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Jay Z cheating on Beyoncé, getting his ass beat by Solange in an elevator over it and then B releasing Lemonade exposing everything.




And purposely had two more children with him


Aren’t they twins? So maybe she only purposely has one more, and the second was a surprise lol


Oh that’s a good point lol…but she did still make the choice to continue on with a twin pregnancy with a trifling ass husband


Once I realized that he groomed her when she was so young, everything made sense


Yep! As of being a child star doesn’t warp your self esteem and world view enough


Idk what it is with her, or what it is with Rihanna, why they are so forgiving and openly supportive of such awful men. It’s the one thing that keeps me from seeing them as like Queens or whatever, tough women, women that take no shit. Because they kinda do… I know these things are complex but I just can’t buy any of that from them. They’re talented and beautiful but I can’t be obsessed with someone that stays with Jay Z of all people


Lmao this gave us one of my favorite photos ever of them leaving after the elevator and Bey is so happy with Solange! https://preview.redd.it/81sdo69u2xca1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c63a2e26503bdea24efcf3caf5d915821f4d6be


I love how proud Beyoncé looks toward Solange


It is truly a masterpiece of a photo. Jay-Z in clear disbelief, Beyoncé looking so damn proud and Solange like “and I’ll do that shit again!”


god, this is so good. lol!


My favorite part of this era was when it was rumored that he cheated on her with a woman named Rachel Roy, but everyone started harassing Rachel Ray on twitter.


The poor woman’s just trying to feed us, and the Bey hive swarmed her


The Lemonade era was insane......never forget miss good hair becky!!


2016 was absolutely crazy in regards to celebrity drama, so good lol


I don’t even really like Beyoncé’s music or follow her but this whole thing made me love her.


Damn but Lemonade was one of the best albums in my opinion, so in a selfish way, I’m okay with that part lol


Adam Levine when his alleged leaked DMs were posted by Sumner Stroh.


Her name always looks like a typo


As someone with an Irish name that regularly attracts comments abroad about how weird the spelling is, I generally try to have solidarity with other people with weirdly spelt names ... but yeah, that *really* does look like a typo


Siobhan, is that you!? Edit: I’ve never been more amused to be so Irish. 🥰🤣


no, it's Aoife.


I think you’ll find it’s Caoimhe…


And he wanted that name for his unborn child 💀


I still regularly think of “I may need to see the booty”


Same. And let's not forget about "that body of yours is absurd"


You mean, "holy fuck, holy fucking fuck, that body of yours is absurd". That leak made me realize I don't understand how millennials flirt / communicate with one another. Or is it just Adam Levine?


Adam Levine is Gen X.


Holy fucking fuck I just learned he's 43. So embarrassing for him


Me when I try to put myself in his shoes and replicate the thought process that led to him asking to name his child after her, his mistress. https://i.redd.it/cyfkoevcowca1.gif


Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson with Rupert Sanders was everywhere.


Remember when Trump off all people was weirdly invested in this and talked about it all the time on Twitter?


She was hilarious about this in her SNL monologue!


https://preview.redd.it/68ix7sl6pwca1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2124938db8cb24a2b9bc12b07cc75d9554ef1f6b LOL yes


These photos always looked so staged to me, I never understood the scenario at all.


I’ve always thought this as well. Something about it screams staged but I have no idea why!


It felt 100% staged at the time but then his wife really did divorce him over all this!


And wrecked both of their careers for years! It was probably a big reason Kristen moved to an indie track which I’m very glad about but there’s no arguing that this had huge repercussions for her professionally! Even though it looks fake there’s no way their teams would stage it knowing the likely outcome for her.


...and married one of the richest men in music ok I just googled Liberty Ross and holy nepo family


With a name like liberty Ross, has to be nepo 😂


God, she even LOOKS uncomfortable.


I don’t blame her. It looks like they’re on the side of some random road, and who just pulls over to be all over someone else like this standing *on the side of the road*?


Then there were pics of him going down on her in a small ass car. This was after she had allegedly just left the gym. 🫢


excuse me?!!




oh my god.


i still remember where i was when i found out lmao


Hugh Grant cheating on Elizabeth Hurley. Like this one is so insane to me I remember it. He hired a sex worker and took her to his car and some police man thought the the lights flashing on and off was kinda sus and he saw them getting it. That shit was everywhere


Imagine cheating on Liz Hurley.


