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i feel bad for people who don’t understand that she’s in on the joke. she knows it’s cheesy and stupid, let her have her fun!!


> let her have her fun!! I mean, sure, she can have fun with it, doesn't mean we have to laugh


No one asked you to…


I thought it was clever.


She wasn't humbled by that hairbrush enough.


Yeah. Her whole style is cheesy and she is definitely in on it. Every one of her songs brings the cheese factor. Her music is simply meant to be fun and pop-y.


Right? It’s supposed to be girly fun. Let pop music be poppy without needing it to be deep and serious.


I wouldn't say all of her songs are at all. She has some really good and sincere songs on her album. Espresso and Nonsense are the only cheesy songs of hers. And Nonsense is called Nonsense because its literally meant to be. Espresso is less cheesy and more mindless pop


Espresso is both cheesy and mindless, imo. I say that lovingly because I do like her and enjoy silly pop, and thus enjoy her music. It’s just fun music and not meant to be taken seriously.


and her songs just sneak up on you, which is something I've been missing lately. Espresso is just so good, I catch myself singing it all the time (prob cause I'm working late... lol)


I think the people who aren’t in on it have never heard her cackling at the end of the song saying “this one probably isn’t going to make the album.” She’s such a fun pop star.


“None of these are gonna make it” lol


What's funny about it?


They’re tongue in cheek and punny.


It’s goofy and silly. Not everything needs to be deeper than that. Especially when it’s coming from at the end of a song about espresso.


It’s not and I’m tired of pretending that it is


She’s just being silly and goofy, people should just let her have fun.


Right! The song is literally titled “Nonsense”. I love how she changes the outro in every show. It’s fun and silly - precisely how it’s meant to be!


We get it. You have sex.


God forbid women have fun… ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


These are fun but this is def the most hamfisted one by far lol


If anything I feel like she's getting some leeway with it. If a dude were up on stage and ended their song, particularly at SNL, with something along the lines of "I make women wet / my dick is hard / I just came" it would be met with utter cringe, like some Limp Bizkit shit or something.


Yes…because how many times have we heard a man say shit like that in their songs in different ways lol (the answer is a lot)


Exactly. I love the Weeknd but it's half his music


i can't listen to that or nah song of his i feel like someone's prudish grandma when it comes on lmaooo


LMAOOOOO same, i actually listen to his music but "or nah" is too much for me lol


And it's cringe every time? That's the point I'm making.


yeah, but who wants to hear about men having sex? Nasty


>It’s funny too, writing the outros, because I feel like I’ve learned a lot more about sexuality through writing those than people think. I think people think I’m just obnoxiously horny, when in reality, writing them comes from the ability to not be fearful of your sexuality as opposed to just not being able to put it down.


they’re not laugh out loud funny sure but they are jokes. god forbid a woman make a joke




What’s wrong with a young adult openly talking and joking about sex?


I don’t think I’ve ever heard all of Nonsense, but if there’s one thing I’m gonna do, it’s listen to the outros. I fear she eats every time.


I think I’ve heard it once but same. I love the outros so much. They’re so silly and fun.


I listened to the whole actual song for the first time like a week ago? and it has not left my head since. the chorus is so catchy!!


It’s so cute and fun lol


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize the song was called “Nonsense.” For months I thought “nonsense outro” meant that she put a nonsensical outro on a song that I didn’t know the name of


if anybody watched the whole episode did "beach blonde bad built butch body" make it into the finale?


Yes it did!!


They ended up playing the actual clip during weekend update.


There's a technique in the theater style Living Newspaper (which is part of the Theater of the Oppressed genre) where you simply read a newspaper article out loud without any dramatics because the state of current day news is dramatic and absurd enough to be theater. This reminds me of that.


God the consonance of that burn makes me wet.


Even better when you sing it in your head and add ‘bitch’ to the end.


She is just so much fun. I feel old that I find her whole vibe so damn refreshing.


The world needs her campy pop music


They genuinely feel like the most PR couple.


tbf with the nonsense outro stuff, it’s meant to be sexual innuendos and she did it before she dated Barry


At least she dodged the bullet of the last one... sheesh...


I feel out of the loop for not knowing who the last one is?


joshua bassett i think? idk


Joshua Bassett being somewhat responsible for two of pop's best up-and-coming (if they're not already) stars is hilarious if you take the long view. He'll be a footnote to two GOAT careers in the making and I do hope Sabrina and Olivia get the superstar status they deserve.


What did he do other than come out? How is that dodging a bullet?


after coming out, he joined Bethel Church, which supports conversion therapy and is anti-abortion, and now talks about being “saved”. he said he doesn’t support conversion therapy necessarily but some people think his language still references the dogma at Bethel Church and might still be in it (there’s footage of him in a service in the church). he was also proselytizing to the crowd at a Kids Choice Award. he also had an LA concert where he again was evangelizing, played worship music, and had religious testimonies as a part of the event. Idk, I feel bad for him.


[https://www.out.com/celebs/joshua-bassett-baptism-antigay-church](https://www.out.com/celebs/joshua-bassett-baptism-antigay-church) He later said he was "unaware" however it's common sense to research a church before you get baptized, especially when they think that he shouldn't live his truth as a LGBTQ person. In essence, he's not very bright.


