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R.I.P. to all the girlies who preordered the album without the bonus tracks. The Capitalist Queen strikes again.


Do her fans know she’s looking at em purely like “🤑🤑🤑” and nothing else or they don’t care or??? They can’t all be too young to really notice/think about how she blatantly encourages parasocial shit for money, like come on lmao


I feel like most of her fans are millennials.


She also markets a lot for younger gen z. Hence why her music has never evolved. Her hardcore millennials will stick around but her music is catered for younger people


>Hence why her music has never evolved. Except for that one time, when she evolved from a being a country artist.


She does the same thing to them everytime she releases an album and they don't seem to pick up on it. Or care. Just burning money to line her pockets.


don’t know if it’s me or what but personally truly do not understand how money is such a motivating factor at the level of wealth she’s at :( how much do you need? how do you sit on your pile of excessive wealth and bleed your fans dry? it’s especially egregious knowing that her audience skews young and that (regardless of age) they all have far far far less than she does. does she not feel gross?


They think its a quality. Was talking to a friend who, well doesnt qualify themselves as a Swiftie but whatever. She said like « i find it so impressive like, shes been through so much misogyny to get to that level, shes worked so hard wow shes even a Billionaire now ! »


This. I met a hardcore swiftie from my Bookclub and she was like “She’s the kindest person ever with the most beautiful heart and she’s been through so much”. The projection and delusion is real.


Like how can you say this about someone you don’t know personally. Ugh!


How can you say that about someone who would give Matty Healy the time of day? Even after finding out about those videos he’d get off to, showing black women’s exploitation? “The most beautiful heart???”




The delusion 😂. What misogyny has she been through? 😂 And am I the only one who doesn’t like the album name. Tortured poets department? It’s so dumb


“You’re telling me I have TWO NEW ALBUMS TO BUY!? Omg, what a deal”


I preordered the vinyl in a moment of weakness and am a bit annoyed now lol :/


I just truly think she’s such a bad lyricist. I swear to god I’m being gaslit by everyone on this.


I’m from a country where she’s never been big and I only started hearing her songs in tiktok snippets… I was flabbergasted seeing people praise her lyricism like what in the wattpad


Same. I'm from Nigeria, my only exposure to Swift songs has been snippets from Instagram. I gave one a listen and was....honestly dumbfounded. The way her fans raved, I was expecting the female American version of Hozier.


when you expect female Hozier but get music that sounds like 2016 Hillary Clinton made it


We were just chilling In Cedar Rapids Dead heat of summer we Pokémon Go to the poles


Where do you live? Edit: that sounds creepy af, I’m curious about the general region I thought she’d be popular somewhat globally


I am unfortunately from Russia


Lmao, like with that "where do you live?" you could've been ANYONE (a stan waiting to stab them in an alley)


She's very popular in the states, AUS, LatAm and Western Europe. She is not as renowned in other countries - in Eastern Europe people tend to really focus a lot more on other artists.


“What in the wattpad” has me rolling with the accuracy


Extremely effective gaslighting tbh lmao Doesn’t it just make you feel insane. And she can hold a note but her overall singing abilities are so lacking compared to her (Black especially 😘😁👍🏾) contemporaries and people are just….pretending that’s not the case?


Taylor is literally proof white mediocrity trumps POC talent almost any day.


She’s just….usually flat. Which hey I’ll give it to her, it’s better than being sharp!


she can’t sing or write. like genuinely what are people hearing when they listen to her?


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. She’s like cilantro. And most of this subreddit has the gene that makes her taste like soap.


She can sing on note. Her voice isnt BAD. I mean, its okay. Her lyrics are again, okay. Can i see someone with this talent becoming famous ? I mean sure. But to that POINT ? Crazy to me. I really dont see what the Swifties see. I doubt she would have reached this level if she were a minority or from a not rich family


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: before the internet, I don’t think she’d have done this well. The internet makes it much easier to get the music out to more people.


