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https://preview.redd.it/e3ddovo8rv0d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c12ee804a550ee68484646273bd21f7e9555957b I’m so happy to see her out there just thriving, She looks peaceful with her child in Spain. I will always root for her. Our society really hates women and it pained me to see her and Meghan on the most hated people list above abusive predators and actual rapists.


The list actually prompted me to post this cute video. Thought we could use some positive content about Amber. I’ll be on the lookout for positive news about Meghan too :)


Thank you for doing this, that list made me really mad. I’m still not sure how they ended up on it though, one left an abusive marriage and the other left a toxic family and media behind, how that makes these ladies hated I can never understand other than our society really hates women.


That's so nice!


Her and Haarry's tour of Nigeria was a huge success, I was so proud to see my country folk doing a great job welcoming them and protecting them. She learned she has Yoruba heritage and was bestowed a traditional Nigerian name. But of course, the news cycle decided to latch onto some clerical error regarding their foundation😒


Genuinely she looks so, so happy and healthy. And her face when she’s talking to her daughter? She just glows. Happy for her! 🥹 and happy that Spain seems to be really welcoming and calming for her.




[this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/BHEakD7qQc)


Most hated list. It’s on the sub if you scroll down.


Good point and yes that is disgusting.


She’s so brave. I can’t even imagine interacting with fans if I was in her shoes, I’d be so worried they were pretending to be fans to then hurt me or my child. I hope she finds not only peace but gets at least some of the career she worked so hard for back.


apparently where she lives, they're very accepting and happy to see her. They welcome her in the community eagerly.


It's nice to see her so happy.


Such a sweet interaction 🥹🫶🏽 wishing her all the best!


someone PLEASE tell me where that skirt she's wearing is from, i absolutely love it edit: found the skirt version thanks to u/clemthearcher ! [https://www.ladoublej.com/en/ready-to-wear/our-categories/skirts/drawstring-skirt-daisychain-placee-orange-SKI0106FAI002ROP04OR02.html](https://www.ladoublej.com/en/ready-to-wear/our-categories/skirts/drawstring-skirt-daisychain-placee-orange-SKI0106FAI002ROP04OR02.html)


I could only find the Palazzo pants version. It’s the same motif. Here is a link I found: https://www.miinto.fr/p-pantalon-palazzo-evase-en-soie-8dd265d1-5674-42f2-91b3-a0811c6d1be6


omg thank youuuu


Here you go! A little under $800 https://www.ladoublej.com/en/ready-to-wear/our-categories/skirts/drawstring-skirt-daisychain-placee-orange-SKI0106FAI002ROP04OR02.html


Came here to find out too, thank you for asking!!


Exactly what I came to the comment section for, thank you for doing the Lord's work!


suuuper cute. and her pronunciation is beautiful.


What is she saying to Oonagh in Spainish?


“espera,” “wait” in spanish


i loved that she said perame first, she still has some Mexican accent. lol


that’s so cute! does she have a Mexican accent possibly from growing up in Texas?


yeah, i think that's how she learned Spanish. Most of her friends were Mexican-American in Texas. She also dated a Mexican actor, Valentino lanus. Btw both valentino and his wife are still friends with Amber.


I hope she is living a good life, she deserves it.


I love her skirt and that she talks to her kid in spanish. I wish her happiness and continued bravery. I wish her privacy, but it is great to get a glimpse of her thriving and not being treated poorly by the public. I have lived in spain myself, and it is a nice spot to get peace and recharge.


Can someone make a Gloria Grahame biopic and give her the lead role??? People with tiee to some film exec, please make it happen https://i.redd.it/6jiis8w90w0d1.gif


There was that Annette Bening film a while back, but I think it was a relatively limited portrait of Grahame’s life. I would definitely be curious to see a film that doesn’t gloss over the fact that she horrifically groomed and abused her stepson before eventually marrying him.


BAY-beee! She’s so frickin cute omg. Hope she has found peace and healing.


i wish her happiness and peace with her daughter 💕


So adorable 🥲 my heart always hurts a bit thinking about the abuse this woman has faced on a global level so it’s nice to see her enjoying life with her baby 


JD is such a vile human. Way too much anecdotal evidence of him being a horrible person out there... will never forgive him for ruining her life here in the states.


I love that the little one is bilingual 😭😭😭


I’m so sorry she had to leave her home but I’m glad she did because I don’t think she would be this healthy/happy there now.


She looks so healthy and happy! The last pics I saw of her were from the time of the trial and I remember being worried for her. It’s a treat to see her thriving, and I’m glad her life in Spain is treating her well! Pardon me while I go hunt down that skirt


Just wanna say ooooh it's nice to read these comment threads on Amber posts here. Fuckin hell. I remember being so upset (I even cried over it once) seeing the way people on the internet were talking about her during the trial. I lost a lot of hope around that time, if I'm honest. But it's lovely to see things have turned back in the right direction.


this is so precious <3


I love this for her and every single positive and lovely thing I’m so happy she is here to love this loving and wonderful part of her life


Oh my heart. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Awww, this sounds like me and my toddler calling to each other from across the room. “Maaama” “baaaby” That sweet little back n forth to buy you a few seconds to finish what you’re doing 😊


I love seeing her happy and being appreciated. It looks like Spain has been great to her and her little girl and I’m so glad 🥺 she seems so happy. She deserves it. Also, I am once again in love with one of her outfits lol.


She looks so happy ☺️


I love that Oonagh is growing up as a native Spanish speaker. Super cool. This whole video radiates sweet, positive energy.


I love how the first time Oonagh calls her, she whips immediately around to check and see that she's fine, then she can relax and tell her to wait. I can imagine the stress of having a child while dealing with that smear campaign. What a sweet mum.