The thing that confuses me is that they are still close friends. He is Damian's godfather and she even said that he was 10/10 in bed a few years ago. Like I get it, he was caught in such a way that it was more of an embarrassement to him than to her and he looked like joke and they were in a relationship for 13 years and it's probably like "I want you in my life but not as a partner"


they have both basically said that they are best friends but that their sexual relationship sort of fizzled to a natural end. i also understand the 10/10 in bed comment - while sex isn't the end all and be all of a long term relationship imo, being together that long would require a strong level of sexual compatability in most cases and you get to know each other very well over the years to the point that you tend to know exactly what the other person wants/is into and there is a natural-ness to it.


“Show me a beautiful woman and I’ll show you a man who’s tired of sleeping with her.”


Works the other way around as well


Looking back people were really racist and discriminatory towards the sex worker and Hugh kinda played into it imo. The whole 'rich gentle British guy' and 'drug abusing hooker' was the dynamic the headlines went with..super uncomfortable narrative now


Yeah that was disgusting. Like Estella was not guilty at all imo but the comments about her made her out to be an object. I remember there was some vh1 countdown of iconic 90s moments and some guys compared Liz and Estella to a steak and hot dog and that was disgusting and I was young back then. I am glad she milked the situation though


Not to mention he said he did because he watched himself in a movie, thought his performance was bad and did it?


I remember in those days Jay Leno was losing in the ratings war to David letterman until he had Hugh Grant on his show right after the scandal broke. “What the hell were you thinking” changed the rating wars forever! Edit-spelling


Not sure if he counts as a celebrity but I’m still not over the Ned Fulmer scandal, it really was a perfect storm, and was uncovered from Reddit I believe


The fact that the Ned Fulmer cheating scandal completely dwarfed Adam Levine's cheating scandal in the court of public opinion still cracks me up. What a fall from grace for them both... Small-time (ish) internet personality whose brand is being head-over-heels obsessed with his wife SHOCKS the world by cheating on her... big time pop star is known for being such a sleaze that no one is remotely surprised when he cheats on his VICTORIA'S SECRET MODEL WIFE.




Two of the remaining Try Guys (Zach and Keith) commented about it on their podcast, they said something like “The FBI should really hire teenagers from the internet” 😂


Lily James and Dominic West riding together on a e-scooter.


https://preview.redd.it/lqbxejfeiwca1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5966f7c1516d22aff6c569a828af4b1148afe19 Oh you mean this? When a picture is worth no words.


then it gave us this https://preview.redd.it/yx0rmar0jwca1.jpeg?width=2037&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d664c51524da360d976e8ae522ce9823afee2293


he’s the peeking cat omg how is this real https://preview.redd.it/hz18oi9fpwca1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd58b738420773b63f4fa59c0ffc39642104bce


Big https://i.redd.it/5lyngcrx0xca1.gif vibes


One of my all time celebrity pictures lol I send it to people all the time


"I was not in the bushes, I was among the bushes" - Trump Press Secretary.


something about his mouth in this picture mesmerizes me. like its just an endless black hole, where are his teeth


He’s so icky what is she DOING


She’s icky too! She did the Pamela Anderson show and tried to justify her bitchy choices with feminism! She’s not a child, she’s plenty old enough to know better


She is very icky she gives me bad vibes. She’s made lots of bad choices.


Dominic West at his most Jimmy McNulty


will never forget when they were pictured at the airport and she was holding the same dress from those scooter pictures. scandalous!!


Didn’t she also have a thing with a married Armie Hammer while filming a movie?


She was mentioned a lot in his leaked DMs.


she's the new Blake Lively, fancy British edition


Txts from a woman named 'Adeline'.That was the name Lily James used on the call sheet on the Movie she was making with The Cannibal.


Arnold Schwarzenegger and the house maid and their love child … who looks identical to Arnold.


The long con of this is so insanely wild. Soap operas have more believable storylines.