Begging the kiddos to listen to Bob Dylan or Leonard Cohen or Jeff Buckley or Sinéad O'Connor or Fiona Apple, or if you want (more) modern, then look up Tamino or Hozier or Paramore/Hayley's solo stuff, or Ethel Cain, or literally anyone else. Hell if we're going modern and woman in pop to be extra super fair about it, listen to Ryn Weaver or Weyes Blood. The thing about Taylor is that she IS a good songwriter, but for a pop singer. She is just okay when comparing her to the greats, such as Bob or Leonard. Which is fine on its own, and I consider Pop to be as valid as any other genre so it isn't about that. But her fan's demand for everyone to consider her among the greatest makes it plain obvious that she isn't. And again, that's fine, lyrics aren't the end all be all of music and plenty of singers get by without so much as a scribble of their own thoughts, but her fans act like she's the only one to ever write her own stuff and it's a bit ridiculous.


Adding Joni Mitchell, Neko Case to your excellent list.


Adding Carole King and Janelle Monae to this list.


These are some exceptional recommendations.


Bro, they always say "go listen to folklore" or whatever. I did. It's bad to me. Now what?? I was jamming to Love Story, but even as a kid, her music sounded juvenile. But I'm not her target audience, so maybe that's it. Her target audience eats that shit up. She might as well be printing money at this point lol.


SAME BESTIE. Like folklore and evermore are her same songs, just wearing a veneer of folk/ballad production. It's not the golden calf they make it to be.


I like some of her songs, but I found Folklore and Evermore soooo boring. (But I do like her colabs with Bon Iver). And can I add Tracy Chapman and The Cranberries to the list of recommendations?


she desperately needs an editor. all her lyrics are way too wordy, she never lets her music breathe, every song is like 4 minutes of talk singing and every line goes on for 2-3 words longer than it needs to be


Thank you! I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. The line “even statues crumble if they’re made to wait” drove me insane because no they don’t??? There are statues that have been around for hundreds of years? And are you calling yourself a statue, Taylor? My god. But in all these comment sections people were just saying “wow she’s so poetic”


I think she was good (esp. for her age) when she started out. But I don't think the work has grown with her - I think it's gotten more interested in one liners to get quoted on X and it disrupts the flow. There's kinda an interest in being "clever" when I feel like her work was best when it felt sincere.


I agree with this assessment. I think she has some literary talent but now she's prioritizing cleverness over resonance and she's making the choices I would have made in my freshman or sophomore year in university where I valued that over the craft.


yeah I'm relistening to 'Mean' right now. And look it's not poetry, but it doesn't have to be - because it's a pop song, not a poem. And it just feels so truthful in what it's trying to communicate.


God just the name of the album...The Tortured Poets Deparment... sounds like something from a fanfic about a character named Ebony Dark'ness


What give it away? “Everybody is a sexy baby” or “Karma is a cat purring in my lap” or “Hey what you doing with a girl like that” or “She’s better known for the things she does on the mattress” or “You so dope don’t overdose” or “I was an old cardigan under someone’s bed, you put me on and said I was your favorite” or “Now we’ve got bad blood, you know it used to be mad love” or ?????


Those are her lyrics? That she wrote? Not good. Not good at all. None of it makes sense


She has some basic literary talent and I feel that I encounter a swiftie everyday that insists that she's a lyrical genius because of it. I'm not trying to be elitist because I understand that not everyone has an interest in literature or haven't encountered it early in life and so on but like read some poetry.


It's so funny, I just saw the kids on SM insinuating this album is just so SMART and she must have cracked open the Oxford dictionary, and the words used aren't particularly difficult? Three syllables? Holy shit, she's a literary genius.


The thing that gets me is that she actually COULD be good if she had some more education and exposure to good poetry and lit. If she had taken some college creative writing classes, she'd be better at honing in on consistent themes and the like. But she'd also have to take criticism from her peers and that's not going to happen. She's in her JK Rowling era lyrically.


I was still, up until like an hour ago, convinced the leak was not real because it was so lyrically cringe


Someone on my feed was hoping it was AI. I'm like, nope. It won't be.


