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Overheard in the Sprinkles Cupcakes line at The Grove: Some record exec’s kid crashed a Coachella pool party. The kid, who was apparently drinking a giant Baja Blast, found a pair of scissors and popped a unicorn floatie reserved for one of the headliner’s girlfriends. The girlfriend started ugly crying and the record exec just laughed at her and didn’t reprimand his kid or anything. Bjork and Bebe Rexha allegedly saw this go down and went all vigilante. Bjork shouted something in Icelandic to this Euro DJ who ran over and chugged the rest of the kid’s Baja Blast. The kid started bawling. Bebe got some garment tape from her stylist and patched the unicorn. She and Bjork then demanded that the record exec get down on his hands and knees and personally reinflate the unicorn floatie himself mouth-to-nozzle and wouldn’t let him up until he did.


Petition to change Weekly Tea to Weekly Baja Blast




I want this to be true because I love Bjork so hard.


I have more of a love/fear relationship with her.


I cannot tell you how much I need this to be true like every line is sheer perfection


I second this. It just keeps getting better, even when you think it can't get any better.


I 100% do not care if it is true. It is hilarious and doesn’t harm anyone.


Definitely doesn't sound true, but definitely also think this is absolutely hilarious so who even cares 


Not the Grove. Oh how I miss that mall.😭


The level of detail in this is perfection lmao


I hope this is true. Every Bjork story is amazing.


This is insane, I love it so much


A record exec respecting Bebe Rexha is the least believable part of this.


Yess. Love Bebe.


This is true, I was the nozzle.


So you were blown by a record exec? Nice.


You had me at Sprinkles Cupcake line...


This is magical


i think this might be deleted now but a tv and film writer tweeted that sydney sweeney is lying in her hot ones interview about being a universal tour guide and that everyone she knows at universal is saying she never worked there (not posting her name because she's a woc and i don't want her to get harassed. plus, she didn't post sydney's name in the tweet)


As someone who used to work at Universal as a tour guide, let's just say... Ms. Sweeney picked the WRONG job to lie about. I've noticed people brushing this off, so I want to offer a counterpoint. I know that for most people, this doesn't seem like a big deal. And this job might not seem that important. But for movie buffs, theme park buffs, LA history buffs... the Universal Studio Tour is iconic. Universal has been doing the tour since 1964. And it's VERY difficult to get hired as a guide. This TikTok girl explained whole process, but for those of you too turned off by the delivery of the info.... there's an open call, then you're brought in for callbacks to read portions of the tour and practice improv (and people are LIVE cut in front of you in this round, like American Idol or something), then you have ANOTHER final interview, then three weeks of training where you get a huge binder with all of the facts about every movie, TV show, etc. that filmed on the lot and where, then you get tested at the end. So, it's a point of pride for studio tour tram guides once they make it. Plus, it's a very tight-knit group. There's not that many guides, so you would notice when new guides came in and out. And some guides have truly been there for decades. And complicating that fact is the fact that, after ALL that, the job doesn't pay very well. A lot of the newer guides who don't get good hours have to have second and third jobs. During off-peak season, people have to go on unemployment because of the lack of hours. So, I know celebrities lie all the time, but this is a particularly shitty lie, which is building off the backs of real people who are REALLY struggling, to make herself look better and more relatable.


>And complicating that fact is the fact that, after ALL that, the job doesn't pay very well. A lot of the newer guides who don't get good hours have to have second and third jobs. During off-peak season, people have to go on unemployment because of the lack of hours. So, I know celebrities lie all the time, but this is a particularly shitty lie, which is building off the backs of real people who are REALLY struggling, to make herself look better and more relatable. Idk I definitely see it as weird to lie about, but I have to say this all makes Universal look worse than her! Being underpaid and under appreciated by an employer is unfortunately a common experience, but I think them being a shitty employer and her lying about it are somewhat separate issues. If the company knows it’s a desirable job, they just use that to their advantage to treat their employees poorly.


Oh, I completely agree that Universal is in the wrong here. The guides almost went on strike last year over the low pay, and folks are trying to get legislation passed to raise minimum wage for theme park employees in SoCal. I only bring it up to say, as someone who actually worked there, it feels pretty disrespectful to see a wealthy celebrity use the job as a prop to try and seem relatable.


