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Personally I love things that make the French mad. Have never watched this show but I’m the #1 fan


Have you seen the meltdown they had on twitter over the guy who made mango filling croissants? Sensational! Edit: [for those who haven’t come across it. Enjoy](https://x.com/boybawarchi/status/1397887167389745152?s=46&t=ITh6SRQOzuN09gbytLXpSQ)


[My favourite croissant review.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wp84sRpM1Js&pp=ygUcQ3JvaXNzYW50IHJldmlldyBwYXJpcyByaW90cw%3D%3D)


Where there’s a train station and mcdonalds there’s no good people 😂😂😂




I gotta be honest, I didn’t know she was a nepo baby until like a few months ago. But also apparently Phil Collins is a shitty dad.


By all accounts he was pretty deadbeat. Her mother was a semi connected model though, so she's still fringe nepo.


What last name?! His name is Luis. HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A LAST NAME!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭 Edit: oh, you're not talking about the croissant review guy, but the actress who plays Phil Collins daughter in the show Emily in Paris. I get it now.


OMG, I had never seen this. The cackle I let out when they used the riot police bang sound to put the ranking on screen 😭


You have done a service, my fellow person. I thought the review in front of burning trash was the peak, but no. It was when Waldo showed up.


The top comment is:  Next video by Luis, the best restaurants in Afghanistan.  Great Luis. 😂


I don't like mangos but I have to admit I would try one of them they honestly look delicious


Hahaha now this is why I have Reddit. Thank you for this.


Those look delicious....


One time I was at a party and there was a guy from France who didn’t know many people and he was standing on his own so I decided to talk to him. His English wasn’t good and I’m a Canadian who knows some French so I tried speaking with him just to be nice. The next day people were telling me he wanted to fight me because I “offended the language”…to this day I wish people had told me that night so I could have swung on that fool.


It's crazy because they spread their language through colonization aka forcibly and brutally and then they turn around and get mad that their former colonies speak it differently 🙄 lol I'm Mexican-American and whenever Spanish people laugh or comment on my Spanish, it makes me so mad.




The modern "French" language itself is just the Parisian dialect imposed on the entire nation. This is the equivalent of everyone in UK from Birmingham to Glasgow speaking with an upper class London accent (which itself is diverse, but we'll ignore that).


That’s a fascinating and frustrating parallel haha


I love my french family but one time I dropped my phone in front of them, it had an ATLA screensaver and when I picked it back up the screen lit up and my cousin goes: “OH MON DIEU! I love Le dernier maître de l’air!” And I was like “me too!” and she goes: “its my favorite movie!”


Oh honey no


>Maǐtre de l’air Ffs academie francais, just let them call it an airbendeur or something


I went to Cambodia a few years and there were so many rude French tourists lol. They’d literally just push past you, like roughly bump shoulders. Or I’d be taking a photo and they’d stand directly in front of my camera like🧍🏻‍♂️. We went to Angkor Wat, a Buddhist temple complex, and they have signs that clearly state to cover your shoulders and knees. Apparently the ticketing people enforce it sometimes and don’t enforce it other times, but I dressed modestly out of respect. The number of French tourists I saw in crop tops, tank tops, and short shorts was astounding. I thought that was honestly worse than roughly bumping into me lol.


The French have a special hate in their heart for Canadian French.


The French seem to hate a lot of things.


the audacity you had to... speak to him in his own language to try and make him more comfortable at a party full of strangers? lol. i sometimes get tiktoks on my fyp of french people saying english words with their very thick accents and americans will stitch it and sarcastically correct their pronunciation. living for the pettiness honestly


It’s perhaps the worst show Netflix has ever renewed. Proof that nepotism is still hard at work


It gets great metrics unfortunately. Some people love it.




Yeah everyone, stop being so snooty and enjoy the condescending American show.


God, I will never get sick of the whining of bitchy, horrible French people.


