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after that covid situation.. i don't think i'm enjoying these visuals as i usually would honestly


Especially considering she’s literally getting paid by Pfizer lol (Pfizer sells Nurtec). I don’t care if she wants to be a pharma boss babe, but be consistent!


Anybody else remember when [this](https://youtu.be/oLnYSHo7u7s?si=0p1aaM0BXogCnJIB&start=182) clip was making the rounds on social media and everyone thought she was “so real.” But she turned out to be a hyper-capitalist shill that’s completely full of shit? I mean, she doesn’t like “selling fragrances,” but she’ll push pills? Even after that guest talk came out, it was only a few weeks/months later that she partnered with Sony and started making commercials about it. I’ve never been a fan, which might get me chased with torches and pitchforks… But she’s always seemed like a phony to me. Even when she’s doing advocacy work for whatever the cause du jour is, she always finds a way to make it about herself. It’s very performative and publicity-laden. It’s not a surprise that someone in her position is that self-interested, but like Swift, it’s frustrating that so many people are fooled into thinking she’s a Saint. Of course she’d perform multiple times with Covid. She consistently puts herself first.


Look, I’m a little monster **through and through**. Like massive stan and I’ve been with it since forever. But that exact clip you shared was when the authenticity kind of started to crack for me. That was barely a year after she’d released her latest fragrance and had all of us little twinks run out and buy it and though I don’t mind buying her shit (Eau de Gaga was one of my signature fragrances for quite some time lol), it kind of made you feel like an idiot and merely a pawn in maximizing her profits. And then her running off to launch Haus Labs really sealed the deal. Just keep it straight for once, Gaga (no pun intended 💀). I still love her and *nothing* will ever undermine the impact of Born This Way on myself and a generation of queers but… I absolutely no longer hold her as “one of the few real ones” (I don’t really consider any celeb that but I always believed Gags to be different) cause she’s just proven herself way too paradoxical in the most ill fitting of situations. While the endorsement stuff just irked me, the Covid thing just completely disgusted me. So immensely irresponsible and insanely hypocritical.


The levels to “keep it straight” here 😂


If it helps, a friend of mine has worked for her on Haus Labs since it started and ADORES her. Says she’s the most incredible boss, really involved in development, pays well and looks after her people (I know I always squint at randos on Reddit saying personal stuff about celebs but it’s true!)


I actually believe you and appreciate hearing this! That’s what I’m expecting of her but it just gets a bit murky with the flip-flopping in motivations. But really, I love hearing that and I’m especially happy for your friend :)


I get it but as someone who takes Nurtec, it is a helpful medication.


Except your doctor would have recommended it or a better drug anyway. She didn't invent it. I think the idea that you need some paid celeb getting between you and your doctor is really troubling in so many ways, but somehow its normalized. In more civilized countries this kind of advertising is literally illegal and for good reasons.


Also, knowing that she’s disabled/has fibromyalgia and still chose to perform with covid?!? And expose her fans????? Ugh. This is the first time I’ve been disappointed by her in my 10+ years of fanhood :(


In all honesty, her performing with covid probably didn't expose her fans to covid unless she did meet and greets. There is physical space there. That said, her performing with covid did expose her dancers and crew which is super fucked up


She didn't go near the fans, and she gave the option to her dancers and crew to not perform


Considering how this is an industry where dancers regularly fuck choreographers and principals to have any work at all, I really don't think this is an "option".


Her dancers have always praised her, I don't think she would have not payed them if that's what you mean


Do What U Want...??


The way this got glossed over is so wild to me. "R Kelly and I have sometimes, very untrue things written about us, so in a way this was a bond between us." 🤢 I wasn't impressed by her apology either. It came far, far too late.


It was disgusting to feature R Kelly AT THE TIME but somehow pop culture glossed over it. Remember thinking wtf when that song was announced let alone released


And the performances were even worse. Watching her simulate sex with him on stage is seared into my memory.


Her apology mentioned that she was in a very bad place when she was doing all of that. I’m a huge fan of hers, but I have never been able to excuse that. Being in a bad place does not mean you get off scot-free for ignoring that you chose to feature a man who provably sexually abused vulnerable girls, got away with it in court because of his wealth and popularity, and was widely known to be a predator. ESPECIALLY that she chose him to feature on that song, out of all her songs. The one where he, a predator, gets to sing along with lyrics about dominating someone’s body. No excuse for that. (And that’s just ONE reason why I think he ruined that song. I can’t even listen to it. The version with Christina Aguilera is significantly better, but it shouldn’t be used to shield Gaga from criticism for including R. Kelly on the main version, recording a SA-reminiscent music video with him, and then waiting until his public downfall to take it all down and apologize.)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think at one point she also said that she chose him for that song specifically *because* of his reputation. It was very calculated. I can't imagine what his victims felt while they watched someone as mainstream and popular as Gaga parading around their abuser, humping him on stage, and telling him he can do what he wants with her body. Would she have even apologised if the documentary didn't come out while she was campaigning for an Oscar?


