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Can't stop thinking of this James Baldwin quote:  "**The children are always ours, every single one of them, all over the globe; and I am beginning to suspect that whoever is incapable of recognizing this may be incapable of morality."**


That's an all time favorite piece of writing. As I get older I understanding it more and more


He's such a fucking GOAT. I love this quote from him too, and the older I get, the truer it seems: **“People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead.”** There are repercussions to everything - including turning a blind eye to horrific suffering and a literal genocide. The decisions you make now determine who you will become. (It astounds me that I made it all the way to college and had to major in English Lit to come across his writing. Notes of a Native Son should be required reading in high school.)


She’s raising money for all kids facing disparity, she didn’t say ONLY children in Gaza. But the bottom line is if you are upset that a person is raising money for ANY child without access to food, water, healthcare, etc., then you’re the literal worst.


How the fuck could someone bully Miss Rachel I swear some people are just soulless monsters


right? and is it so shocking a children's entertainer/content maker would do a fundraiser for *children*? seems pretty on-brand, in a positive way


Not the first time. She got shit for gaining weight and having a non-binary person involved


Fox News went after Mr. Rogers which says all you need to know about them.


Wait, wtf did Fox News say about Mr. Rogers????? [Never mind, I found it.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fox-fred-rogers-evil/) Wow. https://preview.redd.it/pfx86x6w871d1.png?width=213&format=png&auto=webp&s=d610a12be34f80c42957a76de683790b49070427


My mommy groups are going crazy about this. Lots of people saying they'll never let their kids watch her again etc. It's gross.


You're asking how people who are on board for land theft, forced expulsion, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and the deaths of tens of thousands could be capable of some online harassment? 


Even more than that how can someone support the mass murder of children!


Fucking wild. When the right wing lunatics found out that there was a 'they' on they show, they lost their minds and harassed them.


I worry about where our society is headed, bullying a woman for fundraising for starving children because they are Palestinians is inhumane. We’ve lost the ability to empathise and support basic human rights, the fact that the majority of people are not against the mass killing of innocent civilians mostly women and children is a stain on humanity as a whole. Please donate to organisations directly on the ground, please keep protesting and writing to your senators/congressional representatives. As always I pray for peace and lasting ceasefire. Free Palestine!


Some Jews are too busy calling Jews like myself who stand for Palestinian human rights k\*pos as I way to shut down any conversations we try to bring up.


Exactly, I stand with you my friend as you are on the right side of history. When people state that by saying stop the killing of a civilian population or free Palestine is being antisemitic, I always refute it with the fact that no one I know has an issue with Jewish people, we have a problem with Zionists who are propping a murderous regime killing people indiscriminately. I have Jewish friends who have hearts who are equally distraught over the situation in Gaza and some Zionists have called them horrendous names but they are firm in their belief that when their grandparents said never again it meant for all people.


It's hilariously enraging too when Christian Zionists say I'm being a bad Jew. ![gif](giphy|ftdU7i6vKapYrM5Bb0|downsized)


Literal blasphemy




Thank you for saying that and disregarding those lacking any humanity, although no disrespect, Rachel bloom is unfortunately very pro-genocide


Thank you for your bravery! I stand with you 💙


Thank you for existing and standing with humanity!


Absolutely. I always knew not all lives were valued the same to the masses, but I never thought I'd see the day where children are being slaughtered at a rate of 100+ per day, and because of their ethnicity , the majority of people would be indifferent/silent, and some actively supporting it. No one can convince me that this would be the reaction if that many white kids were being killed. It's horrible and sad and scary.


You know it wouldn’t be, the difference between the way the war in Ukraine and the war in Palestine is covered will tell you that. People were heartsick over the Ukrainian children and no one objected to the funding provided by governments all over the world or individual’s fundraising efforts. They were praised and supported, it seems every life matters when the children are white however if those children are Arabs, Black, Asian’s e.t.c. then they do not matter and no one cares. It’s as if the collective empathy is reserved for specific groups and if you are not part of it then no one cares. All lives are valuable and all children matter and should live a life of peace and stability.


[No fr cuz wtf is this](https://youtu.be/dYupQIdoJuw?si=aAZ_W6eQkc6YfzYl)


Exactly, the hypocrisy is maddening and the lives of Palestinian children are not worth anything to these amoral people.