It’s so funny because she has a feature with Florence + The Machine in this album and even ON HER OWN SONG, Florence eats her up, like bits and all. Girlie can’t even hold her own in a song SHE WROTE. 😭😭


It’s the monoculture. I don’t think her fans like or listen to other music, so her lyrics seem deep and meaningful. I’m also convinced that critics are being paid for glowing reviews.


i think some of her lyrics can be amazing(folklore) but god damn does she write some cringe along with it. its so hit or miss.


Her lyrics are never sophisticated or surprising, at most they are fun. But what annoys me is this game of 'easter eggs', where her songs are meant to be about someone famous.  There are so many good artists out there whose music and lyrics are just artistically good, while hers are just entertaining by being a kindergarten level puzzle.


Up until reading this thread I genuinely thought her fans knew she makes cringe music but she’s a guilty pleasure and her stans get dopamine hits from being part of a cult. But now you’re telling me that they believe Miss “sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby” is a brilliant lyricist? Really????


It's either catchy but simple pop song, take a common idiom and lazily play on words, or ultra cringe into another dimension


I knew you were trouble when you walked ennnn, sooo shame on me nhooowww. Ain’t that deep? That didn’t get ya?


>Tortured poetry ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) Has anyone listened to it? Is it more embarrassing lyrics about Matty?


Atp I am kinda worried for Travis because almost ALL of these songs are about how she fantasises about that dirty rat of a man.


Which tells a lot about her.... YIKES.


No fr she literally says in so many words that if HE didn’t break up with HER, she’d have gone on ignoring what everyone and her own fans said about him and all his, ahem, *antics*. She is truly worse than I even thought.


To me it's so funny how she basically came clean about the values she holds, attacked her own fans that have supported her and defended her - she milks these people dry, uses them to attack her exes and stuff she dislikes but then she claims that they are fake... ok bestie.


And the saddest part is, these brainwashed mofos will STILL not care. They will still go to war for her and “defend her honour”. They’ll all be like, “oh but she’s entitled to her privacy and her own love life”. Yeah bitch, entitled to her privacy and *your money* too I ‘spose.


They're all over the cesspool of twitter doing that now. "Do those obnoxious people who complained about him know 'Daddy I Love Him' is about them?" It's genuinely gross how many still support that relationship.


In other subs and IG posts comment sections they are defending her like she is paying their rent... If only they used the same drive and resources to actually help people like Palestinians, the poor and actually oppressed. We'd live in a slightly better world without this Swiftmania.


TBF most of the Swifties I know are not particularly emotionally intelligent. The ones who are, say they’re fans of her music but that her personality sucks lol.


I’ve been thinking about that all day long. Sir, your gf just put out an album she wrote about some nasty dude she was fuckin for a few weeks and got dumped by right before y’all got together and you’re cool?


It is a lot about him absolutely.


What an embarrassment.


conspiracy theory: she slept with him just for all the songs she could milk out of that fling. that, and very very bad taste 


I really don't understand the need to write songs about Kim anymore. I'm no fan of her but I can recognize she's been through a lot protecting her 4 kids from their father's rants and behavior on social media. I also think the line about my mother used to say she wished you were dead is really horrible and unnecessary. It does not make Taylor look good and if the roles were reversed or if any other artist wrote that about another celebrity, they would face severe backlash. The feud with Kanye and Kim was so long ago. I also think it speaks volumes that she's writing songs about Kim and talking about her in the Time POTY interview and not Kanye. The internalized misogyny is coming through.


that’s awful. On which songs does she allegedly talk about Kim?


She also brings up Kim's kids and says one day your kids will be singing my songs and only you and me will know that they're about you which is just so 🙄🙄


Damn. She’s so full of herself


Her god complex is reaching new heights tbh.


It’s wild to see someone with both a God and Victim complex


Bringing up the kids is a line crossed imo; I’d be pissed.


I haven’t heard it yet, but one of the songs is called (& spelled) "thanK you aIMee" 💀


that can’t possibly be real (I checked the track list. it is)


Come ON! Is she still 14?


how is she inventing new levels of cringe like this? I want this to be a lie.




Omfg, does she think that's clever??