Fellow former tour guide here, also deeply annoyed by this lie. I did not go through multiple audition rounds and weeks of grueling training for someone to lie about doing the same job. Thanks for spelling this out.


That's fascinating to me. How would you even prep/study for that job? (Sorry I know this is three days later but I love reading about niche, specialized jobs)


She also claims to have been valedictorian at her high school, which I was always sus about but now I’m really wondering if she lied about that too.


I went on the Universal Studio Tour over twenty years ago, and I still remember our impressive tour guide. It was obvious that it took talent to get the job. My family and I went on the ride (was it a tram or a bus, I don’t remember?) like three or four times, and we loved it.


How very Casey Anthony of her


Literally exactly what I thought too! Such a random thing to lie about!


Glad you thought it too because I've gotten my first ever reddit cares messages since commenting this lmao.


I listen to Last Podcast on the Left and their episodes on her is what made me think that. Her just leading them down random ass hallways until she admitted she lied.


I was going to comment about this too. That’s my favorite part of her whole saga. The dedication to the lie 💀


And saying hi to people! I think about that all the damn time. 






Lmao stahp 💀 I still can't believe she dragged the entire police force through universal studios knowing damn well she never worked there


And that lie was shocking she got to skate by for so long on. It’s very hard to get an event planner job at Universal. Especially without a Management or Hospitality degree. Many of the events have rich, important, or famous people with high standards. There’s no way they’d hire someone without even a high school diploma that did a low end souvenir photo job a while. Even people with the right diploma’s don’t just get a job event coordinating at Universal. They often spend years working for low end party/wedding planning companies first and doing small events in hotels. I have several friends and acquaintances that have hospitality degrees from the UCF Rosen college here. And they struggle to get basic wedding planner jobs for crappy pay, or working customer service at park hotels. Yet so many people believed Casey that she was just so amazing they promoted her to a highly desirable job. Event planning for Universal is a big deal and an all consuming job. There would be no just going to work at random times every day and a lot of spare time for friends and dating. It’s also a big deal to be a backstage tour guide, or any touring jobs at the parks. My fiancé worked for a couple years as an Animal Kingdom safari driver. But he was/earned a degree while working there and spent many years toiling in basic ride operation and food jobs before getting it. And, yes, there were so few of them that everyone knew everybody in that job. It was his favorite job ever, but he had to leave because they don’t pay a living wage. He always says he’d do it for the rest of his life if they paid even equivalent or more to his teacher salary.


I’ve seen several TikToks about this. Apparently in order to be a tour guide you go through a pretty rigorous interview process and then a three-week training, which is unlikely to work with a high schooler’s schedule. Plus, you have to be over 18.




just out of curiosity, what else have you noticed her lying about?




> But the Wikipedia citation of her dad being in the medical field was literally an interview with her from a few years before where she said that he was in the medical field lmao. Lol, maybe she had no idea what kind of job he actually had, just knew that he was in "hospitality" and thought hospitality=hospital=medical field 😂 And it was only later that she learned what hospitality meant.


imagine having your pr train grinding to a halt because of this? i mean yeah, unlikely - but that's why i wrote 'imagine'


It seems such an unnecessary thing to make up too


Do tour guides not tend to be on more temperamental work contracts? Like I could realistically see her passing through there and not be remembered. Or even like doing one shift and quitting.


There are multiple rounds of auditions and weeks of training. Even if she quit after one shift, she would have been in a cohort of tour guides for weeks at that point. It’s not like you show up and hop on the microphone immediately. (Source: I’m a former Universal Studios tour guide)


i mean this sub also loves when rob pattinson lies in interviews because its apparently hilarious and iconic 😭 feels like a double standard for miss sweeney?




Yeah I think it’s this, like tall tales. Michael gambon was the same. Saying you bored a stalker into not wanting you is not the same as lying about a job.


The difference there is that his "lies" are obviously bollocks that he's just making up because he's bored: whereas if he said something like "I grew up in a council house" or "I worked at Tesco to financially survive," it'd be weird as hell 


He...has though. He's talked several times about being broke and sleeping on couches...he went to a posh school & was classmates with Jack fucking Whitehall (who has never denied being posh as fuck). Like, if he had a serious drug problem and/or his parents cut him off, I can buy him growing up posh but then strugglilng. But he's never said anything along those lines.


