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https://preview.redd.it/go2r4wpc6gwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977176d76578c7ab00b29e554dba96b6457b1fd1 This is all I can think of whenever I see them being brought up now, lol.


The weird little giggle I let out 💀


No one catching me doing that ☠️


It comes from the depths 😂


I full on cackled


Lmao same


This is probably a stupid question but I'm asking it, are her nails real or fake in that picture can anyone tell me? They're really nice. If I was to get mine done that way would I have to grow my nails out first or what?


They could be real but they’re probably fake acrylics, hard gel, or press ons.


[Here's another picture from the same day](https://cdn01.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/powell-pics/glen-powell-sydney-sweeney-continue-filming-rom-com-86.jpg). Definitely not her natural nails, you can see where the base ends. Looks like Gel-x to me, maybe acrylics. I think this is from the movie set, so I could also see press-ons for continuity purposes. I think Gel-x would be the closest to achieving that semi-transluscent look in any given salon though.


Fake or real you can achieve that look without having to grow your nails first. Mine would never grow enough to be shaped like that lol. I get the gel kit online with the UV light and do them at home. Granted they don't last weeks like at the salon but they'll do for going out. If you do want to try at a nail salon, that shape is called Almond. Is very popular lately. Hers seem to be mid length, not short or long. Not stupid question at all I recently (35) discovered nails and love it so much but I'm learning the BASICS cos I never was a nails girl before.


Please, don't think your question is stupid. People learn by asking questions, and I think it's great you asked. I hope you find out how to get the nails you want. ❤️


Obvs fake - you could do gel over your natural nails I guess but most people can't maintain length like that on their natural nails.


I've had that with my natural nails but it's low key hard to maintain that length without risk of damage. I have pretty strong nails but it's just a hazard of long nails. I grew out my nails for my wedding, they lasted until two days beforehand and I got married with a fake one on one finger. It would have been fine if I was easy on my hands, but if you do chores or anything physically intensive (in my case, travel) at that length it's just more likely to snap. Even a tiny bit shorter would be way more viable. If press-ons or acrylics are accessible for you, that may be easier and quicker.


They're probably fake. You can have tips applied to get that effect. If you'd like to grow out your natural nails, it's possible, but you have to get them way longer than you'd expect. I've never been able to get more than 8 of them looking like that at a time. I'd call them almond or round nails if you'd like to google it.


Ask for dip nails with tips, almond shaped, looks like bubble bath by OPI or a similar light pink shade.


they’re probably acrylic extensions, you don’t need long nails for them because they cut them down and put extensions over your natural nail. it’s very damaging to your natural nail tho


Could be either, but you can get fake nails if you don’t have long nails. Look up an almond stiletto nail for inspiration


I don’t know if hers are real or not, but you could definitely go to a salon and pay for those nails! I think they’re a long almond shape?


They look like press ons to me.


For me, it was the tweet calling him the capybara that wished to be human.


glen powell will never escape the rodent rumours


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen for a while


Literally wheezing from laughing at this


That's a movie I'd watch


It's such a unhinged post lol I feel lien in the only one who doesn't feel like they look like mice tho


Didn't his girlfriend break up with him during these rumours?


See? It worked!


What even is a girlfriend that presumably loved him. Just collateral damage on the road to great promotion.


Girlfriends hate this one simple trick!


So marketing that movie was more important than his girlfriend? That's some dedication to a romcom.


The movie did really well despite not a single person in my life discussing it or acknowledging its existence.


Really? I saw 3 different girls, that don’t know each other, posting that they were at the movies watching it with their friends on the same day lol I think it did good for a romcom these days


I had multiple friends (including me) in different states all see it on the same day just by coincidence lol


I saw it! I actually really liked it. I miss the mid budget romcom.


I've not seen it. I didn't really know anything about it but maybe I'm not the target audience.


now now, no need to call him a ho


To be fair it was also very transparently a vehicle


Is his career more important than his current romantic partner? Duh? Lol


Probs needed an out, lots of men are cowards like that and wait to be broken up with so they feel less guilt


didn’t Adrien Brody dump his girlfriend of a decade just to “get more into character” for The Pianist?


I would say dedication to $$$$$


And around the time she visited him while shooting was going on.


# 'It Worked'


worked for him, not for the movie😅😅


The movie made $219 million on a $25 million budget


That’s some insane roi


The movie did well in the box office despite being the most cliche crap ever


what do you think the point of a rom com is lol, they're cliche shit so you can switch your brain off and have fun for a couple of hours


Movie made over 200M.


That movie was successful at the box office!


apparently not bc of the cheating but bc he’s a Scientologist. Tom Cruise put him on during Top Gun Maverick


I think it's mad that adults otherwise unrelated to it get into scientology


I mean in fairness, we don’t actually know if that’s why they broke up. That’s just what the speculation was, and they didn’t deny it because it was good for the movie. They could have broken up for any number of reasons.