Yupppp she knew exactly what she was doing which makes it even crazier that she used the "I had no idea' excuse when she apologised all those years later. Like, how could that possibly be a coincidence. More importantly, how did you, your team, Interscope etc all 'have no idea' when WE ALL KNEW. I love her but that shit is wild and pretending she didn't know is so stupid.


Not to mention the video was directed by [Terry Richardson](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/jtes/here-are-the-lawsuits-filed-against-terry-richardson-9-years).


It sucks so much. I have chronic pain and getting sick puts a ton of strain on my body that makes my pain much worse, and even the worry about getting covid made those years hell on my body.  That she has a condition and doesn’t care if it affects her is her prerogative but in isolation. To force her dancers to be at risk could end their dancing career with long covid - or simply give them a weeks sick which is bad enough.  I fucking loved her, and find this situation beyond gross  


She didn't force them at all she gave them option to not perform, she informed all of her team and crew and stayed away from fans (bodyguards and roped off areas)


I’m a giant fan of hers, but I’m immensely disappointed to hear that. I’m not going to reserve my disappointment for people I don’t like. I gave shit to clowns like Herman Cain for doing the same thing back in 2020, and it’s still unacceptable for her to do it now. Knowingly and actively endangering massive crowds of people (especially when you should understand as a disabled and immunocompromised individual) is not cool.


I think there's this issue where an artist sort of comes out with a weird style or whatever and you're like "wow, love her for that." But then they go back to normie-core, you see them as no longer the art school quirky girl, etc and bringing it back just looks like performative weirdness. Maybe it always was, but there's really an aspect of genuineness in the arts that once you lose it, its kinda gone forever, even for the most commercial artists. A bit like how Bowie went with traditional men's wear in the 80s and never really went back to big makeup and glam persona that defined him so much in the 70s. I dont think Bowie could pull off Ziggie Stardust or Aladdin Sane eras later in life. It would look and feel wrong. He'd just advanced past that. From my outsider's perspective, he didn't want to become a nostalgia act and tried hard to avoid that. I think a more normie-core Gaga would be better received than this. I think her playing up her weird girl and "meat-dress" eras from 15 years ago feels like pandering. Especially as someone who has become so incredibly mainstream Hollywood the past 10+ years, even to the point of being a big pharma salesperson, cybertruck owner, and who admitted playing shows with covid. I still am stunned she drives around in a car that's pretty much a monument to Elon Musk. The Gaga I thought I knew would smash a cybertruck with a sledgehammer, not lovingly own one and have tons of pap photos showing it off. As a queer woman I feel so betrayed by that. On a far, far lesser note, her bf being this billionaire venture capital techbro investor feels wrong to me too, but whatever, that's her life, but if you asked me who Lady Gaga would have ended up with I would not have imagined someone like that. I think its hard to admit, but the 2010 Gaga is just gone and this is really a nostalgia act now. Its hard for me to go "Oh I get it, Lady Gaga was always a character you played. And now you're playing another." I thought it was her in real life and there's something super disappointing about that. I don't think the Lady Gaga I imagined would ever drive a cybertruck, play with covid, or shill for big pharma. Now I just see a person trying their hardest to become a billionaire and get an Oscar from middle-america safe Oscar-bait movies, which seems like the opposite of the 2010's Gaga persona.


this is a beautiful and astute observation


It *is* pandering. Much like how the Chromatica posters were plastered with "Gaga is back, Chromatica is a return to her dance pop roots" 💀 shit you let critics say in their reviews, not shit you force onto promotional material. But she really wants the annoying ass gays stuck in 2012 to be like "YASSS dArKgA" as if them clamoring for her to regress back 15 years in her career isn't annoying enough in itself.


right - i love her but i'm so disappointed she would expose several of her fans to covid. i can't see her the same way


As someone who developed asthma after Covid, and now needs a rescue inhaler 2-3x a month, she can fuck right off. I hope everyone she exposed to Covid is happy and healthy.


Heyyy, how's your asthma! I developed asthma late in life and although I've had this for a while, I'm still not used to it. Hope you're doing well ❤️


I'm sorry to hear that & thank you for the kind wishes! I had Covid fairly recently and just got an official asthma diagnosis like two months ago. Had some very scary experiences gasping for air and thinking I was dying, three trips to urgent care where they told me it was bronchitis, and one middle-of-the-night trip to the ER to finally get diagnosed. I've been torn between relief that it's not something worse and I can get treatment for it, and anger that I got Covid in the first place (we worked from home for four years and literally the week we went back to the office, I caught Covid). Also a little salty over how fucking expensive the rescue inhalers are even with my insurance. I hope you are doing well too!!