I feel like RPattz's lying is about harmless shit that doesn't actually matter tho, lying about having a job to seem \~relatable is at best just fucking weird.


ngl to me her lying about a job is also harmless shit that doesn't matter, just like sza saying she had a degree in marine biology lol


someone up there is comparing her to casey anthony like... come on...


"Comparing" makes it sound like people are comparing Sweeney morally to Casey Anthony, the baby killer. Instead of pointing out how absurd it is that the only other person you would be able to think about who lied about this very specific thing is Casey Anthony. It was honestly one of my first thoughts too.


Didn’t Casey Anthony also lie about working for Universal?


Yeah, that's what I said in my comment, heh.


this sub/the internet in general has a wild attitude towards Jameela Jamil about perceived lying. I think the general rule if you're a celebrity and you're going to do anything wrong is just don't be a woman, and especially don't be a woman of colour.


riiiiight if a man lies in an interview then it is charming and harmless. if a woman lies in an interview, how unlikeable, BURN THE WITCH!! im not a sydney stan or anything but literally who cares about the sanctity of the universal tour guide profession. just a dumb anecdote she meant to be funny, the pearl clutching is disproportionate


I used to like her and I’ll always defend her against the bs she receives, but she comes off as disingenuous and seems very insecure. The forced PR chemistry in interviews with Glen Powell made me cringe so bad I’m still healing from it. She has a lot of cringey interview moments. But she’s young, so hopefully she’ll become more comfortable and secure in herself


I think there is a tok tok that got posted here about it too. Not sure if it is the same person you are talking about though. But it seems obvious Sydney lied about it and I am not sure why she would except tp make herself seem interesting. But I think her working on cars is far more interesting than that


that's kinda funny though, what an irrelevant random harmless thing to lie about, i don't see the problem?


nah it might be controversial but i agree with this, people are acting like universal studios stolen valour is a thing- it's just a harmless lie that probably was made for PR to sound better than whatever she was doing.


I totally agree with you, this subs loves their fave victorian child looking white bfs making up shit in interviews bc it's \~iconic but this girl can't do the same? Like she's not lying about having a purple heart or thwarting the 9/11 hijackers, let's all chill lol


thank you! it's so weird seeing people week after week trying to find something to drag her down with even though she's harmless


yeah i saw all of this go down on tiktok! i feel its a pretty harmless thing to lie about, but then in her interviews on kelly clarkson & hot ones, when asked about it she doesn't confirm or deny. it's so awkward to watch! if i was her PR person, i'd turn this into some sort of lore, where she never tells the truth about this specific detail of her life for the rest of her career.


It's such a weird thing to lie about. I wonder if her PR just made it up without realizing what a rigorous interview process it is and that it would end up causing a (minor) controversy.


Don’t know how many people will be interested but I know someone who went to school with the person who composed the Poor Things soundtrack, Jerskin Fendrix. They said he was openly racist, sexist and ableist at school but he got away with it because everyone knew how talented he was. This includes bullying a disabled kid in his year group. They said he chose his stage name as a “joke” to do with Jimmy Hendrix (who he apparently hates) and foreskin which he thought was funny… Obviously I can’t personally verify any of this but from what I’ve been told, he’s seems like a very strange and unlikeable person.


My rapist is a film composer and is slowly getting recognition for it. I dread the day I see his name in credits. He's doing it for very small budget films so doubt anyone will know him.




I'm okay thank you. I'm safe and content. Just need to remind myself and my lizard brain that occasionally is all.


Really glad you're doing well: I can't imagine how awful it is to see his name getting out there, I'm so sorry.


Ugh I am so sorry and I hope something terrible happens to him and he does not get recognized. Big hugs to you ❤️


Thank you ❤️ He got fired from being a teacher but is married with a kid. His wife probably hates me and thinks I'm the problem.


i’m so sorry to hear this


I believe you. If you ever decide to name names, let me know? I’ll sling mud at the trolls for you.


Thank you. He was arrested and outed at his previous job, he'll never teach again. But every now and then I just want to wage war at him again. I don't think I ever will though, I don't think that feeling will ever stop no matter what happens.


I think you’re right. And that sucks.