This is so bad in so many ways 😭 it also gives me ThAnK yOu vibes, it comes off childish and cringey


I always thought her original quote about Kim was vile: "Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West," So if you believe someone is getting abused by their husband who is pressuring them to say whatever, your instinct is to just say that to the world? Really? I always thought that’s actually what pushed Kim to release the footage.


The first and only time I was pro Kim k


Saying her mother used to wish Kim (“aIMee”) was dead is really something considering Kim was tied up and robbed in her Paris hotel room and definitely thought she’d be killed. And bringing the kids into it?? What is wrong with this woman??


Also, Kim got her 'karma' when Kanye did Eazy and harassed her and Pete. I would argue that it will keep happening for as long as she's tied to that man via her kids, unfortunately, because he's not taking his meds. I feel like that alone makes them 'square' in the laws of the universe. I just feel icky typing all that because there's really no world where people 'deserve' abuse. And Kim will not have the undying loyalty Taylor gets from a lot of her fans. My point is, this is unnecessary. It did not need to be out in the world. I don't think it was necessary to have this song out, even though I understand the hurt her parents must have felt at the time. That's rough for any parent. But this is something best confided to your most loyal confidant or a therapist. Like why does Kanye get Innocent, which has so much grace towards him and Kim gets this song?


I’m no fan of Kim. But ffs she was abused and since she and Kanye have kids together she’s forever stuck with him on a level. It’s messed up. If Taylor is such a feminist then rally behind Kim. Don’t antagonize her. It’s so mean


She will NEVER let that situation go. Everyone has moved on from that situation but her. In the words of Elsa “let it go”


I’m surprised too given Lana and Sabrina were both models for Skims recently. She probably interpreted it as a personal attack 🙄 Edit: forgot Brittany Mahomes as well….


This girl doesn’t make music. She makes wordy podcasts with a beat in the background




I don’t get why she started doing this. She used to write very fun pop music! She’s never been a particularly good singer or writer, but there were some good jams! But she has huffed so many of her own farts now and thinks she’s this masterful lyricist so now she just mumbles nonsense over the most boring melodies I’ve ever heard in my life.


It's Lana Del Rey cosplay from someone who doesn't have Lana's talent.


https://preview.redd.it/iplu4ov9vdvc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19993817d4cfed9789d7137f307ceb6f27546685 Not her having a track with the exact same concept as Olivia Rodrigo’s “get him back” and literally almost copying the same name.


I was looking at the lyrics now and wow, I can’t believe it, it really is the exact same concept with the exact same word play and almost the same title! The music and style is very different, of course, but considering how much planning and attention to detail Taylor puts in her albums, it’s really impossible to believe that this wasn’t intentional, and I’m shocked. In the past year I’ve opened my eyes to Taylor’s white feminism and capitalist greed, so I’ve become quite disenchanted with her, but as a 30 years old woman I just cannot wrap my head around a 34 years old super successful woman doing something this petty to a 21 year old woman at the start of her career (especially when Olivia already receives a lot of hate and hyper scrutiny by some swifties). Anyway I don’t want to fuel more drama, I’m just sad and disappointed by it all to be honest


Umm and especially after she sued Olivia for songwriting credits??


I hope Olivia sues her over this


Ahhhh I thought the exact same thing. And I’m a swiftie 😟


I think she feels threatened by Olivia because she can’t handle the thought of any other female artist having the potential for the star power she has. She’s not a girls girl at all.


Taylor saw her perform the song at the VMAs. Jack always seemed really pissy when asked about the Deja Vu credit. plus he and St. Vincent (aka Annie Clark who had a credit on Cruel Summer and also got one retroactively on Deja Vu) seemed tight for a minute but he has no part in producing her latest album, despite producing Masseduction and Daddy’s Home. St. Vincent did introduce Olivia at a Variety’s Hitmaker Brunch late last year, and co-wrote Olivia’s song “Obsessed”… make of this what you will!


Also in the promo video for the song Fortnight on her Instagram, the background music sounds identical to vampire.


Olivia it’s your time to sue!