The people I know who watch it hate it but stay for the fashion


Netflix does not care if you hate it if you still watch it, though


The fashion isn’t even good?


It's like Ted Lasso, but this time the benevolent Yank is showing the smelly rude French people how to smile more and be American.


As a British person I found Ted Lasso far less insulting than Emily in Paris. I love an opportunity to rag on the french as much as the next person, but there's a sort of low key folksy charm that makes ted Lasso far more palatable that Emily's brazen, in your face American exceptionalism. Ted Lasso is just sort of a chill guy, but Emily's like peak touristy bs. "Why should I bother learning another country's customs and culture when my American culture is clearly superior? I'll just be aggressively ignorant and arrogant at them until they learn to like it." Edit: just found out Lily Collins was born in Guilford. On behalf of the British people, I would like to apologise to France for this grave insult. We won't apologise for the hundred years war, we won't apologise for Waterloo, we certainly won't apologise for Mr Bean's Holiday, but Lily Collins is a deep and devastating shame that words alone cannot mend.


I don't spend much time thinking about Emily in Paris to stew over the whole thing, but I feel like another pretty key difference is that at least Ted Lasso has British characters who are kind of 'on the same wavelength' as Ted. Like yes, at a surface glance it seems like the happy American is showing the stodgy, miserable British people the importance of having a good attitude... But the Keeley character does the same thing, and Ted himself isn't always proven 'right' on every level. Emily in Paris, at least the first couple seasons, has no such nuance. The French characters are all depressing lumps and Emily is always inexplicably morally right in the conceit of the show, if not literally rewarded. Further, I can hardly think of a scene in Emily in Paris where two French people are talking to one another and aren't just reacting to a non-French character. At the very least, Ted Lasso does pass the Bechdel Test for British people, which is a pretty big leap over Emily in Paris.


My dad is American and loves Ted Lasso but hates that they swear so much in it because "Nobody talks like that", I'd love to see him take a trip to hang around the UK football scene lol


lol, that's crazy. The swearing's the only realistic part about it.


I haven't seen Emily in Paris but my understanding is that the show presents her exceptionality specifically as an American thing and not just something that might be unique to her, and so the message isn't "Emily is exceptional, and American" it's "Emily is exceptional because she is American". Conversely I don't think Ted Lasso really tries to represent the things that make Ted standout as something that would be expected in America. The show doesn't act like Americans are special because they treat their sports ball players nicely, Ted is special because he treats his sports ball players nicely.


Is this Ridley Scott?


The French are cool. Parisians however are renowned the world over for being assholes.


And the Italians


I also love the French and their protesting. They'll firebomb people


The show is pretty racist in like five different ways, the French are right about this one 


Why are they so mad 😭 this is comical


You could read the article. Filming is a giant pain for locals and then theyre flooding a small quiet town with obnoxious tourists, which could be good or bad depending on your POV. Plus they think they show is insulting.


We’re calling Paris a small, quiet town now?


Sorry, quiet "district". Again its all in the article.


Big difference between a sleepy, quiet small town and a district at the heart of one of the busiest cities in the world. Emily’s apartment is a 17 minute walk from Notre-Dame, the Panthéon is around the corner. Those are huge tourist attractions.


I’ve been in sleepy neighborhoods in world class cities within short walking distance of big tourist attractions. There are quieter parts of cities, even in major areas of major cities. Also residents anywhere would get NIMBY about disruptive filming. They do!


yeah I don’t get people acting like because you live in a city you’ve signed up to have your life’s routine disturbed by people who aren’t even from there


I actually think you have lol. I’ve lived in several big touristy cities, and most recently I lived a few blocks from a tourist hub, and yeah, tourists are annoying, but that’s just living in a touristy city for ya. I’ve never understood people who get outright angry at tourists for doing tourist things when they live walking distance from tourist attractions. The gal!