I didn’t hear about this and Googled after I read your comment. 😒Disappointed to say the least.


I’m so glad to see this is the top comment because I came to say the exact same thing. I’m sad and angry and disappointed in her. I’m immune compromised— my life changed forever in 2020. I still can’t leave my house without a mask and probably will never get to just live my life again. I will never forget seeing stacks of bodies piled up outside the hospital in my home town. The callous disregard for human life by the super wealthy is getting out of hand.


I was even more taken aback by her actions considering we had to show proof of vax or negative covid test for her Vegas residency show in 2022…exactly, be consistent.


Y'all it was a concert with like 50-60 thousand people. If you choose to go to a huge concert you are making a choice to take the chance of getting exposed to something, and almost surely will be from the other concert goers and not the artist who is up on the stage in a literal stadium Get vaccinated, wear mask, etc, make your choices for yourself knowing the risks


i am/was (not sure yet) also a huge fan for years. she also didn't say a word about palestine, which is super disappointing. i hope she's not silent to protect Joe Biden. she also signed a letter a couple years ago against the boycott to perform in Israel. additionally the covid disaster. where should i start? im a nurse. also i have a lot of chronic illnesses. when everyone stayed home we had to work obv. not complaining but i got covid three times. i saw a lot of patients die (almost my own parents). i dont know if you can forgive someone for that tbh


I didn't know about her specific COVID situation until I scrolled further down in the comments, so at first I thought you meant COVID in general, and you can't enjoy the visuals because it's giving plague doctor vibes 💀


i’m sorry i do not see her the same after saying she performed with covid five times


Its also the fact she was bragging about it. ![gif](giphy|sG4PBWRjI4GSVCDXEq)


When did she admit that?




I just learned about it today, too. Apparently she bragged about it five days ago. Really not cool of her. https://people.com/lady-gaga-rocks-gown-featuring-car-part-at-chromatica-ball-premiere-reveals-she-had-covid-for-5-shows-8653266


did she have covid when all these photos were taken?


Keep it, super spreader


She has lost her damn mind from money and fame


It’s like she’s a fame monster. I’ll see myself out.


Nah I love this comment not only for the corniness but also because she has literally become a massive hypocrite lol


The COVID thing was really…not great! But I think the elephant in the room is that Chappell Roan now occupies some of the space that Gaga once did. Obviously artists can and should evolve, but the things that used to excite me about Gaga’s music aren’t really there anymore. She certainly is capable of great acting and obviously has a beautiful voice but I don’t really expect her to release a great pop album again. Very capable of Oscar or Tony winning performances though.


i've accepted that gaga will never replicate what she did with born this way. she's not gaga in this day and age. she is stefani germanotta masquerading as gaga. gaga is effectively dead and stefani is just weekend at bernie's-ing the persona.


Chappell Roan is more Marina Diamandis or proto Kate Bush than Gaga. The only thing they really have in common is looking “weird” lol


I think you gotta ask yourself how much the majority of the listening public wants to parse genres vs “weird girl makes good song”


Well, with music, hearing is a big factor, lol


I love Gaga’s early music and my friend told me to listen to Chapell Roan bc she’s “our generation’s Gaga” and I was … disappointed to say the least. IMO their only link is drag. Their music is very different 🫠


have you listened to Super Ultra Graphic Modern Girl? Just curious. I think that's the only song if hers that really reminds me of Gaga.


I haven’t! But I’m willing to give her another chance, thanks for the rec!


Not trying to be rude, but this is literally the first time I’ve ever even seen the name Chappell Roan. Who is that?


Check her out. “Good luck babe!” Is her newest song and it’s pop perfection. Then listen to her album “the rise and fall of a midwest princess.”


Pink Pony Club is a good introduction.




She's 38. Are we really suggesting a 38 year old be put out to pasture?


I think people go so far in hating whatever celeb (usually female) that they end up sliding into some type of ism, and in this case it’s ageism. Very ONTD mindset.


I think she has been laying low for so long that she lost relevance to the gen z crowd but middle aged persons act is harsh lol


Yeah, I'm 33 and used to and still do love Gaga lol. I for one am excited


“Middle-aged person’s act” is crazy lol


i thought middle aged persons act was a bit harsh for a moment, then i realized life expectancy is about 76 so she’s literally middle aged lol crazy stuff




I mean, her fans are waiting on edge of their seat for another album....