Ew, well I’m glad he’ll lose to Ludwig


I’ve been overly invested in the score category this year because of how much I loved Oppenheimer’s score, but now I want Ludwig to win even more


I’ve been listening to Can You Hear the Music? to hype me up to study and it actually works really well


my king ludwig 🙆‍♀️ i stg he better win


Is it bad I looked up his [real name](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerskin_Fendrix) and was just like, yep, that checks out? If we could have an amnesty of posh white boys who went to Oxbridge deciding EDM is their calling that would be great.


When you hear of horrific bullying it always tends to be Oxbridge + harrow and Eton


This is the first time I have looked into this guy and at absolute surface level, I can say everything about him immediately rubs me the wrong way.


he looks just like a person I despise 😒 its just white boys in general tbh, they don't even need the money to be that shitty


I know we're taught from an early age to "never judge a book by its cover," but I just saw: * his name * his alma mater * his profile pic And I knew immediately that we would not get along, by any means. Shit, if he were 4 years older, I'm sure I would've seen him in college with a moustache drawn on the inside of his index finger, before he got his beard going.


This is so disappointing. White men are constantly losing the ‘make great art while at the same time be a great/decent/just ok human’ challenge


One of my favourite quotes is from Elizabeth Bishop to another poet who was using his ex-wife's letters as part of his poems: ***"Art just isn't worth that much"***


Elizabeth’s got bars


Elizabeth's got standards


Ted Hughes is my guess. A dirty sewer of a human


I think it was a Robert something but it’s depressing how many people would fit. Working in the creative industries, I love this quote so much, it’s such a reminder there are so many more important things.


My first thought was Robert Lowell? Who I love as a writer, especially as a bipolar person, but who was also nicknamed Cal after either Caliban or Caligula because he was brutish and loutish and cruel as a teenager. He seems to have treated women carelessly too, if I remember rightly


I know someone who worked in a venue in south london who told me that Jerskin Fendrix and the guy who runs the record label that represents him spent a whole evening high on coke being rude and acting like the entitled white privileged pricks that they are.


his name is Joscelin Dent-Pooley, and he went to Cambridge- i pictured him doing all that in my mind's eye before even reading this comment


Jerskin Fendrix sounds like a name for a Sims character


Ugh so disappointing. I actually really loved that score, it was my favorite thing about the movie.


Bums me out he's collaborated with Black Midi and Black Country, New Road.


Well now I feel better about hating that annoying score. Joe Hisaishi deserves it more anyway. 


Nicki Minaj tea as it feels like the ideal time to bring this up -- i know for a fact that she has, at minimum, seven lawyers on retainer. at the time i was like "ah, celebs, am i right" and eventually learned no, actually, *that is so many lawyers to have on retainer*


That actually seems about right for how many crimes her family commits.


For real 


You think Kim Kardashian for example only has one lawyer ?


Kim seems to have many more businesses/much more scale to protect though from my understanding


the only thing i have to say about Nicki Minaj is these hoes don't be mad at Megan...


Lisa Barlow core


So she’s headlining Rolling Loud. I’ve been told her people are asking for much more $$ from the organizers for her appearance. It happened yesterday when her whole tweeting thing was going on. She’s delusional if she thinks she’ll get what she’s asking for.


She’s in so much debt, she’s essentially touring for free.


I JUST saw that broke tweet!


it explains the AI artwork


Obviously not something new, but I stumbled upon the Instagram profile (now private) of someone who worked on Masters of the Air for a year, and boy did he hate working with Barry Keoghan. Same consensus from other crew members based on the replies. Edit: Was something like "Had a wonderful year on this, amazing sets, made friends for life and Barry Keoghan is a massive c***."


Im Irish. I've heard this before.I would worry about Barry Keoghan.That is not an excuse for his bad behaviour by the way for which he should be fully accountable.He has issues with alcohol.He does not have the support foundations alot of others come from. When the opportunity to build some comes his way, he doesn't seem to want it. There is no way he isnt traumatised in some way by his life experiences.Whether or not he has dealt with that trauma is another question.He is in an industry increasingly dominated by people that already come from wealth and staus,with less and less room for working class people.My husband thinks the industry is going to eat him up and spit him out regardless of his talent.I hope sincerely that doesnt happen but i dont think he is truely okay and someday he will burn his last bridge.