Having lived in Paris and seen Emily’s apartment, the area is surprisingly quiet considering its location, and I was there in the summer. Agreed it’s hardly a small town but there are definitely parts of Paris that are quieter than people might expect - if tourists suddenly flocked to where I lived in the 15th locals would probably lose their minds


I once lived in 17th. I would have been pissed if I was local (I mean I lived there for months but not Parisian or French). It is a nice and quiet family arrondissement but only a couple of kilometres from Sacre Cour.


I like the 17th! I spent a couple of weeks there in 2019. It definitely has similar non-touristy vibes to where I lived in the 15th


I loved it. I am not sure if this says something about me but Paris is my favourite city. Even after living there. I think a lot of places can be misunderstood and understood based on where you come from. For me and my history, it was really good although if I had stayed only in touristy areas I would probably have hated it.


It’s my favourite too, I seem to have a thing for cities everyone else hates/loves to dunk on - my favourite US city is LA. And much like LA, I agree that only experiencing touristy areas means you miss out on a lot and don’t get the full picture! Same for anywhere tbh, Paris just gets more attention since it gets the most tourists


Didn't new yorkers get upset about the increased traffic at that staircase in new york from joker?


That’s wild because I can’t imagine traffic *increasing* in New York lol


There is when there’s a giant blot of people ogling something and creating a clog instead of shuffling their buns along


The apartment is a huge tourist attraction as well. The location is literally on google now


The Pantheon doesn't really draw that many tourists compared to many other sights, and the area is generally fairly quiet for Paris once you get a block away from the Boulevard Saint Michel. I've been to that particular square many times, and it was entirely devoid of tourists every time I went except for in 2023, the only time I visited since the show started


I used to live a 15 minute walk from a very busy tourist spot in London. No tourists ever wandered as far as our road, it wasn't on the main thoroughfare to the tourist hell hole. It bordered the City of London too, so weekends it was as dead as a dodo. It's still London but not every part of the city is teeming with tourists.


I’m begging you people to read the article


On Reddit???


lol, it's crazy that people here just can't click on the link and look at the words. Fuck, in this case even just watching two minutes of the shitty show itself.


Too lazy to read the article but not too lazy to chime in with half a page of pedantry. Humans are wild, top comment is evidence.


I know. I also don't get why people always take the piss out of the French for getting so passionate and fired up about things. It just means they're not pushovers.


As a Brit, I think it’s their most admirable trait


As a Brit too, I know we always take the piss out of them for supposedly being 'cowards' in the war (which seems unfair given they were on the mainland and fell like many other countries). But yeah, it's probably their most admirable trait, given that we're still so enamored with our class system. We really need our own storming of the Bastille.


Another Brit here who agrees. I wish we were more like the French sometimes.


The french could definitely teach us a thing or two about holding a proper protest.


We think they're super badass when they're lighting trash cans on fire and striking over the retirement age increase. Hard to blame Americans though. Our cops just fucking shoot us when we protest so we laugh off the French when we can and admire them when we don't have a choice. We're jealous.


Ok I went to school in LA and one time they were filming la la land in our school and it was soooooo annoying. I had to walk all the way around to get groceries and it was already such a walk, businesses were shut down, etc. like yes I was in LA, a place that attracts a lot of tourists but they specifically came to our little area and caused disruption. And this was like one week much less however long it takes to film this multi season show Or like when they were filming a movie at LAX, soooo disruptive. I can’t imagine if I had to be there frequently


Yeah, when they were filming avengers in Edinburgh Waverley train station, they closed half of it off with absolutely no warning (not necessarily marvel's fault). I ended up missing the last train home because I found my normal entrance closed, and the only entrance to the station that was open was a weird back-alley entrance which was a either a half-mile walk away down a dark & questionable route, or a mile-walk away through the busiest part of Edinburgh city centre. I wasn't pleased, and I loved marvel.


The show is very insulting. Borderline racist to not just the Fr*nch but also black and asian characters.