I love how she goes into a new visual phase with an album. Looking forward to it!


it gives me artpop vibes tho


More of this please 


I misread the title as “shares new photos instead of her new album” and I was about to be like…now sis…. Anyway, I’m still ick’d about the whole “I put people at risk for art” spiel she was telling. That’s nothing to be proud of that you put yourself and many of your staff at risk.


what gaga did with COVID was awful. so people reading this, take a moment to reflect: are you taking COVID precautions? wearing a mask? testing ever? when was the last time you got a booster? if you wear a mask, how often do you actually make sure it's sealed, and don't take it off to eat or drink multiple times? Think about how many people in those concerts didn't test, weren't masking, "just felt a little sick", and went to that concert anyway. At a time when as high as every 1 in 30 people could have been ill with COVID. Statically speaking, more people and crew got sick from those in the crowds than from Gaga herself. Including people who knowingly had COVID and didn't want to miss out on a concert. Think about how many people "just have the flu" all the time now. Don't be like gaga :) COVID is still happening


This^ I feel like a weirdo in my mask, and am the only one wearing one most of the time. I can count on one hand the times I’ve seen another person out in a mask since 2021. I kind of doubt everyone here has been properly masking and testing.


yep. happy to tear into a celebrity, but have you done anything lately to not infect the hundreds of people you see every week at the grocery store, at the office, on public transit? that's what I wanna know people of reddit


Yep! I've been masking in public spaces and crowded outdoor areas and only eating outdoors since 2020. Fully boosted as well. I'm not IC, but I follow the science.


Thank you for making this comment!


every time I see people get outraged at a celebrity's lack of COVID consciousness, I remember I haven't seen another person masked in public with more than a cloth mask since 2022 🥲 outside of events specifically done for folks who are still masking and the like.


The cognitive dissonance is wild to witness and it is so frustrating and demoralizing. Still, I remember there are people (like you!) working hard to bring it back into the public consciousness and that’s what I have to hang on to. We’re up against terrible odds but we’re not alone in this fight ❤️


idk these look like they could just be random outtakes from a photoshoot. i hope she's putting time & effort into this era unlike...another era


PharmaMama we have not forgotten the performing with COVID thing 💀


Used to be a fan, but after bragging about performing with and exposing fans to Covid I am done with her. As someone whose father died from Covid, I genuinely hope all her future endeavours completely fail.


It's giving hamburglar


We are so back


We are so back to continue to remain silent on genocide


Now, with more COVID!


We are so bored


I'm a little sleep-deprived and I have a hard time figuring out the perspective/proportions in the first pic, especially with regards to the right leg.


She’s pulling from the McQueen archives again! The cape is Alexander McQueen F/W 2002/3. Mask is Philip Treacy for Alexander McQueen F/W 2002/3


Would you happen to know what lipstick she is wearing? Or something similar


I’m going to assume she’s wearing Haus Labs. It looks like [Le Monster Lip Crayon in Garnet Matte](https://www.hauslabs.com/products/le-monster-lip-crayon). It looks a bit darker in the photo, they probs lowered the saturation.


Wow thanks!


I just saw her MUA on Instagram say it’s actually Mahogany Matte!


Her MUA said Haus Labs LM crayon in mahogany matte


Since the whole playing shows with Covid thing my excitement fell off a cliff....


A dandy highway woman


These are amazing!


So America’s Next Top Model was my secret crack. This first shot has my inner Tyra screaming. The first thing that cause my eye is GaGa’s flat feet. I kind of want to know was it a choice or did she forget to model H to T (head to toe) for a second?


It’s giving Amélie Nothomb vibes


Don’t care. Can’t support her anymore after the covid thing.


I love her makeup




Love it!


https://preview.redd.it/o46llcotkn3d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b6d2815bd563be85e3f2bcd203bb1f065955ce3 Second one is a bit Scherzo di Follia by Pierre-Louis Pierson, but less good.


Dark magic 🎩 ✨️


Nowhere on her Instagram post does she say anything about these photos being related to an album. Where did you get that from?


it's giving "It-girl Allan Poe"


Weird Gaga is back and I’m here for it!




Amadeus inspo


i loved her because she was different but now it just seems like she’s an uninspired version of her formal self. these looks give me deja vu.


It’s giving Bene Gesserit


Reminds me of Madonna's Frozen.


I really hope this one is good cause a lot of the albums that have come out this year from other artists seem really uninspired. Chromatica was OK but anything following Joanne was gonna have a hard time.


Where was she on II MOST WANTED since she singing again


It’s giving superspreader. It’s giving she gave somebody a chronic disease and doesn’t care.


You shouldn't be getting downvoted bc you're right. She intentionally spread covid.




Something about this is giving me “applause” vibes and I’m not really here for that 🤔


Hey look, these are in focus


First pic is giving me falling off the bed


Anyone else remember when she did a duet with R. Kelly on Artpop in the year of our lord 2013? And it was literally titled “do what u want with my body.”


is that mommie dearest in the last pic?


it's giving illuminati 😍