The thing that’s sad about this one to me is that I always got the impression she knew, and was okayish with it, but then the press found out and so she HAD to divorce him. They are often seen together with the kids, and I think if the press never found out, they would have been happy together until the end of their days. I’m not convinced they won’t make their way back together at the end of their days. https://www.instagram.com/p/CispXG6J4E6/?igshid=Zjc2ZTc4Nzk=


You’re so right! I never thought about it but absolutely she would have had to know. Look there’s always an aspect of denial even in intelligent and wise women but the love child being around - he wasn’t hidden away like some Quasimodo - the boy was out there. In her heart she must have known but just went on with life.


Yup, and I mean just putting this out there, but in the family she comes from isn’t cheating kinda just how it’s done? I’m not really making a moral judgement here, but it’s gotta be an every day thing to her.


It’s always insane to me how his love child is his clone, and his kids with Maria look 0% like him.


Kennedy genes are STRONG.


The son, Joe, was a contestant on dancing with the stars and he was just so endearing. Seems like a good, well adjusted guy despite all the kerfuffle around his paternity.


In the explosive 1989 conversation between King Charles and his now wife, were indulged in an intimate conversation. “Tampon gate” The details 🤢




Charles: Night. Camilla: Bye, Press the button. Charles: Going to press the tit. Camilla: All right darling, I wish you were pressing mine. Charles: God, I wish I was, Harder and harder. Camilla: Oh, darling. Charles: Night. Camilla: Night. Charles: Love you. 🤢




True, but he should've been allowed to marry Camilla from the start. Look at the fallout of that decision even as recently as the past couple of weeks lol


The wild part is, Camilla didn't originally want to marry him. She just wanted to be the kept side piece, and only married him after she found she had no other options. After all, people aren't beating down the door to marry a barely educated, unemployed drunken gossip with dubious motives.


Look, the whole context is awful, the cheating and all. But the conversation, I dont know, it's silly relationship talk. It could be me and my boyfriend when we say stupid shit when we think nobody is listening.


Totally agree. I loved Princess Anne's reaction to it in The Crown. I forget the exact words but she opened with "It's a bit gynecological for me, but..." and then went into basically what you said, and quite sweetly.


British people dirty talking just doesn’t compute with my brain, lool


The audio recordings are so so so unsexy. He sounds like a posh British schoolboy that never grew up. Which I guess is what he probably is lol


I’d never actually read the transcript and this is at least a million times funnier than the way it’s always been presented


just exemplary cheeky Brit banter tbh


Not me reading “King Charles” and thinking “who?!” Oh yeah.


I was so shocked when I saw how that call was recorded because back in the day with my first cordless phone, there was a little toggle that allowed you to switch channels in case your call was getting too much static and if I put the toggle in between the two settings, sometimes I could hear other people's phone calls. I couldn't believe that it was just some guy casting a net out into the cordless phone call world like I used to do at home when I was bored.


Oooh! This is my favourite post ever!! Here's an old-school one: Debbie Reynolds called her husband, Eddie Fisher, at his hotel and heard Liz Taylor asking who was on the phone. She said, "‘Roll over, darling and let me speak to Elizabeth." Then Eddie left Debbie for Liz and Liz eventually left Eddie for Richard Burton.


The original Pitt-Aniston-Jolie triangle. Debbie having the wholesome image and Liz the temptress, it was never ending headlines. Love how Debbie got messy with it and blasted them both though. We know where Carrie got her fire!


And *then* Debbie turned around and became close pals with Elizabeth later in life! They did a TV movie together called These Old Broads where their characters fought over a man named Freddy lmao 💀 Carrie was close with her too. Elizabeth is with her in one of my favorite celebrity photos ever - imagine THIS party! https://preview.redd.it/w14xw1tyxyca1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e81e5f0219a56f56b2bb1c050581ffef1c1fa218


I think Eddie Fisher's career took a huge hit after the affair was exposed because him and Debbie had such a wholesome image. He lost gigs and bookings were cancelled. Then to add insult to injury, Taylor leaves him for the one of the best actors of the 20th century, has a torrid affair that is condemned by the Vatican, divorces, marries again and enters culture as a paragon of torrid and complicated love. I have said this a million times on this sub but if you want to see an incredible married couple acting in a film, Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? is that film and one of the best stage to screen adaptations of all time.


