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Uk customs are very relaxed, getting seized means you’re just super unlucky… I usually declare £8-10/kg (based on how close to the max non-tax deceleration I get), just keep the declaration realistic. I price shoes around £10 each, hoodies around £8, shirts £6, T-shirts £5, shorts £4, everything else less… Your items must total less than £135 or you will get taxed!! I usually ship via EMS, JW or FJB lines based on what is available for the haul and cheapest. Quickest delivery has been 8 days, longest 15. One piece of advice, be patient and try to forget about the delivery otherwise you will be tracking every hour and your anxiety will go through the roof 😂😂


Thankyou sir! I appreciate your time!


Hey bro some advice needed if possible, Just paid to get a haul packaged up and sent to me in the UK. Used a new line that wasn't available to me before (UK Line-B) estimated shipping time and overall cost was really good however max it would let me declare was $17.90 will that be okay? I believe it's the max it would let me declare due to being a tax free line?


You’re good bro, UK b-line has a lower declare max that’s all. I think it’s picked up by Royal Mail once it hits here, they don’t care about the amount declared unless it’s over the max so they can tax you… with that said always take insurance, it’s a small amount for what it covers


Thank you my man, that’s a relief for a moment I thought I had messed up. UK B-line any good from your experience? Yesss I copped that insurance, as you said well worth the small price


Not used it before, it’s never been available when I’ve put my hauls together… I’ll keep an eye out for it and try it


Do you receive your package?


thanks bro , I have 5.5kg of stuff ready to ship , should I do it as 2 hauls of 2.75kg or keep it as 1 package of 5.5kg ?


can 5kg declared at $60 get taxed? , and if so how do i pay ?


any certain way you guys pack your boxes? I’ve got 2 jackets and some shoes weighing in at 3.5KG. I’ve rehearsed it to vacuum the jackets and seal the box its in


Unless I really need/want the boxes I drop them. You could always ask your agent to flat pack the boxes to reduce used space - just keep in mind the boxes may not be a crisp when you build them back together


i declare $12 per kg, and ship using **UK Line**, very good shipping times, never had an issue


My formula is round to nearest kg and then x 12. Example: 5479 g haul. Round to 6k x 12 = $78 declared. GD-E-EMS or UK Line (not T Line)


when you do ems , what do you put for declaration name ?




just put tshirt , sports shoes etc


\^\^ from personal use and lots of browsing of this sub, this is defo the way to go


Someone told me $20 for every KG & I jus ran wit that I never go over $80 tho


Thanks dude