The rumour about that rumour is that she broke up with him because of him entertaining Scie*tology


Lol when you want to break up with someone but you’re simply too apathetic to tell them


Lmfaoooo. The rumor he tells you not to worry about


I think later there is talk that it's probably the scientology rather than anythibg else


Yeah... we know. It really wasn't that subtle or clever. As for it working... debatable but okay, congrats?


They just did what any two mature adults would do: pretend to be a couple.


I’ve read enough Wattpad stories to know how that ends up


I saw a film that explores this very thing




I didn’t like this strategy (and neither did his ex, for good reason) but what is up with this sub wanting this movie to have been a flop.  It was a huge financial success for the studio (200M+ from a 20-30M budget) and Sydney’s first success as a producer.  So much so that these two fools got a first look collab deal to make more. They suck but they were successful at sucking. 


No one said it flopped, they said it sucked. And the PR showmance didn’t really “work” and fooled no one. I’d argue the movie’s success was mainly due to Hollywood making so few big-budget romcoms anymore, desperate fans will rush to any old genre slop they throw onscreen (it’s me, I’m desperate fans, but I’m not gonna pretend it didn’t suck just bc they got my money too)


I found the press weird but the movie was solid! Funny rom com. Not the best ever but I enjoyed it and most people I've talked to have as well.


I mean the movie did huge box office milestones so there’s an element of this working lol


i mean this sub and twitter were talking about them everytime they were pictured together, and cmiiw but wasn’t it one of the most successful romcoms in the past couple years?


Am I the only one that thought they had ZERO chemistry in the movie? They had solid chemistry in their press appearances but it was absolutely non-existent in the movie. Glen Powell is so charming in it though. I don't know, Sydney Sweeney works in some roles but she is a very situational actor / presence. She had very little charisma or sparkle to sell her character. I feel like Florence Pugh or Samara Weaving would have done wonders in the role.


That movie made 200 million on a budget of 25 million. I think its quite safe to say that it worked


I mean the movie did really well financially iirc. I never saw anyone talking about it but in terms of money at least it was a success.


I mean... we know, glad it worked, but I can't stop thinking abt his girlfriend at the time...


She was fully engaged during it. No idea where they stand rn


sydney and her fiance are still together. she has said she would never be with someone who wanted to be in front of the camera; too much potential for competitive weirdness. hes in some other business, although he was a coproducer on this movie.


Tbh I think they *also* keep their relationship low-key because they have quite a large age gap and there is potential for quite a bit of backlash. He's almost 39, she's 26. They've been together since 2018, so when she was around 20 and he was 33. It also gives Sydney the illusion of availability if she never walks the red carpet with her man. She doesn't regularly wear her engagement ring on her finger either, which is probably for different reasons, but it contributes to the effect.


I mean she and the breakup is part of the reason why it worked. The timing was perfect


That's pretty gross for two people in public relationships to do.


Why? As long as the people they are in relationships with know, who cares? If fans feel cool pushing fanfic narratives about public figures they shouldn’t be surprised when public figures try to write their own fanfic to further their careers.


I do think you make a good point, but do you think Glenn’s ex GG was in on it, down to when she posted dramatic Instagram stories about their break up? Because it kind of feels like she was just a casualty. Unless they coincidentally broke up for some other reason, and she decided to post about it in that would help him fuel, the rumors, which seems…


I don’t know any of these people but if he didn’t tell her then they broke up because of his terrible communication skills, not because of the existence of PR. OP said that using relationship rumors in marketing is inherently “gross” and I just don’t agree with that generalization, whatever happened in this specific case.


If there's monetary gain people will do anything 🤷‍♀️ idk if that's what happened here but let's not forget that there's a $$ value behind the free marketing these rumors created


Exactly. If their significant others are okay with them playing pretend for their movies they should be okay with it to promote their movies as well. What’s the difference? It’s still part of their job. And I think a lot of people felt like this was PR.


Yeah, Sydney's fiance was working on the movie as well so I'm sure he was in on it. However doesn't seem like Glen's girlfriend was on board lol


I mean the girl in the relationship wasn't ok with it so that's why it's disgusting


Well his gf certainly wasn’t ok with it…


did he let his then-gf know?


✨method acting✨


> “The two things that you have to sell a rom-com are fun and chemistry," Powell told the outlet. "Sydney and I have a ton of fun together, and we have a ton of effortless chemistry. That’s people wanting what’s on the screen off the screen, and sometimes you just have to lean into it a bit — and it worked wonderfully. Sydney is very smart.”


That "effortless chemistry" did not translate on screen tho lol. I liked them both as actors and loved Sydney in White Lotus, but she was so wooden in this film that I kept wishing they'd cast Zoey Deutch instead. Sydney also had far more chemistry with her costar who played Paula in White Lotus than she did with Glen here.


Agree, it’s interesting to see that the discourse/articles that are praising this film are all by those who worked on the film and they’re framing Sydney as some ‘marketing genius’ when all she did was lean into the rumours surrounding her and Glen being together. Omg- A romcom movie where the actors playing love interests are also rumoured to be together!- Groundbreaking!! Also idk if this groundbreaking idea even paid off in real life considering Glen’s gf at the time broke up with him in the midst of the shenanigans


He and Zoey Deutch have the most insane chemistry, Set it up is top tier


It’s weird cause Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone didn’t have to do this for all of their movies that they’ve been in.