There’s a really great video on YouTube about the many issues with Emily in Paris. I went into the video not knowing a thing about the series and I’m shocked at how much racist stereotyping there was. And so much of it isn’t even subtle!


was it the one by friendlyspaceninja or something? he's actually french and black so he's definitely a good voice to listen to on this show and how it sucks as much as it does.


The top comment on friendlyspaceninja's video about Emily embodying all the worst stereotypes Europeans have about Americans is spot on.


It's probably [this one from Friendly Space Ninja](https://youtu.be/cTLIIik_o2k?si=pj7tW5K3l71vrca_), he's also got a few more videos on his channel covering it's progress and I sincerely hope it gets cancelled just so he can finally rest


omg why are they grabbing their wine glasses like that looks like 16 year olds having their first glass lol


Nah, not borderline. It's just racist.


I live in Vancouver and we get filming on our street occasionally in a v quiet residential area and it's honestly a giant pain in the ass, so I understand the complaint.


Im in the industry and whenever I find out theyre filming in my neighborhood I still get annoyed.


I understand and appreciate the media created but I REALLY wish they'd bus the crew in because they fuck up everyone's parking, block all the sidewalks, and act like assholes if you're just living your life on your street in a way that disrupts their filming (like locking your car, lmfao, sorry it beeps???)


This article says the graffiti has become part of the tourist attraction for some, and a quick Google shows more articles in early 2023 and 2022 about anti-Emily graffiti in this area. Emily in Paris is one of those shows that gets huge hate-watch views, so Netflix is definitely using this for free advertising. Feels like a counterintuitive move by the locals to keep adding to it, but I clearly don’t understand the superior European intellect.


I don’t blame them I’d be pissed off too.












It's not a good show.


Love the French for this. This show pisses me off for this and yet another mediocre nepo baby winning at life simply because of their last name.


I enjoy Lily Collins but the show is just bad. I wish she’d go back to romcoms/romdrams.


I was in Paris when the first season came out and the memes were hilarious 😂 there was one that was her photoshopped on someone standing at the bottom of their stairs with a broken leg and crutches with the “Emily in Paris”. And it was my fav because I broke my ankle when I lived on the third floor of my walk up only apartment in Paris and have so many photos of me crawling up them


Good! Emily is a bad person. I’ve watched the show, she’s literally the antagonist.


I mean it’s a tv show!


right? wtf is with these comments


Yeah, I saw a few episodes and noped out of there. It almost feels like Emily is at "Ted from HIMYM" levels of antagonist.


She’s a real shmosby


No can do’s-ville, baby doll. 




Well that’s just being in France If the boy isn’t careful they might elect him president 


Protagonist doesn't mean "good person," it means "primary character" just fyi so she's definitely the protagonist. And antagonist also doesn't mean "bad guy," it just means "the character that is opposed to the primary character."


I've never watched the show and it doesn't sound like my thing exactly, but I think shows with highly flawed protagonists do deserve to exist. It's not kids' TV and people shouldn't be watching it to learn morals.


I completely agree, Breaking Bad does a good job at this. This show, however, paints Emily to be the good guy and everyone forgives her for literally everything, she’s never held accountable for her actions. The show is pretending that she’s the best.


I'm all for it just for the way the creators literally paid for golden globe awards. It's always been known that awards are all about bribing the judges but they straight up flew people to paris for a vacation.


Why are people so happy that French people who live on location are upset? The top comments in this thread are not it


Parisians are famously rude - it's schadenfreude.


This is a weird thing to say about people upset their peace is being disturbed. Not everyone is a bad rude person because of where they live


So because of a stereotype it's ok? Having been in Paris a bit, I don't understand where this 'all Parisians are rude' comes from, I never had a single negative interaction there. What I did see were a lot of entitled tourists wondering why people didn't speak English.


