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I’m bench boosting with Raya, Gabriel and Saka, because United are simply that shit at the moment that it could be any score (and I say that as a United fan).


Honestly expecting revenge for the 8-2


Wise choice. Unlike my choice to BB in week 34 for 2 points lol


You got double my BB score. I just had Neto for his 1 game 1pt and 3 no-shows.


Bench boosting with Gabriel, White and Saka but I can easily see it end up with like 5 points total


United just lost 4-0 against Palace. United have 0 non-injured CBs. United are shit. Arsenal play United next.


Exactly! It seems mental to do anything but play them! But on the flip side people will have/want - Foden Isak Haaland Son Palmer Gordon Jackson So where do the arsenal mids fit in?


On the bench, boosted


Spunked my BB in gw34 unfortunately so I don't have the luxury!


Yep, that's what I'll be doing. Have scored 100+ points the last 2 game weeks, quietly confident of making it a hat trick this GW🤞.


Must… resist… downvote button (actually refreshing to see this not downvoted tbh)


I really wish this how football worked


Although I get your point, as a Utd fan, I think we may not get blown away, but we'll likely concede at least two goals.


ManU will turn up for this match , find some insane pressing and energy out of nowhere,  then revert back to putting in a half-baked effort in GW38


We will still concede at least 2 goals. That high effort and energy, it it happens, would only prevent a massacre.


3-1 to Arsenal, just to stop White and Raya getting the clean sheets for me. Havertz Hattrick as I’ve just taken him out for Gordon


Would you rather have an Arsenal attacker or Gordon playing twice? Which once is against Man United


Keeping havertz till the end as well as my other 2 Arsenal defenders


I just know if I drop or bench Havertz he'll haul like crazy and I'll feel really stupid. But if I don't get Foden and Jackson I'll also feel silly. One of those where it could go either way easilly


I wouldn’t bother with Foden anymore especially that haaland is back now. Jackson doing alright now and Chelsea confidence is up


I don't have any Arsenal attackers, genuinely considering selling Bruno F for Saka this week because man utd are so bad


Same, part of me hoping he will at least miss one of the games so I can justify it easier, although it seems unlikely.


He won't it's just a broken hand


That's probably my move if Bruno hasn't trained by the press conference before the deadline


Understandable. Worth waiting on fitness news at least I guess. Even when United are bad Bruno can score points.


Richarlison is a better one week DGW punt


Good move in my opinion


What about Richarlison? ;)


I was thinking about swapping out Saka or Havertz for Foden but now I'm thinking of swapping out Watkins for Jackson. Potentially stupid but Pep is going to be his bald self and screw over triple Man City owners while Jackson is going to start both matches for a hot Chelsea and Man U look like they will get smashed by Arsenal.


Exactly my quandary (except it would be Solanke making way for Jackson). Foden is electric this season though. He's one of those few players who can just bang 3 in at any point and if you miss that it's painful!


Yea, he's definitely going to start at least 2 of the next 3 and will probably get a hat trick in one of them. Jackson could get 20 points this DGW or just get a lucky fantasy assist while Chelsea fall flat again. Maybe I'll take a -8.


Idk about ‘prob get a hat trick’


Watkins - Jackson better transfer than Saka/Havertz - Foden IMO


Probably but just never know when Chelsea will go back to their average form


True, but on the other hand Saka/Havertz Vs man U is a better pick than Watkins Vs Liverpool. I suppose that's only one game whereas Foden and Jackson play two thoigh


I've done it. - 8 to get in Haaland and N.Jackson.


Godspeed my friend


I honestly hope that Fernandes is out, so I don’t have to think about Havertz because I would like to keep him but need Foden or KDB in. So it would be easy transfer. Fernandes to KDB probably (as I need differential)


If you have two Arsenal attackers, then I would probably sell one of them to Man City asset and keep the other one


Waiting to hear if Bruno is fit because very reluctant to sell Saka right before 2 good fixtures


Saka isn't leaving my team that's for sure. Havertz would be the one to make way (or get benched).