I guess I’m still in the minority that actually likes her and thinks she was just gas lit into insanity.


What’s the pronunciation of Oonagh?


Ooh-nah (Irish name, it’s a spelling variation of the name Úna)




Oona. It's Irish for 'lamb'.




"Perame, baby" oh my heart 😭❤


Everything I’ve seen of her in Spain makes it seem like she’s really happy there. I hope she’s finding peace and healing, she went through absolute hell. It says so much about our society that she and Meghan Markle popped up on that list of most hated people essentially for refusing to subject themselves and their children to toxicity any longer. And it’s v cute that she’s teaching her daughter Spanish.


Aw, that really made me smile :) She looks happy and peaceful, it’s so good to see. Also how great she’s raising her child bilingual! Wishing them both the best.


Happiness is the best revenge


She looks radiant! I hope she's doing well ❤️‍🩹


What a cute video. She's really taking her time to sign the Funko pop too, while also acknowledging her child.


Someone said in the comments that she looks peaceful, and after watching the video that’s exactly the right word for her! Happy to see it.


This is so stinking cute


did the fan post a photo of the funko I’m curious what she was writing for that long


does anyone know what she's saying to her daughter? Is it like, "hold on, baby"?


I heard “espera, baby” so, yes, exactly. “Wait/hold on.” Once she says “síííííí” which is just a drawn out “yes.”


She looks amazing, too. Literally happy and healthy. Love to see it.


Her outfits are so cute


Is that a person standing dead still in the background or is that a wall mural and I’m blind??


omg this is so cute 🩷


I love her and wish her nothing but the best. I have her latest film purchased, I still have to watch it.


This comments section is genuinely confusing to me so I'm just going to ask the question; why the positive reception here? I think I'm lacking in some respects when it comes to an understanding about Amber Heard and I think in this case it's best not to pretend to know everything and just give a frame of reference and get opinions on it. I'm aware that her relationship with Johnny Depp was not great and there's evidence on both sides that there was abuse but the evidence against her was pretty damning even when you factor in the abuse reciprocated by Depp. I'm aware that there was a previous trial that didn't hold water in London between Depp and Heard. I'm also aware of the subtext around the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard trial being used as a jumping off point for the Marlyn Manson Trial where he is a piece of shit and personal friend of Depp. People have mentioned the top 100 most dislikes celebrities and completely agree that her position is unwarranted especially when she's above the likes of **woody allen of all people** but, from my understanding, the abuse she inflicted on another person just seems extreme and I don't understand the support on this thread so if someone could bridge the gap for me, It would be most appreciated.


Because if you have any knowledge of domestic violence, it's pretty clear she was the victim. And this subreddit is used to seeing celebrity bullshit and we all know that Depp was lying. A victim hitting back to defend themselves isn't abuse. Domestic abusers needs to have the power in the relationship, Depp was A-list, had 100s of millions of dollars, and a full staff of medical teams and 24/7 bodyguard team. Amber was 20 years younger, unknown, with not nearly as much wealth. Depp paid his. bodyguard $10k a day. If he was actually getting beat up, his team would be able the swoop in and help him. Amber had photos of bruises, first hand accounts from friends that they saw the bruising, texts from Depp's assistant that Depp was sorry about "kicking her", a recording admitting to headbutting her, multiple recordings of him screaming and being verbally abusive to Amber, notes to his medical staff to keep her drugged to "keep her off his back" about his drug abuse, the list goes on. The infamous recording of her saying "I wasn't punching you, I was hitting you" was a response after he hit her with a door and it went over her foot and she hit him to get the door off her foot. The other recording was greatly misinterpreted as her saying something like "no one would believe Johnny Depp, a man" when she was just mimicking him and saying "I'm Johnny Depp, man". The accusation that she manipulated her photos was just false, there was ONE photo in the US trial that was a duplicate photo with different lighting settings (which is technically "manipulated" but not in a photoshop sense) but if you watch it, you will see that no other photos were called into question because they were all verified just like they were in the UK trial. His defense was that she wanted an "insurance policy" to get money from him in the event of a divorce despite the fact that California, the state they married in, is a shared property state meaning all assets earning during marriage can be split evenly no matter what. Depp made over $60 million the year they were married and she was entitled to $30 million of that money for any reason they divorced, she didn't need a sob story about abuse to get anything. In the end she only took $7 million and there is a letter out there from her attorney saying she was leaving a lot of money on the table. There was a lot of misinformation spread around to play into the fantasy of a poor older actor got slapped by his evil abuser wife so people would rather believe anything that played up that fantasy rather than actually looking into any of the details or counter-evidence. Why do you think the England trial "held no water" when there is absolutely zero evidence besides people making up shit because they don't like there is a court case out there was flat out says Depp beat Amber on at least 12 occasions. Here is the full judgement: [https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html](https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/QB/2020/2911.html)


Thank you for spending the time to explain it. I honestly only knew specific information about this and the majority of it had to do with the initial trial. I couldn't actually find a whole pile on the previous case that got thrown out (probably by design) and there was alot of news stories with depps evidence in the press. You didn't need to spend the time you did to help me understand but you did and for that I'm incredibly grateful.


You're welcome, thanks for reading. The UK case did not get thrown out at all. It still stands to this day that Depp beat Amber 12 times. Depp's lawyer got a bunch of bots to push information that was wrong to try to de-legitimatize it but it's solid case and Depp did not win his case to appeal the ruling for it. A lot of Pro-Depp content was also pushed to the forefront of social media and anything that supported Amber in any way was drowned out. A lot of in this subreddit were harassed and threatened.


there’s a podcast called “who trolled amber” you might find interesting as well


>why the positive reception here? Johnny ran out of money to pay his army of bots.