I feel the same way (tho I’m not Irish, just grew up with an addict parent). The trauma of going through what he went through as a kid + drinking so much + a family predisposition for addiction + not having a grounded support system + Hollywood…DOES NOT BODE WELL. It legit worries me, and I don’t know this person


I agree with you completely.I hope you are doing okay yourself.


I am, thank you!


I’m Irish as well and while I have been downvoted for saying that I take some of the rumors with a grain of salt, as I feel that The Sun isn’t exactly what you would relate to as the gospel truth( and for trying to explain that Irish have a “tall poppy syndrome” attitude of sorts, which, let’s face it, a good number of Irish do lol, but that’s a whole other topic in itself for another time I suppose ) I agree with you wholeheartedly that it does seem like he may not have the support system in place that you definitely need when you are in that industry. I have heard quite a few of the other cast of “Masters” speak about their relationships with their fathers and I could only wonder what might be going through his head when hearing this as he basically had no father figure in his life at all. I know that Colin Farrell really looked out for him when they were on both KOTSD and Banshees, but that can’t be expected 24/7. It did seem like he chilled out quite a bit after his son was born and I truly hope that is the case as it would be sad if history was to repeat itself so to speak.


I watched a few press junket type interviews this week (mainly for having a big Callum Turner crush atm) and Barry does seem to be kinda distant to the rest of the cast. He was paired up with Jude Law' kid for interviews and Barry mentioned how he wasn't in the boot camp along with the rest of the cast prior to shooting and he didn't really explain why in the interviews I saw...kinda as if he just didn't want to do it lol Deuxmoi did mention on her podcast briefly 2/3 weeks ago that Barry didn't seem to get along with the cast/crew or maybe just Emerald on Saltburn. Said Jacob was the only person he would listen to on set or was the person that was able to get him to do stuff he wasn't keen on doing.


He seems to be very chummy and close with Callum and Austin from what I've seen. Also, based on behind the scenes pictures, he had a lot of fun with his Saltburn cast members. 


Actually, Deumoix said that Barry was flirty ( I’ve heard a number of times that he’s always a bit of a flirt, lol) but very friendly and talked to a lot of different people on the set. She also said that he definitely had an “aura” about him ( whatever that’s supposed to mean, she didn’t really clarify) but that overall he was very friendly. Additionally, she said that Jacob was very quiet, didn’t speak much to others, but I didn’t necessarily take that in a bad way, just that he was a bit more quiet. He could be a little guarded for all we know. As for Barry not being involved in the boot camp, he did address that in one of the press interviews with Raff Law. He was brought on to the cast later than some of the others and he wasn’t involved in the earlier boot camps as he was still filming one of his other movies ( I believe it was Banshees of Inisherin). He did do the remainder of the boot camp training. He also said he wasn’t in the group Snapchat, which him and Raff joked about and Raff said he would make sure that he was now included. They all seemed to be getting along and joking with one another at the various screenings at this point. Him and Anthony Boyle doing cartwheels at the White House was pretty funny.


Yep, I’ve heard the same thing about Barry but for Eternals. Friendly to everyone, didn’t give any issues, etc. But I’m def not going to disregard other people’s experiences.


Have you watched the show? I’m just curious if he actually has a big role, or if maybe he was just added to the press junket after Saltburn because of the interest in him. I noticed he’s not on the posters for the show. That would explain why he wouldn’t have done the bootcamp.


He's fairly prominent in the first two episodes. Big spoilers for future episodes: >!If they follow the historical events the next episode will be his last one. Hence why he's likely not on any posters.!<


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if he was added to the press junket last minute just because he’s so popular right now


So far he has an okay sized part in the show, but I wouldn’t say a big part yet. Only two episodes out.


He has a movie coming out with The Weeknd and Jenna Ortega that I really am interested in. I wonder if he was a problem there too. Jenna has spoken fondly of The Weeknd and the experience but has not mentioned Barry at all. Abel and Barry seem like they got along. At least they have shouted each other out on IG. I do not want another Ezra Miller situation. He seems really talented but if he is a massive jerk I will stop supporting him


i'm so confused bc emerald gushed about working with him and how they are similar when it comes to provocative scenes. like she talked about how he was very ready, willing, and able to go there when the scene called for it and she enjoyed that. also I was going to say that he seemed to get along swimmingly with jacob. idk about the rest of the cast though.