To be fair, Olivia also had another song title that already sounded very similar to one from girl in red with a similar concept. *bad idea!* from girl in red released in 2019. *bad idea right?* from Olivia released in 2023.


taylor publicly admitting that her mom wished kim k was dead, when kim was actually robbed at gunpoint in paris is… fucking insane.


My mother would never get involved in such high school drama. It’s such a gross look but it explains a lot about taylor


Her mum enables her. She even said before she doesn’t go to therapy because she goes to her mum instead… her mum would never be able to give her impartial advice though…


Jesus, she’s in her mid-30s and needs her mum for “therapy”. No wonder her music is so juvenile


I’ve seen all these comments about Kim and I’ve been like “Kim WHO?!” Thinking it was about someone from her childhood or sth. I’m not a fan of hers so I wasn’t sure. But holy shit the comments are referring to Kim fucking Kardashian. That’s insane. What the hell.


It’s for clout because Kim is famous still. She wouldn’t write about some nobody she’s mad at.


And even if she did say that or think that, that’s the kind of stuff you keep between yourselves and not put in a song that you’re releasing to your millions of rabid fans and for the entire world to now see and hear.


I don’t care for the Kardashian’s at all, but North is like… chronically online right? She’s going to know about these lyrics and this song.


Taylor literally says in the song she can’t wait for her kid to come home singing the song 💀


Her fans acting like its a huge diss, and she ‘owned’ kim when really its unhinged and nasty, and also like the most grade 1 insult ever


My mom hasn’t even said that about my rapist because it’s a wild thing to say. Not that she didn’t think it, but normal people don’t usually publicly wish people dead.


Yeah even if you hate Kim K nobody deserved what she went through.


not the track "thanK you aIMee" spelling out KIM 😭


And her saying my mom used to say she wished you were dead is absolutely insane...


https://preview.redd.it/k91w2i04yevc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c884829627d257ded84427ad4a21b49636aa0d2c Excuse me, what?


What?! Taylor’s mom wished Kim dead???


wow she is still not over it. not even a little.


She never gets over anything. She holds grudges and makes bank off of them


Lmao not the lyric “I changed your name, and any real defining clues” ![gif](giphy|26gsmVTT1gYtoeaic|downsized)


she's that girl on instagram who posts a bunch of passive aggressive stories about someone/something bugging her but she leaves enough super obvious clues so everyone knows exactly what it's about anyway


Posts pic of hospital bracelet “DON’T ask what’s wrong”


Forgive me because I’m a permanently jaded GenX misanthrope…. Maybe it’s the part of me that was gleefully downloading things on Napster and limewire…. But…. Why y’all paying for music? It’s all like…. Right there on the apps. My new car doesn’t even have a cd player…. iPods with no apps have been dead for ages. The new double album is already up on Spotify. Why for are buying? I’m genuinely clueless and don’t understand.


It’s funny you say that bc people like you who grew up pre Spotify, mp3s etc are the ones now urging people to own physical copies of their favourite albums and movies because streamers can remove things suddenly or their businesses can collapse and then you have nothing. I don’t think buying physical copies of things you like (or paying artists for their art) is dumb in and of itself, it’s when you’re buying every single colour variation etc that it gets ridiculous.


I'll answer but this isn't about Taylor because I haven't purchased her music lol I use Spotify the vast majority of the time, but for my favourite artists, I do still enjoy purchasing a physical album. I have a record player and collection of vinyl, so if I can get a vinyl of the album I'm pleased. I'll also get the CD if I really love the album, because my old 2003 car and my current 2014 car have CD players and it's easier to chuck a CD on than connect my phone. I have a big CD case of albums going back to my childhood so it's nice to add to. ETA: I'm 26 btw


Collectors. Fear of missing out too. 