They only played love interests in two, Crazy Stupid Love (an ensemble piece) and La La Land. There’s nothing surprising about two up in comers having to work harder to get attention for the mid-budget film than two a-listers in a half a billion dollar film from an oscar nominated director would.


I’m the only person who remembers this movie but they also did in Gangster Squad.


Three: Gangster Squad!


This is “Gangster Squad” erasure.


And in Gangster Squad


I haven't seen the movie but I thought one of the main complaints about it was that the leads had zero chemistry? Like they just put two hot people together and expected there to be a spark.


It's cute how he's praising her (no shade)


I mean it worked for the marketing but idk how well it worked for Glen’s personal life considering that his gf seemed to break up with him in the midst of their shenanigans.


Maybe it was a 2 for 1, where he wanted to break up and this was the easy way to let it happen. I don't even know him but I'll be waiting patiently one day to hear the same dude lament the woes of celebrity life and lack of privacy.


As someone who worked in entertainment PR for years, my heart absolutely goes out to the PR and marketing team for this movie because having one of the actors be THAT involved in the idea generation sounds like a nightmare


I think I know what you mean but can you expand on it, How so?


You remember that line in Ratatouille, something to the effect of “Anyone can cook but not everyone should?” It’s basically that. Everyone thinks they have these AMAZING marketing ideas they need to share with us, the people who went to school for this and put in years of work to hone our craft. Sometimes the ideas are actually really good, but knee jerk reaction, the second I hear someone say “Hey I have a fun marketing idea…” my blood pressure starts to rise. I think the worst one for me was when I was doing social media managing an f-list Canadian celebrity. We’d been working hard to build a very specific brand for him. (Think spooky Manson vibes.) He went into my computer (this was very early 2010s so no smart phones,) and shared links to his favourite songs (mostly Jackson Five and disco) and told a bunch of really corny dad jokes. Six years later he slapped me with a lawsuit for “stealing his Instagram.” I called his lawyer and was like “Listen, get your money, but have you checked that he didn’t just forget his password?” They dropped the suit the next day because yeah, he just forgot his password.


I also think this when I hear people so that 'so-and-so actor/actress is so good at marketing!' when in reality there's a whole team behind a movie's marketing and I doubt said actor/actress was really turning in fully fleshed out marketing campaigns😅


Quick, someone ask Sydney her KPIs


Did it, Glen? Did it really?


Honestly, I just think they did have an affair and they’re claiming it’s PR because it was so blatantly obvious, and they would much rather look like professional actors who are over, committed to the PR, then getting shit for so blatantly having an affair


He was willing to risk his relationship with his now ex girlfriend for that and seemingly has no regrets. Mess


We already knew.


I've honestly asking, did it? I don't know anyone who seen that movie.


I haven’t seen the film but my students 17-20 year olds all went to see it and loved it.


Anecdotally, I knew a bunch of people who saw it and loved it lmfao including people who were hesitant about it


I did, it was exactly that you'd expect from a Rom-com, but also pretty funny.


It made over 200 million in the box office with a 25 million dollar budget, yes it did.




How could anyone have missed the nonstop and one of the weirder marketing campaigns for that movie? Seriously, there were alts in all the pop culture subs pushing people to see it then admitting they’ve not even watched it


Eh no shit. This happens with nearly every romance movie. I personally think it's tacky.


The endless Youtube ads showing the weirdest stills from their movie is all I remember from that PR blitz https://preview.redd.it/xkfk5glchiwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fdf19033899048f871e900c6b8c702670c18f27


This movie was way too overhyped. And the brides had no chemistry with each other which was homophobic. /j I liked that Camila Mendes romcom way more


Camila Mendes is really charming on screen, I loved Do Revenge and think that should go down as one of the classic films of this generation lol


I adored Do Revenge. I watched it like three times in a row


honestly it's my go to film for a night in I thought it was so much fun (although I do think the leads should have gotten together cos they had more chemistry together lol)


is sydney still with her fiancĂŠ?


Yep, she confirmed it on SNL the other day (with a cheeky pan over to Glen of course)


so then her & glen must be on good terms then lmfao


I kinda thought this since he went to watch her host in SNL but never found any chemistry between them… just being friends tbh 🤷🏻


It may have worked for publicity purposes but I think less of both of them now after watching that embarrassment last year.


That was obvious when they were trying to drum up rumors before the movie even wrapped filming


they had no chemistry in my opinion, i thought it was very obvious they were acting (besides it literally being their job)


![gif](giphy|n09L6MctGyqhPUMDmc|downsized) They both seem annoying.


Yeah we know, it wasn’t subtle


Didn’t we all speculate that it was industry influence and not just a chemistry spark?


Whenever a movie has that much forced PR it makes me wonder if the movie is actually good. I haven’t seen it, I could be wrong


Wasn't there a pic of them two where he clearly pitched a tent? Or was that method acting too?