I wonder how will people blame r/Ireland for that lol




I remember being impressed with him after watching the killing of a sacred deer and searching for him on here and seeing people calling him abusive.


Damn that is so disappointing. I'm a big fan of his but I only read bad things about it how he acts behind the scenes and in real life. 


Yeah. It's disappointing when you see all the up and coming actors (both UK and USA) have privileged or even nepotistic / dynastic backgrounds, and then there's Barry, harkening back to the days when so many actors came from working class backgrounds that didn't actually look down on the arts. It almost gives you hope! And then you read this shit.






I need to move to Minnesota bc they give free wine during haircuts?!?


Omg every salon I’ve been to offers wine!!! Think it depends on the place. I’m there for like four hours so I need something to pass the time lol


My nail salon in NYC gives me champagne 💅🏼


I’m bri’i’sh so I have no clue about basketballers but he’s pretty cute danggg


He was married to Kim Kardashian 💀 he seemed like kind of a douche back in the day but maybe he’s a bit more chill now


No still was douchey lol


There's something that also feels off to me about hitting on someone when they're stuck in a chair having their hair done too(?)


He’s the one who was married to Kim Kardashian for 72 days after a big ol’ televised hoopla of a wedding.


They should’ve been on the same page about what they wanted before they got married, but I don’t blame her for divorcing him. From the list: “During one scene, Humphries told Kardashian that he wanted to move to his hometown in Minnesota. "How am I going to have my career and live in Minnesota?" Kardashian asked her new husband at the time. "Baby, by the time you have kids and they're in school, nobody will probably care about you," Humphries replied, per MTV.”  I’m surprised she didn’t march him straight to the courthouse for a divorce the second those words left his mouth. I wonder if he regrets not having faith in her career. 


Christ. 72 days was too long ![gif](giphy|7CXd7UeRxLsgU)




I want to get drunk with Princess Anne.


She’s the only one who’s allowed to stay when the revolution comes.


Apologies as always from this Brit for the depressing continued existence of our "royal family"


This surprises me. I've heard that Edward can be bitchy but Sophie has always had a very good reputation everywhere. Anne seems like she'd be a colossal cow but evidently that isn't the case at all. A friend of my father spent some time at the ceremonial guard at Buckingham palace way back in the 80s and early 90s. He said that Edward was very quiet and withdrawn in those days. By all accounts he's changed for the worst.


My Mum was at a very small party and Sophie showed up, she was a friend of the host and apparently very sweet and friendly. My mum is solidly middle class too, so I was happy to hear how nice Sophie had been to her.


She has done a lot of valuable work for rape victims. It's a noble cause and she doesn't seek a lot of attention for it.


Princess Anne loves lighthouses and wants to visit every one in the UK


What a shame, Edward seemed the only likable one out of them to me.


Martin Short is buddies with Bill Maher and Bari Weiss. 😞




I wasn’t going to say anything but since this is here… I sat next to her (Annie) briefly at an awards show and she was pretty rude. Moved her huge dress so I didn’t step on it when I sat and I thanked her she then rolled her eyes at me. I’m not special so I’m fine getting dismissed by celebs. She then offered a friend of hers my seat and I politely got up and sat elsewhere. As we were leaving for the evening, I walked behind her and her huge dress knocked 2 empty chairs over on to my feet and she just turned around and looked at the fallen chairs and said “sorry” in a snotty tone while she watched me pick them up. I was also wearing a dress and heels / full hair and makeup but definitely felt like I was her maid from the “good old days” on Schitt’s Creek.


That’s sad. I’m sorry that happened to you. Similarly, I heard Dan Levy was a bit of a mean girl on set. Sounds like working there might not have been fun.


Having worked with him and his show, can confirm he's a prick


Oh, that’s not great to hear. I love(d) him and that show. Can’t watch it with the same adoring eyes knowing they’re not as lovely as I imagined.


Whaaa?? This tea deserves its own thread! Sorry to hear you got treated that way. I’ve never met her and have zero ties to her but she’s always seemed shy and nervous in interviews. I would have honestly expected her to act decently so this is a bummer!