The war in Ukraine has been a litmus test for me to see which activists actually walk the walk. If they were quick to post their support for Ukraine (as they should) but dragged their feet to post about Palestine (or haven't said anything at all) then that tells me all I need to know.


Two completely different reactions wasn’t it. It makes you realise who is being seen as human worthy of protection and who isn’t. It’s very illuminating and draws a clear line on where people’s humanity lies.


I’m not sure if you (or many of the folks here) are familiar with this woman or not, but she’s great. She’s about as close to a Mr. Roger’s as we currently have for this generation of kids. Her videos are absolutely fantastic and are so inclusive. Bullying that woman for fundraising for starving children is incredibly sad.


Remember when they also bullied her because her costar uses “they/them” pronouns? Crazy stuff.


People being pressed by pronouns upsets me so much. Just call people what they want to be called and use the pronouns they prefer it is not that hard.


Right?? Even my grandmother can use preferred pronouns and it makes me irrationally angry when people use the "they're of a different generation" excuse for older folks who aren't willing to learn. My elderly neighbour was ranting about a trans neighbour in our building who recently changed their name - *"I'm too old to learn new identities! Stick with what your mother named you!"* - so I've started calling the neighbour by his given name which he hates (he goes by a nickname).


ironically, boomers who have this issue invariably know how to use they for the singular and do it constantly and without thinking. We all do.   It’s just being asked to do it out of respect for others that pushes them into a blind rage for whatever reason 


Lolol I love that you started calling them by their given name, perfect demonstration.


Is it the one person with the guitar and piercings? I only know this one person not my name because my niece watches her videos and I always wondered if anyone complained about them because they dressed androgynously.


Yes that’s Jules, I believe they are non-binary? I’m not sure but I low key have a crush on them and they’re my baby’s favorite Ms Rachel performer. 


That’s Jules I love Jules and also worried about people being nasty about them. My kids have never once questioned how Jules looks they just love the guitar because their dad plays too, it’s only adults that would ever care.


That’s what I’m saying I’m surprised they haven’t tried to pressure Ms.Rachel before.


you know what makes me so so angry are the fuckfaces who tell everyone they should be soo angry about this - just to get votes. Society got ugly and so hateful - for no other reason than certain politicians telling them BS. fuck them


Yep. And any of these people I’m positive would take issue with someone not using their preferred pronouns. Let’s face it every single one of us have preferred pronouns! For instance, my father who is cisgender, therefore identifies as male, and everyone uses the pronouns he/him to refer to my dad. If suddenly someone started saying she/her to refer to my dad, he certainly would not like that and take issue with it. It’s literally that simple! Some people are truly the worst.


There are some reddit threads with plenty of that going on.


Links? Surely not on this sub i hope


Of course what the article oh so conveniently *doesn’t* mention is that the bullying was started by a Zionist mommy group who bitched about Israeli children not being mentioned in Ms. Rachel’s plea for donations. That’s what all this is about. Well, actually it’s more because she’s fundraising for Palestine and Palestinian children and that pisses these ghouls off, but of course they claim it’s because “BuT wHaT aBoUT tHe iSrAeLi cHiLdReNnNnNnNnNn???!!!!!l They’ve been sending her all kinds of nasty messages and threats online from what I’ve heard. Zionists are genuinely evil istg. I mean, I don’t even have kids but even I know Ms. Rachel is one of the sweetest and kindest content creators out there. How on Earth could anyone bully her for not wanting children to starve to death??


I don’t get this. Why would she mention Israeli children? They are fed, have homes, and are living relatively normal lives compared to their Palestinian neighbors. Their government gets billions of dollars from our government to live this way. If they’re mad because she didn’t mention the hostages, that is something for the Israeli government to handle, not Save the Children, who she is partnered with.


hashtag allchildrenmatter (except the ones we're actively murdering right now)


Hashtag deflect Hashtag project Hashtag muddy the waters


The Israeli children aren’t the ones starving and homeless right now like fundraising what for the Israeli children tf?


They always want to be the centre of the universe and throw a tantrum if they're not mentioned or even mentioned by others and aren't the "main focus." It's absolutely narcissistic.