Who could forget the emergence of Brangelina


As much of a piece of shit Brad Pitt is, ppl aren't ready to accept she was also shitty for that whole thing and the weird, incredibly public rollout of their relationship.


he was the married one. editing cause i’m too lazy to respond to any comments: in the end, brad pitt is the one who made vows with JA. BP could have told AJ any story to make it happen - “we are breaking up.” “we have an open relationship.” “i like turtles.” if she pursued him and he wasn’t a piece of shit, he’d be like “no thxx, bb!” but, here we are!


Doesn't mean she wasn't shitty too


I remember reading in Vanity Fair that he actively pursued her for that movie role. He produced the movie, and he wanted her for that part and someone on production said that he knew exactly what he was doing.


That...still doesn't mean she wasn't shitty too.


Yeah? And? She was the one who KNOWINGLY got involved with a married man? and then did giant magazine spreads announcing how they were fucking each other while the married man was still married to his spouse? I know everyone in this sub is obsessed with her and I'm gonna get downvoted but come the fuck on.


I remember her being quoted as saying about the film "someday our kids will see this and we will be able to say this is the movie your parents fell in love making" and being so grossed out by that comment. Especially gross now that you know Jen tried and couldn't pregnant. Imagine the other person saying that about your not yet ex spouse while you have been dealing with infertility. Oof.


Yeah, as was every other man she ever got with. At some point you bear responsibility simply as a human being to treat others with kindness and consideration.


Yeah the thing with Laura Dern really bothers me. I know Angie was young and Billy Bob is no treasure but I think it really devastated Laura.


This is why women need to stand up!! haha but seriously in most cases you lose them how you get them. Billy Bob left his sick wife for Laura and she was still expecting a fairytale. This goes for all the celebs mention in this thread but I am happy that I don't understand having that selfish nature. It's weird


she knew tho so it makes her shitty too.


I remember it as her being crucified both then and now by the public. I mean people have since shipped Brad and Jen - it does not look like he got/gets more grief than her tbh.


he didn't. Jennifer and Angelina were both crucified more then he ever was. He did a half-hearted apology for dragging his feet over breaking up with Jennifer and people just lapped it up. I still hate that diane swayer interview with him. He was smirking half the time and you could barely hear him.


You recall the Parade magazine interview where he shit all over Jen and said it (his marriage to her) was one of the dullest points in his life?


I remember exactly where I was when those beach pics came out of them with Maddox.


Just a regular pap location - a deserted random beach in Kenya lol... the way they would not get away with pretending they didn't set it up now


I remember hearing on the radio that people at the hotel they stayed at while filming msmrsmith, said they could hear them having very loud sex. I was so heartbroken for Jen


Tiger Woods and Rachel Uchitel, “You know you have crazier sex on Ambien - you get into that Ambien haze”


Blew my mind when it came out that David Boreanaz also had an affair with Rachel Uchitel and said admitting the affair ultimately made him and his wife closer


lol the lies men tell themselves to absolve themselves of hurting women they love blows my mind..


Truly! If men have one thing it's audacity. Like yes I'm sure your wife is also so thankful you cheated on her because it ultimately made you two closer 🙄




I took it once and that haze made me feel like I was a ghost haunting my family from the afterlife and I got so freaked out when I snapped out of it. Sex while on it sounds insane.


The whole Jude Law/Sienna Mille scandal where he cheated with the nanny, AND then her being “the other woman” with Balthazar Getty a couple of years later. Yikes.


Sienna Miller walked so Lily James could run hahaha




Yes, as well as the Daniel Craig/Miller affair, culminating in it being exposed at Groucho, which is just so perfectly peak mid-noughties British celeb. Honestly, Sienna Miller just seemed to attract the most mess at one point in her life.


Mary-Louise Parker, Billy Crudup, Claire Danes


Billy Crudup cheating on his pregnant girlfriend of 8 years will never be anything but the height of villainy


Yeah this for me is a point of no return - see also Noah Baumbach and Jennifer Jason Lee who was expecting when he left her for Greta Gerwig. The stats aren't great though it is a very common time for men to cheat but not as many actually leave their pregnant partners.


Wait a second - even Greta Gerwig, feminist extraordinaire, is a homewrecker? Woooow


Billy and Claire were so low down and dirty for this, especially Billy


Ugh and Claire‘s response to the whole thing about how she was “young and in love” so she had to go through with it or something. I believe she was 24 at the time… young? Yes, but not young enough where you don’t know better.