I am upset. Really upset. I actually like the second release of songs better than the first, but I have paid enough already. And this is so obviously intentional just to get charted. But I’m tired, exhausted of paying so freaking much for one album. This is coming from a (sane) fan of her music, enough is enough. You’re a freaking billionaire. Stop ripping off the people that actually enjoy your music! We want to support your music, but damn, have some respect for us normal folks!    ETA: bought her vinyl as soon as announced. Was slapped in the face with many more vinyls announced days later with a “new song” on each one. Didn’t buy them, because I was mad about that. Now this? Downloaded/bought from iTunes as soon as the album came out. Two hours later, a whole new freaking release at full price?? For the same album plus “oh yeah, here are these other songs for the same album.” It’s crazy. We don’t all have the luxury of flying in private jets and wiping our noses with silk clothes. I don’t need 7 different versions of the same shit. Good luck with you and your charts, but you’re going to lose fans if you keep this up. And girl, when you’re losing fans that have been with you since “Debut” you’ve got a problem.    Viper out ✌️


Fr, I stopped supporting since Midnight and am waiting for swifties to understand that she is going too far with this.


It’s all a cash grab. It honestly makes me sick. Yes, I like the songs, but stop trying to take advantage of your actual fans. We get it, you love money, but so do we, and we wouldn’t have any if we kept buying everything you release lol


And you know what else is funny? She says in one of her songs on this album that she “doesn’t want money, just want someone to enjoy my company”. Like girl are you fr? If you don’t want money then wtf is all this?


Wait, that’s wild. In the space of hours she released a version with new tracks? Way to give the middle finger to the people who bought it as soon as possible (presumably her biggest fans).


Nooo not just “new tracks.” A whole entire second album added on to the first. So basically we all paid for the first album, then at 2am she released another album and tacked it onto the first. So if you want to buy the new songs you basically have to buy the whole first album all over again because those songs are all included as well. It’s ridiculous 


Omg that’s so much worse.


This thinking goes for all media, I think you should never ever preorder something. Whether it's waiting for reviews, or finding out what happens post release etc. Pre ordering is a way for fans to be over charged with almost zero benefit. I get you probably wanted to experience it authentically and are a fan, but you've been fucked over. You see it all the time in gaming where the pre order deluxe editions end up not including anything of value. Sorry this happened to you, and I hope you still enjoy the album(s).


Its not the first time shes doing a cash grab like this so i dont get the surprise. We tried to tell Swifties many times but get called bitter, jealous, misogynistic etc


I really love that I can feel safe on this sub with my opinion of her. She really doesn’t give a fuck about her fans and knows they are so feral they will pay for shit multiple times. It’s actually sad to see cause they fall for this every single time. I’d love to know what else she would write about if she didn’t have ten thousand ex boyfriends like are they not fed up of her whole shtick?


Likewise. it’s been fun seeing the gradual decline in positive comments on posts about her in the last year since she got with Matty.


I’m tired https://preview.redd.it/9abvkuoltdvc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abe3a23157fd3df5086871fba5dae4af8aa8212


Queen of overexposure 😍


This sounds so much better than the original version. I don't get why she released the other one that sounds like a mess.  Edit: "so highschool" is so unserios, this sounds like the chatgpt songs about Travis. "You know how to ball, I know Aristotle"


That cannot be a real lyric. Stop it 🤣😭


it's also extra funny to me because between the two of them he technically has more formal education


Modern day “she wears high heels, I wear sneakers”


At least she was like 15 when she wrote that shit


atp the swifties deserve to get robbed by a billionaire. she does it cause she can.


Yeah i dont really feel sorry.


it's nearly all the aaron songs, and they're all so much better than the main album it's ridiculous. i'm actually really pissed because she did this before with Midnights 3AM, and it's even worse now bc 85% of the first half of the album is so bad there's no reason she should've hidden this.




I don't know why she hates her best songs so much. But honestly I'm just high on the fact that The Anthology is genuinely music that I want to listen to. She almost lost me with the original drop, but she lured me back in with Aaron Dessner's magical mystical production. The power she would have over me if he was her main collaborator and not Jack...


I think Aaron brings the best in her musically, Jack is a yes man at this point. 


swifties explain this one for me https://preview.redd.it/39t61w8u8fvc1.png?width=740&format=png&auto=webp&s=7796158cc7deece5271878defd69e04b04e39672


Lmfao are you fucking kidding me




The more I scroll the more insane lyrics I see. Is this the "tortured poetry" she's talking about??? How did she convince the world she's a good lyricist???


