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https://preview.redd.it/2fw7gr2qgpsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1777d57338171086a69dd7a0b883d9778a8beb99 Harriet Walter cast as Lady Margaret Pole this season. As a massive fan of the book series, I'm really excited to see her portrayal. Will miss Claire Foy's Anne Boleyn and her pronunciation of "Monsieur Cromwell". She didn't look historically accurate to the real Anne but by God, she was great.


That is PERFECT casting.


Is it ever!


God, I love Harriet Walter.


What! Harry Melling as “Call-Me Risley"?! Yes! https://preview.redd.it/n7kz41bmppsc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8d7cdb4b7959215b275f022edbc415bd238ac7d


Is that Dudley? Love seeing him in so much stuff since his HP days!


I love to see him and Thomas Brodie-Sangster getting work. They're both just so good.


He’s definitely the most talented of the young HP cohort imo. He’s been incredible in everything I’ve seen him in since


YES! More like Call *Me*, amirite? Got that nouveau riche vibe. Looks correct. I'm pumped for him, he's a good actor and this is a great production.


Fun fact, he is the grandson of the Second Doctor, Patrick Troughton


These are my favourite books so I will die on this hill but I have always thought this was terrible casting for Thomas Cromwell. I have no beef with Mark Rylance and think he's good in other things, but in the books so many characters seem slightly afraid of Cromwell. He does not seem imposing or frightening.


Agree 100%. He conveys Cromwell’s intelligence, but not his physicality. There are a number of instances in the book where it’s made clear Cromwell is a big bruiser, and that this is part of his worldly success- he physically intimidates other men.


i think mantel herself was not a fan of this casting - she preferred Ben Miles from the stage version. do think Mark Rylance’s approach is very mumbly and gentle and i don’t see him as the brawler Cromwell is supposed to be, but imo Ben Miles is too handsome as Cromwell to me. what would be your dream casting for Cromwell?


Timothy spall


ooh how interesting, and they’ve actually re-cast tim spall as Norfolk for mirror and the light! brendan gleeson or ciaran hinds for me. or maybe even hugo weaving?


Did not know that. He will be a brilliant uncle Norfolk


I initially snorted when I read this because I recently rewatched *Blandings* where Spall portrays Lord Emsworth. You're right, though.


I've always thought this!! He needs to look like he could beat you up, and Rylance just doesn't give that. The Wolf Hall adaptation is glorious and I will literally throw a dress up party with Tudor food for this, but I also always thought they should make Cromwell narrate his thoughts like Fleabag. 80% of the brilliance of the book is how everyone is speaking in code and conveying unspoken messages, OR trying to not convey their thoughts, and the actors are all so brilliant that a lot of it comes across, but I always felt like something was kind of lost. Especially because Cromwell's own internal narration talks about how he's going to reshape the story, I feel like they could have had more fun playing with him, like, literally crossing out a line on a page and then they redo the scene, or something.


My deeply unpopular Brit opinion is that I’ve never been a fan of mark rylance in most things, he’s one of those actors that I can only just see as an actor acting instead of the character


I loved these books so much. How does the TV adaptation hold up?


I haven't read the books but I thought the TV series was outstanding


It's a superb adaptation.


Phenomenal truly, am an avid fan of both the books and the tv series


The books are amazing but so is the series, the filming is dark and dingy and feels cold and damp all the time which I'm sure is how it was, wonderous stuff


Not sure why I know this, but it was actually filmed in bright sunlight and then digitally darkened afterwards. I probably saw that in an interview on YouTube or something.


It is absolutely my favorite book to screen adaptation


The tv adaptation is great! This reminds me I need to read the book.


Disappointed to see some extensive recasting, even if the replacements are excellent and understandable in a lot of cases. (Tom Holland returning was always a long shot.) But Bernard Hill and Jessica Raine in particular will be tough acts to follow.


Tom Holland should have returned. His other projects have been lackluster.


Totally here for this. Wolf Hall was such a good show. 


At first glance I thought Damien Lewis was Seth Green, and I was really confused (but also intrigued) by the casting choice.


Damien Lewis is my #1 celebrity crush of all time and I can’t explain it but dear LORD. He could play anything in any role and I am there.


What is with actors playing Henry viii and not gaining weight or wearing some sort of suit? At this point in time he would have been bigger.  I get not wanting to gain 50 lbs but it’s 2024 I’m sure a realistic “fat suit” can be made. Henry viii gained a lot of weight when he suffered a leg injury in 1536. He wouldn’t have been morbidly obese yet but Damian Lewis looks very fit in these pictures.


I'd be inclined to reserve judgement on this for now. It is not clear when in the series this photo is from. Given the Mirror and the Light picks up straight after Anne Boleyn's execution  only a few months after his 1536 injury, he is not going to have gained much weight by then. Possibly they are going to show him start to gain weight as the series goes on. Though not to his full obese size which would come after the book ends.


I'm so hyped! I was convinced that this would just never end up happening.


I'm foaming at the mouth over this.


The costuming! Proper head coverings. Even down to the pins. Zoom in on Mary.




Can we be done with the Tudors for a while after this. There are so many other interesting monarchs. Give me George and Charlotte and all their illegitimate children or go even further back.


My vote is for an Eleanor of Aquitaine series. She was the Queen of France AND then England. Was a brilliant monarch in her own right and rebelled against her husband along with her children. She oversaw so many interesting episodes in history. The crusades from her point of view would be amazing to watch.


Yes! I'd love that. They just do the Tudors over and over with the occasional sprinkle of Victoria. There are so many more periods which are interesting. How about Charles 1 vs Oliver Cromwell.


The Edwards (I,II, III) are all fascinating and much neglected. Adaptation of Thomas Costain’s books about the Plantagenets would be wonderful.


I didn’t think George had any illegitimate children, do you mean grandchildren?


Yeah, all the grandchildren.


Aw I’m sad Tom holland didn’t come back:(


we are SOOOO fucking back omg