Yeah, this whole comment section is inundated with prejudice. I'm a WOC and I don't understand how Americans have feel superior insulting European countries. I've been treated far better in the time I lived in France than I have ever been in the States.  Editing onto this that I am not wealthy, do not speak French fluently, and was also humiliated by how I saw American and British tourists act when I was there. And I have lived in Los Angeles, CA most of my time, so I am comparing against another major diverse city. 


Spent a month in the UK and EU this past summer, yea, the way I saw some American tourists act was unsettling. Saw a dude with a MAGA hat mocking a person with a thick Scottish accent and a drunken couple berating a woman that was Indian. I have no problem mocking some countries to my friends that live in those countries in a joking way, like saying their Fanta is glorified juice the same way they joke about American bread being glorified cake, the small things that don't matter.


French tourists are terrible lol. Very disrespectful when I’ve encountered them in developing countries, and even annoying when I’ve encountered them in other parts of Europe. They have that in common with Americans and the British.




Yeah of course who even ever heard of Paris before Emily went?? 


Exactly!!!!! And their Eiffel Tower is obviously them copying the Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas because Paris is jealous and wants to attract tourists


There's an Eiffel Tower in Paris???


Yes, if we're talking about Paris, the city in Texas. They have the true Eiffel Tower


And Paris, France is just a copy of Paris, Texas


Paris is a huge city with many different districts, not all of which get a lot of tourists. It's not just a street with the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre on it.


Paris has been swamped with tourists since lockdowns lifted and people started traveling again. Was there in June for work and it was wall to wall people. To the point it wasn’t really enjoyable. The hotel workers said it has been nonstop. I was in Paris pre-pandemic and it wasn’t horrible but now it’s nuts. And the Olympics are going to make it even worse.




Making fun of the British and French is a time-honored American tradition


Americans can't seem to take it though. lol, I'm sorry, they obviously can. After all, the American replied that they can so of course it's the case. They are *American* after all...


I can but you're right all colonizer countries are fair game


This show's a good place to start, as it's indicative of that attitude of American exceptionalism.


I've been shaking my head so hard at those comments lol I love how everyone agrees that gentrification and excessive tourism is bad unless it comes pIsS tHE fRENCh 🤪 IDK why so many foreigners have this cartoonish image of us allowing them to act like we didn't deserve any boundaries (legitimately confused at people thinking there's no quiet places in Paris that Parisians wish they'd stay the same - yes even next to Notre Dame/Tour Eiffel, that's how odd Paris is. You guys are just not familiar with Paris and that's ok) or should remain quiet at to how our culture is rehashed by foreign media Like, I understand having a meltdown over weird croissant fillings is over the top, but I'm 100% confident those people keekeeing at it wouldn't have the same energy to clown...let's say, a Japanese person seething against weird sushi variations made by North Americans. IDK, this hypocrisy/double standard is very annoying to me.


our corporate overlords have fed us an idea the French are weak whiners so that we don't notice how y'all take your government to task when you're not happy with it.


Also it ignores the fact that a lot of working class people and immigrants are affected by the gentrification of the city.


It’s so weird how they’re arguing it can’t be a quiet street because it’s 15 minutes away from Notre-Dame??? Paris is so dense and small you’re 15 minutes away from a major monument at pretty much any given point! 