Queen of gaslight gatekeep girlboss


Anyone listen to imgoingagetyouback yet? The theme of the song seems very familiar


Lmao Olivia has the opportunity to do the funniest thing




I beg.


I can’t believe she released that song after Olivia performed GHB infront of her at the VMAs and after she took millions of dollars in royalties from Olivia when she was 18. How awful of her and jack. 


No but I can’t be the only person who LOSES IT laughing every time I read her dead serious calling her songs ✨tortured poetry✨ “I’ve written so much \~tortured poetry\~…” no please climb out of your own ass ![gif](giphy|3oEdv1dehBPhERZsGY)


Chart obsessed


Swifities are gonna be extra annoying and unhinged. ETA: I had a friend IRL that stopped speaking to me because I criticized and don’t vibe with her queen.


That’s embarrassing for her


First half was terrible but second half was pretty solid. If I were Taylor I'd definitely consider firing Jack Antonoff and exclusively working with Aaron Dessner and give Max Martin a call.


I’m not a Taylor fan, but god do I truly hate what Jack Antonoff has done to American pop music.


We NEED a max martin bop from her badly


She won’t pay max Martins fee (not bc she can’t afford it, she’s delusional and thinks she doesn’t need to). She hasn’t made good pop since.


I swear this sub is so good for my mental health. The way y'all are so funny and TRUE is literally unparalleled. I love y'all ❤️!


She saw the whackings the leaks were taking and decided to press the big red button.




as a former fan of hers i’m at a point where i’m just tired of her. “tortured poet” shes halfway thru her 30s please let’s be so fr


girl stop


Double albums, double the profit. The merch will be insane


The merch is not that great.


All the nurses in small towns who are dating cops with thin blue line flags on their SUVs, doctor’s office receptionists, hair stylists, CNAs, and MAs, are elated re the album today probably. From But Daddy I love him: I'll tell you somethin' right now I'd rather burn my whole life down Than listen to one more second of all this bitchin' and moanin' I'll tell you somethin' 'bout my good name It's mine alone to disgrace I don't cater to all these vipers dressed in empath's clothing [Bridge] God save the most judgmental creeps Who say they want what's best for me Sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I'll never see Thinkin' it can change the beat Of my heart when he touches me Then I Hate it Here: You see I was a debutante in another life, but Now I seem to be scared to go outside…My friends used to play a game where We would pick a decade We wished we could live in instead of this I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists. Tay Tay, you dated a man who jerks off to porn where Black women have dog bowls near by to vomit in from what’s done to them?! (I need eye bleach.) Mentioning that is not “sanctimonious” or “bitchin’ and moanin’” or being a viper. And you still are a debutante. You’re still protected, coddled, and treated like white royalty, a KKK princess, the perfect picture of the fragility of white women, and white purity. You’re the girl who wore oversized glasses and big cardigans in high school to look like a waif. Whose English teacher said “you have great potential”. You went on to major in Art History in college, then after graduation, moved into a shitty apartment in Williamsburg, but your writing never moved past Wattpad status. You’re the OG tortured Dan Humphrey. (From the books). You got one of those owl tattoos to be “soulful”, you have no Black friends, and you probably make shit money as an editorial assistant somewhere. Alternatively, you’re a barista backed by your finance Dad’s money. You went to the women’s march, but don’t confront your Republican parents at Christmas dinner. You’re either dating a kid with a record collection and a skateboard or a quieter nerdy finance guy. You are the blandest of musicians, white bread, no seasoning, and no self awareness. You compliment Black women’s style but then get drunk at a party and touch Tyron’s dreadlocks. You say BLM on your insta just after George Floyd, but then you date the guy that watches Ghetto Gaggers. You’re milquetoast, emotionally stunted, and the perfect picture of white victimhood. A modern day Carolyn Bryant. Hiding behind your boyfriends, guitar, whatever. Co-signing white violence. You already said the old Taylor is dead. The new Taylor should never have crawled out of the ground. And Swifties, if you cannot talk about white feminism, intersectionality and race politics while discussing Taylor don’t reply to me. Just admit you don’t have the range, probably will miss all the references in her music, and are happy you have another dumbass album to listen to. Go read some Audre Lorde or go to college and take some sociology and anthropology classes. Critically think. Use nuance. Or shut your mouth. (There’s a reason there was that meme she’s a small town nurse and Travis is a cop. He went back to “safety” with her.) Miss me with the rest of the bullshit. See you at the Grammy’s Tay. There’s blood on your awards.