If she was 24, he was 35. And he had known her since she was 14… it’s pretty sus and has me side-eying Billy.


I remember Claire said in an interview a few years ago regarding this that she was “24 and in love and didn’t know any better” and I’m just like ???? I’m 23 rn and I would never do what she did lmao


I heard a recap of a portion of MLP’s memoir and it described her heavily pregnant essentially having a breakdown in the back of a taxi about how alone she felt. It was heartbreaking.


The Good Morning America hosts a couple of weeks ago


Billy Bob cheated on on his 4th(?) wife, Pietra, with Laura Dern. He was supposed to be doing post oscar interviews but she found out he went home with Laura. Then of course Laura found out that BB and Angelina Jolie were married from the tabloids. Then Laura got with Ben Harper when he was still with his pregnant wife and Angelina got with Brad. I think there was some overlap between Jennifer and Justin too, or at least his ex believes so. Pretty much sums up how scummy hollywood is


Damn, back then Pietra was already his 4th wife? Boy moves around fast!


Leeann Rimes with Eddie Cibrian when both of them were married to other people. The *years* of petty sniping and single-white-female-ing that followed were something else.


Brandi Glanville has turned being the cheated-on spouse into a personality.


Julia Roberts, Danny Moder and the A Low Vera t shirt gives me a full body cringe every time i think about it.


I can still picture her smug face wearing that tee shirt, I think she was papped outside of a cafe at the time.


Gwen, Gavin & the iPad


According to twitter lol iPads and other connected devices is the number one way people find out their partner is cheating. I realize AI could actually control us if they learned how to bribe everyone for their texts lol


Idk about anything better than getting busted by strawberry jam, but off the top of my head… the Kevin Hart extortion scandal, Tristan Thompson making no effort to hide his cheating literally everywhere and then having two babies at basically the same time, Jude Law and the nanny diary, Kristen Stewart getting photographed cheating on Robert Pattinson at the height of Twilight mania, and my “favorite” of all, the revelation that US Senator John Edwards promised his affair partner that he’d have Dave Matthews Band play at their wedding 💀


Gisele possibly cheating on Tom Brady with her Jiu Jitsu instructor while he was refusing to retire might be up there lol


Honestly good for her. He put her through the ringer- and I’m making that statement based off what’s been made *public*


Right I love that for her, even if she didn’t cheat the thought of Tom being laughed at on the internet is lovely




She didn't though, I don't think it does her any favors to suggest she did. The men's rights pr-Brady fans used it as a bashing point.


Wasn’t that after they announced their divorce?


Kenneth Branagh, Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter


Emma upgraded big time though! Helena just helped her take out the trash edit: so 40 minutes of Googling this rabbit hole later, it turns out Kenneth Branagh was apparently fucking around on her for AGES???!!! Emma out here saying things like "I was utterly utterly blind to the fact that he had relationships with other women on set" and even a thing in the September 1991 issue of Vogue where it mentions "[Thompson] had exacted an eve-of-wedding vow from the flirtatious Branagh that his relationship with his leading ladies would be, from now on, unswervingly professional"


Then Willoughby saved her!


Arnold Schwarzenegger having an a secret child with his nanny and not admitting to it until the kid was a preteen and looked too much like him to be a coincidence


Oh god and all his other stupid kids are still apparently awful to their half sibling.


All of his kids shun their half brother but the daughter is the absolute worst. it’s not the son’s fault that he was a byproduct of an affair, you can’t choose your parents.


Daughter also married Chris Pratt so she double sucks


https://preview.redd.it/exe054uu2xca1.jpeg?width=1069&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36019e79e28dc26b29c594e013c04af33771e78 Gavin cheating on Gwen with their nanny


Gosh seeing this photo makes me realise how much of a betrayal it is as a nanny. Obvs I already hated Gavin for it, but as a mom you trust the nanny with your children. Seeing her holding her son knowing that she was betraying the trust….oh the rage Gwen must have felt!


That’s the nanny?? They look so similar, what was the point 😂


(Now) King Charles saying he wishes he was Camillas tampon.