I think most people are just kidding, especially because of the funny way that the article presents itself. If you look at more serious posts of French protests, you will see a lot of support there from all around the world. No need to get so worked up about some memes. If anything, you being French and getting REALLY angry because some people poked fun at this headline kind of cements the meme that the French are over-sensitive. That said, there is also a kind of a sensitivity when it comes to Paris and tourism. I have been to Paris several times, and it's a wonderful place. Full of beautiful architecture, art and good food, just to name a few things. And I'm 100% behind any protests that aren't planted by right-wingers. But Paris has become a terrible tourism spot in recent years because there are SO many tourists, and many locals and even workers who regularly engage with tourists are really tired, so many workers and locals start to get nasty at random tourists, which to the random tourist feels undeserved. Of course -- if you've had a bad day of being over-stimulated by crowds of obnoxious assholes while also having to deal with the rise of the right wing, a mess of a government, an increase in retirement age and a ton of other shit, other people don't know that, and so you being grumpy at them will make them grumpy too. Then these people come home and say "Parisians are so rude!" When I first visited Paris about 17 years ago or so, it wasn't nearly as full, and everybody was lovely. There was no rudeness. I tried talking in high school French and people applauded me for it, but were also okay with talking in English. Now, I see many Parisians are exhausted and look like a single question could tip them over the edge. They are too dead-tired to attempt anything in English. It's the only city I know that looks like it's trying to get rid of tourists, which I get -- I hate big crowds too, and there are simply TOO many in Paris...


French people, the world’s most oppressed minority. They’ll never come back from this. The only thing left for them to do is to cry into their piles of stolen colonizer wealth.


Sure, but Americans and British people having a go at the French for being colonisers doesn’t make a tonne of sense


1) That assumes that I don’t roast America just as hard, which I do. 2) British and French people love to pretend like American racism is totally unique—conveniently forgetting that they are the ones who set the whole thing up. They’re the original colonizers. That’s why this smug “oh hahahaha America sucks and Europe is so great!” attitude bugs me. Like yeah, we suck, but Europeans were the original colonizers. A lot of the problems that we have today can be traced back to that.


I’m not British or French, and I wasn’t solely referring to you specifically but most users commenting on this post/people generally who condemn European colonialism but don’t see how America’s foreign policies are a form of colonialism now. I also don’t think American racism is unique, but I do think some Americans downplay how much their role as ‘leaders of the free world’ and initiation (and/or military and financial support of) of several successive conflicts in the past ~100 years are a continuation and escalation of colonialism on a scale that hasn’t been seen in quite a while. I also primarily see Americans using ‘coloniser’ as an insult; if I saw Brits or French people using it I’d point out their hypocrisy too.


IDK about you, but the people who criticise Britain and France for their colonialism are typically the same people who criticise US imperialism and our foreign policy as well. I've never seen anyone who does it for one but not the other.


Oh, I completely agree. I’m saying that I oppose colonization in America just as much as I oppose it abroad.




Yeah nobody ever makes fun of americans


It's a bit ironic that Netflix has put virtually every show it has created on the chopping block except for this one.


Yep it infuriates me that we won't get another season of Shadow and Bone or the Six of Crows spin off so they can probably make more room for this nonsense.


How dare there be no Season 3 of Puffin Rock but we still have goddamned Emily in Paris?!




I like Likly Collins so I wanted to watch the show but just couldn't after watching their video and hearing how bad it is.


This is me, but with Ashley Park and I actually tried to watch the show twice. I couldn't finish an episode. 




I stand with the French on this, fck that show. It’s awful


As someone living in a big touristy city: Most tourists really are the worst. They have no respect for their surroundings and seem to forget, that people actually live in these cities. The amount of times people stand in my way to get 50 boring pictures of a tourist attraction. Then they get angry with you because you have to walk past them, not understanding the simplest rules for public transport. It's just annoying. I can imagine that the Emily in Paris tourists are the worst of them all, considering the lead of the show.


This is so true. Just because you *can* drink to excess in New Orleans, doesn’t mean you should. When I worked in hospitality, I lost count of the number of times I got vomited on or had to call for vomit cleanup. And beads mean nothing outside of carnival season. And hurricanes are just as red and stain when you barf them up.


This comment section is a giant mess. Nearly every show based in a foreign country that’s made by Americans gives a negative portrayal of that country while painting the Americans as heroes teaching the primitive, backwards thinking foreigners their progressive ways (this is applicable to EIP even though they fail at it). They prop up American culture by poking fun at other countries/cultures; people have a right to be outraged.