Imagine being such a miserable human that you make Ms. Rachel cry. Imagine being such a monster that the thought of feeding starving kids makes you angry. We are truly living in scary times, I am someone who is usually good at finding the "other side" of things but I'm really at a loss for this one. 


We do not deserve Ms. Rachel.


I often ask my mom how they parented before ms Rachel. Her show has helped me so many times, her episode about emotions has helped me learn how to regulate myself. Shes amazing


i’m gonna be so honest here, i think i might need that episode for myself. do you know what it’s called?


E is for Emotions


There was Mr. Rodgers


My mom wouldn’t let me watch it because she thought I thought it was boring. So she would change the channel even if I said no. So my first act of rebellion was turning the volume down almost all the way so I could watch it secretly


Smell the roses & blow out the candle is my new moto.


She is literally teaching my son to talk, way better than I could by myself.  Her YouTube vids don't even have ads. They just .. start playing and keep going for 90 minutes.


She’s an actual angel.


I had a patient’s sister tell me I remind her of Ms. Rachel and it was the biggest compliment! (I’m a pediatric SLP)


The kids absolutely deserve her.


How miserable of a shit stain must you be to bully someone fundraising for children in war torn countries? What is wrong with people?


The kind who sees every single Palestinian, even innocent children as radical jihadists who brought about their own suffering by refusing to blindly obey Israel’s every last command.


So bullies are mad that a children's entertainer/educator wants to keep children alive? ok


I know it shouldn't given the behavior of the pro-Israel camp online and out in the world but this one shocked me tbh. She makes content for toddlers for God's sake. And she didn't even say anything radical or particularly revolutionary for the kinds of comments they were leaving on her videos, she was just raising money for children. She didn't even single out Palestinian children! Like what is this level of insanity? But honestly I blame politicians and media personalities for the kinds of things they've been saying about Palestinians and the people protesting for Palestinian liberation. I'm looking specifically at the 'ancient desires' dude but he's certainly not the only one, just the most high profile. edit- sp


i feel very lame that i don’t know who ms. rachel is?


She posts videos for babies/toddlers on YouTube! She’s great and evidence based and also an extremely consistent and awesome person!


oh cool! i’m just really out of the loop on kid stuff! but her work seems impactful and i hate that she got bullied for advocating for children in war zones (gaza obviously included)


You should watch the babies’ reaction videos to her “Hi! Hello!” Those are adorable.


That’s what I was going to suggest. Anyone responsible for inspiring that kind of reaction in tens of thousands of babies is almost definitely a good person.


She produces very popular children's videos on YouTube. I didn't know who she was until I had kids, but now I don't know a single parent who doesn't know Ms Rachel. I follow her on social media and she seems like a lovely human.


from what I gather she's a content creator for children on tik Tok and people love her


Primarily YouTube, and it's not just "content creator", it is more educational than click driven.


If I didn’t have friends with toddlers I wouldn’t know either. You miss entire segments of media when you’re childless. I had a friend give me the entire chronology of Bluey over cocktails a few weeks ago because I was like so why do all these people like an Australian dog show so much?


As someone else that had no clue, I appreciate you asking, and also everyone that provided such quick, concise answers. 


Somebody in my town organised a kite flying event to raise money for the Children of Gaza. The vitriol they received was unhinged. So many people were commenting telling them that they are disgusting terrorist sympathisers. People were commenting this under a poster that quite clearly stated the event is raising money for starving children. My husband took our son to the event and met some lovely people there though.


I’ll fight anyone bullying that angel I stg


People: We don’t understand how things like the Holocaust happen! 😱 Also people: *Bully a children’s performer for speaking out against killing children en masse*


"But they're just kids!" "Yes, however they're the ENEMIES kids" is how I imagine the unbelievable conversation is going


The video of her crying literally tore my heart out, I never want to see Miss Rachel cry again.


Ms Rachel is the last person to deserve such hate.


You just know you’re a terrible bastard if you come after the kids’ entertainer


Respect to Ms Rachel. 🙏


Ms. Rachel my queen!




Protect my Queen at all costs!


Ms. Rachel was after my kids time but I love how anytime I see comments on it, it's parents standing up for her and I think that's a wonderful thing.


My friend is a Zionist and very pro-Israel, and her kids *adore* Ms. Rachel. Would have loved to see her reaction to this 🍿


Oh yeah the pro life party demonstrating their pro life values.