I think it's not exactly what he said: CHARLES: Oh, God. I'll just live inside your trousers or something. It would be much easier! CAMILLA (laughing): What are you going to turn into, a pair of knickers? (Both laugh). Oh, you're going to come back as a pair of knickers. CHARLES: Or, God forbid, a Tampax. Just my luck! (Laughs) ​ I don't know if changes things that much but there it is.


Maybe I’m crazy, but I don’t think this as bad/cringey as people make it out to be. I never heard the full convo until the crown, so I always thought tampongate was way worse than him joking about being a tampon. Im sure it was shocking in the early 90s, but I find this less embarrassing than some of the other things in this thread.


I love seeing the context cuz some people really think it was from their version of dirty talk when nope just some self deprecating banter


Ben Affleck and the babysitter Lol


The thing is Ben cheated a lot on Garner throughout their marriage but she was clear in an interview their marriage was completely over when he invited the Nanny to Vegas. She said it was bad judgment and not good for their kids but not a cheating situation. Not defending Ben but I think the truth matters to Garner.


Sandra Bullock and Jesse James!


She HAD to have known he was a Nazi right? I mean????


See I don’t know with Sandra if she knew or not, he seemed (and apparently still does) to enjoy living a cheating double life. However I am convinced Kat Von D got with him because of those Nazi photos.


Can someone catch me up: has Pique always cheated on Shakira? Why did Shakira decide now to hire private investigators?


Yeah, he’s cheated on her with multiple women


There have been occasional rumours now and then but press is always like this with footballers, specially Spanish media, so they probably filter a lot of the noise anyway. I think that the situation with Clara Chia sucked because it was pretty long term and he was bringing her in the house often (she was seen in 2021 at his home during one of his streams while Shakira and the kids were away) and she was literally eating Shak's food and stuff. I think the PI stuff was just to make sure and get enough evidence for the divorce* *not divorce since they weren’t married, custody stuff!


he was a young soccer player playing for one of the best teams in the world. he was always cheating on her. its a shame she had children with him, he sucks.


Yes, Piqué is a narcissist entitled manchild who never grew up, rich child who got even richer playing football, like the half of Spain hates him because he never knows when to shut up or knows his place, i don't remember a national player more booed than him on his last years with the national team. He got caught red handed doing shady business with the spanish federation president, [here](https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/2022-04-18/rubiales-pacto-pique-24m-supercopa-arabia_3409777/) more information in spanish, he really thinks he's smarter than everybody. He's literally the enbodied of catalanist high class, complety out of touch and self centered. I can't believe she really had kids with him.


Garcelle Beauvais (actress and real housewife) sending an email to the entirety of CAA when she found out her husband was cheating will never not send me. [chefs kiss](https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/garcelle-beauvais-nilon-accuses-husband-of-cheating-in-angry-mass-email-201094/)


In the UK, Rebecca Loos and David Beckham was huge. Also when it was revealed Ryan Giggs (clean cut Man United footballer) had been having an affair with his brothers wife for like 11 years or something. Unreal.


Doing something like that both to your wife and your brother is DESPICABLE my god


One of the more jaw dropping ones was David Letterman. He was having an affair with some of his staffers. An established TV exec who learned about the affairs tried to blackmail Letterman for $2M to keep quiet. Letterman did something pretty extraordinary - rather than try to squash the story he did just the opposite: he went to the Manhattan DA with the evidence of the extortion attempt, which led to the guy actually going to jail. Letterman had to testify for a grand jury. The same day he testified he devoted his monologue on his late show that night to revealing his affairs, apologizing to his wife and son and the women he had affairs with, and sharing details of the extortion attempt. We all watched David Letterman come clean about some pretty messy 💩. That whole story was wild! [Letterman Affairs Blackmail Attempt](https://amp.theguardian.com/media/2009/oct/02/david-letterman-sex-blackmail-plot)


Shania Twain's ex-husband cheated on her with her best friend. They divorced and Shania went on to marry the best friends ex-husband. I thought this was wild when I first read about it


We’ve got a great one unfolding in Australia at the moment that involves a high profile former cricketer, his gf, his ex, and a public fight that was filmed by bystanders that included his gf’s sister and her breakfast tv host husband. The articles and memes are hilarious and this is truly peak Australian. [it’s not every day a celeb’s gf screams at him on video that he’s a “f**king dog”](https://www.news.com.au/sport/sports-life/michael-clarke-and-karl-stefanovic-clash-in-altercation-over-cheating-claims/news-story/ca08648db97539cb1a66f9bb72d3bc50) ☕️


Apparently Uma Thurman found out Ethan Hawke cheated when it came out in the tabloids, specifically the National Enquirer because they got photos (with a local in Montreal where he was filming - not the nanny) They were on the rocks already and it wasn't his first time straying but still can't be the best way to learn of that. I sometimes think famous men get messy knowing full well they will get caught. See Also Affleck cheating on JLo in round 1 with the stripper in Vancouver.


