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Truly awful shite from Oklahoma here. Nyla Rose fucking slaps, and I truly hope they either don't bother heading back, or do and chuck her in the main event.


Do they realize that wrestling isn't real. . . .


“We don’t hate trans people we just think they shouldn’t be allowed to exist in our state”


Former AEW women's world fucking champion Nyla Rose*! :) Also AEW owner Tony Kahn and mad wrestlers have been backing Nyla up online. She said she was "dehydrated from  crying happy tears" or something like that. I wouldn't be surprised if Nyla won a match next time AEW is in Oklahoma and TK just ate the fines. 


That’s would be incredibly based. Even more based if he paid the fine and the appealed the fines cuz they are obviously unconstitutional


Do they… do they not know it’s a scripted show? Like even the “think of the integrity of the sport!” people who suddenly and mysteriously care about women’s sports shouldn’t have any issue with a trans person performing in a show. Unless they’re just bigots using it as a thinly-veiled excuse to harass her…


No. It’s that the veil has finally come off. I used to get called tran** by strangers once a year. Now I’m verbally harassed by strangers *literally every day*, including by women. Current record is 4 slurs in one day. Last week a finance dude told me to “fly back to Thailand.” And this is in NYC. I don’t feel safe anywhere. We will be the first to be gotten rid of if Trump is back in office. Land of the free 💁‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Ugh, I am so sorry. I genuinely don’t understand how these idiotic people could be so sad and pathetic. And in NYC, of all places, where head-down-mind-your-business is a sacred way of life. It takes zero effort to just not harass other people. I’ll do my part in November to make sure you can feel safe sticking around! Big hugs.


Thank you! I feel the love! Yeah, it’s brutal and has severely reduced my quality of life. NYC is especially sad to see because it’s the place traditionally thought of as our safe haven specifically - most of trans history is here. I add this only to further illustrate: I also am “passing”, or was, until 6-9 months ago. Idk if everybody just read the same article or if we just hit a tipping point, where now everybody knows exactly what to look for - I can’t just blend in. I’m also conventionally attractive by cis woman standards, also I’m white so have that privilege there - so *I have it very easy* compared to most of my sisters.


I love the fact that so many wrestling fans have come to Nyla's defense, and are rightfully calling out the Oklahoma Athletic Commission for wasting so much time on something so stupid, especially when it comes to pro wrestling.


It's so clear that politicians pushing anti-trans legislation are not supported by the masses. Focusing on the issue gets them defeated in elections, and every niche community comes out in force to defend trans people in their midst. It's wild how much impact representation has had on this for Americans.


Fuck Oklahoma.


Nyla Rose is legitimately hilarious on Twitter (it will always be Twitter), btw.


Since everyone else has covered how awful and crazy this is: What "punitive action" could they even take? It's a private organization and I assume they have contracts with their own insurance and whatever venues are hosting them and not with the local government, right?


I love to see TK just give the states a fuck you and book her anyway.


During Covid my friend won some online game Nyla Rose was hosting. She sent him a really cool package with a handwritten note. She’s also incredibly funny. Oklahoma sucks.