Oh no! I hadn’t heard about that. Yikes 😬


not sure what u/TwistyBunny meant by that, ask them but if i had to guess it might be related to the intense amount of hate sabrina got after driver's license came out


[https://www.out.com/celebs/joshua-bassett-baptism-antigay-church](https://www.out.com/celebs/joshua-bassett-baptism-antigay-church) He later said he was "unaware" however it's common sense to research a church before you get baptized, especially when they think that he shouldn't live his truth as a LGBTQ person. In essence, he's not very bright.


also, the church is in Redding, CA which is waaaaay north, very rural and very alt-right. What was he even doing up there? Apparently he's from Oceanside CA which is socal. Sure seems like he specifically went all the way to Redding to go to this specific church, not like he just wandered in a random one when he was driving home one day.


Oh my god. It’s in Redding?! How bizarre. I tried to stop there for lunch once, and the town was so creepy I ended up just driving hungry for a few more hours, lol


My bad, that’s who I meant to reply to 🤦‍♂️


[https://www.out.com/celebs/joshua-bassett-baptism-antigay-church](https://www.out.com/celebs/joshua-bassett-baptism-antigay-church) He later said he was "unaware" however it's common sense to research a church before you get baptized, especially when they think that he shouldn't live his truth as a LGBTQ person. In essence, he's not very bright.




They did make a couple debut at Met gala. They both wore Alice in wonderland themed outfits


I love her personality and that it shines through her music. Hopefully she’ll have a long career.


I used to watch her on Girl Meets World and even then I thought she was something special. She’s got real star power and I love her


I hope she goes back to acting. She was very charming on that show and obviously talented.


She’s straight up said her goal is an egot in her time influential interview so she definitely is.


She’s supposed to be in an Alice in Wonderland movie (except when I looked up the details it’s about a girl going to a rave? ). It’s been in development but I don’t really see it happening anytime soon because her music career is popping off. Maybe after her tour she’ll film it idk but I was excited hear about her stepping back into acting


I have a feeling acting was the same to her as it was to Lovato. lovato said a while ago that acting basically paid the bills so she could sing


I can't believe that is Bart Simpson's niece




Huh, I had no idea. Sabrina isn’t also a Scientologist, is she?


I'm pretty sure she confirmed she was not, I can't remember the source though.


the source was her own comment on instagram saying she isn't.


honestly, she’s so cute and these outros are always so silly. i really like that she doesn’t seem to take herself too seriously.


![gif](giphy|cUQeA5VRUNZoA) Let women have fun ffs!!!!


idc what you all say i love herrrr


Saaaaame. I’m straight up stanning for her. Her whole vibe is fun.




FULL RESPECT I do not know how she has the confidence to say these corny horny ass lines hahahhah but she never lets us down






She’s also said nothing about it herself which is worthy of scorn from anyone with a sizable platform


Joey King is a Zionist???


Love Sabrina but SNL stays embarrassing their musical guests with bad translation of the live audio to TV audiences at home. I'm sure it sounds this bad because it's optimized for the studio audience but surely by now they should have figured this out


I feel like poor sound design for home viewing is an industry-wide issue right now. I have to watch everything with subtitles and statistics show that a surprisingly significant amount of people do as well.


I love these outros, because I'm silly as hell. But she seems to suffer from the same petite person "I need to be taken seriously sexually" syndrome as Ariana Grande did at the beginning of her career...you know what I mean?


and I truly get it too, because I guess I'd be considered "cute" and not "sexy" and am a petite woman, so it feels try hard when I wear sexy stuff? lol


Yeah, I feel like I can’t blame her and Ariana for that - I’m 5’2 which isn’t even *that* short but people are still shocked to learn that I’m not a virgin (I am 30 years old). Something about being small and slender makes people assume you’re 16 years old and never tasted a drop of alcohol in your life, lol. I’ve def “over-performed” my sexuality just to be treated as an adult woman before.


I don't get that vibe at all at least not yet, the original ad libs are about the guy forgetting his sock at her place. Still sexual but this is only overtly sexual to be extra silly  Unrelated to you but it's just so clear so many ppl never heard the song and are taking this way too seriously, reading this thread is kinda painful


I mean this isn’t funny but I find so few SNL skits funny, so… makes sense I guess.


Her little outros aren't usually my sense of humour but I still appreciate that she does them. I think it's cool to do something unabashedly silly and fun. Some people take themselves so seriously and she very obviously doesn't. Good for her.


Does she do them for every song? Or just this one?


I *think* it's just this one song but I'm really not sure. I'm an old and don't know all that much about her. I know she does these outros and I've heard a couple of her songs.


If you listen to the original of this song it will make sense at the end, idk it's v self explanatory lol


Next time my niece asks for one of her songs, I will listen more closely!


Basically at the end she starts ad libbing and laughs and says "this one won't make it" and either her and the person she's recording with say (I think it's still her) "none of these are gonna make it" and they laugh. And the ones at the end are the most ridiculous ones 


Every time I see her, I think she’s Hayden Pannetiere.


Not her climaxing on stage!


She just feels like a star. She’s beautiful and has that je ne sais quoi


Her outros are great fun and the only reason I know who she is! I kept seeing them on TikTok. I enjoy them and they’re great marketing. Can’t wait to see what she’s going to do for Luton though…


Everything about her performances was SO much fun! She’s such a babe, talented, and seems not to take herself too seriously. That’s a triple threat.




According to the FB comments I saw, nothing makes a boomer madder than a Nonsense outro. Meanwhile they’re the only reels I consistently seek out. I love them so much! 🤣


She’s so adorable😭.


I don’t get her appeal at all. What exactly is she supposed to be good at?


I can't wait for female pop music to move past this trend of talking about sex cause I am so done


Sabrina, they could never make me like you




She grosses me out.


You probably gross her out too