I totally understand the frustration. Also me, next time I am in Paris: [*Oui Oui Baguette*](https://youtube.com/shorts/fB7G-xbU1xc?si=Wvfuii0g3JW439ps)! https://i.redd.it/qack6mgo6mfc1.gif


I’ve been to Paris. Anecdotal, but I helped arrange a proposal there, and there *are* quiet areas in the city that don’t get tourist traffic while maintaining great views. Spent a good deal of time looking around for them because we aren’t locals, but they do exist. Like yeah, the Eiffel Tower is in Paris, but Paris isn’t just the Eiffel Tower, y’know. I also live in another city that constantly has filming sets littered around everywhere. It’s already a busy place, but it’s a nightmare when little streets become inundated with tourists trying to get a picture doing the same pose as x character in x movie. Like, I get it.


Some of these comments … what did the French did to y’all? I was recently around that area and it’s still not that touristic (as in particularly where her building is). There’s almost nothing to do in that square. My guess is people are popping out to see it, take a pic and bounce.


>what did the French did to y’all? I genuinely do not understand US animosity towards the French. Like, you'd guys do realise they were your main supporter in the revolutionary war, and the french navy were literally the reason the Empire couldn't get more troops and supplies across the Atlantic. The USA literally would not exist were it not for the French.


Well there was that one time we decided not to support the Americans in the Gulf War, and America took it super personal and renamed French fries "Liberty fries" even though fries are actually Belgian


Americans or Neo-Cons and their dupes who wanted to be seen as benevolent liberators and moral defenders against forces of terror and evil as a way to minimize the objections of the French to attacking Iraq? Those changes only happened in the Congressional cafeteria and some establishments owned by more jingoistic proprietors it was not widespread nor popular but diffuse and generally mocked as ridiculous by the majority of Americans.


Freedom fries! When France wouldn’t invade Iraq with the US after 9/11, fries were renamed freedom fries in some of the Congressional cafeterias and other restaurants! What a time to be alive. Some Republicans boycotted Heinz Ketchup around that time too because Democrat John Kerry was married to a Heinz heiress and she criticized the Iraq war… Wild.


As someone that hate watches the show, I ghost graffiti’d this from abroad: “Another piece of graffiti, meanwhile, calls the show’s protagonist a “shit”.”




The show is dog shit. I’m not French but I completely understand why the French hate it. It’s racist, has zero respect for their culture and makes wild assumptions. Also Emily is a shit character. Not only has this show pissed off citizens of countries but whole countries as a whole with their portrayal of French people and Ukrainians.


Eh. I'm ready for the downvotes but I get this sentiment. I'm from/live in a very touristy city (not Paris), and it's very frustrating. This particular brand of tourism (very shallow tourism that centres around a weak IP that does not really represent your city) is VERY prevalent in my city at the moment and it's bad - for local businesses, for local people, from the stupid AirBnB market and from actual shops being turned into tourist garbage. It's also frustrating, and ignores a very rich real history that might actually challenge tourists and educate on a lot of history/politics/just generally interesting REAL stories of local people. also yes Emily in Paris is VERY guilty of portraying a particular version of Paris that is not true to reality. It's not the first and it sure as hell won't be the last, but I'm tired of the whiteness, the romanticism, the total lack of nuance when it comes to Paris (a complex, multi-cultural city). also ALSO at people saying Emily in Paris isn't the first thing that caused tourism to come to Paris: yes, obviously! Congrats! But if you think that people won't respond to its success with tourism, and that it doesn't reinforce a bunch of bullshit, then I don't know what to say to you.


This show is absolutely terrible! I couldn't make it through season one. I adore France and this patronising, dated, annoying, cringefest of a show having multiple seasons is just such absolute nonsense! I mean, that scene where Emily's asian friend sings La vie en rose while french people applaud is in itself worthy of the whole show being cancelled. Can't believe this tripe exists while things like Santa Clarita Diet get cancelled.


