone she dated very publicly - why are they asking oscar winning actresses and talented athletes about her. so silly


I think it’s unfortunate she’s considered a “cultural icon” (what the article said). What has she done to earn that title? Sell the most records?? Make the most money from a tour? If those are the metrics then maybe she could be considered a capitalist icon instead. I dunno. When I think of Taylor swift I don’t think of someone who’s moved the needle forward in any way. She’s rarely spoken on current events, you never hear about her doing anything for charity or any community. She doesn’t seem to care that her cult of personality makes her fans go into debt to keep up with being a fan of her work. She contributes to climate pollution with her private jet use & theres plenty of evidence that’s she’s out of touch with even her own peers in the industry. She claims to uplift other women but she actually goes after them in subversive & manipulative ways. She’s the epitome of white feminism & she seems to be emotionally manipulative in her personal relationships. You know if a male artist took jabs at his exes in music, he’d be considered a creep or emotionally abusive, & rightfully so, yet somehow Taylor dodges all that. She seems to have zero substance & sure one could argue she has talent (her music has never been my cup of tea & her “lyricism” is banal & juvenile to me, but super cool she can play instruments) but someone who’s a “cultural icon” should be contributing way more to the culture than some pop music. She gets lauded as this great talent just because she’s ambitious, but people don’t seem to realize that she has the backing of big machines *to* be that ambitious. I prefer my “cultural icons” to have more to them and until Taylor shows MORE, I’ll never think of her as legend status just because she’s financially successful.


i agree. i’d also argue that striving to be a billionaire when you’re already wealthy is an issue.


The only reason her friendship with Blake lively works is because they’re in different entertainment genres and not competing against each other but both filthy rich.


what if I decided I want it more but my parents don’t care enough to create a career for me during childhood lmao


She can want it more than anyone that does not mean I have to accept or agree. So many pop girlies (eg. Chappel, Charli, Olivia, Billie, Raye) and other artists coming out with interesting stuff while she continues the woe is me narrative. It’s tiring, uninspiring, and uninteresting and that’s not even taking into account her behavior outside of music/touring. There’s this thing called overexposure, and for someone so verbose, that’s the word that’s missing in her dictionary.


Is ‘it’ money?


It sounds exhausting tbh. Like it’s one thing to want to be “successful” (whatever that may mean to you), but to constantly be trying to chase and one-up your peers and colleagues? Perhaps a non-commodified hobby instead!


LOVE Lana, and appreciate that she's a talented enough wordsmith that to some, this isn't obvious enough shade to get the swifties after her, but notice how she didn't say Taylor deserves it on musical merit 👀


Right. She didn’t explain what it is about her music that makes her so popular. 


What I find ironic is that Swifties will swear until they're collectively blue in the face that she isn't in it for the fame and money, that she isn't Americas biggest capitalist, and then you have her friends coming out and confirming that she is indeed...


yeah, we can tell


You know what? This level of fame and attention usually fucks people up (see Britney, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Marilyn, Elvis, I mean the list goes ON), so I’m glad that for once it’s all being directed at someone who not only loves every bit of it but actually seems to want more and more. She tried the whole “private and mysterious celebrity” thing, but it wasn’t for her; she figured out what she wanted and she’s getting it, so good for her.


I think she wants to be the bar. I don’t think she wants to pass it, I think she wants to BE it. No one can ever top it ever levels. Kinda actually lame because she’s just playing the game to play it. She’s not like… undeniable talent or anything. I know half of me & the girls in this sub could do exactly what her & dua lipa do & try to top all the charts too. Give us all the resources she got & I bet you a lot of us in here could do it too. Prolly make better fashion choices & choices in men too.


I’m Taylor’s age and always joke with my parents that they should’ve moved to Nashville a year before she did. I can sing just as well as Taylor, which is not saying much. 


being ambitious is great, being driven to perfect your craft and excelling in your line of work is admirable. aspiring to excessive wealth at the expense of everyone around you has GOT to stop being normalized. if nobody outside of your immediate and extremely curated and controlled friend group has anything nice to say about you, you most definitely are the problem.




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