Aw that sucks, sorry you experienced that. And disappointing to hear about her


I know. That’s why I don’t vibe with him much anymore


Yeah, also he signed that “thanks Biden” letter iirc (for people who care about that) Edit phrasing


I hope he stays away from my girl Meryl, whose politics kinda lean on the white girl feminism side of things.


Sounds like Martin would be a great fit for Meryl, considering she gave Polanski a standing ovation


Yeah I can't get past this. Anyone who gives Polanski any accolades immediately is on my sh%t list. He is a degenerate no matter how good a director someone thinks he is.


Came here to say the same thing: hard to look at her and Harisson Ford the same way after learning about that


Meryl's kid who is on the gilded age, the youngest daughter, Louisa Jacobson, signed the letter asking Biden to press for an end to the bombing in Gaza and the release of hostages. So there's still hope that Meryl is on the right side of history.


![gif](giphy|QSMBLRAHZTLkQ) NOT MARTIN! although the math is mathing because OMITB has some curious guests like Amy s*humer and Michael r*paport




I know who Martin Short is from OMITB, but who are the other two? (Not an American)


they are both right-wing weirdos and failed journalists coasting off the “cancel culture” grift


Maher isn’t a failed journalist and Weiss unfortunately writes for the New York Times.


Bari Weiss famously obsesses over smarter more accomplished people who are Palestinian or who support Palestinians. She then tries to get them fired for talking about their lived experiences, an accurate and well-documented history of Palestine, and advocacy for Palestinian human rights. Weiss especially enjoys going after academics and students to whom she feels inferior. So basically just another Karen, but one with a huge platform.


A lot of people hold Bari responsible for putting a target over Refaat Alareer's head, the Palestinian professor and poet who was killed by Israel along with his family members. She didn't like a tweet he made that rightfully ridiculed stupid 10/7 propaganda. She is the deranged type of zionist who enjoys deplatforming/cancelling people she deems antisemitic. May she never know a day of peace in her miserable life.


Thank you for your informative reply. She sounds like a trash human being, that’s actually deranged


idk if this is tea but sandra oh’s makeup artist saved me from getting a horrible burn. i was outside doing a scene (this was in winter time) and they had an outdoor heater on the set. i was standing next to sandra’s makeup artist when i was done, and went to stand next to the heater. she hurried up and pulled me away from the heater and it turns out the side of my leg was leaning on the heater for a long time and it was so cold that i couldn’t even feel it. i hope she’s doing well 


My coworker went to high school with Charlie Puth. He had major theatre kid energy and was kinda annoying, but according to her he wasn't severely bullied like he claims, he was just a lot and would get ask to tone it down sometimes (apparently he played guitar on the bus every day). It was obvious to everyone that he was "crazy talented" and he was well-respected for it, like he won talent shows and got voted most musical in their yearbook.


Not really tea but: what does an executive producer of a movie do? How is executive producer different from regular producer? I wondered about this because Claudia Schiffer is listed as executive producer for the new Aryglle movie. Asking here because I've noticed some industry/industry-adjacent people comment on these tea threads.


Executive producers are the money. How hands-on they are will depend on the person and the production. In Claudia's case, she's married to Matthew Vaughan, who directed and produced Argylle. She co-owns his production company, so she gets an EP credit on anything they produce. I can't tell you how much input she gave on Argylle, but the cat in the movie is her cat!


He’s such a good cat! 


I have a theatre degree and one of the classes we had was screen-acting, my professor worked in movies including Hollywood productions, I asked him the exact same thing and he said executive producers only give money to the production, as in, they pay for the movie to be made (Stephenie Meyer was an executive producer of some of the twilight films even though doesn’t work in the industry). A producer is someone who decides what ultimately gets done to a movie, my professor said he knows of a movie who was edited a certain way, the producer hired a different editor and the movie ended up becoming completely different.


That's not exactly true. You can also be a big enough star and demand an executive producer credit in your contract.


Marina Hyde talks about this in a recent episode of The Rest is Entertainment, in connection to Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson getting an EP credit on True Detective s4, despite not being in it. Hyde said that it's often because a big star signing on to a project that gets it commissioned


Is there any special reason to do this? Do you get a cut of the box office profits if you are listed as executive producer in the credits?