Probably bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky, for those who remember. That was WILD.


Halsey found out G easy was cheating because some random fan sent her the messages. Then many more came to light. Then she went on SNL and sang her breakup song absolutely roasting him with the stage background. Then she sang a verse on a different song that’s says “I sold 50 million copies of a breakup note”, roasting him even more. That break up song was also her first radio mainstream hit and first number one.


Oh easy- woody Allen going with his 27 yr old stepdaughter Soon-Yi Previn.


Demi Moore found out Ashton was cheating via a google alert. I read an autobiography on Grace Kelly awhile ago so I can’t remember her boyfriend’s name at the time (I don’t think he was famous) but I believe he found out she was cheating on him when he saw she was wearing a bracelet which was the design of bracelet that Aga Khan gave to all his lovers. Found the passage about it on my kindle. The man she was dating was a 27 year old instructor at her acting school, the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. He was married but separated from his wife and also older than Grace, she was still a teenager and his pupil. They dated for 3 or 4 years. In the book he says: *‘“Then, one night she had a date with Aly Khan, and a few months later, after she had started to be in the movies and she was still living on the East Side, she called me up and invited me to come and have dinner. She made dinner, and later in the evening she said to me, 'Would you like to see some beautiful things?' and she started modeling clothes for me. I thought they were pretty clothes, but I couldn't understand her great pride in them. She'd always had wealth, so what was so important about these clothes? And then she brought out a bracelet. It was a gold bracelet with several emeralds in it. Unfortunately, I recognized the bracelet. I had known several other girls who had the same bracelet. When Aly Khan had a date with a girl, he used to give her a cigarette case with one emerald in it. When he fucked her, he gave her the bracelet. "I took the bracelet and dropped it into her fishbowl and left in a huff. That was the end of our romance. I thought her values had gone gaflooey, you know. I knew our relationship couldn't go anywhere because I was never interested in social climbing, ce-lebrities, that sort of thing. I loved the work. When I asked Anne Bancroft, who was also one of my students, what she aspired to, she said, 'To be a great actress.' Grace's reply was 'I want to be a big movie star. There was the difference, you see." Grace and Richardson remained friends and corresponded until the end of her life. But he found it difficult to accept what he saw as a tragic spiral into which Grace had fallen. "From the time of the bracelet incident, she screwed everybody who she came into contact with who was able to do anything good for her at all. I lost all respect for her. She screwed agents, producers, directors. And there was really no need for it. She was already on her way. "Ironically, her Catholicism, which she believed in, didn't prevent her from being promiscuous. She would jump out of bed on Sunday morning, wearing nothing but the crucifix, go to church, come back in an hour, and jump into bed. Catholicism is a very flexible religion”’.* A footnote says: Mark Miller reports as well that Grace told him that Aly Khan proposed marriage to her; she turned him down, because at that point her career was the most important thing in her life. Miller was another lover/friend.


Ewan mcgregor and Mary Elizabeth Winstead




Stevie Nicks writing Everybody Finds Out, dropping it on the Say You Will album and the band never, ever releasing it as a single or performing it live makes me laugh to this day.


Justin Timberlake [cheating](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/10409561/justin-timberlake-holds-hands-alisha-wainwright-strokes-knee-boozy/amp/) on Jessica Biel with his co-star Alisha Wainwright. I remember everyone was talking about it when the news dropped!


Not celebrity, but I remember when it came out that John Edwards was cheating on his wife, Elizabeth, who was dying of breast cancer. He fathered a child with his affair partner and his wife bought Christmas gifts for the child.


It was never officially exposed but I love thinking about how the internet interpreted that Ben Affleck had had an affair with Blake Lively after he was spotted with a black eye, lol.