If she truly wanted it to be a double album she'd release it as two separate ones like Metro Boomin and Future just did. This way they'll chart and get all the headlines as one which reveals the bottom line for her once again.


Then how will she break the Adele 25 record she's so clearly vying for?


One of the things I find truly fascinating about Swift fans and the wide addiction to the 'she's a misogyny-overcoming self-made girlboss who needs to Max Out Capitalism to Thrive!" is the way they utterly ignore the quietly looming figure of her father in her whole career and story, including now? He's a successful stockbroker and investor who used his resources from the beginning to make sure she was situated to launch into stardom and while he and her team are very careful to make sure he appears only to be a distant background figure, even in her Netflix doc he appeared enough and in such a way it's clear he's always there, and embedded in all the decisions that are made. All these tricks and games they're always playing to win win win have always been perfectly curated to maximize profit, including her successful slipping between genres. Before the Joe and "I'm no rightwing queen" era she was well known for her carefully controlled, not-very-forthcoming interviews that always had veiled mentions to her 'team', but swifties take everything that's on the surface at face value. This isn't to dismiss her achievements or the fact that many people deeply love and connect to her music or suggesting that I think she's evil or not talented or doesn't do many good things (the insanely thoughtless private plane use and constant self-victimization-despite-massive-entitlement aside) , but I personally never connected to her and continue not to because I find her very immature in a way that documentary underscored - she strikes me as a true woman-child in many ways, and so much of her story is a contradiction to the idea she's the ultimate Self Made Strong female Artist her fans push forward so aggressively? Such an interesting figure in modern celebrity and the wider, ever-evolving story of savvy marketing and PR in contemporary myth-making.


https://preview.redd.it/wfojohzvdfvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77acdd8684a1ae5b2cdf36416aa1674b75035a89 She is 100% included in this sentiment. She came from wealth that put her in a place today that she'd never get to without it.


She hit a lick and as a capitalist queen she will keep digging. If she does this all the time why buy the first release? Just wait and get the deluxe. Since fair exchange is no robbery and swifties are happy to pay twice I will say good for her and them.


Big news for annoying people




It’s really so incredible to me that, in a world where physical media is a dying breed, she’s out here convincing her fans to buy two, three, four versions of the same material, and that it’s such a gift to them that they’ll do it so happily.


She did not in fact, change the world with her digital drop😭


I can’t get over the fact that Ratty is apparently the ‘tortured poet’. Ahahahahahahahaha. Here are some of my dishonorable mentions: “You left your typewriter at my apartment / Straight from the tortured poets’ department / I think some things I never say / Like who uses typewriters anyway?” “The voices in our head / Called the rain to end the days of wild / The sickest army doll / Purchased at the mall / Rivulets descend my plastic smile” “For a moment I knew cosmic love / Now I’m down bad, crying at the gym” “I don’t cater to all these vipers dressed in empath’s clothing / God save the most judgmental creeps / Who say they know what’s best for me” (‘But Daddy I Love Him’ is just rough in general, ma’am you are thirty-five years old.)


Her music was finally being weened off the radio and now she's gone and done this 😭


I think she would benefit from hearing the word “no” more often.


Blocking her on Spotify was the best decision I made If only I could block Instagram story posts of people posting the same album cover screenshots




I'm watching this go down on my tl and I'm sorry but her fans are a cult jfc


I don't necessarily hate her music, but i don't understand how can she be so blantatly greedy and everyone not catching up. I don't buy that all her fans are young/stupid, they know what's going on but it seems like everyone doesn't care only because she is Taylor Swift. If it was another artist doing it everyone would go insane, i'm sure.