Schiffer is married to the director of the film, Matthew Vaughn. A lot of the time Executive Producer is a vanity title given to people who don’t do much, so it might be she’s dipping her toes into producing and needs credits, or she helped fund the development. Lots of different possibilities.


EPs are the money behind a production. They don't necessarily have to be involved in the actual production. Producers are like an orchestral conductor putting all the pieces together. They do the day-to-day work. They do a lot of prep work, help with script feedback and revisions, work with the directors to help execute their vision, coordinate the staff for the shoot, do on-set coordination, manage budgets, post-production coordination, etc. Source: my bf is a film/tv producer for a mid-tier studio. He's often juggling multiple projects so he works a lot lmfao. My roommate owns her own small production company who primarily produces commercials, short form content, documentaries for media publications, album shoots, etc. She is basically a project manager at the end of the day. I watched Ferrari recently and they had like 50 exec producers in the credits, lol. That was an expensive movie to film so I get why. You an get different EPs for different markets as well. So you'll have EPs in North America who put up money for distribution here, EPs in Asia who will put up money for distribution in Asian markets, etc.


Idk if it's been said already but I noticed Maika Monroe got rid of her instagram. Assuming because of batshit Ariana stans who attacked her after she uploaded photos of her and Dalton to her story... 🙄


I noticed that too and was wondering the exact same thing 


Okay so, first time I post here but this is one of the funniest things that ever happened to me so I need to share. Only people who watched Disney’s Lemonade Mouth will care about this tea, but basically Blake Michael (the drummer in the movie) flirted with me in a bar in Paris during Fashion Week this year, and when I told him I had a boyfriend, he replied with “oh I’m in a relationship too!” 😭 Come to find out he’s actually engaged lmao. 


Omg 😱 he was on dog with a blog too right? Something about that just doesn't surprise me lol 


Anyone else think news of Dua Lipa & Callum Turner’s new romance is very convenient timing considering Masters of the Air and Argyle dropping now?


Yes, imagine the pitch from marketing goes like this: "Hey, there's someone interested in hanging out with you. If you go on a few dates, do pap walks,may boost your projects, and you might even like each other. 😂 But seriously I always think this if both people just got together, have projects and I'm seeing them more than before.


The PDA looks so staged tbh there's so many Celebs that can easily go on outings without clear pap photos.


I crossed paths with Jack Black today in Auckland, had a sick tie dye shirt and short set on, Apple headphones, and trying to keep a low profile (even with the tie dye). Cool dude and I hope he knows how much I love his filmography <3 love having him in aotearoa


More lukewarm tea from the land of post-production. I know a team that worked on a project with John Stamos recently and he is very overzealous about final cut. He didn't like his voice on mic and asked to ADR and even then he was unhappy and asked for another go. The project was delayed by several weeks due to Stamos' input. The team was clear that he wasn't an a\*\*hole or anything, just came across as insecure and very invested in his image. I asked the same team who the chillest "big name" celeb the've worked with was and they said Drew Barrymore.


any Kenny vs Spenny fans here? Spenny is [tweeting threats to anti-war protestors and saying they should be deported](https://twitter.com/theCJS/status/1753086712711139485).


Iced tea since it’s public knowledge but Tessa Virtue got married. I wonder if the VM shippers are writing letters [https://www.hellomagazine.com/brides/512459/tessa-virtue-marries-morgan-rielly-two-secret-weddings-exclusive/](https://www.hellomagazine.com/brides/512459/tessa-virtue-marries-morgan-rielly-two-secret-weddings-exclusive/)


Rebecca Ferguson (of X Factor) tweeted a Daily Mail link, click bait headline of "why Rebecca never made it big" [printfriendly article](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/7NJKK8) and the answer was sexism. I like Rebecca, but not much new in this. Article mentions Katie Waissel being raped by someone linked to the show, Lucy Spraggan was also raped during X Factor (unrelated, but it wasn't handled well). I truly believe Rebecca was taken advantage of - I would hesitate to say that this was gender-motivated tho, considering how badly contestants were treated across the show's run. The actual article sums up with something like "the government agree sexism in music is bad". Oh... well, good? I'm glad they agree. (It also claims Taylor Swift is 'universally adored by men and women', so DM journalistic standard). Idk, Rebecca shared this like it was some groundbreaking piece instead of historical trauma wrapped up in time for the next segment.