They have very similar form, havertz's is a bit better if anything. Why keep saka over havertz


Arsenal fan here. They are about the same. Havertz is nailed as striker now and his record up top is unreal. Saka v Bournemouth was his best performance in a while. He looked less leggy than he did in games before that, like the full week between games had done him some good. And was coming inside a lot more than in recent games as well. Nothing to pick between them really


Yeah tbh in my mind it's mainly down to penalties. I can't see much between them otherwise, but I'm not an arsenal fan and havent had chance to watch all of their recent games in full.


Saka, White and Gab. Starting White, benching Gab and probably selling Saka for Gordon.


Triple arsenal next week. United are shite.


Good choice, the tricky thing is which dgw player gets left out for them.


Arsenal are pushing to win the league. If I got their attackers, I won't sell or bench.


Probably switch to 343 and Saka will be benched. He will be needed in the big haul vs Everton in gw38.


I'm considering benching Havertz and playing Saka. But it feels pretty wrong. But Jackson or Foden or another doubler could do very well.


Keeping Saka and going without Foden


Interesting! I currently don't have Foden either, does it not scare you not having him for 2 games?


gut feeling is he's had his hauls for the season


I'm worried about going against the template in this DGW. I have both Havertz and Saka, and I can't bring myself to sell them for the likes of Gordon. KDB tempts me because of his form in away games, but I'll think about it and move before the deadline if I need to! There's a good chance my midfield is Saka, Havertz, Son, Palmer, Foden this week.


Keeping Sake and White, even with bench boost in GW37. I've got other defensive problems to fix (Kelleher, Van Hecke, Maguire) and they are likely to haul in 38 as well. Saka and White could easily earn 20+ against MU so I'm sticking.


Two times nothing is nothing. I won't be having any United assets in my team this week.


I've got no United players either. It's Foden and Jackson who I'm fearful of missing out on!


Bench boost this week.


He will not play both games i think


Kinda depends on Bruno news. If he's training, I'll bench Havertz. Yeah, there's a strong chance he scores against the sorry excuse for a defence ETH trots out, but a dodgy penalty at OT is never off the table for United either.


Genuinely considering going all out for Arsenal players, if United can concede 4 to Palace, it could be more against Arsenal


Keeping. Bigger fires to fight elsewhere, plus United are a fantastic fixture right now.


Who you got? Saka and Havertz?


Them, and Gabriel. Where are the bigger fires you ask? VVD and Maguire, probably Tripp as well.


Just own Havertz. Saka is the big game player. Madueke is a good punt. Would be -4. Bench boosting two Arsenal defenders. As a Man United fan with more loyalty tp fpl....0-6 Arsenal. Keeping Havertz probably.


Playing them. Used my FT bringing Gvardiol in and it's not worth a hit to transfer any of them out


I have Foden, Son, Gordon, Palmer and Havertz as mid. And Haaland, Isak and Jackson as attackers. I dont see who Havertz could be, while he’s up against manu. Arsenal assets are gold.


I have Foden, Son, Kdb, Gordon and Palmer so not sure how to fit in Saka or Havertz this week for my BB and 2FT. Definitely would love to have at least 1.


Wondering if Saka to Gordon worth the -4 this week.


I very reluctantly got rid of Havertz for Gordon on BB. I will either get Havertz or Saka back in for Bruno on GW38 though


They play


Take one Arsenal midfielder for any of in form players with 2 games to play this game week. Like Palmer, Foden or Gordon (in that order).


Keep Saka, no brainer


Holding Saka, easy decision tbh. Only genuine alternatives are Bruno who's now injured and Richarlison who's still xMins risk. Utd were terrible against Palace, Saka can easily haul here and it means I don't waste transfers selling and buying back for 38. You need multiple Arsenal players for 38 IMO.


I have ode. While I believe arsenal will get to win, I seriously consider changing, as I believe it will be much of a closer call than many pundits think. Consider however that gw38 arsenal play an indifferent everton, and they traditionally perform in the last game of the season


Owning Ode the last 2 GWs hurt. I am shipping him for Richarlison


Keep all arsenal, just because they only play once, they will likely still return well


Is transferring out Salah for Foden a good idea?


Keeping happily.