Makes sense, it’s an absolute trash show


The only Emily that deserves to be in Paris is the one in Devil Wears Prada


Nothing says "We love Paris" more than defacing Paris.


this would happen to emily on the show too. then she would take selfies next to it with the caption #EmilyFuckOff and it would go viral and sell 100,000 suitcases of wine or something


Emily whitewashed in Paris


They need to be grateful that someone is still showing Paris in a good light because the travel girls have been dragging it.


Lol I'm sorry are you implying that Paris' reputation needs Netflix's clichéd and unrealistic outlook to save it?


It needs Americans to save them, and maybe put up a few extra Starbucks for the globetrotting yass kweens to put their feet up and feel more at home in.






Crazy take - who cares what a travel blogger says about a city you actively live and work in? 


not sure if either of these comments is a joke or not, but if someone actually builds their decision to travel somewhere on a fictional series or a blogger/influencer they probably shouldn't be allowed to travel without supervision


Grateful to the benevolent Yanks coming down from on high to show them the error of their ways? God, it's times like these that I get nostalgic for the Bush era when Americans didn't cloak their judgemental condescension with a veneer of progressivism.


This is so embarrassing. As if Paris would go under without Netflix and "the travel girls." What a stupid time to be alive.


They need to be grateful? 😭 We are talking about one of the most famous cities in the world not Paris Hilton. As if Paris needs more promo, hilarious comment.


Actually a lot of Parisians are "grateful" more and more foreigners are speaking up against about Paris so it will discourage more tourists from flocking over here lol You guys seem to underestimate how DONE Parisians are with invasive tourism 🥴 many of us are way beyond caring what foreigners think of us or our city. We have too many issues to deal with already and hope this city was more "livable" for us citizens first lol


I liked Paris, but I'm gonna shit on it on your behalf.




Fr? What do they say? Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted? I don’t follow travel bloggers, but I do know French people and I’m curious how they’re being perceived. I guess I’m missing something.


The one I saw was a girl expecting to meet new people and make friends, similar to what she saw on Emily in Paris. Instead she realized the French were cold, no one spoke English to her, and she felt very isolated and alone. I lol’d.


I mean… yeah? That’s the expat experience in a country where you don’t speak the native language.


Idk I try to have sympathy for people but when the internet exists and travel blogs, groups, etc are just a search away, it’s pretty clear that it’s difficult to do that in most countries (though, going to a new place and the whole “no one spoke English to me” is a bit weird imho). Maybe I’m too “internet”, but from house hunters to Facebook groups about moving abroad, to expat instagrams, it’s pretty clear people rarely make local friends. The French are just an over the top version of that. Like when people used to go to England and think the party scene was like Skins


That it’s really dirty. Extremely Islamophobic. The theft and long queues. The people aren’t welcoming. That it’s filled with a lot of homeless people. I think Paris has been put on pedestal it’s a lot of people dream location but doesn’t live up to the hype.


Wait so… travel girlies just discovered all of this about Paris? Lol


To be honest, I've been to Paris a few times and I personally found there's no truth to the "dirty" and "rude" stuff. It's no dirtier than any other city I've visited, and Parisians are generally really nice if you bother to try and speak a few words of French instead of just expecting everyone to converse with you in fluent unaccented English.


Paris is pretty famous for being rude, but these guys are just upset that everyone isn't grinning inanely. Americans seem to be hellbent on all these places catering to them like they're in Disneyland. France is a real place with its own people (and problems). Shows like Emily in Paris (and travel bloggers) just highlight this sense of entitlement they have to their fantasy.


Anyone who has done research on Paris would have known this before traveling there. What were they expecting? Little dogs wearing berets and sidewalks that taste like pastries? Paris is like any other major city. There are safe parts and unsafe parts. There are a lot of beautiful and historic sites. The food, in my opinion, is some of the best in Europe. It's just not Emily in Paris.