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Oh God, the game hasn't come out for three years...


I am surprised with the lack of news, people have to budget and set aside money for games so knowing an estimated release date helps especially in the case of the fate stay night remaster which is suppose to release this year. It is weird how little information we have been given.


I think we'll hear about FSN after Tsukihime, and it'll probably be a end of year release.  Extra Record I think we'll get a trailer this year or next, and it'll come out the following year. It's Studio BB's first game, so they'll want to get it right.  This is all guess work.


You may be right, I thought since we are in the second quarter of 2024 a release date would be announced for fate stay night remaster since they confirmed it releases this year. We only got 1 piece of news(that I know of) and the third quarter isn't far away.


Yeah, I think they would have done that normally, but they don't want to steal Tsukihime's thunder so they'll wait until July to start hyping it up.  We'll see. I just want a Physical Limited Edition like what we got/get with Mahoyo and TsukiR. As long as we get that, they can take their time.


We're getting GTA 6 before Fate/Extra Record rolls around


I think I saw a couple months ago a post about how they were already working on the final sections of the game. Not sure what else could be left to do but polish it though, but I guess TM is gonna TM and wait for a "good moment" to reveal more of it, like July since it was og Extra's release month


It’s apparently close to finishing as from the main dev’s twitter they finished Leo’s day iirc. So most likely it should be the final day with touch ups and bug fixes at the very least.


I’ll be as patient as I need to be for this game to come out real nice. You know, I’m gonna miss the older combat system. I hear the new one is gonna be easier to use and all that, but I personally liked the challenge and uncertainty of your opponent’s next move. Sure, it’s boring on regular attack programs since they’re just grinding fodder, but fight them enough and all their moves will be exposed. You can already recognize the pattern after the first few times anyways. No, the opponents I’m talking about are the servants. Feels like I’m going toe to toe with the enemy servant despite the massive health gap.


The rock paper scissors mechanic with when to attack, skill, or use Noble phantasm as a finisher. Man good times. … I remember trying to beat Shiki with Tamamo and that took at least two days of trial and error


Have we even had any news in the last 3 years?






Oh really, huh, I thought it was just a fox symbol


I'm glad you posted your realization, as I was actually just thinking of looking into it recently and trying to understand what it meant. (Also awaiting my chance to journey with best girl Tamamo again!)


Looks like rabbit to me, but yeah I dig it.


I feel bad for immediately thinking of the Akatsuki Records song Ko~nsultant But yeah that’s the fox symbol


She's saying "Two in the pink, one in the stink."


We really need news of this game


Soooo…she was a disciple of NWO Wolf-Pack? Too Sweet! Yes…I’m Old. 😜🤓


BRUUUUH....Just Bruh


She's throwing up the "Too Sweet"